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P. Wesseling
Lecture notes WI 4011 Numerieke Stromingsleer
Copyright c 2001 by P. Wesseling
Faculty ITS Applied Mathematics

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The technological value of computational fluid dynamics has become undis- puted. A capability has been established to compute flows that can be inves- tigated experimentally only at reduced Reynolds numbers, or at greater cost, or not at all, such as the flow around a space vehicle at re-entry, or a loss-of- coolant accident in a nuclear reactor. Large commercial computational fluid dynamics computer codes have arisen, and found widespread use in industry. Users of these codes need to be familiar with the basic principles. It has been observed on numerous occasions, that even simple flows are not correctly predicted by advanced computational fluid dynamics codes, if used without sufficient insight in both the numerics and the physics involved. This course aims to elucidate some basic principles of computational fluid dynamics. Because the subject is vast we have to confine ourselves here to just a few as- pects. A more complete introduction is given in Wesseling (2001), and other sources quoted there. Occasionally, we will refer to the literature for further information. But the student will be examined only about material presented in these lecture notes. Fluid dynamics is governed by partial differential equations. These may be solved numerically by finite difference, finite volume, finite element and spec- tral methods. In engineering applications, finite difference and finite volume methods are predominant. We will confine ourselves here to finite difference and finite volume methods. Although most practical flows are turbulent, we restrict ourselves here to laminar flow, because this book is on numerics only. The numerical principles uncovered for the laminar case carry over to the turbulent case. Furthermore, we will discuss only incompressible flow. Considerable attention is given to the convection-diffusion equation, because much can be learned from this simple model about numerical aspects of the Navier-Stokes equations. One chapter is devoted to direct and iterative solution methods.

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Errata and MATLAB software related to a number of examples discussed in these course notes may be obtained via the author’s website, to be found at ta.twi.tudelft.nl/nw/users/wesseling (see under “Information for students’ / “College WI4 011 Numerieke Stro- mingsleer”) Delft, September 2001 P. Wesseling

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Table of Contents
Preface ....................................................... I 1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics..................... 1 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Vector analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.3 The total derivative and the transport theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4 Conservation of mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.5 Conservation of momentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.6 The convection-diffusion equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1.7 Summary of this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimen- sion....................................................... 15 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.2 Analytic aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.3 Finite volume method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimen- sions ...................................................... 41 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 3.2 Singular perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 3.3 Finite volume method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation .......... 61 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4.2 A numerical example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 4.3 Convergence, consistency and stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.4 Fourier stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 4.5 Numerical experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations .............. 83 5.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 5.2 Equations of motion and boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 5.3 Spatial discretization on staggered grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

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IV Table of Contents
5.4 Temporal discretization on staggered grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 5.5 Numerical experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 6. Iterative solution methods ................................ 105 6.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 6.2 Direct methods for sparse systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 6.3 Basic iterative methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 6.4 Krylov subspace methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 6.5 Distributive iteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 References .................................................... 132 Index ......................................................... 133

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1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics
1.1 Introduction
Fluid dynamics is a classic discipline. The physical principles governing the flow of simple fluids and gases, such as water and air, have been understood since the times of Newton. Since about 1950 classic fluid dynamics finds itself in the company of computational fluid dynamics. This newer discipline still lacks the elegance and unification of its classic counterpart, and is in a state of rapid development. Good starting points for exploration of the Internet for material related to computational fluid dynamics are the following websites: www.cfd-online.com/ www.princeton.edu/~gasdyn/fluids.html and the ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion) site: imhefwww.epfl.ch/ERCOFTAC/ The author’s website ta.twi.tudelft.nl/users/wesseling also has some links to relevant websites. Readers well-versed in theoretical fluid dynamics may skip the remainder of this chapter, perhaps after taking note of the notation introduced in the next section. But those less familiar with this discipline will find it useful to con- tinue with the present chapter. The purpose of this chapter is: • To introduce some notation that will be useful later; • To recall some basic facts of vector analysis; • To introduce the governing equations of laminar incompressible fluid dy- namics; • To explain that the Reynolds number is usually very large. In later chapters this will be seen to have a large impact on numerical methods.

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2 1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics
1.2 Vector analysis
Cartesian tensor notation We assume a right-handed Cartesian coordinate system (x1,x2, ..., xd) with d the number of space dimensions. Bold-faced lower case Latin letters de- note vectors, for example, x = (x1,x2, ..., xd). Greek letters denote scalars. In Cartesian tensor notation, which we shall often use, differentiation is de- noted as follows: φ,α = ∂φ/∂xα . Greek subscripts refer to coordinate directions, and the summation conven- tion is used: summation takes place over Greek indices that occur twice in a term or product. Examples Inner product: u · v = uαvα =

uαvα Laplace operator: ∇2φ = φ,αα =

Note that uα + vα does not mean

(uα + vα) (why?) 2 We will also use vector notation, instead of the subscript notation just ex- plained, and may write divu, if this is more elegant or convenient than the tensor equivalent uα,α; and sometimes we write grad φ or ∇φ for the vector (φ,1, φ,2, φ,3). The Kronecker delta δαβ is defined by: δ11 = δ22 = ··· = δdd = 1, δαβ = 0, α = β , where d is the number of space dimensions. Divergence theorem We will need the following fundamental theorem: Theorem 1.2.1. For any volume V ⊂ Rd with piecewise smooth closed sur- face S and any differentiable scalar field φ we have

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1.2 Vector analysis 3
∫V φ,αdV = ∫S φnαdS , where n is the outward unit normal on S. For a proof, see for example Aris (1962). A direct consequence of this theorem is: Theorem 1.2.2. (Divergence theorem). For any volume V ⊂ Rd with piecewise smooth closed surface S and any differentiable vector field u we have ∫VdivudV = ∫S u · ndS , where n is the outward unit normal on S. Proof. Apply Theorem 1.2.1 with φ,α = uα, α = 1, 2, ..., d successively and add. 2 A vector field satisfying divu = 0 is called solenoidal. The streamfunction In two dimensions, if for a given velocity field u there exists a function ψ such that ψ,1 = −u2, ψ,2 = u1, then such a function is called the streamfunction. For the streamfunction to exist it is obviously necessary that ψ,12 = ψ,21; therefore we must have u1,1 = −u2,2, or div u = 0. Hence, two-dimensional solenoidal vector fields have a streamfunction. The normal to an isoline ψ(x) = constant is parallel to ∇ψ = (ψ,1,ψ,2); therefore the vector u = (ψ,2, −ψ,1) is tangential to this isoline. Streamlines are curves that are everywhere tangential to u. We see that in two dimensions the streamfunction is constant along streamlines. Later this fact will provide us with a convenient way to compute streamline patterns numerically. Potential flow The curl of a vector field is defined by

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4 1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics
curlu =   u3,2 − u2,3 u1,3 − u3,1 u2,1 − u1,2   . That is, the x1-component of the vector curlu is u3,2−u2,3, etc. Often, the curl is called rotation, and a vector field satisfying curlu = 0 is called irrotational. In two dimensions, the curl is obtained by putting the third component and ∂/∂x3 equal to zero. This gives curlu = u2,1 − u1,2 . It can be shown (cf. Aris (1962)) that if a vector field u satisfies curlu = 0 there exists a scalar field ϕ such that u = gradϕ (1.1) (or uα = ϕ,α). The scalar ϕ is called the potential, and flows with velocity field u satisfying (1.1) are called potential flows or irrotational flows (since curl gradϕ = 0, cf. Exercise 1.2.3). Exercise 1.2.1. Prove Theorem 1.2.1 for the special case that V is the unit cube. Exercise 1.2.2. Show that curlu is solenoidal. Exercise 1.2.3. Show that curl gradϕ = 0. Exercise 1.2.4. Show that δαα = d.
1.3 The total derivative and the transport theorem
Streamlines We repeat: a streamline is a curve that is everywhere tangent to the velocity vector u(t, x) at a given time t. Hence, a streamline may be parametrized with a parameter s such that a streamline is a curve x = x(s) defined by dx/ds = u(t, x) .

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1.4 Conservation of mass 5
The total derivative Let x(t, y) be the position of a material particle at time t > 0, that at time t = 0 had initial position y. Obviously, the velocity field u(t, x) of the flow satisfies u(t, x) = ∂x(t, y) ∂t . (1.2) The time-derivative of a property φ of a material particle, called a mate- rial property (for example its temperature), is denoted by Dφ/Dt. This is called the total derivative. All material particles have some φ, so φ is defined everywhere in the flow, and is a scalar field φ(t, x). We have Dφ Dt ≡ ∂ ∂t φ[t, x(t, y)] , (1.3) where the partial derivative has to be taken with y constant, since the total derivative tracks variation for a particular material particle. We obtain Dφ Dt = ∂φ ∂t + ∂xα(t, y) ∂t ∂φ ∂xα . By using (1.2) we get Dφ Dt = ∂φ ∂t + uαφ,α . The transport theorem A material volume V (t) is a volume of fluid that moves with the flow and consists permanently of the same material particles. Theorem 1.3.1. (Reynolds’s transport theorem) For any material volume V (t) and differentiable scalar field φ we have d dt ∫
V (t)φdV = ∫ V (t)
( ∂φ ∂t + div φu)dV . (1.4) For a proof, see Sect. 1.3 of Wesseling (2001). We are now ready to formulate the governing equations of fluid dynamics, which consist of the conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy.
1.4 Conservation of mass
Continuum hypothesis The dynamics of fluids is governed by the conservation laws of classical physics, namely conservation of mass, momentum and energy. From these

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6 1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics
laws partial differential equations are derived and, under appropriate cir- cumstances, simplified. It is customary to formulate the conservation laws under the assumption that the fluid is a continuous medium (continuum hy- pothesis). Physical properties of the flow, such as density and velocity can then be described as time-dependent scalar or vector fields on R2 or R3, for example ρ(t, x) and u(t, x). The mass conservation equation The mass conservation law says that the rate of change of mass in an arbitrary material volume V (t) equals the rate of mass production in V (t). This can be expressed as d dt ∫
V (t)ρdV = ∫ V (t)
σdV , (1.5) where ρ(t, x) is the density of the material particle at time t and position x, and σ(t, x) is the rate of mass production per volume. In practice, σ = 0 only in multiphase flows, in which case (1.5) holds for each phase separately. We take σ = 0, and use the transport theorem to obtain ∫
V (t)
( ∂ρ ∂t + divρu)dV = 0 . Since this holds for every V (t) the integrand must be zero: ∂ρ ∂t + divρu = 0 . (1.6) This is the mass conservation law, also called the continuity equation. Incompressible flow An incompressible flow is a flow in which the density of each material particle remains the same during the motion: ρ[t, x(t, y)] = ρ(0, y) . (1.7) Hence Dρ Dt = 0 . Because divρu = ρdivu + uαρ,α , it follows from the mass conservation law (1.6) that

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divu = 0 . (1.8) This is the form that the mass conservation law takes for incompressible flow. Sometimes incompressibility is erroneously taken to be a property of the fluid rather than of the flow. But it may be shown that compressibility depends only on the speed of the flow, see Sect. 1.12 of Wesseling (2001). If the mag- nitude of the velocity of the flow is of the order of the speed of sound in the fluid (∼ 340 m/s in air at sea level at 15◦C, ∼ 1.4 km/s in water at 15◦C, depending on the amount of dissolved air) the flow is compressible; if the velocity is much smaller than the speed of sound, incompressibility is a good approximation. In liquids, flow velocities anywhere near the speed of sound cannot normally be reached, due to the enormous pressures involved and the phenomenon of cavitation.
1.5 Conservation of momentum
Body forces and surface forces Newton’s law of conservation of momentum implies that the rate of change of momentum of a material volume equals the total force on the volume. There are body forces and surface forces. A body force acts on a material particle, and is proportional to its mass. Let the volume of the material particle be dV (t) and let its density be ρ. Then we can write body force = fbρdV (t) . (1.9) A surface force works on the surface of V (t) and is proportional to area. The surface force working on a surface element dS(t) of V (t) can be written as surface force = fsdS(t) . (1.10) Conservation of momentum The law of conservation of momentum applied to a material volume gives d dt ∫
V (t)
ρuαdV = ∫
V (t)
αdV + ∫S(t)
αdS .
(1.11) By substituting φ = ρuα in the transport theorem (1.4), this can be written as ∫
V (t) [∂ρuα
∂t + (ρuαuβ),β]dV = ∫
V (t)
αdV + ∫S(t)
αdS .

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8 1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics
It may be shown (see Aris (1962)) there exist nine quantities ταβ such that fs
α = ταβnβ ,
(1.13) where ταβ is the stress tensor and n is the outward unit normal on dS. By applying Theorem 1.2.1 with φ replaced by ταβ and nα by nβ, equation (1.12) can be rewritten as ∫
V (t) [∂ρuα
∂t + (ρuαuβ),β]dV = ∫
V (t)
α + ταβ,β)dV .
Since this holds for every V (t), we must have ∂ρuα ∂t + (ρuαuβ),β = ταβ,β + ρfb
α ,
(1.14) which is the momentum conservation law . The left-hand side is called the inertia term, because it comes from the inertia of the mass of fluid contained in V (t) in equation (1.11). An example where fb = 0 is stratified flow under the influence of gravity. Constitutive relation In order to complete the system of equations it is necessary to relate the rate of strain tensor to the motion of the fluid. Such a relation is called a constitutive relation. A full discussion of constitutive relations would lead us too far. The simplest constitutive relation is (see Batchelor (1967)) ταβ = −pδαβ + 2µ(eαβ − 1 3 ∆δαβ) , (1.15) where p is the pressure, δαβ is the Kronecker delta, µ is the dynamic viscosity, eαβ is the rate of strain tensor, defined by eαβ = 1 2 (uα,β + uβ,α) , and ∆ = eαα = divu . The quantity ν = µ/ρ is called the kinematic viscosity. In many fluids and gases µ depends on temperature, but not on pressure. Fluids satisfying (1.15) are called Newtonian fluids. Examples are gases and liquids such as water and mercury. Examples of non-Newtonian fluids are polymers and blood.

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The Navier-Stokes equations Substitution of (1.15) in (1.14) gives ∂ρuα ∂t + (ρuαuβ),β = −p,α + 2[µ(eαβ − 1 3 ∆δαβ)],β + ρfb
α .
(1.16) These are the Navier-Stokes equations. The terms in the left-hand side are due to the inertia of the fluid particles, and are called the inertia terms. The first term on the right represents the pressure force that works on the fluid particles, and is called the pressure term. The second term on the right rep- resents the friction force, and is called the viscous term. The third term on the right is the body force. Because of the continuity equation (1.6), one may also write ρ Duα Dt= −p,α + 2[µ(eαβ − 1 3 ∆δαβ)],β + ρfb
α .
(1.17) In incompressible flows ∆ = 0, and we get ρ Duα Dt= −p,α + 2(µeαβ),β + ρfb
α .
(1.18) These are the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. If, furthermore, µ = constant then we can use uβ,αβ = uβ,βα = 0 to obtain ρ Duα Dt= −p,α + µuα,ββ + ρfb
α .
(1.19) This equation was first derived by Navier (1823), Poisson (1831), de Saint- Venant (1843) and Stokes (1845). Its vector form is ρ Du Dt= −∇p + µ∇2u + ρfb , where ∇2 is the Laplace operator. The quantity Du Dt = ∂u ∂t + uαu,α is sometimes written as Du Dt = ∂u ∂t+ u · ∇u . Making the equations dimensionless In fluid dynamics there are exactly four independent physical units: those of length, velocity, mass and temperature, to be denoted by L, U, M and

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Tr, respectively. From these all other units can be and should be derived in order to avoid the introduction of superfluous coefficients in the equations. For instance, the appropriate unit of time is L/U; the unit of force F follows from Newton’s law as MU2/L. Often it is useful not to choose these units arbitrarily, but to derive them from the problem at hand, and to make the equations dimensionless. This leads to the identification of the dimensionless parameters that govern a flow problem. An example follows. The Reynolds number Let L and U be typical length and velocity scales for a given flow problem, and take these as units of length and velocity. The unit of mass is chosen as M = ρrL3 with ρr a suitable value for the density, for example the density in the flow at upstream infinity, or the density of the fluid at rest. Dimensionless variables are denoted by a prime: x
' = x/L, u' = u/U, ρ' = ρ/ρr .
(1.20) In dimensionless variables, equation (1.16) takes the following form: L U ∂ρ'u'
∂t + (ρ'u'
αu' β),β = −
1 ρrU2 p,α + 2 ρrUL{µ(e
αβ −
1 3 ∆'δαβ)},β + L U2 ρ'fb
α ,
(1.21) where now the subscript ,α stands for ∂/∂x'
α, and e' αβ = 1 2
α,β + u' β,α),
∆' = e'
αα. We introduce further dimensionless quantities as follows:
t' = Ut/L, p' = p/ρrU2, (fb)' = L U2 fb. (1.22) By substitution in (1.21) we obtain the following dimensionless form of the Navier-Stokes equations, deleting the primes: ∂ρuα ∂t + (ρuαuβ),β = −p,α + 2{Re−1(eαβ − 1 3 ∆δαβ)},β + fb
α ,
where the Reynolds number Re is defined by Re = ρrUL µ . The dimensionless form of (1.19) is, if ρ = constant = ρr, Duα Dt= −p,α + Re−1uα,ββ + fb
α .
(1.23) The transformation (1.20) shows that the inertia term is of order ρrU2/L and the viscous term is of order µU/L2. Hence, Re is a measure of the ratio

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of inertial and viscous forces in the flow. This can also be seen immediately from equation (1.23). For Re ≫ 1 inertia dominates, for Re ≪ 1 friction (the viscous term) dominates. Both are balanced by the pressure gradient. In the case of constant density, equations (1.23) and (1.8) form a com- plete system of four equations with four unknowns. The solution depends on the single dimensionless parameter Re only. What values does Re have in nature? At a temperature of 150C and atmospheric pressure, for air we have for the kinematic viscosity µ/ρ = 1.5 ∗ 10−5 m2/s, whereas for wa- ter µ/ρ = 1.1 ∗ 10−6 m2/s. In the International Civil Aviation Organization Standard Atmosphere, µ/ρ = 4.9 ∗ 10−5 m2/s at an altitude of 12.5 km. This gives for the flow over an aircraft wing in cruise condition at 12.5 km al- titude with wing cord L = 3 m and U = 900 km/h: Re = 1.5 ∗ 107. In a windtunnel experiment at sea-level with L = 0.5 m and U = 25 m/s we obtain Re = 8.3 ∗ 105. For landing aircraft at sea-level with L = 3 m and U = 220 km/h we obtain Re = 1.2 ∗ 107. For a house in a light wind with L = 10 m and U = 0.5 m/s we have Re = 3.3 ∗ 105. Air circulation in a room with L = 4 m and U = 0.1 m/s gives Re = 2.7 ∗ 104. A large ship with L = 200 m and U = 7 m/s gives Re = 1.3 ∗ 108, whereas a yacht with L = 7 m and U = 3 m/s has Re = 1.9 ∗ 107. A small fish with L = 0.1 m and U = 0.2 m/s has Re = 1.8 ∗ 104. All these very different examples have in common that Re ≫ 1, which is indeed almost the rule in flows of industrial and environmental interest. One might think that flows around a given shape will be quite similar for different values of Re, as long as Re ≫ 1, but nothing is farther from the truth. At Re = 107 a flow may be significantly different from the flow at Re = 105, in the same geometry. This strong dependence on Re complicates predictions based on scaled down experiments. Therefore computational fluid dynamics plays an important role in extrapolation to full scale. The rich variety of so- lutions of (1.23) that evolves as Re → ∞ is one of the most surprising and interesting features of fluid dynamics, with important consequences for tech- nological applications. A ‘route to chaos’ develops as Re → ∞, resulting in turbulence. Intricate and intriguing flow patterns occur, accurately rendered in masterful drawings by Leonardo da Vinci, and photographically recorded in Hinze (1975), Nakayama and Woods (1988), Van Dyke (1982) and Hirsch (1988). Turbulent flows are characterized by small rapid fluctuations of a seemingly random nature. Smooth flows are called laminar. The transition form laminar to turbulent flow depends on the Reynolds number and the flow geometry. Very roughly speaking (!), for Re > 10000 flows may be assumed to be tur- bulent. The complexity of flows used to be thought surprising, since the physics

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underlying the governing equations is simply conservation of mass and mo- mentum. Since about 1960, however, it is known that the sweeping general- izations about determinism of Newtonian mechanics made by many scientists (notably Laplace) in the nineteenth century were wrong. Even simple classic nonlinear dynamical systems often exibit a complicated seemingly random behavior, with such a sensitivity to initial conditions, that their long-term behavior cannot be predicted in detail. For a discussion of the modern view on (un-)predictability in Newtonian mechanics, see Lighthill (1986). The Stokes equations Very viscous flows are flows with Re ≪ 1. For Re ↓ 0 the system (1.23) simplifies to the Stokes equations. If we multiply (1.23) by Re and let Re ↓ 0, the pressure drops out, which cannot be correct, since we would have four equations (Stokes and mass conservation) for three unknowns uα. It follows that p = O(Re−1). We therefore substitute p = Re−1p' . (1.24) From (1.24) and (1.22) it follows that the dimensional (physical) pressure is µUp' /L. Substitution of (1.24) in (1.23), multiplying by Re and letting Re ↓ 0 gives the Stokes equations: uα,ββ − p,α = 0 . (1.25) These linear equations together with (1.8) were solved by Stokes (1851) for flow around a sphere. Surprisingly, the Stokes equations do not describe low Reynolds flow in two dimensions. This is called the Stokes paradox. See Sect. 1.6 of Wesseling (2001) for the equations that govern low Reynolds flows in two dimensions. The governing equations of incompressible fluid dynamics are given by, if the density is constant, equations (1.23) and (1.8). This is the only situation to be considerd in these lecture notes. Exercise 1.5.1. Derive equation (1.17) from equation (1.16). Exercise 1.5.2. What is the speed of sound and the kinematic viscosity in the air around you? You ride your bike at 18 km/h. Compute your Reynolds number based on a characteristic length (average of body length and width, say) of 1 m. Do you think the flow around you will be laminar or turbulent?

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1.6 The convection-diffusion equation 13
1.6 The convection-diffusion equation
Conservation law for material properties Let ϕ be a material property, i.e. a scalar that corresponds to a physical prop- erty of material particles, such as heat or concentration of a solute in a fluid, for example salt in water. Assume that ϕ is conserved and can change only through exchange between material particles or through external sources. Let ϕ be defined per unit of mass. Then the conservation law for ϕ is: d dt ∫
V (t)ρϕdV = ∫S(t)f ·n dS + ∫ V (t)
qdV . Here f is the flux vector, governing the rate of transfer through the surface, and q is the source term. For f we assume Fick’s law (called Fourier’s law if ϕ is temperature): f = k grad ϕ , with k the diffusion coefficient. By arguments that are now familiar it follows that ∂ρϕ ∂t + div(ρϕu)=(kϕ,α),α + q . (1.26) This is the convection-diffusion equation. The left-hand side represents trans- port of ϕ by convection with the flow, the first term at the right represents transport by diffusion. By using the mass conservation law, equation (1.26) can be written as ρ Dϕ Dt = (kϕ,α),α + q . (1.27) If we add a term rϕ to the left-hand side of (1.26) we obtain the convection- diffusion-reaction equation: ∂ρϕ ∂t + div(ρϕu) + rϕ = (kϕ,α),α + q . This equation occurs in flows in which chemical reactions take place. The Black-Scholes equation, famous for modeling option prices in mathematical finance, is also a convection-diffusion-reaction equation: ∂ϕ ∂t+ (1 − k) ∂ϕ ∂x + kϕ = ∂2ϕ ∂x2 . We will not discuss the convection-diffusion-reaction equation, but only the convection-diffusion equation.

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14 1. The basic equations of fluid dynamics
Note that the momentum equation (1.19) comes close to being a convection- diffusion equation. Many aspects of numerical approximation in computa- tional fluid dynamics already show up in the numerical analysis of the rela- tively simple convection-diffusion equation, which is why we will devote two special chapters to this equation. Dimensionless form We can make the convection-diffusion equation dimensionless in the same way as the Navier-Stokes equations. The unit for ϕ may be called ϕr. It is left as an exercise to derive the following dimensionless form for the convection- diffusion equation (1.26): ∂ρϕ ∂t + div(ρϕu) = (Pe−1ϕ,α),α + q , (1.28) where the Péclet number Pe is defined as Pe = ρ0UL/k0 . We see that the Péclet number characterizes the balance between convection and diffusion. For Pe ≫ 1 we have dominating convection, for Pe ≪ 1 diffu- sion dominates. If equation (1.28) stands for the heat transfer equation with ϕ the temperature, then for air we have k ≈ µ/0.73. Therefore, for the same reasons as put forward in Sect. 1.5 for the Reynolds number, in computa- tional fluid dynamics Pe ≫ 1 is the rule rather than the exception. Exercise 1.6.1. Derive equation (1.28).
1.7 Summary of this chapter
We have introduced Cartesian tensor notation, and have recalled some basic facts from vector analysis. The transport theorem helps to express the con- servation laws for mass and momentum of a fluid particle in terms of partial differential equations. This leads to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equa- tions. Nondimensionalization leads to the identification of the dimensionless parameter governing incompressible viscous flows, called the Reynolds num- ber. We have seen that the value of the Reynolds number is usually very high in flows of industrial and environmental interest. We have briefly touched upon the phenomenon of turbulence, which occurs if the Reynolds number is large enough. The convection-diffusion equation, which is the conservation law for material properties that are transported by convection and diffusion,

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has been derived. Its dimensionless form gives rise to the dimensionless Péclet number.
Some self-test questions Write down the divergence theorem. What is the total derivative? Write down the transport theorem. Write down the governing equations of incompressible viscous flow. Define the Reynolds number. Write down the convection-diffusion-reaction equation.

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2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
2.1 Introduction
Although the one-dimensional case is of no practical use, we will devote a special chapter to it, because important general principles of CFD can be easily analyzed and explained thoroughly in one dimension. We will pay spe- cial attention to difficulties caused by a large Péclet number Pe, which is generally the case in CFD, as noted in Sect. 1.6. In this chapter we consider the one-dimensional stationary version of the dimensionless convection-diffusion equation (1.28) with ρ = 1: duϕ dx = d dx ( ε dϕ dx ) + q(x) , x ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1) , (2.1) where the domain has been chosen to be the unit interval, and ε = 1/Pe. For the physical meaning of this equation, see Sect. 1.6 The purpose of this chapter is: • To explain that a boundary value problem can be well-posed or ill-posed, and to identify boundary conditions that give a well-posed problem for Pe ≫ 1; • To discuss the choice of outflow boundary conditions; • To explain how the maximum principle can tell us whether the exact solu- tion is monotone; • To explain the finite volume discretization method; • To explain the discrete maximum principle that may be satisfied by the numerical scheme; • To study the local truncation error on nonuniform grids;

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18 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
• To show by means of the discrete maximum principle that although the local truncation error is relatively large at the boundaries and in the interior of a nonuniform grid, nevertheless the global truncation error can be about as small as on a uniform grid; • To show how by means of local grid refinement accuracy and computing work can be made independent of the Péclet number; • To illustrate the above points by numerical experiments; • To give a few hints about programming in MATLAB.
2.2 Analytic aspects
Conservation form The time-dependent version of (2.1) can be written as ∂ϕ ∂t= Lϕ + q , Lϕ ≡ ∂uϕ ∂x − ∂ ∂x ( ε ∂ϕ ∂x ) . Let us integrate over Ω: d dt ∫ΩϕdΩ = ∫ΩLϕdΩ + ∫Ω qdΩ. Since ∫ΩLϕdΩ = (uϕ − ε ∂ϕ ∂x)∣∣∣ ∣
1 0
, (2.2) (where we define f(x)|b
a ≡ f(b) − f(a)), we see that
d dt ∫ΩϕdΩ = (uϕ − ε ∂ϕ ∂x )∣∣∣ ∣
1 0+ ∫Ω
qdΩ. Hence, if there is no transport through the boundaries x = 0, 1, and if the source term q = 0, then d dt ∫Ω ϕdΩ = 0 . Therefore ∫ΩϕdΩ is conserved. The total amount of ϕ, i.e. ∫Ω ϕdΩ, can change only in time by transport through the boundaries x = 0, 1, and by the action of a source term q. Therefore a differential operator such as L, whose integral over the domain Ω reduces to an integral over the boundary, is said to be in conservation form.

