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PYGILDAS: Interleaving Python and GILDAS

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PYGILDAS: Interleaving Python and GILDAS
End-user and developer documentation Sébastien Bardeau, Emmanuel Reynier, Jérôme Pety and Stéphane Guilloteau 24-apr-2018
Version 0.8
1 Context
Goal: to create an inter-operable environment in which a SIC driven program can also use all Python facilities and vice-versa: a Python code could import a SIC-based program. Method: first create a common space in which SIC and Python communicates by their respective “objects”: SIC variables and Python NumPy arrays. Content: description of the SIC variable to Python object mapping.
2 End-user documentation
2.1 Prerequisites (what you have to know)
If you wonder how to compile Gildas with the Python binding activated, please refer to section 3.1.1. 2.1.1 Python basics Identifiers To the opposite to SIC, Python (like C) is case sensitive. SIC variables will be imported in Python variables with names arbitraryly lowercased. There are also a few forbidden characters in Python identifiers, especially ’%’ and ’$’. The dot ’.’ is reserved for a special purpose. See subsection 2.3.2 for more details. Multidimensional-array arrangement in memory Multidimensional arrays in C (and thus Python) are stored in row-major order; in Fortran they are in column-major order. For a 2- dimensional array (matrix), this means that C stores each row contiguously in memory, while Fortran stores each column contiguously. More generally, for an N-dimensional array, in C the last dimension is contiguous in memory, while in Fortran the first dimension is contiguous. This means that for the same area allocated in memory, Fortran and C indices are transposed: aF ortran(d1, ..., dN ) ↔ aC[dN , ..., d1] where N is the number of dimensions and di the ith dimension. Remember also that first element through one dimension has index 1 in Fortran, and index 0 in C. Finally, we can write: 1

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 2 aF ortran(i, j, ..., k) ≡ aC[k − 1, ..., j − 1,i − 1] This element is the same but accessed from Fortran or from C respectively. The vars() built-in function With no arguments, displays the dictionary1 of the current name area. Thus vars().keys()2 is a list of all variables defined in the current name area. With a variable as argument, displays the attributes list of this variable. The dir() built-in function With no arguments, displays the whole list of variables, functions or other objects defined in the current name area. With a variable as argument, displays the list of attributes but also methods and other objects associated to this variable. The doc attribute Each Python object (functions, classes, variables,...) provides (if pro- grammer has filled it) a short documentation which describes its features. You can access it with commands like print myobject. doc . You can provide a documentation for your own objects (functions for example) in the body of their definition as a string surrounded by three double-quotes:
>>> def myfunc(): ... """’myfunc’ documentation.""" ... pass ... >>> print myfunc.__doc__ ’myfunc’ documentation.
Global/local variables and module name spaces Python has the usual notion of global and local variables. A variable may be either visible in all the main code (it is global) or only in the function which defines it (it is local). When a variable is called in a function, Python searches it in the local name space and if not found, it searches it in the global name space. When a module is imported, it has its own global and locals name spaces, which it does not share with the main ones. Thus, if a variable is defined as global in a module, it can only be accessed as an element of the module. Let us assume we want to import a module named mymodule which provides an execute() function. This function executes command lines in the module global name space3.
>>> import mymodule >>> mymodule.execute(’a = 0’) >>> mymodule.a 0 >>> a # is not defined (or visible) in the main name space. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? NameError: name ’a’ is not defined
Note that importing all module objects in the main name space does not give a solution:
1a Python dictionary is an associative array: a set of couples keys + items. 2the .keys() (resp. .values()) method returns the keys (resp. the values) list of any dictionary. 3it may be coded this way: def execute(string): exec(string) in globals()