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2.2 Analytic aspects 19
A famous example of a nonlinear convection equation (no diffusion) is the Burgers equation (named after the TUD professor J.M. Burgers, 1895–1981): ∂ϕ ∂t + 1 2 ∂ϕ2 ∂x = 0 . (2.3) This equation is in conservation form. But the following version is not in conservation form: ∂ϕ ∂t + ϕ ∂ϕ ∂x = 0 . (2.4) An exact solution Let u ≡ 1, ε = constant and q = 0. Then equation (2.1) becomes dϕ dx = ε d2ϕ dx2, x ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1) , (2.5) which can be solved analytically by postulating ϕ = eλx. Substitution in (2.5) shows this is a solution if λ − ελ2 = 0 , hence λ = 0 or λ = 1/ε. Therefore the general solution is ϕ(x) = A + Bex/ε , (2.6) with A and B free constants, that must follow from the boundary conditions, in order to determine a unique solution. We see that precisely two boundary conditions are needed. Boundary conditions For a second order differential equation, such as (2.1), two boundary con- ditions are required, to make the solution unique. A differential equation together with its boundary conditions is called a boundary value problem. We start with the following two boundary conditions, both at x = 0: ϕ(0) = a, dϕ(0) dx = b. (2.7) The first condition, which prescribes a value for ϕ, is called a Dirichlet con- dition; the second, which prescribes a value for the derivative of ϕ, is called a Neumann condition. The boundary conditions (2.7) are satisfied if the con- stants in (2.6) are given by A = a − εb, B = εb, so that the exact solution is given by ϕ(x) = a − εb + εbex/ε . (2.8)

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20 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
Ill-posed and well-posed We now show there is something wrong with boundary conditions (2.7) if ε ≪ 1. Suppose b is perturbed by an amount δb. The resulting perturbation in ϕ(1) is δϕ(1) = εδbe1/ε . We see that |δϕ(1)| |δb| ≫ 1 if ε ≪ 1 . Hence, a small change in a boundary condition causes a large change in the solution if ε ≪ 1. We assume indeed ε ≪ 1, for reasons set forth in Sect. 1.6. Problems which have large sensitivity to perturbations of the boundary data (or other input, such as coefficients and right-hand side) are called ill- posed. Usually, but not always, ill-posedness of a problem indicates a fault in the formulation of the mathematical model. The opposite of ill-posed is well-posed. Since numerical approximations always involve perturbations, ill- posed problems can in general not be solved numerically with satisfactory accuracy, especially in more than one dimension (although there are special numerical methods for solving ill-posed problems with reasonable accuracy; this is a special field). In the present case ill-posedness is caused by wrong boundary conditions. It is left to the reader to show in Exercise 2.2.2 that the following boundary conditions: ϕ(0) = a, dϕ(1) dx = b. (2.9) lead to a well-posed problem. The exact solution is now given by (verify this): ϕ(x) = a + εb(e(x−1)/ε − e−1/ε). (2.10) Note that equation (2.5) corresponds to a velocity u = 1, so that x = 0 is an inflow boundary. Hence in (2.9) we have a Dirichlet boundary condition at the inflow boundary and a Neumann boundary condition at the outflow boundary. If we assume u = −1, so that this is the other way around, then the problem is ill-posed as ε ≪ 1 with boundary conditions (2.9). This fol- lows from the result of Exercise 2.2.3. We conclude that it is wrong to give a Neumann condition at an inflow boundary. Finally, let a Dirichlet condition is given at both boundaries: ϕ(0) = a, ϕ(1) = b. (2.11) The exact solution is ϕ(x) = a + (b − a) ex/ε − 1 e1/ε − 1 (2.12)

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2.2 Analytic aspects 21
The result of Exercise 2.2.4 shows that boundary conditions (2.11) give a well-posed problem. To summarize: To obtain a well-posed problem, the boundary conditions must be correct. Maximum principle We rewrite equation (2.1) as duϕ dx − d dx ( ε dϕ dx ) = q(x) , x ∈ Ω . (2.13) Let q(x) < 0, ∀x ∈ Ω. In an interior extremum of the solution in a point x0 we have dϕ(x0)/dx = 0, so that ϕ(x0) du(x0) dx − ε d2ϕ(x0) dx2 < 0. Now suppose that du/dx = 0 (in more dimensions it suffices that divu = 0, which is satisfied in incompressible flows). Then d2ϕ(x0)/dx2 > 0, so that the extremum cannot be a maximum. This result is strengthened to the case q(x) ≤ 0, ∀x ∈ Ω, i.e. including the equality sign, in Theorem 2.4.1 of Wesseling (2001). Hence, if u dϕ dx − ε d2ϕ dx2< 0, ∀x ∈ Ω , local maxima can occur only at the boundaries. This is called the maximum principle. By reversing signs we see that if q(x) ≤ 0, ∀x ∈ Ω there cannot be an interior minimum. If q(x) ≡ 0 there cannot be an interior extremum, so that the solution is monotone (in one dimension). The maximum principle gives us important information about the solution, without having to deter- mine the solution. Such information is called a priori information. If the exact solution has no local maximum or minimum, then “wiggles” (os- cillations) in a numerical solution are nor physical, but must be a numerical artifact. This concludes our discussion of analytic aspects (especially for ε ≪ 1) of the convection-diffusion equation. We now turn to numerical solution methods. Exercise 2.2.1. Show that equation (2.3) is in conservation form, and that (2.4) is not.

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22 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
Exercise 2.2.2. Show that the solution (2.10) satisfies |δϕ(x)| |δa| = 1, |δϕ(x)| |δb| < ε(1 + e−1/ε). Hence, the solution is relatively insensitive to the boundary data a and b for all ε > 0. Exercise 2.2.3. Show that with u = −1, ε = constant and q = 0 the solution of equation (2.1) is given by ϕ(x) = a + bεe1/ε(1 − e−x/ε) , so that δϕ(1) δb = ε(e1/ε − 1) . Why does this mean that the problem is ill-posed for ε ≪ 1? Exercise 2.2.4. Show that it follows from the exact solution (2.12) that |δϕ(x)| |δa| < 2 , |δϕ(x)| |δb| < 1 . 2
2.3 Finite volume method
We now describe how equation (2.1) is discretized with the finite volume method. We rewrite (2.1) as Lϕ ≡ duϕ dx − d dx ( ε dϕ dx ) = q, x ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1) . (2.14) Let x = 0 be an inflow boundary, i.e. u(0) > 0. As seen before, it would be wrong to prescribe a Neumann condition (if ε ≪ 1), so we assume a Dirichlet condition: ϕ(0) = a . (2.15) Let x = 1 be an outflow boundary, i.e. u(1) > 0. We prescribe either a Neumann condition: dϕ(1)/dx = b , (2.16) or a Dirichlet condition: ϕ(1) = b . (2.17) The finite volume method works as follows. The domain Ω is subdivided in segments Ωj, j = 1, ··· , J, as shown in the upper part of Fig. 2.1. The seg- ments are called cells or finite volumes or control volumes , and the segment

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2.3 Finite volume method 23
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111
000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111
1 j J 1 j J
Fig. 2.1. Non-uniform cell-centered grid (above) and vertex-centered grid (below).
length, denoted by hj, is called the mesh size. The coordinates of the cen- ters of the cells are called xj, the size of Ωj is called hj and the coordinate of the interface between Ωj and Ωj+1 is called xj+1/2. The cell centers are frequently called grid points or nodes. This is called a cell-centered grid; the nodes are in the centers of the cells and there are no nodes on the bound- aries. In a vertex-centered grid one first distributes the nodes over the domain and puts nodes on the boundary; the boundaries of the control volumes are centered between the nodes; see the lower part of Fig. 2.1. We continue with a cell-centered grid. We integrate equation (2.14) over Ωj and obtain: ∫Ωj LϕdΩ = F|
j+1/2 j−1/2 = ∫Ωj
qdΩ ∼= hjqj , with F|
j+1/2 j−1/2 ≡ Fj+1/2 − Fj−1/2, Fj+1/2 = F(xj+1/2), F(x) ≡ uϕ − εdϕ/dx.
Often, F(x) is called the flux. The following scheme is obtained: Lhϕj ≡ Fj+1/2 − Fj−1/2 = hjqj , j = 1, ··· ,J . (2.18) We will call uϕ the convective flux and εdϕ/dx the diffusive flux. Conservative scheme Summation of equation (2.18) over all cells gives

Lhϕj = FJ+1/2 − F1/2 . (2.19) We see that only boundary fluxes remain, to that equation (2.19) mimics the conservation property (2.2) of the differential equation. Therefore the scheme (2.18) is called conservative. This property is generally beneficial for accuracy and physical realism.

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24 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
Discretization of the flux To complete the discretization, the flux Fj+1/2 has to be approximated in terms of neighboring grid function values; the result is called the numerical flux. Central discretization of the convection term is done by approximating the convective flux as follows: (uϕ)j+1/2 ∼= uj+1/2ϕj+1/2, ϕj+1/2 = 1 2 (ϕj + ϕj+1) . (2.20) Since u(x) is a known coefficient, uj+1/2 is known. One might think that better accuracy on nonuniform grids is obtained by linear interpolation: ϕj+1/2 = hjϕj+1 + hj+1ϕj hj + hj+1 . (2.21) Surprisingly, the scheme (2.18) is less accurate with (2.21) than with (2.20), as we will see. This is one of the important lessons that can be learned from the present simple one-dimensional example. Upwind discretization is given by (uϕ)j+1/2 ∼= 1 2 (uj+1/2 + |uj+1/2|)ϕj + 1 2 (uj+1/2 − |uj+1/2|)ϕj+1 . (2.22) This means that uϕ is biased in upstream direction (to the left for u > 0, to the right for u < 0), which is why this is called upwind discretization. The diffusive part of the flux is approximated by (ε dϕ dx )j+1/2 ∼= εj+1/2(ϕj+1 − ϕj)/hj+1/2, hj+1/2 = 1 2 (hj + hj+1) . (2.23) Boundary conditions At x = 0 we cannot approximate the diffusive flux by (2.23), since the node x0 is missing. We use the Dirichlet boundary condition, and write: (ε dϕ dx )1/2 ∼= 2ε1/2(ϕ1 − a)/h1 . (2.24) This is a one-sided approximation of (εdϕ
)1/2, which might impair the accu- racy of the scheme. We will investigate later whether this is the case or not. The convective flux becomes simply (uϕ)1/2 ∼= u1/2a . (2.25)

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2.3 Finite volume method 25
Next, consider the boundary x = 1 . Assume we have the Neumann condition (2.16). The diffusive flux is given directly by the Neumann condition: (ε dϕ dx )J+1/2 ∼= εJ+1/2b. (2.26) Since x = 1 is assumed to be an outflow boundary, we have uJ+1/2 > 0, so that for the upwind convective flux (2.22) an approximation for ϕJ+1/2 is not required. For the central convective fluxes (2.20) or (2.21) we approximate ϕJ+1/2 with extrapolation, using the Neumann condition: ϕJ+1/2 ∼= ϕJ + hJ b/2 . (2.27) The Dirichlet condition (2.17) is handled in the same way as at x = 0. The numerical scheme The numerical flux as specified above can be written as Fj+1/2 = β0
j ϕj + β1 j+1ϕj+1, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 ,
F1/2 = β1
1ϕ1 + γ0 , FJ+1/2 = β0 J ϕJ + γ1 ,
(2.28) where γ0,1 are known terms arising from the boundary conditions. For eam- ple, for the upwind scheme we obtain the results specified in Exercise 2.3.2. For future reference, we also give the coefficients for the central schemes. For the central scheme (2.20) we find: β0
j =
1 2 uj+1/2 + (ε/h)j+1/2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 , β1
j+1 =
1 2 uj+1/2 − (ε/h)j+1/2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 , β1
1 = −2ε1/2/h1 ,
γ0 = (u1/2 + 2ε1/2/h1)a , β0
J = uJ+1/2 , γ1 = uJ+1/2hJ b/2 − εJ+1/2b (Neumann),
J = 2εJ+1/2/hJ , γ1 = (uJ+1/2 − 2εJ+1/2/hJ)b (Dirichlet).
(2.29) For the central scheme (2.21) we find: β0
j =
hj+1 2hj+1/2 uj+1/2 + (ε/h)j+1/2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 , β1
j+1 =
hj 2hj+1/2 uj+1/2 − (ε/h)j+1/2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 . (2.30) The other coefficients (at the boundaries) are the same as in equation (2.29). On a uniform grid the central schemes (2.29) and (2.30) are identical.

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26 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
Substitution of equations (2.66)–(2.30) in equation (2.18) gives the following linear algebraic system: Lhϕj = α−1
j ϕj−1 + α0 j ϕj + α1 j ϕj+1 = ˜qj, j = 1, ··· ,J ,
(2.31) with α−1
= α1
J = 0. This is called the numerical scheme or the finite volume
scheme. Its coefficients are related to those of the numerical flux (2.66) –(2.30) by α−1
= −β0
j−1 , j = 2, ··· ,J ,
j = β0 j − β1 j , j = 1, ··· ,J ,
j = β1 j+1 , j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 .
(2.32) The right-hand side is found to be ˜qj = hjqj , j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 , ˜q1 = h1q1 + γ0 ,˜qJ = hJ qJ − γ1 . (2.33) Stencil notation The general form of a linear scheme is Lhϕj = ∑
j ϕj+k = ˜qj ,
(2.34) with K some index set. For example, in the case of (2.34), K = {−1, 0, 1}. The stencil [Lh] of the operator Lh is a tableau of the coefficients of the scheme of the following form: [Lh]j = [ α−1
j ] .
(2.35) We will see later that this is often a convenient way to specify the coefficients. Equation (2.34) is the stencil notation of the scheme. The matrix of the scheme In matrix notation the scheme can be denoted as Ay = b , y =  ϕ1 ... ϕJ    , b =    ˜q1 ... ˜qJ    , (2.36) where A is the following tridiagonal matrix:

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2.3 Finite volume method 27
A =          α0
0 ··· 0 α−1
... 0 ... ... ... 0 ... α−1
J−1 α0 J−1 α1 J−1
0 ··· 0 α−1
         . (2.37) In MATLAB, A is simply constructed as a sparse matrix by (taking note of equation (2.32)): A = spdiags([-beta0 beta0-beta1 beta1], -1:1, n, n); with suitable definition of the algebraic vectors beta0 and beta1. This is used in the MATLAB code cd1 and several other of the MATLAB codes that go with this course. These programs are available at the author’s website; see the Preface to these lecture notes. Vertex-centered grid In the interior of a vertex-centered grid the finite volume method works just as in the cell-centered case, so that further explanation is not necessary. But at the boundaries the procedure is a little different. If we have a Dirichlet condition, for example at x = 0, then an equation for ϕ1 is not needed, because ϕ1 is prescribed (x1 is at the boundary, see Fig. 2.1). Suppose we have a Neumann condition at x = 1. Finite volume integration over the last control volume (which has xJ as the right end point, see Fig. 2.1) gives: LhϕJ ≡ FJ − FJ−1/2 = hJ qJ , where we approximate FJ as follows, in the case of the central scheme for convection, for example: FJ = uJ ϕJ − εJ b , where b is given in (2.16). Symmetry When the velocity u ≡ 0, the convection-diffusion equation reduces to the diffusion equation, also called heat equation. According to equations (2.66)— (2.30) we have in this case β1
j = −β0 j−1, so that (2.32) gives α1 j = α−1 j+1,
which makes the matrix A symmetric. This holds also in the vertex-centered case. Symmetry can be exploited to save computer memory and to make solution methods more efficient. Sometimes the equations are scaled to make the coefficients of size O(1); but this destroys symmetry, unless the same scaling factor is used for every equation.

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28 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
Two important questions The two big questions asked in the numerical analysis of differential equations are: • How well does the numerical solution approximate the exact solution of equation (2.14)? • How accurately and efficiently can we solve the linear algebraic system (2.36)? These questions will come up frequently in what follows. In the ideal case one shows theoretically that the numerical solution converges to the exact solution as the mesh size hj ↓ 0. In the present simple case, where we have the exact solution (2.6), we can check convergence by numerical experiment. Numerical experiments on uniform grid We take u = 1, ε constant, q = 0 and the grid cell-centered and uniform, with hj = h = 1/12. We choose Dirichlet boundary conditions (2.11) with a = 0.2, b = 1. The exact solution is given by (2.12). The numerical results in this section have been obtained with the MATLAB code cd1 . Fig. 2.2 gives results for two values of the Péclet number (remember that ε = 1/Pe). We see
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=10, 12 cells
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −0.4 −0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Pe=40, 12 cells
Fig. 2.2. Exact solution (—) and numerical solution (*).
a marked difference between the cases Pe = 10 and Pe = 40. The numerical solution for Pe = 40 is completely unacceptable. We will now analyze why this is so and look for remedies.

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2.3 Finite volume method 29
The maximum principle In Sect. 2.2 we saw that according to the maximum principle, with q = 0 the solution of equation (2.14) cannot have local extrema in the interior. This is confirmed of course in Fig. 2.2. However, the numerical solution for Pe = 40 shows local extrema. These undesirable numerical artifacts are often called “wiggles”. It is desirable that the numerical scheme satisfies a similar maximum principle as the differential equation, so that artificial wiggles are excluded. This is the case for positive schemes, defined below. Let the scheme be written in stencil notation: Lhϕj = ∑
j ϕj+k = ˜qj , j = 1, ··· ,J .
Definition 2.3.1. The operator Lh is of positive type if ∑
j = 0, j = 2, ··· ,J − 1
(2.38) and αk
j < 0, k = 0, j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 .
(2.39) Note that a condition is put on the coefficients only in the interior. The fol- lowing theorem says that schemes of positive type satisfy a similar maximum principle as the differential equation. Theorem 2.3.1. Discrete maximum principle. If Lh is of positive type and Lhϕj ≤ 0, j = 2, ··· ,J − 2 , then ϕj ≤ max{ϕ1,ϕJ }. Corollary Let conditions (2.38) and (2.39) also hold for j = J. Then ϕj ≤ ϕ1. A formal proof is given in Sect. 4.4 of Wesseling (2001), but it is easy to see that the theorem is true. Let K = {−1, 0, 1}. We have for every interior grid point xj: ϕj ≤ w−1ϕj−1 + w1ϕj+1 , w±1 ≡ −α±1
j /α0 j .
Since w1 + w1 = 1 and w±1 > 0, ϕj is a weighted average of its neighbors ϕj−1 and ϕj+1. Hence, either ϕj < max{ϕj−1,ϕj+1} or ϕj = ϕj−1 = ϕj+1. Let us now see whether the scheme used for Fig. 2.2 is of positive type. Its stencil is given by equation (2.67):

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30 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
[Lh] = [ − 1 2u − ε h 2 ε h 1 2u − ε h ] . (2.40) We see that this scheme is of positive type if and only if p < 2 , p ≡ |u|h ε . (2.41) The dimensionless number p is called the mesh Péclet number. For the left half of Fig. 2.2 we have p = 10/12 < 2, whereas for the right half p = 40/12 > 2, which explains the wiggles. In general, Pe = UL/ε and p = Uh/ε, so that p = Peh/L, with L the length of the domain Ω and U representative of the size of u, for example U = max[u(x) : x ∈ Ω]. and for p < 2 we must choose h small enough: h/L < 2/Pe. Since in practice Pe is usually very large, as shown in Sect. 1.6, this is not feasible (certainly not in more than one dimension), due to computer time and memory limitations. Therefore a scheme is required that is of positive type for all values of Pe. Such a scheme is obtained if we approximate the convective flux uϕ such that a non-positive contribution is made to α±1
j . This is precisely what the upwind
scheme (2.22) is about. For the problem computed in Fig. 2.2 its stencil is, since u > 0: [Lh] = [ −u − ε h u + 2 ε h − ε h ] . (2.42) It is easy to see that this scheme is of positive type for all Pe. Results are given in Fig. 2.3. We see that wiggles are absent, and that the numerical solution
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=10, 12 cells, Upwind scheme
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=40, 12 cells, Upwind scheme
Fig. 2.3. Exact solution (—) and numerical solution (*).
satisfies the maximum principle. But the solution is smeared near the outflow boundary. It is as if the numerical solution has a smaller Péclet number than the exact solution. This is because the upwind scheme introduces numerical diffusion; the viscosity is increased with an artificial viscosity coefficient εa = uh/2. To see this, just replace ε by ε+ εa in the stencil of the central scheme (2.40): it becomes identical to the stencil of the upwind scheme (2.42).

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2.3 Finite volume method 31
Local grid refinement The preceding figures show for Pe = 40 a rapid variation of the exact solution in a narrow zone near the outflow boundary x = 1. This zone is called a boundary layer. From the exact solution (2.13) it follows that the boundary layer thickness δ satisfies δ = O(ε) = O(Pe−1). (2.43) (Landau’s order symbol O is defined later in this section). We will see later how to estimate the boundary layer thickness when an exact solution is not available. It is clear that to have reasonable accuracy in the boundary layer, the local mesh size must satisfy h<δ, in order to have sufficient resolution (i.e. enough grid points) in the boundary layer. This is not the case in the right parts of the preceding figures. To improve the accuracy we refine the grid locally in the boundary layer. We define δ ≡ 6ε; the factor 6 is somewhat arbitrary and has been determined by trial and error. We put 6 equal cells in (0, 1 − δ) and 6 equal cells in (1 − δ, 1). The result is shown in Fig. 2.4. Although the total number of cells remains the same, the accuracy of the
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=40, 12 cells, Upwind scheme
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=400, 12 cells, Upwind scheme
Fig. 2.4. Exact solution (—) and numerical solution (*) with local grid refinement; upwind scheme
upwind scheme has improved significantly. Even for Pe = 400, in which case the boundary layer is very thin, the accuracy is good. Fig. 2.5 gives results for the central scheme (2.20). Surprisingly, the wiggles which destroyed the accuracy in Fig. 2.2 have become invisible. In the refine- ment zone the local mesh Péclet number satisfies p = 1, which is less than 2, so that according to the maximum principle there can be no wiggles in the refinement zone (see equation (2.41) and the discussion preceding (2.41)). However, inspection of the numbers shows that small wiggles remain outside the refinement zone.

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32 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=40, 12 cells, Central scheme (2.20)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=400, 12 cells, Central scheme (2.20)
Fig. 2.5. Exact solution (—) and numerical solution (*) with local grid refinement; central scheme (2.20)
Fig. 2.6 gives results for the central scheme (2.21). This scheme might be
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=40, 12 cells, Central scheme (2.21)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Pe=400, 12 cells, Central scheme (2.21)
Fig. 2.6. Exact solution (—) and numerical solution (*) with local grid refinement; central scheme (2.21)
expected to be more accurate than central scheme (2.20), because linear interpolation to approximate ϕj+1/2 is more accurate than averaging on a nonuniform grid. However, we see that for Pe = 400 the opposite is true! Clearly, we are in need of theoretical error analysis. This subject will be touched upon later. A preliminary explanation is as follows. Let the boundary of the refinement zone be located between the nodes xj and xj+1. Call the mesh size inside and outside the refinement zone h and H, respectively. The stencil of the central scheme scheme (2.20) at xj follows from equation (2.29) as: [Lh] = [ − 1 2 − ε H ε H + 2ε h + H 1 2 − 2ε h + H ] . (2.44) For the central scheme (2.21) we find from equation (2.30):

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2.3 Finite volume method 33
[Lh] = [ − 1 2 − ε H − 1 2 + h h + H + ε H + 2ε h + H H h + H − 2ε h + H ] . (2.45) According to definition 2.3.1, one of the necessary conditions for a positive scheme scheme is that the third element in the above stencils is non-positive. For ε ≪ 1 (and consequently h/H ≪ 1) this element is about 1/2 in (2.44) and 1 in (2.45), which is worse. Furthermore, in (2.45) the central element is negative. We see that (2.45) deviates more from the conditions for a positive scheme than (2.44), so that it is more prone to wiggles. Péclet-uniform accuracy and efficiency The maximum norm of the error ej ≡ ϕ(xj) − ϕj is defined as e∞ ≡ max{|ej|, j = 1, ··· ,J}, where ϕ(x) is the exact solution. Table 2.1 gives results. The number of cells is the same as in the preceding figures. For Pe = 10 a uniform grid is used, for the other cases the grid is locally refined, as before. We see that our doubts
Scheme Pe=10 Pe=40 Pe=400 Pe=4000 Upwind .0785 .0882 .0882 .0882 Central (2.20) .0607 .0852 .0852 .0852 Central (2.21) .0607 .0852 .0856 .3657 Table 2.1. Maximum error norm; 12 cells.
about the central scheme (2.21) are confirmed. For the other schemes we see that e∞ is almost independent of Pe. This is due to the adaptive (i.e. Pe-dependent) local grid refinement in the boundary layer. Of course, since the number of cells J required for a given accuracy does not depend on Pe, computing work and storage are also independent of Pe. We may conclude that computing cost and accuracy are uniform in Pe. This is an important observation. A not uncommon misunderstanding is that numerical predictions of high Reynolds (or Péclet in the present case) number flows are inherently untrustworthy, because numerical discretization errors (‘numerical viscosity’) dominate the small viscous forces. This is not true, provided appropriate measures are taken, as was just shown. Local grid re- finement in boundary layers enables us to obtain accuracy independent of the Reynolds number. Because in practice Re (or its equivalent such as the Péclet number) is often very large (see Sect. 1.5) it is an important (but not impossible) challenge to realize this also in more difficult multi-dimensional

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34 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
situations. An analysis of Pe-uniform accuracy for a two-dimensional singular perturbation problem will be given in Sect. 3.3. Global and local truncation error By using Taylor’s formula (see below) it is easy to see that the numerical flux as specified above (equations(2.20—2.23)) approaches the exact flux as the grid is refined, i.e. as ∆ ↓ 0, ∆ ≡ max{hj,j = 1, ··· ,J} . (2.46) But does this mean that the difference between the numerical and exact solution goes to zero? Surprisingly, this is no simple matter, but one of the deepest questions in numerical analysis. We will present only some basic considerations. We define Definition 2.3.2. Global truncation error The global truncation error is defined as ej ≡ ϕ(xj) − ϕj , j = 1, ··· ,J , with ϕ(x) the exact solution. Truncation errors are errors that are caused by truncation (to truncate means to shorten by cutting off) of an infinite process. The process we have in mind here is the limit ∆ ↓ 0; we stop at a finite value of ∆. Rounding errors are the errors that are caused by the finite precision approximation of real numbers in computer memories. In the numerical approximation of differential equations these are usually much smaller than truncation errors. Here we just assume zero rounding error. Obviously, the global truncation error is what we are after, but it cannot be estimated directly, because the exact solution is not available. Therefore a quantity is introduced that can be estimated, namely Definition 2.3.3. Local truncation error The local truncation error of the discrete operator Lh is defined as τj ≡ Lhej , j = 1, ··· ,J . (2.47) It follows that e = L−1
h τ, with e and τ algebraic vectors with elements ej, τj.
Hence e ≤L−1
τ . This suggests that a scheme with smaller τ will have a smaller e than a scheme with a larger τ. But this need not be so, because Lh is differ- ent for the two schemes, so that L−1
is different. To improve our insight in accuracy, we will now dive into a somewhat complicated but elementary analysis.

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2.3 Finite volume method 35
Estimate of local truncation error in the interior The purpose of the following elementary but laborious analysis is to eliminate two common misunderstandings. The first is that grids should be smooth for accuracy; this is not true in general, at least not for positive schemes (Defi- nition 2.3.1). The second is that a large local truncation error at a boundary causes a large global truncation error; this is also not true in general. We begin with estimating the local truncation error. For simplicity u and ε are assumed constant. We select the central scheme for convection. The scheme (2.40) with a Dirichlet condition at x = 0 and a Neumann condition at x =1(cf. equation (2.29)) can be written as Lhϕ1 ≡ ( u 2 + ε h3/2 + 2ε h1 ) ϕ1 + ( u 2 − ε h3/2 ) ϕ2 = h1q1 + (u + 2ε h1 ) a , Lhϕj ≡ − ( u 2 + ε hj−1/2 ) ϕj−1 + ε ( 1 hj−1/2 + 1 hj+1/2 ) ϕj + ( u 2 − ε hj+1/2 ) ϕj+1 = hjqj, j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 , LhϕJ ≡ − ( u 2 + ε hJ−1/2 )ϕJ−1 + ( u 2 + ε hJ−1/2 ) ϕJ =hJ qJ − (u2hJ − ε) b . (2.48) Taylor’s formula To estimate the local truncation error we need Taylor’s formula: f(x) = f(x0) +

1 k! dkf(x0) dxk (x − x0)k + 1 n! dnf(ξ) dxn (x − x0)n (2.49) for some ξ between x and x0. Of course, f must be sufficiently differentiable. This gives for the exact solution, writing ϕ(k) for dkϕ(x)/dxk, ϕ(xj±1) = ϕ(xj) ± hj±1/2ϕ(1)(xj) + 1 2 h2
j±1/2ϕ(2)(xj) ±
1 6 h3
+ 1 24 h4
j±1/2ϕ(4)(xj) + O(h5 j±1/2) ,
(2.50) where O is Landau’s order symbol, defined as follows:

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36 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
Definition 2.3.4. Landau’s order symbol A function f(h) = O(hp) if there exist a constant M independent of h and a constant h0 > 0 such that |f(h)| hp < M, ∀h ∈ (0,h0) . The relation f(h) = O(hp) is pronounced as “f is of order hp”. Estimate of local truncation error, continued We will now see that although we do not know the exact solution, we can nevertheless determine the dependence of τj on hj. We substitute (2.50) in Lh(ϕ(xj), and obtain, after some tedious work that cannot be avoided, for j = 2, ··· ,J − 1: Lhϕ(xj)= ˜Lhϕ(xj) + O(∆4) , ˜Lhϕ(xj) ≡ 1 2 qj(hj−1/2 + hj+1/2) + ( 1 4 uϕ(2) − 1 6 εϕ(3)) (h2
j+1/2 − h2 j−1/2)
+ ( 1 12 uϕ(3) − 1 24 εϕ(4)) (h3
j+1/2 + h3 j−1/2) ,
(2.51) where ϕ(n) = dnϕ(xj)/dxn. We have τj = Lhej = Lh[ϕ(xj) − ϕj]=˜Lhϕ(xj) − hjqj + O(∆4) , so that we obtain: τj = 1 2 qj(hj−1/2 − 2hj + hj+1/2) + ( 1 4 uϕ(2) − 1 6 εϕ(3)) (h2
j+1/2 − h2 j−1/2)
+ ( 1 12 uϕ(3) − 1 24 εϕ(4)) (h3
j+1/2 + h3 j−1/2) + O(∆4) .
(2.52) The grid is called smooth if the mesh size hj varies slowly, or more precisely, if |hj+1/2 − hj−1/2| = O(∆2) and |hj−1/2 − 2hj + hj+1/2| = O(∆3) . Therefore on smooth grids τj = O(∆3), but on rough grids τj = O(∆). Therefore it is often thought that one should always work with smooth grids

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for better accuracy, but, surprisingly, this is not necessary in general. We will show why later. Note that the locally refined grid used in the preceding numerical experiments is rough, but nevertheless the accuracy was found to be satisfactory. Estimate of local truncation error at the boundaries For simplicity we now assume the grid uniform, with hj ≡ h. Let the scheme be cell-centered. We start with the Dirichlet boundary x = 0. Proceeding as before, we find using Taylor’s formula for ϕ(x2) in the first equation of (2.48), Lhϕ(x1)=˜Lhϕ(x1) + O(h2) , ˜Lhϕ(x1) ≡ (u + 2ε/h)ϕ(x1) − εϕ(1) + 1 2 q1h , where ϕ(1) = dϕ(x1)/dx, and ϕ(x) is the exact solution. We write τ1 = Lh[ϕ(x1) − ϕ1]=˜Lhϕ(x1) − hq1 − (u + 2ε/h)a + O(h2) = (u + 2ε/h)[ϕ(x1) − a] − εϕ(1) − 1 2 hq1 + O(h2) . We use Taylor’s formula for a = ϕ(0): a = ϕ(0) = ϕ(x1) − 1 2 hϕ(1) + 1 8 h2ϕ(2) + O(h3) and find τ1 = h 4 εϕ(2) + O(h2) . (2.53) In the interior we have τj = O(h3) on a uniform grid, as seen from equation (2.52). However, it is not necessary to improve the local accuracy near a Dirichlet boundary, which is one of the important messages of this section; we will show this below. But first we will estimate the local truncation error at the Neumann boundary x = 1. By using Taylor’s formula for ϕ(xJ−1) in the third equation of (2.48) we get Lhϕ(xJ )=˜Lhϕ(xJ ) + O(h3) , ˜Lhϕ(xJ ) ≡ εϕ(1) + 1 2 qJ h − (u4ϕ(2) − ε 6 ϕ(3)) h2 + O(h3) , where ϕ(n) = dnϕ(xJ )/dxn. We write τJ = Lh[ϕ(xJ ) − ϕJ ]=˜Lhϕ(xJ ) − hJ qJ + (uhJ /2 − ε)b + O(h3) = εϕ(1) − qJ h/2 − (uϕ(2)/4 − εϕ(3)/6)h2 + (uh/2 − ε)b + O(h3) . We use Taylor’s formula for b = dϕ(1)/dx:

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38 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
b = ϕ(1) + 1 2 hϕ(2) + 1 8 h2ϕ(3) + O(h3) and find τJ = 1 24 εϕ(3)h2 + O(h3) . (2.54) Error estimation with the maximum principle The student is not expected to be able to carry out the following error anal- ysis independently. This analysis is presented merely to make our assertions about accuracy on rough grids and at boundaries really convincing. We will use the maximum principle to derive estimates of the global truncation error from estimates of the local truncation error. By e < E we mean ej < Ej, j = 1, ··· ,J and by |e| we mean the grid function with values |ej|. We recall that the global and local truncation error are related by Lhe = τ . (2.55) Suppose we have a grid function E, which will be called a barrier function, such that LhE ≥ |τ| . (2.56) We are going to show: |e| ≤ E. From (2.55) and (2.56) it follows that Lh(±e − E) ≤ 0 . Let the numerical scheme (2.48) satisfy the conditions of the corollary of Theorem 2.3.1; this is the case if |u|hj+1/2 ε < 2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 . (2.57) Then the corollary says ±ej − Ej ≤ ±e1 − E1, j = 2, ··· ,J . (2.58) Next we show that |e1| ≤ E1. From Lh(±e1 − E1) ≤ 0 it follows (with the use of (2.58) for j = 2) that a(±e1 − E1) ≤ b(±e2 − E2) ≤ b(±e1 − E1) , a = u/2+3ε/h1, b = ε/h1 − u/2 , where we assume h2 = h1. Note that 0 <b<a. Therefore ±e1 − E1 ≤ 0 , hence |e1| ≤ E1. Substitution in (2.58) results in |ej| ≤ Ej, j = 1, ··· ,J. (2.59) which we wanted to show. It remains to construct a suitable barrier function E. Finding a suitable E is an art.

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2.3 Finite volume method 39
Global error estimate on uniform grid First, assume the grid is uniform: hj = h. We choose the barrier function as follows: Ej = Mψ(xj), ψ(x) ≡ 1+3x − x2 , (2.60) with M a constant still to be chosen. We find (note that u > 0; otherwise the boundary conditions would be ill-posed for ε ≪ 1, as seen in Sect. 2.2): Lhψ(x1) = u(1 + 3h − 5h2/4) + ε h (2 + 3h2/2) > 2ε/h for h small enough , Lhψ(xj) = uh(3 − 2xj)+2εh > 2εh, j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 , Lhψ(xJ ) = ε(1 + 2h) + uh(1/2 + h) >ε. According to equations (2.52)–(2.54) there exist constants M1 ,M2 ,M3 such that for h small enough τ1 < M1h , τj < M2h3 , j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 , τJ < M3h2 . Hence, with M = h2 ε max{M
1/2, M2/2, M3}
condition (2.56) is satisfied, so that |e| < E = O(h2) . This shows that the fact that the local truncation errors at the boundaries are of lower order than in the interior does not have a bad effect on the global truncation error. Global error estimate on nonuniform grid Next, we consider the effect of grid roughness. From equation (2.52) we see that in the interior τj = O(∆), ∆ = max{hj, j = 1, ···J} . We will show that nevertheless e = O(∆2), as for a uniform grid. The barrier function used before does not dominate τ sufficiently. Therefore we use the following stratagem. Define the following grid functions: µ1
j ≡ h2 j , µ2 j ≡ j

k−1/2 , µ3 j ≡ j

k + h2 k−1)hk−1/2 ,

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40 2. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in one dimension
where h0 ≡ 0. We find with Lh defined by (2.48) and ψk(x), k = 1, 2, 3 smooth functions to be chosen later: Lh(ψ1(xj)µ1
j ) = εψ1(xj)(−2hj+1 + 4hj − 2hj−1) +
(2.61) + {ε dψ1(xj) dx − 1 2 uψ1(xj)}(h2
j−1 − h2 j+1) + O(∆3) ,
j ) = εψ2(xj)(h2 j−1/2 − h2 j+1/2) + O(∆3) ,
(2.62) Lh(ψ3(xj)µ3
j ) = εψ3(xj)(h2 j−1 − h2 j+1) + O(∆3) .
(2.63) We choose ψ1 = − q(x) 8ε , ψ2 = 1 6 ϕ(3) − u 4ε ϕ(2) , ψ3 = − dψ1 dx + u 2ε ψ1 and define ek
j ≡ ψk(xj)µk j , k = 1, 2, 3 .
Remembering (2.55), comparison of (2.61)–(2.63) with (2.52) shows that Lh(ej − e1
j − e2 j − e3 j ) = O(∆3) .
(2.64) The right-hand side is of the same order as the local truncation error in the uniform grid case, and can be dominated by the barrier function (2.60) with M = C∆2, with C a constant that we will not bother to specify further. For simplicity we assume that h2 = h1 and hJ−1 = hJ , so that the situation at the boundaries is the same as in the case of the uniform grid. Hence |ej − e1
j − e2 j − e3 j | < C∆2(1 + 3xj − x2 j )
Since ek
j = O(∆2) , k = 1, 2, 3 we find
ej = O(∆2) . (2.65) which is what we wanted to show. Hence, the scheme defined by (2.48) has second order convergence on arbitrary grids, so that its widespread applica- tion is justified. Vertex-centered grid On a vertex-centered grid we have grid points on the boundary. Therefore the Dirichlet boundary condition at x = 0 gives zero local truncation error, which is markedly better than (2.53). Furthermore, because the cell bound- aries are now midway between the nodes, the cell face approximation (2.20) is much more accurate. Indeed, the local truncation error is an order smaller

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2.3 Finite volume method 41
on rough grids for vertex-centered schemes; we will not show this. Therefore it is sometimes thought that vertex-centered schemes are more accurate than cell-centered schemes. But this is not so. In both cases, e = O(∆2). Because this is most surprising for cell-centered schemes, we have chosen to elaborate this case. In practice, both types of grid are widely used. Having come to the end of this chapter, looking again at the list of items that we wanted to cover given in Sect. 2.1 will help the reader to remind himself of the main points that we wanted to emphasize. Exercise 2.3.1. Derive equation (2.21). (Remember that linear interpola- tion is exact for functions of type f(x) = a + bx). Exercise 2.3.2. Assume u > 0. Show that for the upwind scheme the coef- ficients in the numerical flux are: β0
j = uj+1/2 + (ε/h)j+1/2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 ,
j+1 = −(ε/h)j+1/2, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 , β1 1 = −2ε1/2/h1 ,
γ0 = (u1/2 + 2ε1/2/h1)a , β0
J = uJ+1/2 , γ1 = −εJ+1/2b (Neumann),
J = uJ+1/2 + 2εJ+1/2/hJ , γ1 = −2εJ+1/2b/hJ
(Dirichlet). (2.66) Exercise 2.3.3. Show that with ε and u constant on a uniform grid the stencil for the central scheme with Dirichlet boundary conditions is given by [Lh]1 = [ 0 3 ε h + 1 2 u 1 2u − ε h ] , [Lh]j = [ − 1 2u − ε h 2 ε h 1 2u − ε h ] , j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 , [Lh]J = [ − 1 2u − ε h 3 ε h − 1 2 u 0 ] . (2.67) Exercise 2.3.4. Show that in the refinement zone the local mesh Péclet number satisfies p = 1. Exercise 2.3.5. Derive equations (2.44) and (2.45). Exercise 2.3.6. Implement a Neumann boundary condition at x = 1 in the MATLAB program cd1. Derive and implement the corresponding exact solu- tion. Study the error by numerical experiments. Implement wrong boundary conditions: Neumann at inflow, Dirichlet at outflow. See what happens.

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Exercise 2.3.7. In the program cd1 the size of the refinement zone is del = 6/pe . Find out how sensitive the results are to changes in the factor 6. Exercise 2.3.8. Let xj = jh (uniform grid) and denote ϕ(xj) by ϕj. Show: (ϕj − ϕj−1)/h = dϕ(xj) dx − h 2 d2ϕ(ξ) dx2 , (2.68) (ϕj+1 − ϕj−1)/(2h) = dϕ(xj) dx + h2 6 d3ϕ(ξ) dx3 , (2.69) (ϕj−1 − 2ϕj + ϕj+1)/h2 = d2ϕ(xj) dx2 + h2 12 d4ϕ(ξ) dx4 , (2.70) (2.71) with ξ ∈ [xj−1 ,xj+1]. Exercise 2.3.9. Show that sin x √x = O( √x).
Some self-test questions When is the convection-diffusion equation in conservation form? Write down the Burgers equation. When do we call a problem ill-posed? Formulate the maximum principle. When is a finite volume scheme in conservation form? What are cell-centered and vertex-centered grids? What are the conditions for a scheme to be of positive type? Which desirable property do posi- tive schemes have? Define the mesh-Péclet number. Why is it important to have Péclet-uniform accuracy and efficiency? Derive a finite volume scheme for the convection-diffusion equation. Derive the condition to be satisfied by the step size h for the central scheme to be of positive type on a uniform grid. Define the global and local truncation error. Derive the exact solution of the convection-diffusion equation. Write down Taylor’s formula.

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3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
3.1 Introduction
We will discuss only new aspects that did not come up in the one-dimensional case. The equation to be studied is the two-dimensional stationary convection- diffusion equation: ∂uϕ ∂x + ∂vϕ ∂y − ∂ ∂x( ε ∂ϕ ∂x ) − ∂ ∂y( ε ∂ϕ ∂y ) = q(x, y) , (x, y) ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1)×(0, 1) . (3.1) Suitable boundary conditions are: ϕ = f(x, y) on ∂Ωi (Dirichlet), (3.2) ϕ = f(x, y) on ∂Ωo (Dirichlet) or (3.3) ∂ϕ ∂n = g(x, y) on ∂Ωo (Neumann), (3.4) where n is the outward unit normal on the boundary ∂Ω, ∂Ωi is the inflow boundary (where u·n < 0) and ∂Ωo is the remainder of ∂Ω, to be called the outflow boundary. We recall that ε = 1/Pe, with the Péclet number Pe ≫ 1. In the same way as in Sect. 2.2 it can be shown that equation (3.1) is in conservation form. As in one dimension, we have a maximum principle. We write (3.1) in the following non-conservative form: u ∂ϕ ∂x + v ∂ϕ ∂y − ∂ ∂x( ε ∂ϕ ∂x ) − ∂ ∂y( ε ∂ϕ ∂y ) = ˜q ≡ q − ϕdiv u . (3.5) If ˜q ≤ 0 then local maxima can only occur on the boundary ∂Ω. We will not show this here; the interested reader may consult Sect. 2.4 of Wesseling (2001).

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44 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
Purpose of this chapter The purpose of this chapter is: • To explain how singular perturbation theory can be used to predict where for Pe ≫ 1 thin layers (boundary layers) will occur without knowing the exact solution; • To show which boundary conditions are suitable for Pe ≫ 1; • To introduce the finite volume method in two dimensions; • To show how by means of local grid refinement accuracy and computing work can be made independent of the Péclet number; • To introduce the stencil of the scheme and to show how to generate its coefficient matrix; • To explain the discrete maximum principle in two dimensions; • To illustrate the above points by numerical experiments. Exercise 3.1.1. Show that equation (3.1) is in conservation form by using Theorem 1.2.1.
3.2 Singular perturbation theory
Before discussing numerical schemes, we will consider singular perturbation theory for the stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions. In view of our experience in the one-dimensional case, we expect when ε ≪ 1 the occurrence of thin layers in which the solution varies rapidly. Such layers are called boundary layers. As seen in Chapt. 2, local grid refinement is required in boundary layers for accuracy. Therefore it is necessary to know where boundary layers occur and the dependence of their thickness on ε. In Chapt. 2 this information was deduced from the exact solution; however, in general the exact solution is not available, of course. But the required information is provided by singular perturbation theory, also called boundary layer theory. The boundary layer concept was first introduced by Ludwig Prandtl in 1904, but the mathematical foundation was developed in the middle of the last century.

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Subcharacteristics When ε ≪ 1 it is natural to approximate (3.1) by putting ε = 0, so that we obtain, switching to nonconservative form: u ∂ϕ ∂x + v ∂ϕ ∂y = ˜q ,˜q = q − ϕdiv u . (3.6) This is the convection equation. Let us define curves called characteristics in Ω space by relations x = x(s) y = y(s), satisfying dx ds = u , dy ds = v . (3.7) For the derivative along the curve we have dϕ ds = ∂ϕ ∂x dx ds + ∂ϕ ∂y dy ds = u ∂ϕ ∂x + v ∂ϕ ∂y . Therefore equation (3.6) reduces to dϕ ds = ˜q . (3.8) We see that in the homogeneous case ˜q = 0 the solution ϕ is constant along the characteristics, which is why these curves are important. When ε > 0 we do not have ϕ constant on the characteristics, but as we will see, these curves still play an important role when ε ≪ 1. To avoid confusion, when ε > 0 the characteristics are called subcharacteristics. A paradox Let the pattern of streamlines (i.e. (sub)characteristics) be qualitatively as in Fig. 3.1. The characteristic C1 intersects the boundary in points P1 and P2. Here a boundary condition is given, according to equations (3.2)—(3.4). On C1 we have ϕ = constant = ϕ(C1). It is clear that in general ϕ(C1) cannot sat- isfy simultaneously the boundary conditions in P1 and in P2. For example, let ϕ(P1) = ϕ(P2) be prescribed by a Dirichlet condition at y = 0 and at x = 1. Do we have ϕ(C1) = ϕ(P1) or ϕ(C1) = ϕ(P2) or ϕ(C1)=(ϕ(P1) + ϕ(P2))/2 or something else? What value to take for ϕ(C1)? The difficulty has to do with the change of type that the partial differential equation (3.1) undergoes when ε = 0: for ε > 0 it is elliptic, for ε = 0 it is hyperbolic. It is clear that we cannot get a good approximation to equation (3.1) for ε ↓ 0 by sim- ply deleting the small diffusion term. This paradoxical situation has baffled mathematicians in the nineteenth century, who found the drag of a body in an ideal fluid (zero viscosity) to be zero, whereas in physical experiments the drag around bluff bodies was found to be appreciable, even at very high

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46 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
x y 1 1 C C1
3 1 2 4
Fig. 3.1. Streamline pattern.
Reynolds numbers. This was called the paradox of d’Alembert. The problem remains in the nonhomogeneous case ˜q = 0, because the first order equation (3.6) can satisfy only one boundary condition. Problems that contain a small parameter are called perturbation problems. The terms that are multiplied by the small parameter are regarded as per- tubations. If a good approximation can be obtained by simply neglecting the perturbations, we speak of a regular perturbation problem. If a good first approximation cannot be obtained in this way the perturbation problem is called singular. An example of a regular perturbation problem is the sun- earth-moon system. If we neglect the attraction of the moon we still get a good approximation of the orbit and the period of the earth. The above para- dox shows that the convection-diffusion equation at large Péclet number is a singular perturbation problem. Singular perturbation theory The above paradox is resolved by singular perturbation theory. If we assume flow is from the right to the left in Fig. 3.1, so that x = 1 is an inflow boundary and y = 0 is an outflow boundary, then ϕ = ϕ(C1) = ϕ(P2) is a good approximation for ε ≪ 1 to the solution of (3.1)—(3.4) in 1 ≥ y>δ = O(ε) (assuming ˜q = 0), whereas (3.6) has to be replaced by a so-called boundary layer equation to obtain an approximation in δ>y ≥ 0. This can be seen as follows. First, assume that we indeed have ϕ(C1) = ϕ(P2) in 1 ≥ y>δ with δ ≪ 1. In δ>y ≥ 0 we expect a rapid change of ϕ from ϕ(P2) to ϕ(P1). For derivatives of ϕ we expect

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∂mϕ ∂ym= O(δ−m) , (3.9) so that perhaps the diffusion term in (3.1) cannot be neglected in the bound- ary layer; this will depend on the size of δ. Assume δ = O(εα) , (3.10) with α to be determined. In order to exhibit the dependence of the magnitude of derivatives on ε we introduce a stretched coordinate ˜y: ˜y = yε−α , (3.11) which is chosen such that ˜y = O(1) in the boundary layer. We take ε constant for simplicity. It follows from (3.9)—(3.11) that ∂mϕ ∂˜ym= O(1) (3.12) in the boundary layer. In the stretched coordinate, equation (3.1) becomes ∂uϕ ∂x + ε−α ∂vϕ ∂˜y − ε ∂2ϕ ∂x2 − ε1−2α ∂2ϕ ∂˜y2 = 0 . (3.13) Letting ε ↓ 0 and using (3.12), equation (3.13) takes various forms, depending on α. The correct value of α follows from the requirement, that the solution of the ε ↓ 0 limit of equation (3.13) satisfies the boundary condition at y = 0, and the so-called matching principle. Matching principle As ˜y increases, the solution of (the ε ↓ 0 limit of) equation (3.13) has to somehow join up with the solution of (3.6), i.e. approach the value ϕ(C1). In singular perturbation theory this condition is formulated precisely, and is known as the matching principle: lim
ϕinner(x, ˜y) = lim
ϕouter(x, y) . Here ϕinner, also called the inner solution, is the solution of the inner equation or boundary layer equation, which is the limit as ε ↓ 0 of equation (3.13) for the correct value of α, which we are trying to determine. Furthermore, ϕouter, also called the outer solution, is the solution of the outer equation, which is the limit as ε ↓ 0 of the original equation, i.e. equation (3.6). The matching principle becomes ϕinner(x, ∞) = g(x) ≡ lim
ϕouter(x, y) . (3.14)

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48 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
As already mentioned, the other condition to be satisfied is the boundary condition at ˜y = 0: ϕ(x, 0) = f(x) . (3.15) For α < 0 (corresponding to compression rather than stretching) the limit as ε ↓ 0 of (3.13) is, taking u constant for simplicity, u ∂ϕ ∂x = 0 , (3.16) so that ϕ = ϕ(˜y) , which obviously cannot satisfy (3.14), so that the case α < 0 has to be rejected. With α = 0 equation (3.6) is obtained, which cannot satisfy both conditions at x = 0 and y = ˜y = 0, as we saw. For 0 <α< 1 the limit of (3.13) is, taking v constant for simplicity, v ∂ϕ ∂˜y = 0 , so that the inner solution is independent of ˜y, hence, in general equations (3.14) and (3.15) cannot be satisfied simultaneously. This rules out the case 0 <α< 1. For α = 1 equation (3.13) becomes as ε ↓ 0: v(x, 0) ∂ϕ ∂˜y − ∂2ϕ ∂˜y2 = 0 , (3.17) where we have used that v(x, y) = v(x, ε˜y) → v(x, 0) as ε ↓ 0. The general solution of (3.16) is ϕ = A(x) + B(x)e˜v˜y , (3.18) with ˜v = v(x, 0). We can satisfy both (3.14) and (3.15), remembering that we had assumed that y = 0 is an outflow boundary, so that ˜v < 0. From (3.14) and (3.15) we find A(x) = g(x), B(x) = f(x) − g(x) . This gives us the inner solution. In terms of the unstretched variable y the inner solution is given by ϕ = g(x)+[f(x) − g(x)]e˜vy/ε . We see a rapid exponential variation from g(x) to f(x) in a thin layer of thickness δ = O(ε), confirming our earlier statement about the behavior of the solution. Fig. 3.2 gives a sketch of the inner and outer solutions as a function of y for some given x. An asymptotic approximation for ε ↓ 0 that is valid everywhere is given by ϕinner +ϕouter −g(x) (not shown in the figure).

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f(x) y
Fig. 3.2. Sketch of inner and outer solutions
The distinguished limit The limit as ε ↓ 0 of the stretched equation (3.13) for the special value α = 1 for which the solution of the resulting inner equation can satisfy both the boundary condition and the matching principle is called the distinguished limit. In order to show that this limit is unique we will also investigate the remaining values of α that we did not yet consider, namely α > 1. Now equation (3.13) gives the following inner equation: ∂2ϕ ∂˜y2 = 0 , with the general solution ϕ = A(x) + B(x)˜y . The limit of ϕ as ˜y → ∞ does not exist, so that the matching principle cannot be satisfied. Hence, α = 1 is the only value that gives a distinguished limit. The only element of arbitrariness that remains in this analysis is the assump- tion that we have a boundary layer at y = 0. Why no boundary layer at x = 1, and ϕ(C1) = ϕ(P1) (cf. Fig. 3.1)?This can be investigated by assum- ing a boundary layer at x = 1, and determining whether a distinguished limit exists or not. This is left as an exercise. It turns out that boundary layers cannot arise at inflow boundaries. The role of boundary conditions The occurrence of boundary layers is strongly influenced by the type of boundary condition. Let (3.15) be replaced by a Neumann condition:

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50 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
− ∂ϕ(x, 0) ∂y = f(x) . (3.19) As before, a boundary layer of thickness O(ε) is found at y = 0, and the boundary layer equation is given by (3.16), with general solution (3.18). Tak- ing boundary condition (3.19) into account we find B(x) = −εf(x)/˜v , so that B(x) → 0 as ε ↓ 0. Hence, to first order, there is no boundary layer, and the outer solution (solution of (3.6)) is uniformly valid in Ω. Parabolic and ordinary boundary layers Those familiar with fluid dynamics may wonder at the boundary layer thick- ness O(ε) = O(1/Pe), since in fluid dynamics laminar boundary layers have thickness O(1/ √Re), so that one would have expected δ = O(1/ √Pe). We will now see that the convection-diffusion equation gives rise to two types of boundary layers. Consider the case that y = 0 is a solid wall, so that v(x, 0) = 0. The shape of the characteristics of the outer equation (3.6) might be as in Fig. 3.3, where also y = 1 is assumed to be a solid wall, so that we have a channel flow. Since
x y 1 1
Fig. 3.3. Characteristics of equation (3.6) in a channel flow.
v(x, 0) = 0, the wall y = 0 is a characteristic of the outer equation (3.6) according to (3.7), so that the solution along this characteristic is given by ϕ(x, 0) = f1(0) , (3.20) assuming x = 0 is a inflow boundary with Dirichlet condition

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ϕ(0,y) = f1(y) . (3.21) Let there also be a Dirichlet condition at the wall y = 0: ϕ(x, 0) = f2(x) . (3.22) This condition cannot in general be satisfied by the outer solution, because it is constant along the wall, which is a characteristic. Hence, we expect a boundary layer at y = 0. Obviously, this boundary layer will be of different type than obtained before, because the boundary layer solution cannot be given by (3.18), since now we have ˜v = 0. In order to derive the boundary layer equation, the same procedure is followed as before. Again, we introduce the stretched coordinate (3.11). Keeping in mind that v = 0, equation (3.1) goes over in ∂uϕ ∂x − ε ∂2ϕ ∂x2 − ε1−2α ∂2ϕ ∂˜y2 = 0 . (3.23) The boundary condition is ϕ(x, 0) = f2(x) , (3.24) and the matching principle gives lim
ϕ(x, ˜y) = ϕouter(x, 0) . (3.25) Now we take the limit of (3.23) as ε ↓ 0. For α < 1/2 the outer equation at y = 0 is recovered with solution (3.20), which cannot satisfy (3.25). For α = 1/2 the limit of (3.23) is ∂uϕ ∂x − ∂2ϕ ∂˜y2 = 0 , (3.26) This is a parabolic partial differential equation, which in general cannot be solved explicitly, but for which it is known that boundary conditions at ˜y = 0 and ˜y = ∞ give a well-posed problem. Hence, α = 1/2 gives the distinguished limit, and (3.26) is the boundary layer equation. The thickness of this type of boundary layer is O( √ε), which is much larger than for the preceding type, and of the same order as laminar boundary layers in fluid dynamics, for which δ = O(1/√Re). In order to specify a unique solution for (3.26), in addition a boundary con- dition has to be specified at x = 0 (assuming u > 0). From (3.21) we obtain the following boundary condition for the boundary layer solution: ϕ(0, ˜y) = f1(˜y√ε) , which to the present asymptotic order of approximation (we will not go into higher order boundary layer theory) may be replaced by

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52 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
ϕ(0, ˜y) = f1(0) . It is left to the reader to verify that α > 1/2 does not give a distinguished limit. The cause of the difference between the two boundary layer equations (3.17) (an ordinary differential equation) and (3.26) (a partial differential equation) is the angle which the characteristics of the outer equation (3.6) make with the boundary layer. In the first case this angle is nonzero (cf. Fig. 3.1),in the second case the characteristics do not intersect the boundary layer. The first type is called an ordinary boundary layer (the boundary layer equation is an ordinary differential equation), whereas the second type is called a parabolic boundary layer (parabolic boundary layer equation). Summarizing, in the case of the channel flow depicted in Fig. 3.3, for ε ≪ 1 there are parabolic boundary layers of thickness O( √ε) at y = 0 and y = 1, and an ordinary boundary layer of thickness O(ε) at the outflow boundary, unless a Neumann boundary condition is prescribed there. On outflow boundary conditions It frequently happens that physically no outflow boundary condition is known, but that this is required mathematically. Singular perturbation theory helps to resolve this difficulty. If ε = O(1) such a physical model is incom- plete, but for ε ≪ 1 an artificial (invented) outflow condition may safely be used to complete the mathematical model, because this does not affect the solution to any significant extent. Furthermore, an artificial condition of Neumann type is to be preferred above one of Dirichlet type. This may be seen by means of singular perturbation theory, as follows. Consider the following physical situation: an incompressible flow with given velocity field u through a channel, the walls of which are kept at a known temperature. We want to know the temperature of the fluid, especially at the outlet. This leads to the following mathematical model. The governing equation is (3.1), with ϕ the temperature. Assume ε ≪ 1, and u > 0. We have ϕ prescribed at x = 0 and at y = 0, 1, but at x = 1 we know nothing. Hence, we cannot proceed with solving (3.1), either analytically or numerically. Now let us just postulate some temperature profile at x = 1: ϕ(1,y) = f3(y). An ordinary boundary layer will occur at x = 1, with solution, derived in the way discussed earlier (cf. equation 3.18), given by ϕ(x, y) = ϕouter(1,y) + {f3(y) − ϕouter(1,y)}e˜u(x−1)ε , (3.27)

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where ˜u ≡ u(1,y). This shows that the invented temperature profile f3(y) influences the solution only in the thin (artificially generated) boundary layer at x = 1. This means that the computed temperature outside this boundary layer will be correct, regardless what we take for f3(y). When ε = O(1) this is no longer true, and more information from physics is required, in order to specify f3(y) correctly. In physical reality there will not be a boundary layer at all at x = 1, of course. Therefore a more satisfactory artificial outflow boundary condition is ∂ϕ(1,y) ∂x = 0 , since with this Neumann boundary condition there will be no boundary layer at x = 1 in the mathematical model. Exercise 3.2.1. Show that there is no boundary layer at x = 1, if this is an inflow boundary. Hint: choose as stretched coordinate ˜x = (x − 1)/εα. Exercise 3.2.2. Consider equation (2.5). Show that with Dirichlet boundary conditions for ε ≪ 1 there is a boundary layer of thickness O(ε) at x = 1 and not at x = 0. Exercise 3.2.3. Derive equation (3.27).
3.3 Finite volume method
Problem statement In this section we study the numerical approximation of the two-dimensional stationary convection-diffusion equation, for convenience written in Cartesian tensor notation: Lϕ ≡ (uαϕ),α − (εϕ,α),α = q , α = 1, 2 , (x1,x2) ∈ (0, 1) × (0, 2) . (3.28) We assume that we have solid walls at x2 = 0, 2, so that u2(x1, 0) = u2(x1, 2) = 0. Let u1 < 0, so that x1 = 0 is an outflow boundary. In view of what we learned in Sect. 3.2 we choose a Neumann boundary condition at x1 = 0, and Dirichlet boundary conditions at the other parts of the boundary: ϕ,1(0,x2) = g4(x2) , ϕ(x1, 0) = g1(x1) , ϕ(x1, 2) = g2(x1) , ϕ(1,x2) = g3(x2) . This corresponds to the channel flow problem studied before. We assume symmetry with respect to the centerline of the channel, so that we have to solve only in half the domain, i.e. in Ω ≡ (0, 1)× (0, 1). At the centerline our

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54 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
boundary condition is the symmetry condition ϕ,2 = 0, so that the boundary conditions are: ϕ,1(0,x2) = g4(x2) , ϕ(x1, 0) = g1(x1) , ϕ,2(x1, 1) = 0 , ϕ(1,x2) = g3(x2) . (3.29) As discussed before, it is best to choose at the outflow boundary a homo- geneous Neumann condition, i.e. g4 ≡ 0, but for the purpose of numerical experimentation we leave the possibility of choosing a nonhomogeneous Neu- mann condition open. We will not discuss the three-dimensional case, because this does not provide new insights. Our purpose in this section is to show, as in Sect. 2.3, but this time in two dimensions, that (3.28) can be solved numerically such that accuracy and computing cost are uniform in Pe. Therefore fear that it is impossible to compute high Péclet (Reynolds) number flow accurately is unfounded, as ar- gued before. For simplicity we assume horizontal flow: u2 ≡ 0, and we will simply write u instead of u1. Choice of grid In view of what we learned in Sect. 3.2, we expect a parabolic (because u2 = 0) boundary layer at x2 = 0 with thickness O( √ε). If g4 ≡ 0 we have a homogeneous Neumann condition at the outflow boundary, and there is no boundary layer at x1 = 0. Just as in Sect. 2.3, in order to make accuracy and computing work uniform in ε, we choose a grid with local refinement in the boundary layer, as sketched in Fig. 3.4. We will apply grid refinement near the outflow boundary later. The region of refinement has thickness σ = O( √ε). The precise choice of σ will be discussed later, and is such that the boundary layer falls inside the refinement region. The refined part of the grid is called Gf , the interface between the refined and unrefined parts is called Γ and the remainder of the grid is called Gc. The mesh sizes in Gf and Gc are uniform, as indicated in Fig. 3.4. Note that the location of the horizontal grid lines depends on ε. Finite volume discretization We choose a cell-centered scheme. The cell centers are labeled by integer two- tuples (i, j) in the usual way: Ωij is the cell with center at (xi,yj). Hence, for example, (i + 1/2,j) refers to the center of a vertical cell edge. Cell-centered finite volume discretization is used as described in Sect. 2.3. For completeness the discretization is summarized below. The finite volume method gives by integration over Ωij and by using the divergence theorem:

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2 c f
2 Fig. 3.4. Computational grid
∫ΩijLϕdΩ = [∫
xi+1/2,j+1/2 xi+1/2,j−1/2 − ∫ xi−1/2,j+1/2 xi−1/2,j−1/2 ](uϕ − εϕ,1)dx2
xi+1/2,j+1/2 xi−1/2,j+1/2 − ∫ xi+1/2,j−1/2 xi−1/2,j−1/2 ](−εϕ,2)dx1
= F1|
i+1/2,j i−1/2,j
+ F2|
i,j+1/2 i,j−1/2
. The approximation of the numerical fluxes F1,2 is given below. The right- hand side of equation (3.28) is numerically integrated over Ωij as follows: ∫Ωij qdΩ ∼= ˜qij ≡ H1Kjq(xij) , (3.30) where Kj is the vertical dimension of Ωij : Kj = h2 in Gf and Kj = H2 in Gc. The cells are numbered i = 1, ..., I and j = 1, ..., J in the x1- and x2-directions, respectively. The following scheme is obtained: Lhϕij ≡ F1|
i+1/2,j i−1/2,j + F2| i,j+1/2 i,j−1/2 = ˜qij .
(3.31) If we sum (3.31) over all cells only boundary fluxes remain, so that the scheme is conservative (cf. Sect. 2.3). The numerical flux How to approximate the numerical fluxes F1,2 in terms of neighboring grid function values follows directly from the one-dimensional case discussed in the preceding chapter. With upwind discretization for the first derivative (taking into account that u < 0), the numerical fluxes F1,2 are approximated as follows:

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56 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
i+1/2,j ∼= Kj[ui+1/2,jϕi+1,j − ε(ϕi+1,j − ϕij)/H1] ,
i,j+1/2 ∼= −2H1ε(ϕi,j+1 − ϕij)/(Kj + Kj+1) ,
(3.32) With the central scheme for the first derivative F1 becomes: F1
i+1/2,j ∼= Kj[ui+1/2,j(ϕi,j + ϕi+1,j)/2 − ε(ϕi+1,j − ϕij)/H1] .
(3.33) The boundary conditions are implemented as in Sect. 2.3. This gives both for the upwind and central schemes: F1
∼= Kj[u1/2,j(ϕ1j − H1g4(yj)/2) − εg4(yj)] , F1
I+1/2,j ∼= Kj[uI+1/2,jϕI+1/2,j − 2ε(ϕI+1/2,j − ϕIj)/H1] ,
∼= −2H1ε(ϕi,1 − ϕi,1/2)/h2 , F2
i,J+1/2 = 0 ,
(3.34) where ϕI+1/2,j and ϕi,1/2 are given by the boundary conditions (3.29). The stencil of the scheme Although this is tedious, we will spell out more details of the scheme, as preparation for a MATLAB program. The numerical fluxes as specified above can be written as F1
i+1/2,j = β0 ijϕij + β1 i+1,jϕi+1,j, i = 1, ··· ,I − 1 , j = 1, ··· ,J ,
1/2,j = β1 1jϕ1,j + γ0 j , j = 1, ··· ,J ,
I+1/2,j = β0 IjϕIj + γ1 j , j = 1, ··· ,J ,
i,j+1/2 = β2 ijϕij + β3 i,j+1ϕi,j+1, i = 1, ··· ,I, j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 ,
i,1/2 = β3 i1ϕi,1 + γ2 i , i = 1, ··· ,I ,
i,J+1/2 = 0 , i = 1, ··· ,I ,
(3.35) where γ0,γ1,γ2 are known terms arising from the boundary conditions. The β and γ coefficients follow easily from (3.34), and will not be written down. The scheme consists of a linear system of equations of the form Lhϕij =

k=−1 1

ij ϕi+k,j+l ,
(3.36) where the only nonzero α coefficients are α−1,0
= −β0
i−1,j , α1,0 ij = β1 ij
= −β2
i,j−1 , α0,1 ij = β3 ij
ij = (β0 − β1 + β2 − β3)ij .

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The scheme has a five-point stencil: [Lh] =   α0,1 α−1,0 α0,0 α1,0 α0,−1   . The maximum principle Just as in the one-dimensional case, we have a discrete maximum principle. We generalize Definition 2.3.1 to the two-dimensional case as follows: Definition 3.3.1. The operator Lh is of positive type if for i = 2, ··· ,I − 1 and j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 ∑
ij = 0
(3.38) and αkl
ij < 0, (k, l) = (0, 0) .
(3.39) The following theorem says that schemes of positive type satisfy a similar maximum principle as the differential equation. Theorem 3.3.1. Discrete maximum principle. If Lh is of positive type and Lhϕij ≤ 0, i = 2, ··· ,I − 1, j = 2, ··· ,J − 2 , then ϕij ≤ maxij{ϕ1j, ϕIj, ϕi1, ϕiJ }. In other words, local maxima can only occur in cells adjacent to the bound- aries. It is left to the reader to show that with the upwind scheme Lh is of positive type, and with the central scheme this is the case if (taking u constant for simplicity) the mesh Péclet number satisfies p < 2 , p ≡ |u|h ε , just as in the one-dimensional case (cf. equation (2.41)). The matrix of the scheme In matrix notation the scheme (3.31) can be denoted as Ay = b .

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Let the algebraic vector y contain the unknowns in lexicographic order: ym = ϕij, m = i + (j − 1)I . (3.40) Vice-versa, i and j follow from m as follows: j = floor[(m − 1)/I], i = m − (j − 1)I , (3.41) where floor(a/b) is the largest integer ≤ a/b. The right-hand side b contains ˜qij in lexicographic order. The relation between the grid indices i, j and the lexicographic index m is illustrated in Fig. 3.5 With lexicographic ordering,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1,1 2,1 3,1 4,1 1,2 2,2 3,2 4,2 9 10 11 12 1,3 2,3 3,3 4,3
Fig. 3.5. Relation between lexicographic and grid indices
A is an IJ × IJ matrix with the following block-tridiagonal structure: A =          B1 D1 0 ··· 0 C2 B2 D2 ... 0 ... ... ... 0 ... CJ−1 BJ−1 DJ−1 0 ··· 0 CJ BJ          , where Bj are I × I tridiagonal matrices, given by Bj =           α0,0
0 ··· 0 α−1,0
... 0 ... ... ... 0 ... α−1,0
I−1,j α0,0 I−1,j α1,0 I−1,j
0 ··· 0 α−1,0
          , and Cj and Dj are I × I diagonal matrices, given by Cj = diag{α0,−1
}, Dj = diag{α0,1
ij } .
Remarks on the MATLAB program cd2 The numerical scheme described above has been implemented in the MATLAB program cd2, available at the author’s website; see the Preface.

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3.3 Finite volume method 59
The student is not expected to fully understand this program, because use is made of somewhat advanced features, such as meshgrid and reshape, in order to avoid for loops. Avoiding for loops is essential for efficiency in MATLAB, as can be seen in the code cd2 by comparing computing time (using tic···toc) for generating the matrices A1 and A3. Generation of A1 is done in a simple way with for loops, and requires 1.22 time units on a 32×72 grid, whereas the more sophisticated program for A3 takes 0.067 time units; this discrepancy grows rapidly with increasing grid size. The time used for solving the system Ay = b is 0.32. In MATLAB, A is generated as a sparse matrix by d = [-I; -1; 0; 1; I]; A = spdiags([a1 a2 -a1-a2-a4-a5 a4 a5], d, n, n); with suitable definition of the diagonals a1···a5. Exploiting sparsity is es- sential for saving memory and computing time. The solution of the system Ay = b is obtained in MATLAB by y = A\b; This means that we solve with a direct method using sparse LU factorization. For large systems, that occur particularly when partial differential equations are solved in three-dimensional domains, direct methods frequently demand intolerable amounts of computer time and memory, even when sparsity is exploited. Efficient solution methods for solving the algebraic systems arising from numerical schemes for partial differential equations will be discussed in Chapt. 6. Numerical experiments The purpose of the numerical experiments with the program cd2 that we will now describe is to demonstrate, as we did in Sect. 2.3 for the one-dimensional case, that we can achieve Péclet-uniform accuracy and efficiency, and that accurate results can be obtained on grids with large jumps in mesh size. This is shown theoretically in Sect. 4.7 of Wesseling (2001), but here we confine ourselves to numerical illustration. In order to be able to assess the error, we choose an exact solution. Of course, this solution has to exhibit the boundary layer behavior occurring in prac- tice. We choose the following solution of the boundary layer (inner) equation (3.26): ϕ = 1 √2 − x { exp(− y2 4ε(2 − x) ) + exp(− (2 − y)2 4ε(2 − x)} .

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60 3. The stationary convection-diffusion equation in two dimensions
The right-hand side and boundary conditions in (3.29) are chosen accord- ingly. The exact solution is symmetric with respect to y = 1, as assumed by the boundary conditions (3.29). Because the solution is extremely smooth in Ωc, it turns out that in Gc the number of cells in the vertical direction can be fixed at 4; the maximum of the error is found to always occur in Gf . We take σ = 8√ε . (3.42) Table 3.1 gives results for the cell-centered upwind case. Exactly the same re- sults (not shown) are obtained for ε = 10−5 and ε = 10−7, showing ε-uniform accuracy. Of course, computing time and memory are also independent of ε, because they depend only on nx and ny. The maximum error is found to oc- cur in the interior of the boundary layer. Because we use the upwind scheme
nx ny error ∗ 104 8 32 54 32 64 14 128 128 3.6 Table 3.1. Maximum error as function of number of grid-cells for ε = 10−3; cell- centered upwind discretization. nx: horizontal number of cells; ny : vertical number of cells in Gf .
in the x-direction and the central scheme in the y-direction, we expect for the error e = O(H1 + h2
2), so that the error should decrease by a factor 4 at
each refinement in Table 3.1; this expectation is confirmed. Table 3.2 gives results for central discretization of the convection term. Visual inspection of graphical output (not shown) shows no visible wiggles. But very small wiggles
nx ny error ∗ 104 8 16 92 16 32 28 32 64 7.8 64 128 2.1 Table 3.2. Cell-centered central discretization; ε = 10−3.
are present. These are the cause that the rate of convergence is somewhat worse than the hoped for O(H2
1 + h2 2), but here again the same results are
obtained for ε = 10−7, showing uniformity in ε. We may conclude that in practice work and accuracy can be made to be uni- form in ε, by suitable local mesh refinement according to Fig. 3.4 and equation

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(3.42). Hence, in principle, high Reynolds number flows are amenable to com- putation. As before, having come to the end of this chapter, looking again at the list of items that we wanted to cover given in Sect. 3.1 will help the reader to remind himself of what the main points were that we wanted to emphasize. Exercise 3.3.1. Derive equations (3.32) and (3.33). Exercise 3.3.2. Take u1,u2 and ε constant, and the grid uniform. Discretize the convection-diffusion equation (3.28) with hte finite volume method, using the central scheme. Show that the resulting stancil is [Lh] = ε 
1 2
p2 − h1
2 p1 − h2 h1
h2 + h2 h1 ) 1 2 p1 − h2 h1
p2 − h1
   , where p1 ≡ u1h1/ε and p2 ≡ u2h2/ε are the signed (i.e., they can be positive or negative) mesh Péclet numbers. Exercise 3.3.3. Run cd2 with a homogeneous Neumann condition at the outflow boundary, and compare with the case in which the x-derivative at the outflow boundary is prescribed in accordance with the exact solution. This exercise illustrates once again that Pe ≫ 1 it is safe to prescribe a homogeneous Neumann condition at outflow. Exercise 3.3.4. Run cd2 with the central scheme for the convection term. Observe that this does not give better results than the upwind scheme if the mesh Péclet number is larger than 2. The cause is the occurrence of (very small) wiggles. How small should dx be to bring the mesh Péclet number p below 2? Would p < 2 make the computing work nonuniform in ε ?
Some self-test questions What is your favorite outflow boundary condition? Why? Define the subcharacteristics of the convection-diffusion equation. What is the difference between a regular and a singular perturbation problem? Formulate the matching principle. What is the essential feature that makes it possible to have accuracy and efficiency Péclet- uniform? Why do we want this property? When is a scheme of positive type? Why is this nice? Under what conditions is the scheme with stencil of Exercise 3.3.2 of positive type?

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4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
4.1 Introduction
In the nonstationary case, time is included. The equation to be studied is the two-dimensional nonstationary convection-diffusion equation: ∂ϕ ∂t + ∂uϕ ∂x + ∂vϕ ∂y − ∂ ∂x( ε ∂ϕ ∂x ) − ∂ ∂y( ε ∂ϕ ∂y ) = q(t, x, y) , 0 < t ≤ T, (x, y) ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1) × (0, 1) . (4.1) The following initial condition is required: ϕ(0, x, y) = ϕ0(x, y) . (4.2) Suitable boundary conditions are: ϕ(t, x, y) = f(t, x, y) on ∂Ωi (Dirichlet), (4.3) ϕ(t, x, y) = f(t, x, y) on ∂Ωo (Dirichlet) or (4.4) ∂ϕ(t, x, y) ∂n = g(t, x, y) on ∂Ωo (Neumann), (4.5) where n is the outward unit normal on the boundary ∂Ω, ∂Ωi is the inflow boundary (where u·n < 0) and ∂Ωo is the remainder of ∂Ω, to be called the outflow boundary. When ε = 1/Pe ≪ 1, boundary layers may occur at the same location and with the same thickness as in the stationary case, as may be seen by means of singular perturbation theory, which is easily extended to the nonstationary case. As in the stationary case, we have a maximum principle. The non-conservative form of (4.1) is: ∂ϕ ∂t + u ∂ϕ ∂x + v ∂ϕ ∂y − ∂ ∂x( ε ∂ϕ ∂x ) − ∂ ∂y( ε ∂ϕ ∂y ) = ˜q ≡ q − ϕdiv u . (4.6) The maximum principle for the nonstationary case says that if ˜q ≤ 0 and if there is a local maximum in the interior of Ω for t = t∗ > 0, then ϕ = con- stant, 0 ≤ t ≤ t∗. In effect this says that local maxima can occur only at t = 0

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64 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
and at the boundaries. If ˜q ≥ 0 the same applies to local minima, so that in the homogeneous case ˜q = 0 there can be no local extrema (in space and time) in the interior; any numerical wiggles must be regarded as numerical artifacts. See Sect. 2.4 of Wesseling (2001) for a more precise version of the maximum principle. We will not prove this maximum principle here. But a simple physical analogy will convince the reader that it must be true. Think of a copper plate with a nonuniform temperature distribution at t = 0. The evolution of the temperature ϕ is governed by the heat equation, i.e. equation (4.6) with u = v = 0. If no heat sources or sinks are present (i.e. ˜q = 0) then the temperature distribution evolves to a uniform state, and a local hot spot must have been hotter at earlier times. Purpose of this chapter The purpose of this chapter is: • To introduce methods for discretization in time; • To explain the concepts of consistency, stability and convergence; • To show that numerical schemes must be stable; • To show how stability conditions can be derived by Fourier analysis.
4.2 A numerical example
Consider the one-dimensional heat equation, which is a special case of equa- tion (4.1): ∂ϕ ∂t − ε ∂2ϕ ∂x2= 0 , 0 < t ≤ T , x ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1) , (4.7) with initial condition and homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions given by ϕ(0,x) = ϕ0(x) , ∂ϕ(t, 0) ∂x = ∂ϕ(t, 1) ∂x = 0 . (4.8) This is a mathematical model for the evolution of the temperature ϕ in a thin insulated bar with initial temperature distribution ϕ0(x). We have lim
t→∞ϕ(t, x) = constant = ∫ 1 0
ϕ0(x)dx . (4.9)

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4.2 A numerical example 65
Discretization in space For discretization in space we use the finite volume method on the vertex- centered grid of Fig. 2.1 with uniform mesh size h. The following details have been covered in the preceding chapters, but we present them as an exercise. Integration over the control volumes gives, with ε constant: h 2 dϕ1 dt + F1/2 − F3/2 = 0 , h dϕj dt + Fj−1/2 − Fj+1/2 = 0 , j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 , h 2 dϕJ dt + FJ−1/2 − FJ+1/2 = 0 , (4.10) where F is an approximation of ε∂ϕ/∂x, naturally chosen as follows: Fj+1/2 = ε(ϕj+1 − ϕj)/h , j = 1, ··· ,J − 1 . From the boundary conditions it follows that F1/2 = FJ+1/2 = 0. Discretization in time Equation (4.10) is rewritten as dϕj dt + Lhϕj = 0 , j = 1, ··· ,J. (4.11) For discretization in time we choose the forward Euler scheme: (ϕn+1
− ϕn
j )/τ + Lhϕn j = 0 , n = 0, ··· ,N , N ≡ T/τ ,
(4.12) with τ the time step, taken constant; ϕn
j is the numerical approximation
of ϕ(nτ, xj) with ϕ(t, x) the exact solution. From Fig. 2.1 it follows that xj = (j − 1)h, h = 1/(J − 1). Equation (4.12) is equivalent to ϕn+1
= (1 − 2d)ϕn
1 + 2dϕn 2 ,
= dϕn
j−1 + (1 − 2d)ϕn j + dϕn j+1 , j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 ,
= 2dϕn
J−1 + (1 − 2d)ϕn J ,
(4.13) where d ≡ ετ/h2 is a dimensionless number, that we will call the diffusion number. The matrix of the scheme If we define ϕ≡ (ϕ1, ··· ,ϕJ )T then (4.13) can be rewritten as

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66 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
ϕn+1 = Aϕn , with A the following tridiagonal matrix: A =          1 − 2d 2d 0 ··· 0 d 1 − 2d d ... 0 ... ... ... 0 ... d 1 − 2d d 0 ··· 0 2d 1 − 2d          . (4.14) This matrix is easily generated as a sparse matrix in MATLAB by the fol- lowing statements: e = ones(J,1); de = d*e; A = spdiags([de, e - 2*de, de], -1:1, J, J); A(1,2) = 2*d; A(J,J-1) = 2*d; Numerical results The following numerical results have been obtained with the MATLAB code heq . As initial solution we choose ϕ0(x)=0 , 0 <x< 0.4 , ϕ0(x)=1 , 0.4 <x< 0.6 , ϕ0(x)=0 , 0.6 <x< 1 . (4.15) Numerical results are shown in Fig. 4.1 for two values of the diffusion number d. The result at the left looks as expected: the temperature distribution is tending to uniformity, and the maximum principle is satisfied: no new maxima in space, and the maximum at x = 1/2 was larger at earlier times. But the result in the right part of the figure is wrong. Clearly, the value of the diffusion number has a crucial influence, and something strange happens between d = 0.48 and d = 0.52! This will be investigated in what follows. Efficiency in MATLAB But we first use the MATLAB implementation of the initial condition (4.15) as a nice example to illustrate the impact of vectorization on efficiency. Let vo be preallocated with vo = zeros(J,1); A non-vectorized implementation of (4.15) is:

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4.2 A numerical example 67
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
d=0.48, 50 cells, T=0.1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
d=0.52, 50 cells, T=0.1
Fig. 4.1. Numerical solution of heat equation for two values of d.
for j = 1:J if (x(j) > 0.4) & (x(j) < 0.6), vo(j) = 1; end end A more efficient non-vectorized implementation is: j1 = floor(1 + (J-1)*0.4); j2 = ceil(1 + (J-1)*0.6); for j = j1:j2 vo(j) = 1; end A vectorized implementation is: j = floor(1 + (J-1)*0.4):ceil(1 + (J-1)*0.6); vo(j) = 1; A more efficient vectorized implementation is: vo(floor(1 + (J-1)*x1):ceil(1 + (J-1)*x2)) = 1; For these four versions, tic ... toc gives the following timings, respectively, for J = 100, on my Pentium II processor: {19.0 3.0 1.5 1.3} ∗ 10−4 The message is: Avoid for loops. If you cannot avoid them, avoid if statements within for loops. Exercise 4.2.1. Prove equation (4.9). Hints: Show that if ∂ϕ
∂t = 0 the solution is constant. Show that d dt ∫ 1 0
ϕdx = 0. (This shows that with these boundary conditions the bar is insulated: the heat content is conserved).

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68 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
4.3 Convergence, consistency and stability
One-step schemes Schemes in which only two time levels are involved are called one-step schemes; the forward Euler method (4.12) is an example. The general form of linear one-step schemes is: B1ϕn+1 = B0ϕn + B2qn + B3qn+1 , (4.16) where B0, ··· ,B3 are linear operators, and where q arises from the right-hand side of the differential equation and the boundary conditions. For simplicity we restrict ourselves here to one-step schemes. Local and global truncation error Let us denote the algebraic vector with elements the exact solution evaluated at the grid point and at time tn by ϕn
e . Let us define the local truncation
error τn
j , gathered in an algebraic vector τn (not to be confused with the
time step τ) by the following equation: B1ϕn+1
= B0ϕn
e + B2qn + B3qn+1 + τn .
(4.17) The global truncation error is defined as en ≡ ϕn
e − ϕn .
(4.18) By subtracting (4.17) and (4.16) we get the following relation between the global and the local truncation error: B1en+1 = B0en + τn . (4.19) This is very similar to equation (2.47), so that the above definitions are consistent with the truncation error definitions for the stationary case given in Sect. 2.3. Convergence Of course, we want en ↓ 0, n = 1, ··· , T /τ as the grid is refined and τ ↓ 0 (while keeping T/τ integer, obviously). This is not the case for our previous numerical example when d > 1/2. No matter how small h and τ are chosen, the numerical solution will always look like the right part of Fig. 4.1, since it depends only on the parameter d, cf. (4.13). Clearly, we have to do some analysis to find conditions that guarantee that a numerical scheme is good.

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4.3 Convergence, consistency and stability 69
Let the number of space dimensions be m and let us have an m-dimensional spatial grid G with grid points xj = (x1
j1 , ··· ,xm jm ) .
Hence, now j is a multi-index (j1, ··· ,jm). Let the spatial mesh sizes and the time step be decreasing functions of a parameter h, that belongs to a sequence that decreases to zero. To emphasize the dependence of G on h we write Gh. We want at a fixed time T and a fixed location x the error to tend to 0 as h ↓ 0. This implies that the number of time steps n = T/τ changes, and the multi-index j changes to keep xj fixed. To emphasize this we write jh. Of course, we assume that Gh is such that the fixed point xjh remains a grid point when the grid is refined. For example, in the preceding numerical example we could choose xjh = 1/2 , h ∈ {1/2, 1/4, 1/6, ···}. so that jh ∈ {1, 2, 3, ···}. We are now ready for the definition of convergence. Definition 4.3.1. Convergence A scheme is called convergent if the global truncation error satisfies lim
T /τ jh
= 0, xjh fixed. Clearly, scheme (4.13) is not convergent for d > 1/2. Consistency It seems likely that for convergence it is necessary that the local truncation error is small enough. We therefore formulate a condition. Let the scheme (4.16) in a given grid point xj approximate the differential equation times τα|∂Ωj|β with |∂Ωj| the volume of some cell around xj (For example, the scheme (4.13) obviously approximates equation (4.7) times τ, so that in this case α = 1, β = 0). We define Definition 4.3.2. Consistency The scheme (4.16) is called consistent if lim
jh /(τα|∂Ωjh |β)=0, j ∈ Gh, 1 ≤ n ≤ T/τ .
In Exercise 4.3.1 the reader is asked to show that scheme (2.48) is not consis- tent on rough grids. This seems disturbing, because we are going to show that consistency is necessary for convergence, but in Sect. 2.3 it was shown that scheme (2.48) converges on rough grids. This apparent paradox arises from the fact that Def. 4.3.2 implies that the local truncation error is measured

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70 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
in the maximum norm. On rough grids we have consistency of scheme (2.48) in a more sophisticated norm, but not in the maximum norm; we will not go into this further. In this chapter only uniform grids are considered; on these grids the various appropriate norms are the same. Stability As illustrated by the numerical example in the preceding section, consistency does not imply convergence. In addition, stability is required. This concept will now be explained. Let δ0 be a hypothetical arbitrary perturbation of ϕ0. The resulting perturbation of ϕn is called δn. It is left for the reader to derive from equation (4.16) that B1δn+1 = B0δn . (4.20) Let ·h be some norm for functions Gh → R. Stability means that δn remains bounded as n → ∞, for all δ0. Two useful definitions are: Definition 4.3.3. Zero-stability A scheme is called zero-stable if there exists a bounded function C(T) and a function τ0(h) such that for arbitrary δ0 δT /τ
h ≤ C(T)δ0 h
(4.21) for all τ ≤ τ0(h) and all h ≤ h0 for some fixed h0. The appellation ”zero-stability” refers to the fact that the limit h ↓ 0 is considered. Definition 4.3.4. Absolute stability A scheme is called absolutely stable if there exists a constant C and a function τ0(h) such that for arbitrary δ0 δn
h ≤ Cδ0 h
(4.22) for h fixed, all n > 0 and all τ ≤ τ0(h). The difference with zero-stability is that here h is fixed. Lax’s equivalence theorem Definition 4.3.3 considers the perturbation at a fixed time T as h ↓ 0, which is the same limit as in the definition of convergence. It can be shown that convergence implies zero-stability, and zero-stability plus consistency imply convergence. This is known as Lax’s equivalence theorem. As a consequence, zero-stability is necessary for convergence. But absolute stability is also good to have, because it allows n to grow indefinitely, making it possible to continue time stepping until a steady state is reached. Absolute and zero-stability are not completely equivalent.

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4.4 Fourier stability analysis 71
A remark on stability analysis The purpose of stability analysis is to find a suitable function τ0(h) such that (4.21) and (4.22) hold. This is the case if the linear operators in (4.20) satisfy (B−1
1 B0)n h ≤ C .
In the case of absolute stability, h and hence the dimensions of the matrices B0 and B1 are fixed, and linear algebra can be used to find conditions under which (B−1
1 B0)n
is bounded as n → ∞. But in the case of zero-stability, n → ∞ and h ↓ 0 simultaneously, and we have to study not just the behavior of the nth power of a matrix, but of a family of matrices of increasing size. This is not a familiar situation in linear algebra. We will see that Fourier analysis is well-suited to the study of both kinds of stability, if the boundary conditions are periodic. Exercise 4.3.1. Show that for scheme(2.48) we have β = 1. Because this scheme is for the stationary case, time can be disregarded. Show that, using (2.52), scheme (2.48) is consistent on smooth grids (as defined below equation (2.52)), but not on rough grids.
4.4 Fourier stability analysis
Applicability of Fourier analysis In general it is difficult to derive estimates like (4.21) and (4.22). But if the coefficients in the scheme are constant, the mesh uniform, the grid a rect- angular block and the boundary conditions periodic, then Fourier analysis applies and the required estimates are often not difficult to obtain. In practice, of course, the coefficients are usually not constant. The scheme is called locally stable if we have stability for the constant coefficients scheme that results from taking local values of the coefficients, and to assign these values to the coefficients in the whole domain (frozen coefficients method). Local stability in the whole domain is necessary for stability in the variable coefficients case. We will discuss stability only for constant coefficients. Stability theory for non-periodic boundary conditions is complicated. But for explicit time stepping schemes it takes a while before the influence of the boundary conditions makes itself felt in the interior, so that Fourier stability theory applies during a certain initial time span. As a consequence, stability with periodic boundary conditions is desirable, even if the boundary condi- tions are of different type.

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72 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
Example of frozen coefficients method Consider the Burgers equation: ∂ϕ ∂t + 1 2 ∂ϕ2 ∂x = 0 . Discretization with the forward Euler method in time and the upwind scheme in space gives: ϕn+1
− ϕn
j +
τ 2h [(ϕn
j )2 − (ϕn j−1)2]=0 ,
assuming ϕ > 0 and a uniform grid. For stability analysis we postulate a perturbation δϕ0 of the initial solution. The perturbed solution satisfies (ϕ + δϕ)n+1
− (ϕ + δϕ)n
j +
τ 2h{[(ϕ + δϕ)n
j ]2 − [(ϕ + δϕ)n j−1]2} = 0 .
Subtraction of the preceding two equations and linearization (i.e. deletion of terms quadratic in δϕ) gives: δϕn+1
− δϕn
j +
τ h [(ϕδϕ)n
j − (ϕδϕ)n j−1]=0 .
Freezing of the coefficients results in δϕn+1
− δϕn
j +
cτ h (δϕn
j − δϕn j−1)=0 ,
where c is the frozen value of ϕ. This scheme allows Fourier stability analysis. Usually, a stability condition of the type cτ h < C (4.23) results for some value of C. This condition is to be satisfied for the frozen coefficient c equal to all values that the variable coefficient ϕn
j takes. We see
from (4.23) that it suffices to take c = max(|ϕn
j |). Frequently an informed
guess for max(|ϕn
j |) can be made by looking at the boundary conditions.
In the remainder of this section we present the basic principles of Fourier stability analysis. Fourier series Let Gh be a uniform grid on the unit interval with nodes

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4.4 Fourier stability analysis 73
xj = jh, j = 0, 1, ··· ,J − 1 ≡ 1/h . It can be shown that every grid function δ : Gh → R can be represented by what is called a Fourier series: δj =

ckeij2πk/J , j = 0, 1, ··· ,J − 1 , where p = 0, m = (J − 1)/2 for J odd and p = 1, m = (J − 2)/2 for J even. The proof is elementary, and can be found for instance in Chap. 7 of Wesseling (1992). It is convenient to rewrite this as δj = ∑
cθeijθ , Θ ≡ {θ = 2πk/J , k = −m, −m + 1, ··· ,m + p} . (4.24) We note that eijθ = cosjθ + i sinjθ is complex, so that cθ is also complex, such that δj is real. We can regard cθ as the amplitude of the harmonic wave eijθ. In (4.24) θ ranges approximately between −π and π if J ≫ 1. For θ = π we have the shortest wave that can be resolved on Gh : eijπ = (−1)j, and for θ = 0 the wavelength is infinite: e0 = 1. Note that δ is periodic: δj = δj+J . The functions eijθ, θ ∈ Θ are called Fourier modes. The parameter θ is called the wavenumber. The function f(x) ≡ eijθ has period or wavelength 2π/θ, since f(x + 2π/θ) = f(x). The Fourier series (4.24) is easily extended to more dimensions. We restrict ourselves to the two-dimensional case. Let Gh be a uniform grid on the unit square with nodes xj = (j1h1, j2h2) , jα = 0, ··· ,Jα − 1 ≡ 1/hα , α = 1, 2 . Define the set Θ of wavenumbers as Θ ≡{θ = (θ1, θ2) : θα = 2πkα/Jα , kα = −mα, −mα + 1, ··· ,mα + pα , α = 1, 2} , where pα = 0, mα = (nα − 1)/2 for Jα odd and pα = 1, mα = nα/2 − 1 for Jα even. Define jθ =

jαθα . (4.25) It can be shown that every grid function δ : Gh → R can be written as δj = ∑
cθeijθ . (4.26) with the amplitudes cθ given by

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74 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
cθ = N−1 ∑
δje−ijθ , N = J1J2 . As a consequence we have ∑
cθeijθ = 0, ∀j ∈ Gh ⇒ cθ = 0, ∀θ ∈ Θ . (4.27) Let us define the l2-norm by δ = N− 1
2 { ∑
(δj)2}1/2, c = N− 1
2 {∑
|cθ|2}1/2 We will need Theorem 4.4.1. Parseval. If δ and c are related by (4.26), then in the l2-norm δ = N1/2 c . An example Consider the example of Sect. 4.2. The perturbation δn in the numerical solution ϕn satisfies the same equation as ϕn, i.e. equation (4.13) (show this!). But now we assume periodic boundary conditions (to make Fourier analysis applicable), so that the boundary conditions are replaced by the condition δj = δj+J . We have δn+1
= dδn
j−1 + (1 − 2d)δn j + dδn j+1 .
Substitution of (4.24) gives: ∑
− cn
θ (de−iθ + 1 − 2d + deiθ)] = 0 .
Because ε and h are constant, d is constant; therefore the term between [ ] does not depend on j; if this were not the case the following step could not be taken and Fourier analysis falls through. But since the term between [ ] does not depend on j, it follows from (4.27) that the term between [ ] is zero, and we get rid of the sum in the preceding equation. Using e−iθ + eiθ = 2 cosθ we get cn+1
= g(θ)cn
θ , g(θ) ≡ 1 − 2d(1 − cosθ) ,
(4.28) where g(θ) is called the amplification factor: it measures the amplification (or damping) of the amplitude cθ of the Fourier mode eijθ. Before continuing with this example, we go to the general case.

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4.4 Fourier stability analysis 75
The general case Whenever Fourier stability analysis is applicable, we get relation (4.28) with some function g(θ) (that is complex in general). It follows that cn
θ = g(θ)nc0 θ ,
so that cn ≤ ¯gn c0 , ¯g = max{|g(θ)| : θ ∈ Θ} , (4.29) with equality for the θ for which the maximum is attained. According to Parseval’s theorem (Theorem 4.4.1) we have c = N−1/2 δ, so that the preceding equation gives δn ≤ ¯gn δ0 . (4.30) From Definition 4.3.4 it follows that for absolute stability we must have ¯gn < C, ∀n for some C; hence ¯g < 1. (4.31) This is sufficient, but also necessary, because equality can occur in (4.29), since all Fourier modes can be present, because δ0 is arbitrary (cf. Def. 4.3.4). A sufficient condition for zero-stability is that there exists a constant C such that ¯g(T /τ) ≤ C (4.32) for 0 ≤ τ ≤ τ0(h). Since Cτ /T = exp( τ Tln C)=1+ O(τ) , (4.33) we may write ¯g ≤ 1 + O(τ) . (4.34) This is the von Neumann condition for zero-stability (after John von Neu- mann, who introduced the Fourier method for stability analysis around 1944 in Los Alamos; not to be confused with the nineteenth century mathematician Neumann of the boundary condition). The von Neumann condition is also necessary, because if ¯g ≥ 1 + µ, µ > 0, then there is a θ with |g(θ)| =1+ µ. Choosing δ0
j = eijθ gives δn /δ = (1+µ)n, n = T/τ, which is unbounded
as τ ↓ 0. Note that the O(τ) term (4.34) is not allowed to depend on h; this follows from (4.32)—(4.34). We will neglect the O(τ) term in (4.34), because this makes hardly any difference. For simplicity, we will also extend the set of wavenumbers Θ to Θ = (−π, π] (one dimension), Θ = (−π, π]×(−π, π] (two dimensions).

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76 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
This also makes hardly any difference, since in practice Jα ≫ 1. We end up with the following condition for absolute and zero-stability: ¯g ≤ 1 , ¯g ≡ max{|g(θ)| : ∀θ}. (4.35) (Note that g(θ) is complex in general, so that |g| is the modulus of a complex number). An example, continued In our example g(θ) is given by (4.28), so that g(θ) happens to be real, and equation (4.35) gives: −1 ≤ 1 − 2d(1 − cosθ) ≤ 1 , ∀θ . Th right inequality is always satisfied, since d ≥ 0. The left inequality gives d(1 − cosθ) ≤ 1 , ∀θ , so that we must have d ≤ 1/2 . This beautifully explains the numerical results obtained in Fig. 4.1. It follows that the time step must satisfy τ ≤ h2 2ε . (4.36) Here we encounter an example of the function τ0(h) in the definition of zero- stability: τ0(h) = h2 2ε . Condition (4.36) is rather restrictive, because τ must be reduced much more than h, when h is decreased for better accuracy. It may be inefficient to use such small time steps. Therefore we will consider another scheme below. But first we give another example. Second example Consider the one-dimensional convection equation: ∂ϕ ∂t + u ∂ϕ ∂x = 0. (4.37) We discretize in space with the upwind scheme and in time with the forward Euler scheme, and obtain (assuming u > 0):

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4.4 Fourier stability analysis 77
= ϕn
j − c(ϕn j − ϕn j−1) , c ≡ uτ/h .
(4.38) The dimensionless number c is called the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number or CFL number, after the authors of the 1928 paper in which the impor- tance of numerical stability was first brought to light; c is also called the Courant number. The quick way to get the amplification factor is to take just one Fourier mode, and to substitute ϕn
j = cn θ eijθ; the amplification factor is
g(θ) = cn+1
θ . This gives
g(θ)=1 − c(1 − e−iθ) . (4.39) To study stability we must consider |g(θ)|, which, however, takes a somewhat unpleasant form, so that we prefer the following more elegant geometrical approach. We note that the complex number g(θ), when θ varies between−π and π, traces out a circle with center at 1 − c and radius c. From Fig. 4.4 it is clear that for |g(θ)| not to leave the unit circle we must have 0 ≤ c ≤ 1,
1 1-c Fig. 4.2. Locus of g(θ) in complex plane.
resulting in the following stability condition on the time step: τ ≤ h/u , (4.40) which provides another example of the function τ0(h) in Def. 4.3.3. The ω-scheme The backward Euler scheme for equation (4.11) is given by (ϕn+1
− ϕn
j )/τ + Lhϕn+1 j
= 0 . (4.41) Now we have to solve a system of equations for ϕn+1, which is why this is called an implicit scheme; the forward Euler scheme (4.12) is of explicit

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78 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
type. Therefore a time step with an implicit scheme requires much more computing work than an explicit scheme, but this may be compensated by better stability properties, allowing a larger time step. The global truncation error of the Euler time stepping schemes (4.12) and (4.41) satisfies e = O(τ + hm) , where m depends on the accuracy of the spatial discretization Lh. We can improve this by taking a linear combination of the forward and backward Euler schemes, as follows: (ϕn+1
− ϕn
jk)/τ + (1 − ω)Lhϕn jk + ωLhϕn+1 jk
= ωqn+1
+ (1 − ω)qn
jk , (4.42)
where we now assume the right-hand side q in (4.1) to be nonzero, and where we have gone to the two-dimensional case. This is called the ω-scheme. For ω = 1/2 this is called the Crank-Nicolson scheme, which is second order in time: e = O(τ2 + hm) . With the central scheme for convection, the space discretization of equation (4.1) is, with u, v, ε constant and uniform mesh sizes h1 and h2 in the x− and y−directions, respectively,: Lhϕjk = u 2h1 (ϕj+1,k − ϕj−1,k) + v 2h2 (ϕj,k+1 − ϕj,k−1) + ε h2
1 (−ϕj−1,k + 2ϕjk − ϕj+1,k) +
ε h2
2 (−ϕj,k−1 + 2ϕjk − ϕj,k+1) .
(4.43) The equation for the perturbation δn
jk is identical to the homogeneous version
(i.e. q = 0) of equation (4.43). For 1/2 <ω< 1 the stability analysis of the ω-scheme is easy. As said before, the quick way to determine the amplification factor is to substitute δn
j = cn θ eijθ, where now j stands for {j, k}, and where
jθ = jθ1 + kθ2, cf. equation (4.25). Substitution gives cn+1
− cn
θ + (1 − ω)τ Lh(θ)cn θ + ωτ Lh(θ)cn+1 θ
= 0 , where L
h(θ) ≡ e−ijθLheijθ .
It follows that g(θ) = cn+1
=1 − (1 − ω)τ Lh(θ) 1 + ωτ Lh(θ) . Let the real and imaginary part of the complex variable τ Lh be w1 and w2, respectively: τ Lh = w1 + iw2. Noting that for two complex numbers z1,2 we have |z1/z2| = |z1|/|z2| and noting that |Lh|2 = w2
1 + w2 2, we get

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4.4 Fourier stability analysis 79
|g(θ)|2 ≡ [1 − (1 − ω)w1]2 + (1 − ω)2w2
(1 + ωw1)2 + ω2w2
. Assume that w1 ≥ 0. Then for 1/2 ≤ ω ≤ 1 the denominator is not smaller than the numerator, so that |g(θ)| ≤ 1, and we have stability. To check whether w1 ≥ 0, we have to determine τ Lh. We find that τ Lh = i(c1 sin θ1 + c2 sin θ2)+2d1(1 − cosθ1)+2d2(1 − cosθ2) , (4.44) where c1 ≡ uτ h1 , c2 ≡ vτ h2 , d1 ≡ ετ h2
, d2 ≡ ετ h2
, from which it is obvious that w1 = Re(τ Lh) ≥ 0, ∀θ. Similarly, with the upwind scheme for convection we obtain, assuming u, v ≥ 0, τ Lh = c1(1−e−iθ1 )+c2(1−e−iθ2 )+2d1(1−cosθ1)+2d2(1−cosθ2) , (4.45) We have w1 = (c1 + 2d1)(1 − cosθ1)+(c2 + 2d2)(1 − cosθ2) ≥ 0 , ∀θ, since c1,2 ≥ 0. Hence, we have established unconditional stability of the ω-scheme for the convection-diffusion equation, for 1/2 ≤ ω ≤ 1. The only interesting values of ω are 0, 1/2+O(τ), 1. The value ω = 0 is of interest because this gives an explicit scheme, for which a time step is cheap. A value ω = 1/2 + O(τ) is of interest because this gives O(τ2) accuracy. Finally, ω = 1 is of interest because this is necessary for the discrete maximum principle in the nonstationary case; we will not go into this. Therefore we will not give stability conditions for the ω-scheme for 0 ≤ ω < 1/2, but only for ω = 0. In this case the analysis becomes a bit complicated, and we will give only the result; for a derivation see Wesseling (2001) (Theorem 5.8.1). There it is shown that for the central scheme a necessary and sufficient stability condition is: 2ετ( 1 h2
+ 1 h2
2 ) ≤ 1 and
τ 2ε(|u|
2 + |v|2) ≤ 1 ,
(4.46) and for the upwind scheme a sufficient stability condition is: 2ετ( 1 h2
+ 1 h2
+ |u| 2εh1 + |v| 2εh2 ) ≤ 1 and τ 2ε( |u|2 1 + |u|h1 + |v|2 1 + |v|h2 ) ≤ 1 . (4.47) It is left to the reader to verify that equations (4.36) and (4.40) are included as special cases in (4.46) and (4.47), respectively. Exercise 4.4.1. Suppose we have a numerical scheme for the convection equation

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80 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
∂ϕ ∂t + c ∂ϕ ∂x = 0 , c constant, that has a stability condition cτ/h < C. What is the stability condition for this scheme for the nonlinear case ∂ϕ/∂t + ∂ϕm/∂x = 0? Exercise 4.4.2. Derive equations (4.38) and (4.39). Exercise 4.4.3. Show that scheme (4.38) is unconditionally unstable when u < 0. (This is one way to see why the downwind scheme is bad). Exercise 4.4.4. Discretize (4.37) with the central scheme in space and the forward Euler scheme in time. Show that the scheme is unconditionally un- stable. Exercise 4.4.5. This exercise is meant to demonstrate the attractiveness of the geometric approach illustrated in Fig. 4.4. Determine |g(θ)|, with g(θ) given by equation (4.39). Use analysis instead of geometry to find conditions on c such that |g(θ)| ≤ 1, ∀θ. Exercise 4.4.6. Derive equations (4.43)—(4.45). Exercise 4.4.7. Write down the upwind version of scheme (4.43).
4.5 Numerical experiments
Problem statement Some numerical experiments will be presented for the following one-dimensional test problem: ∂ϕ ∂t + u ∂ϕ ∂x − ε ∂2ϕ ∂x2 = q, 0 <x< 1, 0 < t ≤ T , q(t, x) = β2ε cosβ(x − ut) , (4.48) with ε and u > 0 constant, and β a parameter. An exact solution is given by ϕ(t, x) = cosβ(x − ut) + e−α2εt cosα(x − ut) , (4.49) with α arbitrary. Spatial discretization is done with the second order central or with the first order upwind scheme on the vertex-centered grid of Fig. 2.1 with uniform mesh size h. For temporal discretization the ω-scheme is used. The resulting scheme can be written as hj τ (ϕn+1
− ϕn
j ) + ωLhϕn+1 j
+ (1 − ω)Lhϕn
j = hj[ωqn+1 j
(1 − ω)qn
j ] , (4.50)

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4.5 Numerical experiments 81
where hj is the volume of the cell over which is integrated. We choose a Neumann condition at x = 1, so that hj = h, j = J, hJ = h/2. In the interior we get for the central scheme: Lhϕj =Fj+1/2 − Fj−1/2 , Fj+1/2 = 1 2 u(ϕj+1 + ϕj) − ε h (ϕj+1 − ϕj) , j = 2, ··· ,J − 1 . (4.51) At the Neumann boundary we integrate over a half cell, and obtain FJ+1/2 = uϕJ − εb(t) , assuming a Neumann condition ∂ϕ(t, 1)/∂x = b(t). Choice of time step, mesh size and time scale The length scale L and time scale T of the exact solution are given by L = π/ max(α, β), T = min{L/u, (εα2)−1} , where we take for the length scale of a harmonic function half its wavelength. We may expect accuracy to be sufficient if τ ≪ T , h ≪ L. For efficiency, we would like to avoid more stringent restrictions on τ and h, such as might arise from stability. In the numerical experiments to be described we take α = 4π, β = 2π, so that L ∼= 1/4. We take mostly h = 1/30, giving h/L ∼= 0.13. Remarks on the MATLAB program The numerical experiments described below have been carried out with the code cdns. The matrix Lh is described in Sect. 2.3 for the cell-centered case (called A there), and is easily adapted to the vertex-centered case. It is gen- erated (as in Sect. 2.3) by L_h = spdiags([-beta0 beta0-beta1 beta1], -1:1, J, J); The system to be solved for ϕn+1 with the ω-scheme (4.50) can be written as Aφn+1 = Bφn + q . (4.52) The matrices A and B can be generated by x = linspace(0,1,J); % Grid node positions hh = h*ones(size(x’)); hh(J,1) = h/2; % Last cell has half size D = spdiags([hh/tau],0,J,J);

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82 4. The nonstationary convection-diffusion equation
A = D + omega*L_h; B = D - (1 - omega)*L_h; A(1,1) = 1; A(1,2) = 0; % Correction for Dirichlet B(1,1) = 0; B(1,2) = 0; % boundary condition [L,U] = lu(A); % Save LU decomposition Time stepping is done with vn = U\(L\(B*vo + rhs)); vo = vn; Numerical results We prescribe a Dirichlet condition at x = 0 and a Neumann condition at x = 1. Initial and boundary conditions are chosen conforming with the exact solution (4.49). The left half of Fig. 4.3 shows a result. In this case we have
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
d=1.2 c=1.1 p=1.8 30 cells ω=1 T=1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
d=1.2 c=1.1 p=1.8 30 cells ω=0.5 T=1
Fig. 4.3. Exact (—) and numerical solution (*) of (4.48). Central scheme; u = 1.1, ε = 0.02, h = τ = 1/30, t = 1, α = 4π, β = 2π. Left: ω = 1, right: ω = 1/2.
T ∼= 0.23, τ ∼= 0.15T . The accuracy with ω = 1 is disappointing. The cause is that the scheme is only first order accurate in time. With ω = 1/2 the scheme is second order accurate in time, and the accuracy is much better. In this case we have d ≡ 2ετ/h2 = 1.2, τu2/(2ε) = 1.0, so that the ex- plicit (ω = 0) scheme is instable according to the one-dimensional version (v = 0, h2 = ∞) of the stability conditions (4.46). To get comparable accu- racy as in the right part of the figure with ω = 0 we find that we need to decrease (in order to compensate for first order accuracy in time) τ to 1/300 (results not shown). This gives an elapsed time (with tic...toc) of 0.287, whereas for the right part of the figure we find an elapsed time of 0.027. The stability of the explicit (ω = 0) scheme constrains the time step much more than accuracy. This is inefficient, so that it pays of to use a more compli- cated scheme with more work per time step, but with a less severe stability

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restriction on the time step. Exercise 4.5.1. Verify the stability conditions (4.46) by numerical experi- ments with the MATLAB program used in this section. Exercise 4.5.2. Make a cell-centered version of the code cdns .
Some self-test questions Write down the instationary convection-diffusion equation. Formulate the maximum principle for the instationary convection-diffusion equation. Write down the one-dimensional heat equation, discretize it with the forward Euler scheme and write down the matrix of the scheme. Define the global and local truncation error for the instationary convection-diffusion equation. Formulate Lax’s equivalence theorem. Define zero-stability and absolute stability. Write down the Fourier series for a grid function ∆j in d dimensions. Write down the ω-scheme. Which are the interesting values of ω for the ω-scheme? Why? Show that the ω-scheme is unconditionally stable for ω ≥ 1/2.

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5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in Cartesian co- ordinates discretized on Cartesian nonuniform grids will be considered, dis- cussing most of the basic numerical principles in a simple setting. In practical applications, of course, nonuniform grids and general coordinate systems are prevalent; these will not be discussed here; see Wesseling (2001). We can be relatively brief in discussing discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations, because we prepared the ground in our extensive discussion of the convection-diffusion equation in Chapters 2—4. Therefore it wil not be nec- essary to discuss again the various possibilities for discretizing convection, or stability conditions. Only the primitive variable formulation will be discussed. This means that the velocity components and the pressure will be used as unknowns. Purpose of this chapter The purpose of this chapter is to present a numerical method for the incom- pressible Navier-Stokes equations. In particular, we will: • Present suitable boundary conditions; • Describe spatial discretization on a staggered grid; • Describe the ω-scheme, the Adams-Bashforth scheme and the Adams- Bashforth-ω scheme for discretization in time; • Show how to linearize with the Picard or Newton method; • Describe the pressure-correction method; • Discuss stability conditions; • Present some numerical experiments with the MATLAB codes ns1 and ns2; • Discuss outflow boundary conditions; • Discuss efficiency.

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86 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
5.2 Equations of motion and boundary conditions
Equations of motion We restrict ourselves to the two-dimensional case. The equations of motion have been discussed in Chap. 1. For ease of reference, the equations to be considered are repeated here. We assume incompressible flow, i.e. Dρ/Dt = 0, so that (cf. (1.8)) ux + vy = 0 , (5.1) where we denote partial differentiation by a subscript. The density is taken constant. The dimensionless incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are given by equation (1.23): ut + uux + vuy = −px + Re−1(uxx + uyy) , vt + uvx + vvy = −py + Re−1(vxx + vyy) . (5.2) By adding u(ux + vy) and v(ux + vy) (both zero according to (5.1)), respec- tively, this can be put in conservation form: ut + (uu)x + (vu)y = −px + Re−1(uxx + uyy) , vt + (uv)x + (vv)y = −py + Re−1(vxx + vyy) . (5.3) The following units are chosen: velocity: U; length: L; density: ρ0; pressure: ρ0U2. Then the Reynolds number is given by Re = ρ0UL/µ , with µ the dynamic viscosity coefficient, which was already assumed to be constant above. The deviatoric stress tensor (i.e. the viscous part of the stress tensor) is denoted by σαβ. From equation (1.15) it follows that σxx = 2Re−1ux, σxy = σyx = Re−1(uy + vx), σyy = 2Re−1vy . (5.4) The governing equations (5.1) and (5.2) need to be accompanied by initial and boundary conditions. Initial conditions For the momentum equations (5.2) the following initial conditions are re- quired: u(0, x) = u0(x) , v(0, x) = v0(x) , with the prescribed initial velocity field u0 satisfying the continuity equation (5.1). Note that there is no initial condition for the pressure, since pt does not occur.

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5.2 Equations of motion and boundary conditions 87
No-slip condition Viscous fluids cling to solid surfaces. This is called the no-slip condition. At a solid surface we have u(t, x) = v(t, x) , (5.5) with v(t, x) the local wall velocity. The Dirichlet condition (5.5) holds also at open parts of the boundary where the velocity is prescribed, which may be the case at an inflow boundary. But at an inflow boundary one may also prescribe condition (5.6) given below. Free surface conditions At a free surface the tangential stress components are zero. We consider only the very special case where the free surface is fixed at y = a = constant. For the general case, see Sect. 6.2 of Wesseling (2001). At a fixed free surface, the normal velocity and the tangential stress are zero: v(t, x, a)=0, uy(t, x, a)=0 , (5.6) where we have used σxy(t, x, a) = Re−1(uy + vx)(t, x, a) = Re−1uy(t, x, a) . We see that we have a Dirichlet condition for the normal velocity and a Neu- mann condition for the tangential velocity. A truly free surface moves, its shape must be determined and follows from the condition that the normal stress equals the ambient pressure. This case will not be considered. Condi- tions (5.6) may also arise at a plane of symmetry. In special cases one may wish to prescribe non-zero tangential stress in (5.6), for example, when one wishes to take the influence of wind shear on a water surface into account. Inflow conditions The momentum equations resemble convection-diffusion equations for u and v, so that the insights gained in the convection-diffusion equation in Chapt. 2—4 provide guidelines for numerical approximation. Based on what we learned about the convection-diffusion equation, we prescribe Dirichlet conditions at an inflow boundary. If, for example, x = 0 is an inflow bound- ary, we prescribe u(t, 0,y) = U(t, y) , v(t, 0,y) = V (t, y) . (5.7)

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88 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Outflow conditions At an outflow boundary, often not enough physical information is available on which to base a sufficient number of boundary conditions. Usually only the pressure is known. This is not as serious as it may seem, because when Re ≫ 1 ‘wrong’ information generated by an artificial boundary condition propagates upstream only over a distance of O(Re−1). This is plausible because of the resemblance of (5.2) to the convection-diffusion equation, and may in fact be shown directly by applying singular perturbation analysis to (5.2) in a similar manner as in Sect. 3.2. In order to avoid spurious numerical wiggles it is advisable to choose as artificial outflow condition a homogeneous Neumann condition for the tangential velocity. For an outflow boundary at x = a this gives: p(t, a, y) = p∞, vx(t, a, y)=0 . (5.8) Compatibility condition At every part of the boundary exactly one of the boundary conditions (5.5), (5.6) or (5.8) needs to be prescribed. If it is the case that along the whole of the boundary ∂Ω the normal velocity un(t, x) is prescribed, then it follows from (5.1) and the divergence theorem that the following compatibility condition must be satisfied: ∫∂Ω un(t, x)dS = 0 . (5.9) It can be shown theoretically (for further information, see Sect. 6.2 of Wes- seling (2001)) that in order for (5.1), (5.2) to be well-posed, the normal com- ponent of the prescribed initial velocity field u0(x) and a prescribed normal velocity component must match at t = 0: u0(x) · n = un(0, x) on parts of ∂Ω where the normal velocity is prescribed. But the tangential components of the initial and boundary velocity fields need not match at t = 0. Therefore, for example, a sliding wall may be set in motion instantaneously at t = 0 in a fluid originally at rest, but one should not let the speed of an arbitrarily shaped body or of an inlet flow change discontinuously.
5.3 Spatial discretization on staggered grid
Let the domain be rectangular and be covered with a nonuniform grid consist- ing of rectangular cells as sketched in Fig. 5.1. The oldest and most straight- forward approach to discretizing the Navier-Stokes equations in space is the

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5.3 Spatial discretization on staggered grid 89 Fig. 5.1. Rectangular nonuniform grid
method proposed in 1965 by Harlow and Welch (see Sect 6.4 of Wesseling (2001) for references to the literature). On orthogonal grids it remains the method of choice. Staggered grid Grid points for different unknowns are staggered with respect to each other. The pressure resides in the cell centers, whereas the cell face centers contain the normal velocity components, cf. Fig. 5.2. The grid nodes are numbered
jk j+1/2,k j,k+1/2
Fig. 5.2. Staggered placement of unknowns; →, ↑: velocity components; •: pressure.
as follows. The cell with center at xjk is called Ωjk, j = 1, ··· , J, k = 1, ··· ,K . The horizontal and vertical sides of Ωjk have length hx
j and hy k, respectively.
The center of the ‘east’ side of Ωjk is called xj+1/2,k, etc., see Fig. 5.2. Hence, Ωjk contains the following unknowns: pjk, uj±1/2,k, vj,k±1/2. Note that with a staggered grid we always have a mixture of vertex-centered and cell-centered discretization. Unavoidably, at a boundary, some unknowns will have nodes upon it, whereas other unknowns have no nodes on this boundary, but half a mesh size removed. Therefore it is fortunate, as seen in Chapt. 2, that vertex-centered and cell-centered discretization are on equal footing as

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90 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
far as global accuracy and ease of implementation of boundary conditions are concerned. Discretization of continuity equation The continuity equation (5.1) is integrated over Ωjk, resulting in hy
ku| j+1/2,k j−1/2,k
+ hx
j v| j,k+1/2 j,k−1/2
= 0 . (5.10) The advantage of the staggered placement of the unknowns is that no further approximation is necessary in this equation. Discretization of momentum equations Finite volume integration takes place over control volumes surrounding u and v grid points, with sides through neighboring pressure points. For example, the control volume for uj+1/2,k consists of the union of half of Ωjk and half of Ωj+1,k, as illustrated in Fig. 5.3. This control volume is called Ωj+1/2,k. Finite volume integration gives
Fig. 5.3. Control volume Ωj+1/2,k for uj+1/2,k.

Ωj+1/2,k [ut + (uu + p − Re−1ux)x + (uv − Re−1uy)y]dΩ ∼=
j+1/2hy k
duj+1/2,k dt + hy
k(uu + p − Re−1ux) j+1,k jk
j+1/2(uv − Re−1uy) j+1/2,k+1/2 j+1/2,k−1/2
= 0 . (5.11) Here p occurs only in its own nodal points, and further approximation is not necessary. But the derivatives and u and v need to be approximated in terms of surrounding nodes.

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5.3 Spatial discretization on staggered grid 91
The derivatives are approximated as follows: ux|jk ∼= (uj+1/2,k − uj−1/2,k)/hx
j ,
uy|j+1/2,k+1/2 ∼= (uj+1/2,k+1 − uj+1/2,k)/hy
k+1/2 .
The central scheme for the inertia term is obtained with the following ap- proximations: u2
jk ∼= (u2 j−1/2,k + u2 j+1/2,k)/2 ,
(uv)j+1/2,k+1/2 ∼= (uj+1/2,k + uj+1/2,k+1)(vj,k+1/2 + vj+1,k+1/2)/4 . The resulting stencil for uj+1/2,k is given in Fig. 5.4.
Fig. 5.4. Stencil for uj+1/2,k.
The upwind scheme for the inertia term is obtained as follows. We do not wish to test on the sign of u and v, because if statements in for loops are very computer time consuming, cf. Sect. 4.3. We note that upwind approximation of a term udϕ/dx can be implemented as follows, without an if statement: uϕ(xj+1/2) ∼= 1 2[ (u + |u|)ϕj + (u − |u|)ϕj−1] . By using this idea we obtain the following upwind approximation of the inertia terms: u2
jk ∼=
1 4[ (u + |u|)2
j−1/2,k + (u − |u|)2 j+1/2,k] ,
(uv)j+1/2,k+1/2 ∼= 1 2[ (v + |v|)j+1/2,k+1/2uj+1/2,k (5.12) +(v − |v|)j+1/2,k+1/2uj+1/2,k+1] , where vj+1/2,k+1/2 ≡ (vj,k+1/2 + vj+1,k+1/2)/2 . The momentum equation for v is discretized similarly. This completes finite volume discretization in the interior. We continue with the boundary condi- tions. On the staggered grid the implementation of the boundary conditions (5.5)—(5.8) is just as simple and done in the same way as for the convection- diffusion equation in Chapters 2 and 3.

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92 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
The no-slip condition Let y = 0 be a wall moving horizontally with velocity U(t). Then the lower side of Ωj,1 is at the boundary. We have vj,1/2 = 0, so that no discretization for vj,1/2 is required. In the finite volume scheme for uj+1/2,1 we need, ac- cording to the stencil presented in Fig. 5.4, uj+1/2,0, which is not available, because xj+1/2,0 is outside the domain. Values outside the domain are called virtual values.We write uj+1/2,0 + uj+1/2,1 = 2U(t), so that uj+1/2,0 = 2U(t) − uj+1/2,1 , (5.13) which is used to eliminate the virtual value uj+1/2,0. Free surface conditions Let y = a be a free surface boundary or a symmetry boundary, so that we have conditions (5.6). Let Ωjk be at the boundary. We have vj,K+1/2 = 0, so that no discrete equation is required for vj,K+1/2. In the stencil for uj+1/2,K we have uj+1/2,K+1, according to Fig. 5.4, which is outside the domain and has to be eliminated. We put 0 = uy ∼= (uj+1/2,K+1 − uj+1/2,K)/hy
K, so that
uj+1/2,K+1 = uj+1/2,K . (5.14) Inflow conditions Let x = 0 be an inflow boundary, so that Ω1k is at the boundary. According to (5.7) we have Dirichlet conditions for u and v, so that the situation is almost the same as for the no-slip condition. We put u1/2,k = U(t, yk) , v0,k+1/2 = 2V (t, yk+1/2) − v1,k+1/2 . (5.15) Outflow conditions Let ΩJk be at an outflow boundary x = a. We need discrete equations for uJ+1/2,k and vJ,k+1/2. The control volume for uJ+1/2,k consists of half of ΩJk, as illustrated in Fig. 5.5. Finite volume integration gives, similar to (5.11), ∫
ΩJ+1/2,k [ut
+(uu + p − Re−1ux)x + (uv − Re−1uy)y]dΩ ∼=
1 2
J hy kduJ+1/2,k/dt + hy k(uu + p − Re−1ux) J+1/2,k Jk
J (uv − Re−1uy) J+1/2,k+1/2 J+1/2,k−1/2
= 0 .

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5.3 Spatial discretization on staggered grid 93
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 0011 0011
Fig. 5.5. Control volumes for uJ+1/2,k and vJ,k+1/2 at outflow boundary.
Compared to the interior case, we have to change only terms at or near the outflow boundary. We put the normal stress at xJ+1/2,k equal to the prescribed pressure (cf. (5.8)): (p − Re−1ux)J+1/2,k = p∞ . Furthermore, (uv)J+1/2,k+1/2 = vJ,k+1/2uJ+1/2,k+1/2 , where uJ+1/2,k+1/2 is approximated with the upwind scheme or the central scheme. Finally, Re−1(uy)J+1/2,k+1/2 ∼= (uJ+1/2,k+1 − uJ+1/2,k)/hy
J+1/2,k+1/2 .
The scheme for vJ,k+1/2 brings nothing new. A virtual value vJ+1,k+1/2 oc- curs as may be seen form the stencil of the v-momentum equation, which is obtained from Fig. 5.4 by rotation over 90o. This virtual value is eliminated by using vx = 0 (cf. (5.8)), which results in vJ+1,k+1/2 = vJ,k+1/2 (cf. (5.14)). Summary of equations We put all unknown velocity components in some order in an algebraic vector u and all pressure unknowns in an algebraic vector p, and we divide by the coefficients of the time derivatives. Then the scheme can be written as a differential-algebraic system of the following structure: du dt + N(u) + Gp = f(t) , Du = g(t) . (5.16) Here N is a nonlinear algebraic operator arising from the discretization of the inertia and viscous terms, G is a linear algebraic operator representing the discretization of the pressure gradient, D is a linear algebraic operator

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94 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
representing the discretization of divergence operator in the continuity equa- tion, and f and g are known source terms, arising from the boundary con- ditions. This is called a differential-algebraic system because it is a mixture of a system of ordinary differential equations (the first member of (5.16)), and algebraic equations (the second member of (5.16)). This completes our description of spatial discretization on the staggered grid.
5.4 Temporal discretization on staggered grid
We now discretize also in time. Equation (5.16) is our point of departure. With the forward Euler scheme we obtain: 1 τ (un − un−1) + N(un−1) + Gpn−1/2 = f(tn−1) , Dun = g(tn) . (5.17) Note that we have to take the pressure term at the new time tn, or for better accuracy in time, at tn−1/2, in order to have degrees of freedom to satisfy the algebraic solenoidality constraint (second equation of (5.17)). In other words, the pressure always has to be taken implicitly; this is a consequence of the differential-algebraic nature of (5.16). In incompressible flows, the pressure acts as a Lagrange multiplier, that makes it possible to satisfy the continuity equation. With the ω-scheme we obtain: 1 τ (un − un−1)+ωN(un) + (1 − ω)N(un−1) + Gpn−1/2 =ωf(tn) + (1 − ω)f(tn−1) , Dun = g(tn) . (5.18) Linearization Equation (5.18) is a nonlinear system, because the nonlinear inertia term makes the operator N nonlinear. To make the system more easily solvable we linearize the operator N. Newton linearization works as follows, writing δu = un − un−1: N(un) = N(un−1 + δu) ∼= N(un−1) + C(un−1)δu , where C(u) is the Jacobian of N evaluated at u. We clarify this by taking as an example one term of the inertia term (cf. (5.11)): (un+1
jk )2 = (un jk + δujk)2 ∼= (un jk)2 + 2un jkδujk .
We eliminate δu and obtain: (un+1
jk )2 ∼= 2un jkun+1 jk
− (un
jk)2 ,

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5.4 Temporal discretization on staggered grid 95
which is linear in the unknown un+1
jk . Picard linearization works as follows:
jk )2 ∼= un jkun+1 jk
. This is simpler, but temporal accuracy decreases to O(τ). A second order accurate approximation is obtained if one replaces un by an extrapolation to tn+1: (un+1
jk )2 ∼= (2un jk − un−1 jk )un+1 jk
. (5.19) We will call this extrapolated Picard linearization. After linearization, the matrix C that one obtains changes every time step, because C depends on un−1. Matrix generation is computer time consuming. Therefore a time step will be cheaper if the inertia term is discretized explic- itly. This gives us a so-called IMEX (implicit-explicit) scheme. The resulting scheme is cheaper, because the implicit operator is now linear and indepen- dent of time, so that the corresponding matrix has to be generated only once, and other ingredients necessary for solving, such as an LU factorization, need also to be prepared only once. To maintain second order accuracy in time, it is attractive to use for the explicit part not the forward Euler scheme, but a second order explicit scheme, such as the Adams-Bashforth scheme. For a system of ordinary differential equations dw/dt = f(w, t) this scheme is given by 1 τ (wn − wn−1) = 3 2 f(wn−1,tn−1) − 1 2 f(wn−2,tn−2) . (5.20) This is called a two-step method, because two time steps are involved. At the initial time t = 0 one may define w−1 = w0. Application to the Navier-Stokes equations takes place as follows. Let N(u) in (5.18) be split in a nonlinear inertia part C and a linear viscous part B, as follows: N(u) = C(u) + Bu . Then the Adams-Bashforth-Crank-Nicolson scheme is obtained by using (5.18) for Bu and (5.20) for C(u), so that we obtain: 1 τ (un − un−1)+ 3
C(un−1) − 1
C(un−2) + 1
B(un + un−1) + Gpn−1/2 = f(tn+1/2) , Dun = g(tn) . General formulation on staggered grid As seen from these examples, time stepping methods applied to equation (5.11) can generally be written as A(un) + τGpn−1/2 = rn , Dun = g(tn) , (5.21)

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96 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
where rn is known from previous time steps and the boundary conditions. For explicit methods, A is the identity I. The system (5.21) is a coupled system for un and pn−1/2. Computing time is reduced if pn−1/2 and un can be solved for separately. To this end the following method has been devised, which is the method of choice for nonstationary problems. Pressure-correction method Equation (5.21) is not solved as it stands, but first a prediction u∗ of un is made that does not satisfy the continuity equation. Then a correction is com- puted involving the pressure, such that the continuity equation is satisfied. The method is given by: A(u∗) + τGpn−3/2 = rn , (5.22) un − u∗ + τG(pn−1/2 − pn−3/2)=0 , (5.23) Dun = g(tn) . (5.24) Equation (5.22) more or less amounts to solving discretized convection- diffusion equations for the predicted velocity components. We use the best available guess for the pressure, namely pn−3/2. Equation (5.23) is motivated by the fact, that if in the explicit case, where A is the identity, we eliminate u∗ from (5.22) and (5.23), then the original system (5.21) is recovered. The pressure can be computed by applying the operator D to (5.23) and using (5.24), resulting in DGδp = 1 τ {Du
∗ − g(tn)}, pn−1/2 = pn−3/2 + δp .
(5.25) After pn−1/2 has been computed, un follows from (5.23). Equation (5.23) can be regarded as a correction of u∗ for the change in pressure. Therefore (5.22)–(5.25) is called the pressure-correction method. It is an example of a fractional step method, in which a time step is split up in sub-steps, and different physical effects are accounted for separately in the sub-steps. Here pressure forces are accounted for in the second sub-step, and inertia and friction in the first sub-step. Confusingly, the term pressure- correction method is often also applied to various iterative methods to solve the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, in which velocity and pressure up- dates are carried out not simultaneously but successively. Such methods will be encountered in Chap. 6, where they will be called distributive iteration methods. These should not be confused with the pressure-correction method used in time accurate schemes as formulated above. This method may also be called a projection method, because in (5.23) the new velocity un is the projection of the intermediate velocity field u∗ on the space of velocity fields with discretized divergence equal to zero.

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5.4 Temporal discretization on staggered grid 97
Remembering that divgrad equals the Laplacian, we see that (5.25) looks very much like a discrete Poisson equation; it is frequently called the pres- sure Poisson equation. Note that no boundary condition needs to be invoked for δp (fortunately, for no such condition is given with the original equations, at least not on the complete boundary), because the boundary conditions have already been taken into account in the construction of D, G and g; the operator DG works exclusively on pressure values at grid points in the interior of the domain. Even if the method is explicit (A is a diagonal matrix), we still have to solve an implicit system for δp. This is an unavoidable consequence of the differential-algebraic nature of (5.16). As we remarked before, by elimination of u∗ it is easily seen that in the explicit case the pressure-correction method (5.22)–(5.25) is equivalent to (5.21), and that this remains true if pn−3/2 is neglected in (5.22) and (5.23). But in the implicit case this does not hold, and inclusion of a sufficiently accurate first guess, such as pn−3/2, for the pressure in (5.22) seems to be necessary to obtain full, i.e. O(τ2), temporal accuracy. This may make it necessary to compute the initial pressure field at the starting step (n = 1), to be used instead of p−1/2. This may be done as follows. Application of D to (5.16) at t = 0 gives dg(0)/dt + DN(u(0)) + DGp(0) = Df(0) . (5.26) After solving p(0) from (5.26), we put p−1/2 = p(0). Discrete compatibility condition In case the pressure is not involved in any of the boundary conditions, it follows from the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations that the pressure is determined up to a constant. The system (5.25) for δp is singular in this case, and (5.25) has a solution only if the right-hand side satisfies a compatibility condition. The boundary conditions discussed in Sect. 5.2 are such that if the pressure is not involved in any of the boundary conditions, then the normal velocity component is prescribed all along the boundary, and the compatibility condition (5.9) is satisfied. Summing the discrete continuity equation (5.10) over all cells reduces, due to cancellation in the interior, to the following sum over boundary points:

ku∣∣∣ (J+1/2,k) (1/2,k)

j v∣∣∣ (j,K+1/2) (j,1/2)
= 0 , (5.27) where u and v are the prescibed velocity components at the boundary. If (5.27) is not satisfied exactly one should adjust u and v at the boundaries,

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98 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
which should not be difficult, because of the compatibility condition (5.9). If (5.27) holds, then it turns out that the elements of the right-hand side vector of (5.25) sum to zero, which is precisely the compatibility condition required for existence of solutions of (5.25). If one desires to make the solution unique one can fix δp in some point, but iterative methods usually converge faster if one lets δp float. Temporal accuracy For literature on the accuracy of the pressure-correction method, see Wes- seling (2001), Sect. 6.6 and references quoted there. Indications are that the temporal accuracy of un is of the same order as rhe order of accuracy of the underlying time stepping method (for example, O(τ2) for Adams-Bashforth- Crank-Nicolson), but that the accuracy of pn−1/2 is only O(τ), irrespective of the time stepping method used. If one desires, a pressure field with improved accuracy can be obtained after un has been computed (with the pressure- correction method) by proceeding in the same way as in the derivation of (5.26), leading to the following equation for pn−1/2: dg(tn)/dt + DN(un) + DGpn−1/2 = Df(tn) , which very likely results in a pressure field pn−1/2 with the same order of temporal accuracy as the velocity field. Stability For stability of (5.22)—(5.25), it seems necessary that (5.22) is stable. It is conjectured that this is sufficient for the stability of (5.22)—(5.25); numerical evidence supports this conjecture. We restrict ourselves to Fourier stability analysis of (5.22). To this end (5.22) is linearized, the coefficients are taken constant (‘frozen’), the boundary conditions are assumed to be periodic, and the known source terms τGpn−3/2 and rn are neglected. Hence, carrying out Fourier stability analysis for (5.22) implies that the discretization of the following simplified and linearized version of (5.2) is considered: ut + Uux + V uy − Re−1(uxx + uyy)=0 , vt + Uvx + V vy − Re−1(vxx + vyy)=0 , (5.28) Equation (5.28) consists of decoupled and identical convection-diffusion equa- tions, for which Fourier stability analysis is presented in Chap. 4. The stability analysis of the Adams-Bashforth-Crank-Nicolson scheme is a bit involved and is not presented in Chap. 4. In Sect. 6.6 of Wesseling (2001) stability condi- tions for the Adams-Bashforth-Crank-Nicolson scheme are derived. With the central scheme for the inertia terms we have:

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5.5 Numerical experiments 99
τ ≤ max[τ1, min{τ2,τ3}] , τ1 ≡ 4 3Re[ U2 + V 2]−1 , τ2 ≡ Re 4 [ (hx)−2 + (hy)−2]−1 , τ3 ≡ ( 3 Re)
[(U2/hx)2/3 + (V 2/hy)2/3]−1 . (5.29) For the upwind scheme: τ ≤ max[τ1, min{τ2,τ3}] , τ1 ≡ 2 3Re[ U2 2 + UhxRe + V 2 2 + V hyRe]
, τ2 ≡ Re 4 [1 + UhxRe/2 (hx)2 + 1 + V hyRe/2 (hy)2 ]−1 , τ3 ≡ ( 3 Re)
U4 (hx)2 + U(hx)3Re/2)
+ ( V 4 (hy)2 + V (hy)3Re/2)
]−1 . (5.30) The computing cost of checking in every grid point whether the stability con- dition is satisfied is often not negligible, so in practice this is often done only every 5 or 10 time steps or so, or only once, if one has a reasonable a priori estimate of U (= 2 max(u)) and V (= 2 max(v)). Here the factor 2 arises from the nonlinearity of the inertia terms, in the same way as for the Burgers equation in Sect. 4.4. Exercise 5.4.1. What is the Newton linearization of uv?
5.5 Numerical experiments
The schemes just described have been implemented in the MATLAB codes ns1 (ω-scheme) and ns2 (Adams-Bashforth-ω-scheme), on a nonuniform Cartesian grid of the type shown in Fig. 5.1. For ns1, Picard linearization or extrapolated Picard linearization is used for the inertia terms. Three types of boundary conditions have been implemented: inflow, outflow and no-slip. The boundaries can be divided in segments, on which one can choose differ- ent boundary conditions and numbers of grid cells. For instance, we can do the so-called backward-facing step problem, illustrated in Fig. 5.6. Because the domain is assumed to be rectangular, we cannot handle the narrow in- flow part at the left, and use the rectangular domain shown at the right. We choose |AB| = |BC| = 1, |CD| = L, with L to be chosen. It turns out that a recirculation zone is present attached to BC, with length dependent on the Reynolds number Re. The length of the domain L must be larger than the

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100 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Fig. 5.6. The backward-facing step problem.
length of the recirculation zone, in order to have u > 0 at DE, so that the outflow boundary condition (5.8) is appropriate. Let the Reynolds number be based on the length of AB and the average inflow velocity. On the segment AB we prescribe inflow: v = 0, u = f(y), f parabolic, such that the aver- age inflow velocity is 1. On DE we prescribe outflow, and on the remaining boundary segments no-slip. The grid is uniform with nx × ny cells. Wrong outflow conditions First, we prescribe Dirichlet conditions, namely a parabolic outflow profile: u = g(y), v = 0 (5.31) on the outflow boundary DE. This is against the advice given concerning outflow boundary conditions in Sect. 5.2. Let us see what goes wrong. Fig. 5.7 shows a result, using Picard linearization. Note that the horizontal and vertical scales are different in the left part of the figure. The relative change
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Streamlines 0 200 400 600 800 1000 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 Relative change per time step
Fig. 5.7. Streamlines and convergence history for backward-facing step problem, code ns1, Dirichlet outflow conditions. Re = 100, τ = 0.2, t = 190, nx = 30, ny = 20, ω = 1, central scheme.

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5.5 Numerical experiments 101
per time step is defined as 1 dtmax[ un+1 − un qn+1 , vn+1 − vn qn+1 , pn+1 − pn pn +(qn+1)2/2] , where q = max( u , v ), and the maximum norm is used. In the left part of the figure, we observe unphysical wiggles near the outflow boundary, and the convergence history shows that the solution hesitates to become really stationary. The cause of the wiggles and the remedy have been discussed in Sect. 5.2. For Re = 200 a stationary solution was not obtained. Furthermore, it was found that with extrapolated Picard linearization, convergence to a steady solution did not take place. Further results on the backward facing step problem From now on, we use extrapolated Picard linearization. With the correct out- flow boundary conditions (5.8) the result shown in Fig. 5.8 is obtained. This
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Streamlines 0 20 40 60 80 100 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Relative change per time step
Fig. 5.8. Streamlines and convergence history for backward-facing step problem, code ns1, outflow conditions(5.8) . Re = 100, τ = 0.6, t = 60, nx = 30, ny = 20, ω = 1, central scheme.
result looks more satisfactory. The length of the recirculation region agrees with results reported in the literature, and the solution seems to evolve to steady state. Due to the use of Picard linearization, ns1 it is not uncondi- tionally stable; we know no guidelines for choosing the time step τ. For linear problems, the ω-scheme with ω = 1 is unconditionally stable, as seen in Sect. 4.4. Fig. 5.9 shows what happens when the Reynolds number is increased. The length of the recirculation region increases; it is thought to be proportional

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102 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Streamlines 0 20 40 60 80 100 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Relative change per time step
Fig. 5.9. Streamlines and convergence history for backward-facing step problem, code ns1. Re = 200, τ = 0.6, t = 60, nx = 30, ny = 20, ω = 1, central scheme.
to the Reynolds number. This flow we have also computed with the Adams- Bashforth-ω scheme (code ns2). The flow pattern obtained is the same as in Fig. 5.9. To determine the time step τ we have used the stability criterion for the Adams-Bashforth-Crank-Nicolson scheme (hence, ω = 1/2) presented in Sect. 4.4, taking for safety τ 20% smaller than allowed, giving τ = 0.021. The convergence history is shown in Fig. 5.10. Although the time required
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Relative change per time step
Fig. 5.10. Convergence history for backward-facing step problem, code ns2.
to execute a time step with ns1 is seven times larger than for ns2 (why is it larger, you think?), ns1 is faster because its time step is much larger. The recirculation length in Fig. 5.9 agrees with reports in the literature. With the upwind scheme the recirculation length is found to 7, which is too small. This is because the upwind scheme adds artificial viscosity, and the recirculation length is known to increase with decreasing viscosity.

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5.5 Numerical experiments 103
The case Re = 400, shown in Fig. 5.11 is found to be more difficult. By trial
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Streamlines 0 100 200 300 400 500 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Relative change per time step
Fig. 5.11. Streamlines and convergence history for backward-facing step problem, code ns1. Re = 400, τ = 0.3, t = 150, nx = 70, ny = 40, ω = 1, central scheme.
and error we found that several changes have to be made in order to have the solution converge to steady state: 1) The length L has to be increased to make room for the (larger) separation zone and the secondary separation zone that appears at the top wall. 2) The vertical number of cells ny has to be increased. But it is found that for stability of ns1 the mesh size ratio ∆x/∆y should not become too large. Therefore nx also had to be increased. 3) The time step has to be decreased. 4) The flow takes much longer to settle down to steady state. As a consequence, Fig. 5.11 takes much more computing time than Fig. 5.9. Again, the recirculation length agrees with the literature. Several other flow problems have been implemented in the programs ns1 and ns2, and the reader is invited to experiment with these codes. Efficiency All numerical results in these course notes have been obtained with MAT- LAB version 5.3 on a Pentium III 550 Mhz processor with 512 MB internal memory. The computation of Fig. 5.11 is the first time that the wall-clock time becomes long enough (10 min) to be annoying. So now we start to get interested in the subject of numerical efficiency. In programming ns1 and ns1 we have followed the MATLAB efficiency guidelines discussed in Sect. 4.2. In order to see where the computational bottlenecks are, we make an inventory

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104 5. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
of the time spent in various parts of the program. In ns1 and ns2 all linear systems (of type Ay = b) are solved by MATLAB’s direct solver, with the statement y = A\b This means that the LU-decomposition of A is computed, and y is found from y = U\(L\b) The pressure-correction matrix does not change during time-stepping, so its LU-decomposition is computed once and stored. The viscous matrix also does not change, because the viscosity is constant. This fact is exploited in code ns2 by means of the IMEX method, in which we have to solve systems with the viscous matrix; so its LU-decomposition is pre-stored as well in ns2. Of course, we store the matrices as sparse matrices, so that MATLAB exploits sparsity in the execution of y = A\b. What consumes most time is the work that has to be done every time step. This time is dominated by the time for solving the linear systems for the velocity components tv and the pressure tp, by the time for matrix generation (inertia_matrix in ns1) tm, and by the time for right-hand side generation (right_hand_side in ns2) tr. The total time is called tt. Table 5.1 gives some runtime statistics for the two cases presented in Figs. 5.9, 5.10 (called case 1 in the table) and 5.11 (case 2).
ns1 ns1 ns2 case 1 case 2 case 1 tm 0.039 0.184 — tv 0.113 0.896 0.009 tp 0.007 0.060 0.007 tr — — 0.006 tt 19.2 600 60.1 Table 5.1. Runtime statistics (seconds).
Let us analyze these figures a bit. The number of unknowns (u, v or p) in x- direction is nx +m and in y-direction ny +m with m = −1, 0 or 1, depending on the type of unknown and the type of boundary conditions; of course, for estimating computing work, m can be neglected. This gives us matrices of size n × n, n = nxny, with bandwidth, with lexicographic ordering, equal to 2nx − 1. It is known that the work to compute the LU-decomposition WLU and the work to solve a system WS with this type of bandmatrix, using standard nethods, are given by: WLU ∼= 2n3
xnyflops, WS ∼= 2n2 xnyflops.

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5.5 Numerical experiments 105
(A flop is a floating point operation). We therefore expect tv ∼ n3
xny, tp ∼ n2 xny, tm ∼ nxny .
Between cases 1 and 2 this equation predicts ratios of 25, 11 and 4.7 for tv, tp and tm, respectively. Obviously, this prediction is much too pessimistic for tv, but is not far off the mark for tp and tm. The reason MATLAB has a WLU that in our case is much less than given by (5.32) is, that in execution of the command y = A\b, if A has been declared to be sparse, the equations are reorderded in a clever way, before the triangular factors L and U are com- puted, in order to reduce computing work. That WLU may be diminished by reordering is obvious from equation (5.32): by a different numbering of the cells we can interchange the roles of nx and ny (cf. exercise 5.5.2), which in the present case changes the ratio just predicted for tv from 25 to 19. We see that MATLAB does an even better job. Much numerical expertise is hidden behind the \ command in MATLAB. The table shows that for an increase of n ≡ nxny by a factor 4.7, the time required by ns1 for a time step increases by a factor 6.8. The total time tt increases by a factor 31. This is mainly due to the much larger number of time steps required. We conclude that for high Reynolds number flows, time stepping is an inefficient way to compute a stationary solution. Table 5.1 shows that for case 1 the computing time for a time step with ns2 is a factor 7 smaller than with ns1. But because for stability reasons the time step is much smaller, the total computing time tt is much larger. In the next chapter we study other methods to compute stationary solutions, that are hopefully more efficient. The reader is invited to consult the introduction of this chapter for the topics that we wanted to discuss. Exercise 5.5.1. In Sect. 3.3 we saw that a Dirichlet outflow condition gen- erates an artificial boundary layer at the outflow boundary. How does the thickness of the boundary layer caused by the wrong outflow condition (5.31) depend on the Reynolds number Re? In Sect. 2.3 we saw that outflow wiggles caused by an outflow Dirichlet condition go away when we apply mesh re- finement near the outflow boundary, such the the mesh Péclet number p < 2. Try this for the problem of Fig. 5.7. Define and estimate the mesh Reynolds number, based on the maximum u, which occurs at the inflow boundary. How small should the local mesh size ∆x be in the refinement zone? Implement a refinement zone in ns1 by dividing the horizontal domain boundaries in two segments, similar to what is done in ns1 for the vertical boundaries. See what happens.

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Exercise 5.5.2. In the computation of Fig. 5.11, nx > ny. Equation (5.32) shows that it would be better if this were the other way around. Specify a vertical backward facing step problem in code ns1, and compare runtimes with the horizontal version.
Some self-test questions Write down the free surface conditions. What are your preferred outflow conditions, and why? Discretize the x-momentum equation on a uniform Cartesian grid. Describe the Adams-Bashforth-Crank-Nicolson scheme. Write down the general formulation of the discretized nonstationary incompressible Navier- Stokes equations. Formulate the pressure-correction method. What is the backward-facing step problem? Why is the computing time for a time step with the code ns2 smaller than with ns1?

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6. Iterative solution methods
6.1 Introduction
As we saw in the preceding chapter, solving the stationary Navier-Stokes equations by time-stepping with the nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations may be inefficient, due to the large number of time steps that may be re- quired. Therefore we take a look in this chapter at numerical methods to solve the stationary Navier-Stokes equations without using time-stepping. For this efficient numerical methods to solve linear algebraic systems Ay = b, A ∈ Rn×n , (6.1) (which means that A is an n × n matrix) are required. Of course, such meth- ods are useful for the nonstationary case as well; the methods discussed in the preceding chapter require solution of the pressure-correction equation and systems for the velocity prediction. Efficient solution of equation (6.1) is one of the main topics in numerical linear algebra. We will not give a balanced coverage, but concentrate on methods relevant for the numerical solution of the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations, and restrict ourselves to an elementary introduction. The reader is supposed to be familiar with the basics of numerical linear alge- bra, as described for instance in van Kan and Segal (1993) (Chapt. 11), and, in great detail, in the well-known elementary numerical analysis text- book Burden and Faires (2001). A more advanced good standard textbook on numerical linear algebra is Golub and Van Loan (1989). A good ad- vanced textbook on iterative methods is Hackbusch (1994). Chapt. 7 of Wesseling (2001) contains a more complete introduction to iterative meth- ods for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations than given here. Multi- grid methods are discussed in Wesseling (1992), freely available on Internet, at www.mgnet.org/mgnet-books-wesseling.html, and more extensively in Trottenberg, Oosterlee, and Schüller (2001) (students will not be examined about material for which we refer to the literature). Much high quality standard software to solve equation (6.1) is available on the Internet. Try for instance math.nist.gov or www.netlib.org

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In many institutes the following FORTRAN software libraries are available: LAPACK, NAG, IMSL, ITPACK. Some basics For ease of reference we list a few basic facts and definitions, with which the reader is assumed to be familiar; more background can be found in the books cited above. Since we are now discussing linear algebra, by a vector we will mean not a physical vector but an algebraic vector: y ∈ Rn ⇐⇒ y =  y1 ... yn    , yi ∈ R , where Rn is the vector space of real n-vectors. This is a column vector. By yT we mean the corresponding row vector, so that xT y is the inner product ∑k xkyk. By AT we mean the transpose of A: if B = AT , then bij = aji. This means that we interchange rows and columns. Examples of vector norms are the p-norms: yp ≡ (|y1|p + ··· + |yn|p)1/p, y∞ ≡ max{|y1|, ··· , |yn|} . When we write y, we leave the choice of norm open. As matrix norm we always use the norm induced by the vector norm: A ≡ sup
Ay y , so that Ay ≤A y . We say that the real or complex number λ is an eigenvalue and y an eigen- vector of A if Ay = λy. The spectral radius ρ(A) of A is defined by ρ(A) ≡ max{|λ(A)|} . We have1 lim
Am 1/m = ρ(A) . (6.2) The condition number of a matrix A is defined by cond(A) ≡ max|λ(A)| min |λ(A)| .
1 See Theorem 2.9.8 in Hackbusch (1994)

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6.1 Introduction 109
Extraction of the main diagonal is denoted by diag(A); this gives a diagonal matrix with elements aii. A matrix A ∈ Rn×n is called diagonally dominant if |aii| ≥

j=1 j=i
|aij|, i = 1 ···n . A matrix is called positive definite if xT Ax > 0 for all nonzero x ∈ Rn. We say that A has upper bandwidth q if aij = 0 when j>i + q and lower bandwidth p if aij = 0 when i>j + p; the bandwidth is p + q − 1. If most elements of A are zero, A is called sparse. If aij = 0 for all j > i, ∀i, A is called lower triangular; if aij = 0 for all i > j, ∀j, A is called upper triangular. By A > 0 we mean aij > 0, ∀i, j. A matrix is called an M-matrix if A is nonsingular, A−1 ≥ 0 and aij ≤ 0, i = j, i,j = 1, ··· ,n. A matrix A is called a K-matrix if aii > 0, i = 1, ..., n , aij ≤ 0, i, j = 1, ..., n, j = i , and ∑j aij ≥ 0, i = 1, ..., n , with strict inequality for at least one i. A matrix is called irreducible if the corresponding system does not consist of subsystems that are independent of each other. An irreducible K-matrix is an M-matrix2, but not all M-matrices are K-matrices. Note that it is easy to check by inspection whether a matrix is a K-matrix, but the M-matrix property is more difficult to verify directly, because the elements of the inverse are not easily available, so that the con- dition A−1 ≥ 0 is hard to check. The above concepts will be used in what follows. Purpose of this chapter The purpose of this chapter is to discuss numerical methods for large sparse linear systems. We will study:
2 See Theorem 7.2.5 in Wesseling (2001)

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• Direct methods, and why we need iterative methods; • Basic iterative methods: convergence, regular splittings; • The Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and ILU methods; • Slow convergence of basic iterative methods for algebraic systems arising from elliptic partial differential equations; • Iterative methods for the Navier-Stokes equations: SIMPLE, distributive iteration.
6.2 Direct methods for sparse systems
Gaussian elimination Direct methods give the exact answer in a finite number of operations (in the hypothetical situation that no rounding errors are made). The prototype of a direct method is the elimination method of Gauss. In its modern version a lower and upper triangular matrix L and U are computed, such that LU = A . (6.3) For L and U to exist, and/or to control rounding errors, it may be necessary to reorder the rows of A, i.e. to change the order of equations (this is often called pivoting). It is known3 that pivoting is not necessary if A is diagonally dominant or positive definite. K-matrices are diagonally dominant. When L and U are available, the solution is easily obtained by solving by means of back-substitution, i.e. by solving L˜y = b, Uy = ˜y . (6.4) Efficiency of direct methods for sparse systems In the context of computational fluid dynamics, A is invariably very sparse. The matrices ocurring in the methods described in the preceding chapter have only at most five nonzero elements per row, namely ai,i−nx, ai,i−1, aii, ai,i+1 and ai,i+nx. We see that the lower and upper bandwidth is nx. It turns out that L and U inherit the lower and upper bandwidth p and q, respectively, of A. If p ≪ n, q ≪ n, construction of L and U takes about 2npq flops if no reordering is applied; solution of Ly = b takes about 2np flops and
3 See sections 3.4.10 and 4.2 of Golub and Van Loan (1989).

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solution of Uy = b takes about 2nq flops.4 Let us take as an example the 620 × 620 velocity matrix for the computation of Fig. 5.9 The MATLAB command spy gives the nonzero pattern shown in the left part of Fig. 6.1, and reports that only 2920 elements are nonzero, that is only 7.6% of the
0 200 400 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 nz = 2920 0 200 400 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 nz = 17769
Fig. 6.1. Nonzero pattern of velocity matrix (left) and its L factor (right).
total number of elements. The number of nonzeros is slightly smaller than the 5×620 = 3100 which we just predicted, because the boundary conditions introduce a small number of extra zeros. The factors L and U may be obtained in MATLAB by the statement [L,U] = lu(A) The nonzero pattern of L is shown in the right part of Fig. 6.1, and has 17769 nonzeros, much more than the original A, and the same is true for U. The zeros inside the band have almost all disappeared. This is called fill-in. Fill-in may be diminished by clever reordering of the equations. A simple example was given in Sect. 5.5: equation (5.32) shows that when nx > ny it pays off to interchange the x- and y- axes, so that nx := ny, ny := nx. MATLAB uses even more efficient reorderings in execution of y=A\b when A is sparse, but nevertheless, fill-in remains substantial. This leads to a waste of memory, which is intolerable in large applications, especially in three dimensions. Furthermore, computing time grows rapidly with the number of unknowns n. Taking nx = ny = √n for simplicity, with n the number of unknowns, the number of flops WLU for computing L and U, and the number of flops WS for solving LUy = b is approximately, using the formulas above, WLU = 2n2, WS = 4n3/2 . (6.5) So both memory and work are superlinear in n. Since we have only n un- knowns and A has only 5n nonzeros, an algorithm that requires only O(n) memory and work seems not to be impossible. Iterative methods indeed re- quire only O(n) memory, whereas the work is O(nα), with α depending on the
4 See sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of Golub and Van Loan (1989).

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method. Multigrid methods achieve the ideal value α = 1. For these efficiency reasons, direct methods are seldom used in practical CFD. The remainder of this chapter is devoted to iterative methods. But first we will investigate what can be done with direct solution of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. Direct solution of the stationary Navier-Stokes equations In the stationary case, the discretized form of the Navier–Stokes equations follows from equation (5.16) as N(w) + Gp = f, Dw = g , where the algebraic vector that contains all velocity unknowns is now called w. In order to apply a direct method for linear algebraic systems, we have to linearize N(w) around an approximation wk−1 known from a preceding iteration. Let us use Picard linearization, as described in Sect. 5.4, and again in Sect. 6.4. This results in N(w) ∼= Ck−1w , where Ck−1 is a matrix that depends on wk−1. The following iterative method is obtained (Picard iteration): Step 1. k = 0; choose wk. Step 2. Generate Ck and solve the following linear system: [ Ck G D 0 ][ wk+1 pk+1 ] = [ fg ] . (6.6) Step 3. k = k + 1; go back to step 2; repeat until convergence criterion is satisfied. Although we use (Picard) iteration, we will call this a direct method, because equation 6.6 is solved by a direct method. The method has been implemented in the MATLAB code ns3. In this code the algebraic vector w is partioned as w = [ u v ] , where u and v contain the horizontal and vertical velocity components. The partitioned system to be solved in step 2 now takes the following form:   Ck
0 Gu 0 Ck
Gv Du Dv 0     uk+1 vk+1 pk+1   =   fu fv g   . (6.7)

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6.2 Direct methods for sparse systems 113
This system is easily solved directly in MATLAB by the statement y=A\b, with appropriate definition of A, b and y. Driven cavity flow We now apply the above direct method to the flow in a driven cavity. The domain is the unit square surrounded by solid walls. The top wall is sliding to the right with a velocity of magnitude 1. Fig. 6.2 shows the sparsity pattern
0 100 200 300 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 nz = 1664
Fig. 6.2. Sparsity pattern of matrix in equation (6.7), 10 × 10 grid.
of the matrix in equation (6.6). The 3 × 3 block partioning of the matrix in equation (6.7) is clearly visible. Fig. 6.3 shows a result. The computational
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Streamlines
0 10 20 30 40 10−5 10−4 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 Relative change per iteration
Fig. 6.3. Streamlines and convergence history for driven cavity problem, code ns3. Re = 5000, nx = ny = 64, nonuniform grid, central scheme.

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114 6. Iterative solution methods
grid is Cartesian and has nx × ny cells. The grid is nonuniform for better resolution in the corners. Along the x-axis the unit interval is divided in seg- ments of length 0.2, 0.6 and 0.2, which are subdivided in 21, 22 and 21 cells, respectively; and similarly in the y-direction. So nx = ny = 64. The size of the internal memory of my PC (512MB) did not allow larger values of nx and ny without swapping to harddisk. We will see later whether iterative methods are less greedy for memory. Fig. 6.4 shows a similar but coarser grid
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig. 6.4. A nonuniform Cartesian grid.
for illustration. We discretize on this nonuniform grid in the way described in Sect. 2.3, using the central scheme (2.20, 2.29). It was shown in Sect. 2.3 that although this scheme has a large local truncation error at grid discontinuities, nevertheless the global truncation error remains small. This is confirmed by the result of Fig. 6.3: the streamline pattern does not show any trace of the grid disconti- nuities. Furthermore, on a uniform grid with the same number of cells almost the same result is obtained, but with less resolution in the corners. Results of benchmark quality for this driven cavity flow are given in Ghia, Ghia, and Shin (1982), using a uniform 257 × 257 grid. The streamline pat- tern of Fig. 6.3 closely resembles that of Ghia, Ghia, and Shin (1982), but our minimum streamfunction value (−0.1138) is not as low as the benchmark value −0.118966; this is because our grid is not fine enough. Fig. 6.5 shows the dependence of the time measured to solve equation (6.6) on the number of unknowns n = nx × ny, with nx = ny. The dashed line has slope 2. So computing time seems proportional to n2; we will not try to show this by analysis. Note that formula (6.5) applies .approximately. The total computing time for the flow of Fig. 6.3 was 2107 sec. Would the time-stepping methods of the preceding chapter be faster? We leave this to

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6.3 Basic iterative methods 115
102 103 104 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 n t
Fig. 6.5. Sparse direct solver time versus number of unknowns, driven cavity prob- lem (solid curve).
the reader to find out. Exercise 6.2.1. What is the bandwidth of the matrix in equation (6.7)? Why does formula (6.5) not apply? Exercise 6.2.2. Compute the minimum streamfunction value for the driven cavity flow problem using uniform grids with 16 × 16, 32 × 32 and 64 × 64 cells, with central differencing and Re = 2000. How does the difference with the “exact” (benchmark) value for the streamfunction minimum depend on the mesh size h = 1/nx = 1/ny? Try to determine α such that hα gives a good fit. Why would one expect α = 2? How is the result influenced by the termination criterion (i.e. the relative change per iteration)? Exercise 6.2.3. Compute the flow of Fig. 6.3 with the upwind scheme. Com- pare accuracy.
6.3 Basic iterative methods
A good source (in Dutch) for more background on iterative methods for large linear systems is: C. Vuik: Voortgezette numerieke lineaire algebra, course notes for WI4 010: Numerieke methoden voor grote lineaire stelsels. An iterative method generates successive approximations y1,y2, ···. If lim
yk = y , the method is said to converge. Although in general it takes an infinite num- ber of iterations to obtain the solution y, this does not necessarily imply that

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116 6. Iterative solution methods
iterative methods are less efficient than direct methods, because only a suffi- ciently accurate approximation to y is required. This is because y itself is an approximation, which differs by the global truncation error from the exact solution of the partial differential equation, of which the system to be solved Ay = b is a discrete approximation. Hence, a finite number of iterations suf- fices. Let us consider only stationary iterative methods; that is, methods in which the same algorithm is applied in every iteration. Let, furthermore, the com- putation of the new iterand yk involve only matrix multiplication and vector addition: yk = Byk−1 + c , (6.8) where the matrix B and the vector c remain to be chosen. For {yk} to con- verge to the solution y = A−1b it is obviously necessary that y is a stationary point of the iteration process (6.8), i.e. y = By + c, hence we must have c = (I − B)A−1b, so that (6.8) can be rewritten as Myk = Nyk−1 + b, M − N = A . (6.9) (We have M − N = A because M = A(I − B)−1, N = MB). Equation (6.9) can be rewritten in the following equally useful form: Mδy = b − Ayk−1, yk = yk−1 + δy. (6.10) Application of underrelaxation or overrelaxation with relaxation parameter α means that (6.10) is replaced by Mδy = α(b − Ayk−1), yk = yk−1 + δy. (6.11) We will call methods of type (6.9) or (6.10) or (6.11) basic iterative methods, or BIMs for brevity. Instead of B one usually specifies M. One can think of M as an approximation of A; if M = A and α = 1 we have convergence in one iteration. We have (the reader should check this) B = I − M−1A . The error ek ≡ y − yk satisfies ek = Bek−1, so that convergence is governed by B, which is called the iteration matrix. Since ek = Bke0 (where of course the superscript k on B is not an index but an exponent), ek ≤Bk e0 . (6.12) From equation (6.2) it follows that we have convergence (ek → 0) if and only if ρ(B) < 1 . (6.13)

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When to stop? For efficiency, which is what iterative methods are all about, it is necessary to stop iterating as soon as sufficient precision has been obtained. Hence, we need a good termination criterion. The difference between two successive iterates usually does not give a good indication of the precision achieved. This can be seen as follows. Let B have a single dominating real eigenvalue λ = ρ(B), with corresponding eigenvector x. Then we have after many iterations ek ∼= αλkx, with α some constant. It follows that yk+1 − yk ∼= αλk(λ − 1)x = (λ − 1)ek , so that ek ∼= yk+1 − yk λ − 1 . We see that if λ = 1−ǫ, 0 < ǫ ≪ 1, as frequently happens (slow convergence), then the error is much larger than the difference between two successive iterates. Therefore it is better to derive a termination criterion from the residual rk ≡ b−Ayk. After k iterations we have solved exactly the following approximate problem: Ayk = b − rk . Frequently, perturbation of the right-hand side has a physical interpretation, or b is known to have an error with a known bound, which enables one to decide what size of rk is tolerable. Why it is nice if A is a K-matrix In sections 2.3 and 3.3 we saw that if the scheme Lh is of positive type, then it satisfies a maximum principle, so that unphysical oscillations (wiggles) are excluded. It is easy to see that if Lh is of positive type, then the corresponding matrix is a K-matrix. The second reason why it is nice if A is a K-matrix is, that it is easy to devise convergent BIMs. This is shown below. Regular splittings We just saw that a BIM is defined by a specification of an approximation M of A. How to choose M? Obviously, M must be such that equation (6.9) can be solved efficiently. Furthermore, the method must be convergent: ρ(B) = ρ(I − M−1N) < 1. Finally, the BIM must converge rapidly. We will now see that it is easy to devise convergent BIMs if A is an M-matrix, for example a K-matrix. The speed of convergence will be examined later. Definition 6.3.1. The splitting A = M − N is called regular if M−1 ≥ 0 and N ≥ 0. The splitting is called convergent if (6.9) converges.

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We have the following nice theorem: Theorem 6.3.1. A regular splitting of an M-matrix is convergent. Proof. See Theorem 3.13 in Varga (1962). 2 Hence, we aim for regular splittings. The following theorem shows that regular splittings are easy to obtain for M-matrices: Theorem 6.3.2. Let A be an M-matrix. If M is obtained by replacing some elements aij, j = i by bij satisfying aij ≤ bij ≤ 0, then A = M − N is a regular splitting. Proof. See Theorem 7.2.6 in Wesseling (2001). 2 This means, for example, that if A is a K-matrix, and if we make M by replacing arbitrary off-diagonal elements aij, i = j by 0, then we have a regular splitting (note that for if A is a K-matrix, then aij ≤ 0, i = j, so that M will be a K-matrix, and N ≥ 0). This gives us great freedom in designing regular splittings. Examples Jacobi The Jacobi method is obtained by taking M = D ≡ diag(A). This gives the following BIM: Dyk = (D − A)yk−1 + b . Gauss-Seidel The Gauss-Seidel method is obtained as follows. Write A = D − E − F, with D = diag(A), E strictly lower triangular (i.e. Eij = 0, j ≥ i) and F strictly upper triangular (E is simply the strictly lower triangular part of −A, and F the upper part of −A). We take M = D − E (forward Gauss- Seidel) or M = D − F (backward Gauss-Seidel). With this M it is also easy to solve for yk, because M is lower or upper triangular; yk is obtained by back-substitution. For example, forward Gauss-Seidel can be written as yk
i = 
bi −

j − n

  /aii . ILU Unlike the preceding two methods, the incomplete LU (ILU) method is not obtained by replacing elements of A by zero. The idea is to determine lower and upper tridiagonal matrices L and U such that LU ∼= A, and to choose M = LU. If LU = A we get N = 0, and we are back at the direct (Gaussian elimination) method described before. But the difference is that the cause of

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the inefficiency is eliminated by forbidding fill-in; hence, LU = A, but the hope is that LU will not be far from A, so that we have rapid convergence. ILU decomposition works as follows. The elements of L and U are prescribed to be zero, except if (i, j) ∈ Q, where Q is the set of index pairs where we allow nonzeros: Q ⊂ Qn, Qn ≡ {(i, j), 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ n} . An example of a suitable set Q will follow. ILU is based on the following theorem: Theorem 6.3.3. Let A be an M-matrix. Then for every Q ⊂ Qn there exist a lower triangular matrix L with lii = 1, an upper triangular matrix U and a matrix N ≥ 0 such that A = LU − N and lij = 0 and uij = 0 if (i, j) ∈ Q , nij = 0 if (i, j) ∈ Q . Furthermore, the iterations LUyk = b + Nyk−1 converge. Proof. See Meijerink and van der Vorst (1977). 2 Again we see that the M-matrix property is crucial. We have (LU)ij = aij, (i, j) ∈ Q , but we can have (LU)ij = aij, (i, j) ∈ Q. The so-called first order ILU decomposition is obtained by choosing Q equal to the nonzero pattern of A. For instance, if the scheme Lh has the following five point stencil: [Lh] =   ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗   , (6.14) then the nonzero pattern QA of A is, with lexicographic ordering QA = {i, j} ∈ Qn, j = i or j = i ± 1 or j = i ± nx . It comes as a nice surprise that the nonzero pattern of N = LU − A turns out to be very small: QN = {i, j} ∈ Qn, j = i + nx − 1 or j = i − nx + 1 . So N has only two nonzero diagonals. We hope the elements will be small, because the closer M = LU is to A, the faster convergence will be.

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Incomplete Cholesky decomposition If a matrix A is symmetric and positive definite, then it has not only an LU decomposition, but also a Cholesky decomposition: LLT = A with now diag(L) = I. An advantage is that there is no need to store U. Similarly to ILU, there exist incomplete Cholesky decompositions (ICs). We now present an algorithm to compute an IC. Let the matrix A (symmetric, of course) be a discretization on an n × n or n × n × n grid, so the size of A is either n2 × n2 or n3 × n3. It is convenient to temporarily write the IC decomposition as LD−1LT with diag(L) = D. We want to make a first order IC. This means that lij = 0 only if aij = 0. We choose lij = aij, i = j. In the two-dimensional case, let A correspond to the stencil (6.14), so that the nonzero elements are aii,ai,i±1,ai,i±n. If we define dii = aii − a2
i,i−1/di−1,i−1 − a2 i,i−n/di−n,i−n ,
(6.15) where term with an index < 1 are to be deleted, then we have (LD−1LT )ij = aij, if aij = 0 . (6.16) It is left to the reader to verify this. Similarly, in three dimensions: dii = aii − a2
i,i−1/di−1,i−1 − a2 i,i−n/di−n,i−n − a2 i,i−n2 /di−n2,i−n2 . (6.17)
Finally, we bring the IC in the form LLT by defining L := LD−1/2 , where D−1/2 = diag(d−1/2). Equations (6.15) and (6.17) have been imple- mented, for the model problem described below, in the MATLAB M-file my_cholinc, because MATLAB’s cholinc is inefficient. A model problem Let us consider the Poisson equation on the unit square with a homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition: −ϕxx − ϕyy = f(x, y), (x, y) ∈ Ω ≡ (0, 1) × (0, 1), ϕ|∂Ω = 0 . (6.18) We discretize on a homogeneous (n + 2) × (n + 2) vertex-centered grid such as shown in Fig. 6.6. We index only the interior points with i, j = 1, ··· ,n, so n = 2 in Fig. 6.6. Standard finite difference or finite volume discretization of (6.18) gives Lhϕij ≡ 4ϕij − ϕi−1,j − ϕi+1,j − ϕi,j−1 − ϕi,j+1 = h2fij, i, j = 1, ··· ,n, (6.19)

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6.3 Basic iterative methods 121 Fig. 6.6. Uniform vertex-centered grid
where h = 1/(n + 1). A term with an index that refers to the boundary (e.g. i = 0) can be neglected, because of the homogeneity of the Dirichlet boundary condition. The operator Lh has the five-point stencil defined in (6.14). We use lexicographic ordering. The smart way to generate the matrix A associated with the linear system (6.19) in MATLAB (see the program po) is as follows: e = ones(n,1); B = spdiags([-e 2*e -e],[-1 0 1],n,n); I = eye(n); A = kron(I,B) + kron(B,I); The kron function evaluates the Kronecker product of two matrices. The Kronecker product of an n × n matrix A and an m × m matrix B is of size mn×mn and can be expressed as a block n×n matrix with (i, j) block aijB. ILU decompositions can be computed in MATLAB with luinc . The state- ment [L,U,P] = luinc(A,’0’); corresponds to the first order ILU decom- position . The first order incomplete Cholesky decomposition in obtained in MATLAB with the statement L = cholinc(A,’0’) The MATLAB com- mand spy(A) gives a picture of the nonzero pattern of A. Fig. 6.7 shows the nonzero patterns of A and of the first order ILU factors L and U obtained. Furthermore, the nonzero pattern of N = LU − A is shown; it does not quite look like the two-diagonal pattern QN announced above; this is due to rounding errors. The size of the nonzero elements outside the two diagonals is negligible. Furthermore, we find that |nij| < 0.3, so that in this case (in- complete) LU seems to be a pretty good approximation of A. Because in this example A is symmetric and positive definite, incomplete Cholesky decompo- sitions exist as well. The rate of convergence The rate of convergence depends on the initial vector y0; in the unlikely case that we start with the exact solution y, we discover after one iteration that the residual r1 = 0, so we are finished in one iteration. We can only say something general about the rate of convergence of an iterative method in the asymptotic case where the number of iterations is very large. Equations

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 nz = 156 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 nz = 96 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 nz = 96 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 nz = 65
Fig. 6.7. Nonzero patterns of A, of ILU factors L and U, and of N ≡ LU −A; first order ILU decomposition.
(6.2) and (6.12) show that for k ≫ 1 the error ek = y − yk satisfies ek ≤ ρ(B)ek−1 , B = I − M−1A . (6.20) So the quality measure of a BIM is its spectral radius ρ(B): the smaller ρ(B), the better (of course, the computing work per iteration should also be taken into account). However, in general, ρ(B) is not easy to determine. We will do this for an illustrative example, namely the Poisson problem introduced above. Analysis is easier in the difference form than in the matrix form. The Jacobi method applied to the scheme (6.19) gives: 4ϕk+1
= ϕk
i−1,j + ϕk i+1,j + ϕk i,j−1 + ϕk i,j+1 + h2fij, i, j = 1, ··· ,n. (6.21)
Here and in what follows terms with i or j ∈ {1, ··· ,n} are defined to be zero. The exact solution ϕij satisfies (6.21). Subtraction gives for the error ek
ij = ϕij − ϕk ij:
ek+1 = Bek, Beij ≡ (ei−1,j + ei+1,j + ei,j−1 + ei,j+1)/4 , (6.22)

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6.3 Basic iterative methods 123
together with the boundary condition e0,j = en+1,j = ei,0 = ei,n+1 = 0. Our predecessors have found out that the eigenfunctions of the operator B are: ψij = sin iphπ sinjqhπ, h = 1/(n + 1), p, q ∈ {1, ··· ,n} , (6.23) which is easily verified by inspection: substitution of (6.23) in (6.22) gives Bψ = λψ, λ = 1 2 (cosphπ + cosqhπ) , (6.24) where one needs the trigonometric identity sin α + sin β = 2 sin 1 2 (α + β) cos 1 2(α − β) . Clearly, we have found n2 independent eigenfunctions (or eigenvectors) ψ, since each pair {p, q} admitted by (6.23) gives us an eigenfunction. Since B corresponds to an n2 × n2 matrix, we have found all its eigenvectors; hence, (6.24) gives us all eigenvalues. The maximum |λ| delivers the spectral radius: ρ(B) = cosπh . (6.25) Hence, ρ(B) ∼= 1 − O(h2) . (6.26) Equation (6.26) turns out to be true in general for BIMs applied to numeri- cal schemes for second order elliptic partial differential equations on general grids with mesh size proportional to h. How many iterations are required to have an error reduction of 10−d, i.e. to gain d decimal digits? According to equations (6.12) and (6.2), we must have ρ(B)k < 10−d, hence k ln ρ(B) < −d ln 10, or k > −d ln 10/ lnρ(B) . We have (cf. Exercise 6.3.5) ln ρ(B) ∼= − 1 2 (πh)2 , hence the number of iterations required m satisfies m ∼= 2d ln 10 π2 N . where N ∼= 1/h2 temporarily stands for the total number of unknowns. From (6.21) it follows that a Jacobi iteration takes 5N flops, so the total work WJ = 5Nm satisfies WJ = O(N2) . (6.27)

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As seen before, direct methods also have W = O(N2), so the Jacobi method (and other BIMs) do not bring us closer to the ideal W = O(N), although Gauss-Seidel converges twice as fast than Jacobi, see Exercise 6.3.8 (this is not surprising, because Gauss-Seidel uses updated variables as soon as they become available). BIMs only bring a saving in computer memory. Exercise 6.3.1. Derive equation (6.10) from equation (6.9). Exercise 6.3.2. Express the iteration matrix B in terms of M and A in the case that relaxation with parameter α is applied. Exercise 6.3.3. Verify equation (6.16). Exercise 6.3.4. Verify equation (6.24). Exercise 6.3.5. Show that if |ε| ≪ 1 ln cosε ∼= − 1 2 ε2 . Exercise 6.3.6. Show that if A is an M-matrix, then Jacobi and Gauss- Seidel correspond to regular splittings. Why is this nice? Exercise 6.3.7. Write down the Gauss-Seidel variants (forward and back- ward) of equation (6.21). Exercise 6.3.8. It is known5 that, for matrices generated by discretizations on the type of grid considered in these lecture notes, the spectral radii of the Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi methods are related by ρ(BGS) = ρ(BJ )2 . Show that Gauss-Seidel requires half as much computing work as Jacobi.
6.4 Krylov subspace methods
Acceleration of basic iterative methods So why bother with BIMs? The answer is: BIMs are essential as indispensable building blocks inside more complicated but very efficient methods. To begin with, BIMs can be accelerated by Krylov subspace methods. This means that we take a BIM, corresponding to a splitting A = M − N, and
5 See Corollary 2.3 in Chapt. 5 in Young (1971)

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use M to precondition the problem to be solved Ay = b, which means that Ay = b is replaced by its preconditioned version: M−1Ay = M−1b . (6.28) We call M a good preconditioner if (6.28) lends itself well for efficient solu- tion by Krylov subspace methods. Therefore an iterative method is frequently called a preconditioner. One may say that convergence of the BIM is ac- celerated by a Krylov subspace method, or that convergence of the Krylov subspace method is accelerated by the BIM. Secondly, BIMs can be accelerated by multigrid methods. We call a BIM a good smoother if the BIM makes the error rapidly smooth (although not rapidly small). Then the error can be made rapidly small with a multigrid method. In principle this approach leads to the ideal efficiency Work = O(N) with N the total number of unknowns. We have no time in this course to explain the principles of Krylov subspace and multigrid methods, but will show how Krylov subspace methods that have been implemented in MATLAB can be used. Preconditioned conjugate gradients The conjugate gradients (CG) method is a particular Krylov subspace method for linear systems Ay = b with a symmetric positive definite matrix A. It is called in MATLAB by y = pcg(A,b,tol,maxit) with maxit the maximum number of iterations allowed, and tol the relative error in the residual, defined by Ay − b b . For information on Krylov subspace methods for nonsymmetric A that have been implemented in MATLAB, type: help pcg , and call help for the functions listed under “See also”. It is known6 that the number of iterations required by CG is proportional to √cond(A). To make cond(A) smaller, the system is preconditioned, as in
6 This follows from Theorem 10.2.5 in Golub and Van Loan (1989)

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126 6. Iterative solution methods
equation (6.28). Because the preconditioned matrix must be symmetric in order to apply CG, we choose the preconditioned system as follows: L−1AL−T ˜y = L−1b, y = L−T ˜y , (6.29) where LLT is an incomplete Cholesky decomposition of A, and L−T = (LT )−1. If CG is applied with incomplete Cholesky preconditioning, the re- sulting method is called ICCG (incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradients). We will now determine the condition number of A for our model problem (6.19). We have A = 4(I − B), with B given in equation (6.22). If p(x) is a polynomial, then λ(p(A)) = p(λ(A)). Hence, λ(A)=4 − 4λ(B), so that λ(A)=4(sin2 1
pπh + sin2 1
2qπh), p, q = 1, ··· , n, h = 1/(n + 1) ,
hence min |λ(A)| = 8 sin2 π/2(n + 1), max|λ(A)| = 8 sin2 nπ/2(n + 1) , For cond(A) ≡ max |λ(A)| min |λ(A)| we find, taking n = 50: cond(A)=1.0535e + 03 We can also estimate cond(A) with MATLAB. By running po with dim = 2 and n = 50 and typing condest(A) we find: cond(A)=1.5315e + 03 , which is not very accurate but gives the right size. By typing B=inv(L)*A*inv(L’); cond(B) we find cond(L−1AL−T ) = 221 . This reduction in condition number that IC preconditioning brings is what makes ICCG a great succes; the reduction factor grows with n. The following MATLAB code is an implementation of ICCG: L = cholinc(A,’0’); % First order IC decomposition y = pcg(A,b,1e-2,200,L’,L); % Preconditioned cg method

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6.4 Krylov subspace methods 127
102 103 104 105 10−3 10−2 10−1 100 101 102 N t 102 103 104 105 106 10−4 10−2 100 102 104 N t
Fig. 6.8. ICCG computing time versus number of unknowns. Solid line: ICCG; - - -: direct solution. Left: two-dimensional case; right: three-dimensional case
Because the MATLAB function cholinc is very slow, we have made our own version, called my_cholinc, based on equations (6.15) and (6.17). We use my_cholinc in the program po . Fig. 6.8 (left) gives a plot of the computing time needed by ICCG and the MATLAB sparse direct solver for the prob- lem (6.19). As initial guess for the solution, a random guess was supplied to pcg . The figure was created with the codes po and wp_iccg . We see that direct solution takes less computing time than ICCG, which is surprising. Apparently, the efficiency of the implementation of pcg in MATLAB leaves something to be desired, whereas direct sparse solution y=A\b works very ef- ficiently, as we have noted before. Also cholinc is implemented inefficiently, since it takes more time than y=A\b . The slope of the dotted line is propor- tional to N5/4, with N the number of unknowns. We see that for ICCG we have Work = O(N5/4) . This is not very far from the ideal O(N). But in three dimensions, where efficiency really counts, we get a different outcome. The three-dimensional version of our model problem (6.19) is: Lhϕijk ≡ 6ϕijk − ϕi−1,jk − ϕi+1,jk − ϕi,j−1,k − ϕi,j+1,k −ϕi,j,k−1 − ϕi,j,k+1 = h2fijk, i, j, k = 1, ··· ,n. (6.30) The smart way to generate the matrix A corresponding to this three- dimensional discrete Laplace operator in MATLAB is as follows (see the program po ): A = kron(I,kron(I,B)) + kron(I,kron(B,I)) + kron(B,kron(I,I)); with I and B as in the preceding section. Results for the computing time (obtained with the same codes as above) are shown in the right part of Fig. 6.8. Again, the time for ICCG is proportional to N5/4. The MATLAB direct

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solver is now much less efficient. This illustrates that in three dimensions iterative methods are indispensable. Exercise 6.4.1. Show that the matrix L−1AL−T in equation (6.29) is sym- metric positive definite if A is symmetric positive definite. Exercise 6.4.2. Show that if p(x) is a polynomial, then λ(p(A)) = p(λ(A)). Exercise 6.4.3. Compare the efficiency of unpreconditioned and precondi- tioned CG by suitably modifying and running the program po
6.5 Distributive iteration
We will now apply basic iterative methods to the stationary Navier-Stokes equations. The discretized stationary Navier-Stokes equations are obtained from equation (5.16) in the following form: N(u) + Gp = f, Du = g , (6.31) with N a nonlinear algebraic operator. This nonlinear system has to be solved iteratively. We use Picard iteration, as decribed in Sect. 5.4. This works as follows. Let superscript k be the iteration counter. Then, for example, terms like u2
jk and (uv)j+1/2,k+1/2 (with u and v now temporarily denoting the
two velocity components) in the discretized x-momentum equation (5.11) are replaced by u2
jk ∼= (uk−1uk)jk, (uv)j+1/2,k+1/2 ∼= (ukvk−1)j+1/2,k+1/2 .
As a consequence (using u again to denote the algebraic vector containing all velocity unknowns), N(u) gets replaced by Ck−1uk, with Ck−1 a matrix that depends on uk−1. The system (6.31) now can be written as: [ Ck−1 G D 0 ][ uk pk ] = [ fg ] . (6.32) Picard iteration works as follows: Step 1. k = 0. Choose u0, p0. Step 2. k = k + 1. Generate the matrix Ck−1. Step 3. Solve equation (6.32). Step 4. Return to step 2. Repeat until convergence criterion is satisfied. The block-partioned matrix in (6.32) is not a K-matrix and also not an M- matrix, because of the zero block on the main diagonal. So we cannot obtain a regular splitting. In other words, it is not trivial to design a simple convergent iterative method.

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The SIMPLE method In 1972 an iterative method was proposed by Patankar and Spalding, which they called the SIMPLE method (SIMPLE stands for semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations). With SIMPLE we do not solve equation (6.32) accurately, but perform only one iteration step. SIMPLE consists of the fol- lowing steps: Step 1. k = 0. Choose u0, p0. Step 2. k = k + 1. Generate the matrix Ck−1. Step 3. Update u by an approximate solve of the first row of (6.32): Ck−1uk = f − Gpk−1 , using a splitting Mu −Nu = Ck−1 of Ck−1, that is regular if C is a K-matrix, which is the case if the mesh Reynolds number is less than 2 or if we use the upwind scheme for the inertia terms; see Sect. 2.3 (equation (2.41)). Hence, if we would execute this step repeatedly it would converge. But we do only one iteration and then improve the pressure in step 4. We use the BIM in the form (6.11): 1 αu Muδu = f − Ck−1uk−1 − Gpk−1, uk = uk−1 + δu , where αu is an underrelaxation factor that, unfortunately, must be deter- mined by trial and error; αu = 0.5 seems to be a suitable value. Step 4. Update p by an approximate solve of the following equation: D ˜C−1Gδp = Duk , (6.33) where ˜C ≡ diag(Ck−1). At first sight, the motivation for equation (6.33) seems unclear; it is inspired by the pressure-correction method, and is further justified below. It turns out that D ˜C−1G is a K-matrix. So we use a splitting Mp − Np = D ˜C−1G. By employing the underrelaxed BIM formulation (6.11) we obtain : 1 αp Mpδp = Duk, pk = pk−1 + δp . where the underrelaxation factor αp must, unfortunately, be determined by trial and error; αp = 0.8 seems to be a suitable value. Step 5. Second velocity update: uk := uk − ˜C−1Gδp . Step 6. k := k + 1, and return to step 2. Repeat until convergence criterion is satisfied.

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Distributive iteration It is clear that upon convergence, when we have uk = uk−1 and δp = 0, we have indeed solved equation (6.28). But does SIMPLE converge? To see this it is convenient to take a modern point of view, and to regard SIMPLE as a member of the class of distributive iteration methods. This framework also makes equation (6.33) more understandable. The idea is as follows. Suppose we have a linear system Ay = b. The system is postconditioned: ABy = b, y = By . (6.34) The postconditioning matrix B is chosen such that (6.34) is easier to solve iteratively than Ay = b. For example, AB is an M-matrix, while A is not, as in our Navier-Stokes case above. For the iterative solution of (6.34) the splitting AB = M − N (6.35) is introduced, to which corresponds the following splitting of the original matrix A: A = MB−1 − NB−1 . This leads to the following stationary iterative method for Ay = b: MB−1yk+1 = NB−1yk + b , or yk+1 = yk + BM−1(b − Ayk) . (6.36) This can be solved as follows: Step 1. Solve Mδy = b − Ayk. Step 2. δy = Bδy. Step 3. yk+1 = yk + δy. Note that if the iterative method defined by (6.36) converges (yk+1 = yk), it solves Ay = b. This means that when designing a distributive iteration method, B and M in (6.36) need not be precisely the same as in (6.35). For example, one could use a complicated B to design a good M for (6.35), with N small, and then change M a little in (6.36) to make in step 1 Mδy = b−Ayk more easily solvable, and also B may be simplified to make (6.36) easy to apply. The method (6.36) is called distributive iteration for the following reason. Equation (6.36) and step 2 show that the correction M−1(b − Ayk) corre- sponding to non-distributive (B = I) iteration is distributed, so to speak, by multiplication with B, over the elements of yk+1, whence the name of the method.

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6.5 Distributive iteration 131
Distributive iteration for Navier-Stokes A number of well-known iteration methods for the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations can be interpreted as distributive methods. The distributive iteration framework permits us to give a unified description. The system to be solved is (6.32). Define (writing C instead of Ck−1 for brevity) A = [ C G D 0 ] . (6.37) A possible choice for B is: B = [ I − ˜C−1G 0 I ] , (6.38) resulting in AB = [ C (I − C ˜C−1)G D −D ˜C−1G ] . Note that the zero block on the main diagonal has disappeared (this is the purpose of distributive iteration), so that basic iterative methods have a chance to converge. It remains to specify a suitable approximation M of AB. Thinking of ˜C as an approximation of C, we hope that I − C ˜C−1 will be small; this is the motivation behind equation (6.33). So we delete the block (I −C ˜C−1)G. Furthermore, we replace C by Mu/αu of step 3 of the SIMPLE method and D ˜C−1G by Mp/αp of step 4. This gives M = [
1 αu
Mu 0 D − 1
Mp ] . (6.39) Substitution of (6.38) and (6.39) in (6.36) gives the following iterative method: Step 1. Determine [ ru rp ] = [ fg ] − [ C G D 0 ][ uk pk ] . (6.40) Step 2. Solve [ 1
Mu 0 D − 1
Mp ][ δu δp ]= [ ru rp ] . (6.41) Step 3. Carry out the distribution step: [ δu δp ]:= B [ δu δp ]= [ δu − ˜C−1Gδp δp ] . (6.42)

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132 6. Iterative solution methods
This is completely equivalent to the SIMPLE method described earlier; the reader should verify this. By changing M and B different variants of the SIMPLE method that have appeared in the literature such as SIMPLER and SIMPLEC, and another distributive method called distributive Gauss-Seidel may be obtained. So distributive iteration is a useful unifying framework. Roughly speaking, SIMPLE does for Navier-Stokes what Jacobi and Gauss- Seidel do for the Poisson equation studied earlier. So convergence will be slow and the work will still be O(N2). But, like BIMs, SIMPLE lends itself well for acceleration by Krylov subspace methods and multigrid. We will not discuss this here. The interested reader is referred to Chapt. 7 of Wesseling (2001), and references given there. When to stop SIMPLE iterations? The advice is to make the velocity field sufficiently divergence free, i.e. to make Duk suficiently small, for instance Duk
∞< tol U/L, tol ≪ 1 ,
where U and L are typical magnitudes for the velocity and the size of the domain. The reason is that if in incompressible flows div u is not sufficiently small, we have numerical mass sources and sinks, which is usually very detri- mental for physical realism. Final remark As we have seen, basic iterative methods usually are very slow to converge. As we remarked before, they are very useful if they are accelerated with Krylov subspace or multigrid methods. Unfortunately, in this course we have no time to discuss these methods. Exercise 6.5.1. Verify that the distributive and the original formulation of the SIMPLE method are equivalent.
Some self-test questions How many flops does it take to solve a system Ay = b with A a symmetric n × n matrix with bandwidth 2m − 1, m ≪ n, with a direct method without reordering? What is fill-in? Describe the matrix structure of the linearized staggered scheme. Describe the driven cavity benchmark problem. What is a basic iterative method?

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Give a good termination criterion for basic iterative methods. What is a K-matrix? What is an M-matrix? What is a regular splitting? What is the nice property of a regular splitting? Describe the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, ILU and IC methods. Let the iteration matrix of a BIM have spectral radius ρ < 1. How many iterations are equired to reduce the error by a factor r? Describe distributive iteration. Why is it useful for Navier-Stokes?

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Aris, R. (1962). Vectors, Tensors and the Basic Equations of Fluid Me- chanics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Reprinted, Dover, New York, 1989. Batchelor, G.K. (1967). An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Burden, R.L. and J.D. Faires (2001). Numerical analysis. Pacific Grove: Brooks/Cole. de Saint-Venant, B. (1843). Mémoire sur la dynamique des fluides. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 17, 1240–1242. Ghia, U., K.N. Ghia, and C.T. Shin (1982). High-Re solutions for in- compressible flow using the Navier-Stokes equations and a multigrid method. J. Comp. Phys. 48, 387–411. Golub, G.H. and C.F. Van Loan (1989). Matrix Computations (second edition). Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. Hackbusch, W. (1994). Iterative Solution of Large Sparse Systems Equa- tions. New York: Springer. Hinze, J.O. (1975). Turbulence. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hirsch, C. (1988). Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows. Vol.1: Fundamentals of Numerical Discretization. Chichester: Wiley. Lighthill, J. (1986). The recently recognized failure of predictability in Newtonian dynamics. Proc. R. Soc. London A407, 35–50. Meijerink, J.A. and H.A. van der Vorst (1977). An iterative solution method for linear systems of which the coefficient matrix is a sym- metric M-matrix. Math. Comp. 31, 148–162. Nakayama, Y. and W.A. Woods (Eds.) (1988). Visualized Flow; Fluid Mo- tion in Basic and Engineering Situations Revealed by Flow Visualiza- tion. Oxford: Pergamon. Navier, C.L.M.H. (1823). Mémoire sur les lois du mouvement des fluides. Mém. Acad. R. Sci. Paris 6, 389–416. Poisson, S.D. (1831). Mémoire sur les équations générales de l’équilibre et du mouvement des corps solides élastiques et des fluides. Journal de l’Ecole Polytechnique de Paris 13, 139–166.

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Stokes, G.G. (1845). On the theories of the internal friction of fluids in motion, and of the equilibrium and motion of elastic solids. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 8, 287–305. Stokes, G.G. (1851). On the effect of the internal friction of fluids on the motion of pendulums. Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc. 9, Pt. II, 8–106. Trottenberg, U., C.W. Oosterlee, and A. Schüller (2001). Multigrid. Lon- don: Academic Press. Van Dyke, M. (1982). An Album of Fluid Motion. Stanford: The Parabolic Press. van Kan, J. and A. Segal (1993). Numerieke methoden voor partiële differ- entiaalvergelijkingen. Delft: Delftse Uitgevers Maatschappij. Varga, R.S. (1962). Matrix Iterative Analysis. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Wesseling, P. (1992). An Introduction to Multigrid Methods. Chich- ester: Wiley. Available on Internet: www.mgnet.org/mgnet-books- wesseling.html. Wesseling, P. (2001). Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Heidel- berg: Springer. Young, D.M. (1971). Iterative Solution of Large Linear Systems. New York: Academic Press.

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absolute stability, 70 accuracy – uniform, 60 Adams-Bashforth scheme, 85, 95 Adams-Bashforth-ω-scheme, 99 Adams-Bashforth-Crank-Nicolson scheme, 95, 98 Adams-Bashforth-ω scheme, 85 aircraft, 11 amplification factor, 74 artificial viscosity, 30 back-substitution, 110, 118 backward-facing step problem, 99 bandmatrix, 104 bandwidth, 109, 115 – lower, 109, 110 – upper, 109, 110 barrier function, 38, 40 basic iterative method, 110, 116, 128 benchmark, 114, 115 BIM, 116–118, 123, 124, 129, 132 Black-Scholes equation, 13 body force, 7, 9 boundary condition, 19, 20, 24, 49, 85, 91 – Dirichlet, 19, 20, 24 – Neumann, 19, 20, 25 – wrong, 20 boundary layer, 31, 44 – equation, 46, 47, 51, 52 – ordinary, 52 – parabolic, 52, 54 – thickness, 31 boundary value problem, 19 Burgers equation, 19, 72 Cartesian grid, 99 Cartesian tensor notation, 2 cavitation, 7 cd1, 27, 28, 42 cd2, 58, 59 cdns, 81 cell, 22 cell-centered, 23, 28, 37, 41, 89 central discretization, 24 central scheme, 25 CFL number, 77 CG, 125, 128 chaos, 11 characteristics, 45, 50, 52 Cholesky decomposition, 120 – incomplete, 120, 121 cholinc, 120, 121 cholinc, 127 compatibility condition, 88, 97 condition number, 108, 126 conjugate gradients method, 125 conservation – of mass, 5, 6 – of momentum, 7, 8 conservation form, 18, 19, 43, 86 conservation law, 5 conservative, 23, 55 consistency, 68–70 constitutive relation, 8 continuity equation, 6, 9 continuum hypothesis, 5 control volume, 22 convection-diffusion equation, I, 13, 14, 17, 53 – dimensionless form, 14 convection-diffusion-reaction equation, 13 convergence, 68–70, 110, 115–117, 119, 124, 125, 128, 130, 132 – of discretization, 68 – rate of —, 121 coordinates – Cartesian, 2 – right-handed, 2

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138 Index Courant number, 77 Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number, 77 Crank-Nicolson scheme, 78 cruise condition, 11 curl, 4 d’Alembert’s paradox, 46 determinism, 12 deviatoric stress tensor, 86 diagonally dominant, 109, 110 differential-algebraic system, 93, 94, 97 diffusion coefficient, 13 diffusion number, 65 dimensionless – convection-diffusion equation, 14 – equations, 9 – Navier-Stokes equations, 10, 86 – parameter, 10, 11 – variables, 10 direct method, 110, 112, 116 direct solver, 104 Dirichlet, 52, 53 Dirichlet condition, 19 distinguished limit, 49, 51, 52 distributive iteration, 96, 110, 128, 130, 132 divergence theorem, 2 driven cavity, 113 efficiency, 66, 85, 103, 110, 112, 117, 119, 127, 128 eigenvalue, 108, 123 eigenvector, 108, 117, 123 elliptic, 45 ERCOFTAC, 1 errata, II Euler scheme – backward, 77 – forward, 65, 72, 76, 77, 94 explicit, 77, 79 explicit scheme, 71 Fick’s law, 13 fill-in, 111, 119 finite difference, I finite element, I finite volume, I, 22, 54, 90 finite volume method, 17, 22, 44 fish, 11 floor, 58 flops, 105, 110, 111, 123 flux, 23, 24 flux vector, 13 Fourier – analysis, 71 – law, 13 – mode, 73 – series, 72 – stability analysis, 72, 98 fractional step method, 96 free surface conditions, 87, 92 friction, 11 frozen coefficients method, 71, 72 Gauss-Seidel method, 110, 118, 124, 132 – backward, 118, 124 – forward, 118, 124 Gaussian elimination, 110, 118 heat equation, 64 heq, 66 hyperbolic, 45 IC, 120 – first order, 120 ICCG, 126, 127 ill-posed, 17, 20 ILU, 110, 118 ILU decomposition, 119, 121 – first order, 119, 121 IMEX method, 104 IMEX scheme, 95 implicit, 77 incomplete Cholesky decomposition, 120, 121 – first order —, 120 incomplete LU method, 118 incompressibility, 7 incompressible, 6 induced norm, 108 inertia, 8, 11 inertia terms, 9 inflow boundary, 50 inflow conditions, 87, 92 initial condition, 86 inner equation, 47, 49 inner product, 2 inner solution, 47, 48 Internet, 1, 107 irreducible, 109 irrotational, 4 iteration matrix, 116 iterative method, 110, 112, 116, 121 – backward Gauss-Seidel, 118 – basic, 116, 128 – distributive, 128, 130, 132 – forward Gauss-Seidel, 118

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Index 139 – Gauss-Seidel, 118, 124, 132 – ILU, 118 – Jacobi, 118, 122, 124, 132 – SIMPLE, 129, 130, 132 – SIMPLEC, 132 – SIMPLER, 132 – stationary, 116, 130 Jacobi method, 110, 118, 122, 124, 132 Jacobian, 94 K-matrix, 109, 110, 117, 118, 128, 129 kron, 121 Kronecker delta, 2, 8 Kronecker product, 121 Krylov subspace method, 124, 125, 132 Lagrange multiplier, 94 laminar, I, 1, 11 Landau’s order symbol, 35 Laplace, 12, 127 Laplace operator, 2, 9 Lax’s equivalence theorem, 70 length scale, 81 Leonardo da Vinci, 11 lexicographic order, 58, 119, 121 linear interpolation, 24 linearization, 94, 112 – extrapolated Picard, 95, 99 – Newton, 85, 94, 99 – Picard, 85, 95, 99 local grid refinement, 33 local mesh refinement, 60 lower triangular, 109 lu, 111 LU-decomposition, 104 luinc, 121 M-matrix, 109, 117–119, 124, 128 matching principle, 47, 49, 51 material – particle, 5, 6, 13 – property, 5, 13 – volume, 5–7 mathematical finance, 13 MATLAB, 18, 27, 41, 56, 58, 59, 66, 99, 103, 125 MATLAB code, 112 MATLAB software, II matrix – diagonally dominant, 109, 110 – irreducible, 109 – K- —, 109, 110, 117, 118, 128, 129 – M- —, 109, 117–119, 124, 128 – positive definite, 109, 110 – sparse, 109, 110 – transpose, 108 – triangular, 109 matrix norm, 108 maximum principle, 17, 21, 29, 43, 57, 63, 117 – discrete —, 17, 44 mesh Péclet number, 30, 57, 105 mesh Reynolds number, 105, 129 mesh size, 23 momentum equation, 8 monotone, 17, 21 multigrid, 107, 112, 125, 132 multiphase flow, 6 my_cholinc, 120, 127 Navier-Stokes equations, I, 9, 85 – dimensionless, 10, 86 – incompressible, 9 – nonstationary, 107 – stationary, 107 Neumann, 52, 53 Neumann condition, 19 Newton, 1, 7, 85, 94, 99 Newtonian – fluid, 8 – mechanics, 12 – non- —, 8 no-slip, 87, 92 norm – l2 —, 74 – induced —, 108 – matrix —, 108 – p- —, 108 – vector —, 108 ns1, 85, 99 ns2, 85, 99 ns3, 112 numerical diffusion, 30 numerical efficiency, 103 numerical flux, 24 ω-scheme, 77, 78, 80, 85, 99 one-step scheme, 68 outer equation, 47, 50, 51 outer solution, 47, 48, 50 outflow, 85 outflow boundary, 53, 54 outflow condition, 17, 52, 88, 92 overrelaxation, 116 p-norm, 108 Péclet

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140 Index – mesh — number, 30, 57, 61, 105 – number, 14, 28, 33, 54 – uniform, 33 – uniform accuracy, 54 – uniform computing cost, 54 parabolic, 51 paradox of d’Alembert, 46 Parseval’s theorem, 74 Pentium, 67, 103 physical units, 9 Picard, 85, 95, 99 – iteration, 112, 128 – linearization, 112 pivoting, 110 po, 121, 126, 127 Poisson equation, 97, 120, 122, 132 positive definite, 109, 110 positive scheme, 29 positive type, 29, 57, 117 postconditioning, 130 potential, 4 – flow, 3 preconditioning, 125 predictability of dynamical systems, 12 pressure Poisson equation, 97 pressure-correction method, 85, 96, 98, 129 projection method, 96 random, 12 rate of convergence, 121 rate of strain, 8 rate of strain tensor, 8 regular perturbation, 46 regular splitting, 110, 117, 124, 128, 129 relaxation parameter, 116 reordering, 105, 110, 111 residual, 117 Reynolds – mesh — number, 105, 129 – number, 1, 10–12, 33, 54, 61, 86 – transport theorem, 5 rotation, 4 rounding error, 34 scheme – central, 25 – finite volume, 26 – numerical, 26 – upwind, 25 sea-level, 11 ship, 11 SIMPLE, 110, 129, 130, 132 – termination criterion, 132 SIMPLEC, 132 SIMPLER, 132 singular perturbation, 34, 46 singular perturbation theory, 44, 46, 47 smooth grid, 35, 36 software, 107 software libraries, 108 solenoidal, 3, 4, 94 sparse, 27, 104, 109, 110 spdiags, 27, 121 spectral method, I spectral radius, 108, 123, 124 speed of sound, 7 splitting, 129, 130 – convergent, 117 – regular, 117, 118 spy, 111, 121 stability, 68, 70, 78, 81, 85, 98 – absolute, 70, 75, 76 – analysis, 71, 78 – Fourier analysis, 71, 72, 98 – local, 71 – zero- —, 70, 75, 76 staggered, 88, 89, 91, 94 staggered grid, 85 standard atmosphere, 11 stationary iterative method, 116 stencil, 26, 44, 57, 91, 119, 121 Stokes – equations, 12 – paradox, 12 stratified flow, 8 streamfunction, 3, 114, 115 streamline, 3, 4, 114 stress tensor, 8 – deviatoric —, 86 stretched coordinate, 47 subcharacteristics, 45 subscript notation, 2 summation convention, 2 surface force, 7 swapping, 114 symmetric positive definite, 125 symmetry, 27 Taylor’s formula, 34, 35 tensor – rate of strain —, 8 – stress —, 8 termination criterion, 117 time scale, 81 total derivative, 5

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Index 141 transport theorem, 5, 6 transpose, 108 truncation error, 34 – global, 18, 34, 68, 114, 116 – local, 17, 34, 35, 68, 69, 114 turbulence, 11 turbulent, I two-step method, 95 underrelaxation, 116, 129 uniformly valid, 50 upper triangular, 109 upwind discretization, 24 upwind scheme, 25, 72, 76, 115, 129 vector – analysis, 1 – norm, 108 – notation, 2 – space, 108 vectorization, 66 vertex-centered, 23, 27, 40, 41, 89 virtual value, 92, 93 viscosity – coefficient, 86 – dynamic, 8 – kinematic, 8, 11 – numerical, 33 von Neumann condition, 75 wall-clock time, 103 wavenumber, 73 website, II, 1 well-posed, 17, 20, 51 wiggles, 21, 29, 60, 61, 64, 88, 117 windtunnel, 11 wing cord, 11 wp_iccg, 127 yacht, 11 zero-stability, 70

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