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>>> from mymodule import execute >>> # ’execute()’ is now a member of the main name space >>> execute(’a = 0’) >>> a # is not defined... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? NameError: name ’a’ is not defined >>> execute(’print a’) # but seems defined ’somewhere’... 0 >>> print __name__ # Prints the current module name __main__ >>> execute(’print __name__’) # Prints the module name the ... # ’execute()’ function works in mymodule
execute() function still works in mymodule (and defines variables as members of it) although there is no ’mymodule’ module visible in the main name space. Finally you will have to import the brand new created variable if you want to make it visible in the main name space:
>>> from mymodule import a >>> a 0
Note that the two objects a (imported from mymodule) and mymodule.a are the same object (not a copy):
>>> execute(’b = [0, 0, 0]’) >>> from mymodule import b >>> b [0, 0, 0] >>> b[0] = 1 >>> b # the one imported into ’main’ from ’mymodule’ [1, 0, 0] >>> execute(’print b’) # the one in ’mymodule’ [1, 0, 0]
2.1.2 NumPy basics Array handling is provided to Python by the optional package NumPy. NumPy de- rives from the older module Numeric which documentation is available at http://nume ric.scipy.org/numpydoc/numdoc.htm. You will have to pay for the NumPy documen- tation4, but the Numeric one may be sufficient to begin handling arrays with Python. You can also find an extensive list of the NumPy functions, methods and attributes at http://www.scipy.org/Numpy Example List With Doc . The type ndarray provided by NumPy module has a large set of attributes and methods which can help to deal with these objects. This module also brings many useful functions.
4see http://www.tramy.us

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>>> from numpy import array, reshape >>> a = reshape(array(range(1,25)),(2,3,4)) >>> # integers from 1 to 24 rearranged in a 2x3x4 data cube >>> a array([[[ 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8], [ 9, 10, 11, 12]], [[13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]]]) >>> type(a) <type ’numpy.ndarray’>
Basic array elements access may be summarized as follows:
>>> a[0] # First subarray through first dimension array([[ 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8], [ 9, 10, 11, 12]]) >>> a[0][1] # Second subarray through first dimension of subarray ’a[0]’ array([5, 6, 7, 8]) >>> a[0][1][2] 7 >>> a[0,1,2] # Same as above 7 >>> j = (0,1,2) >>> a[j] # Tuples are valid indices 7 >>> a[:] # All subarrays through first dimension, thus ’a’ itself array([[[ 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8], [ 9, 10, 11, 12]], [[13, 14, 15, 16], [17, 18, 19, 20], [21, 22, 23, 24]]]) >>> a[0:1] # lower limit is included, upper limit excluded, # thus only a[0] array([[[ 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8], [ 9, 10, 11, 12]]]) >>> a[:,1:,:2] # All elements through 1st dimension, # all elements except 1st one (0) through 2nd dimension, # 1st two elements (0 and 1) through 3rd dimension: array([[[ 5, 6], [ 9, 10]], [[17, 18], [21, 22]]])
Attributes Attributes come with any numpy.ndarray. Among others we can mention: • The .shape built-in attribute: is a Python tuple storing the dimensions of the input array.

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 5 • The .dtype built-in attribute: a numpy.ndarray brings its datatype in a special ob- ject called dtype, which can be retrieved with the .dtype attribute. Default type is dtype(’<i4’) (standard integer) for integers, and ’<f8’ (double precision) for floats. We will import different kind of numbers from SIC (different memory size allocated per ele- ment), so the dtypes will be one of ’<f8’ (double precision float), ’<f4’ (single precision float), ’<i4’ (integers), or ’|S1’ (single characters). • The .itemsize built-in attribute: is the size allocated in memory (in bytes) for each array element (see dtypes above). Methods Methods come with any numpy.ndarray. Among others: • The .flatten() built-in method: returns a flat (rank 1) vector compound with a copy of all input array elements. • The .tostring() built-in method: returns a string representation of the data portion of the array it is applied to. It can be used to concatenate elements of a character (’|S1’) array. Functions Functions must be imported from NumPy module. Among others: • The array() built-in function: returns a numpy.ndarray from a list of elements (or list of lists,...), from a tuple (or tuple of tuples,...), or even from any valid numpy.ndarray. The array constructor also takes an optional dtype (see above), an optional savespace argument, and an optional copy argument (see below). Try also ones() or zeros() with a tuple containing dimensions as argument to create new arrays. • The size() built-in function: displays the number of elements of the input array. • The rank() built-in function: displays the number of dimensions of the input array (0 = scalar, 1 = vector, etc). • The len() built-in function: displays the number of elements of the input array along the first dimension. • See also: reshape(). Subarrays and derivates An important feature is that arrays that derive from numpy.ndarray are not copies: they still point to the memory area of the initial array.
>>> from numpy import zeros >>> a = zeros((2,3)) >>> a array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> b = a[0] # Subarray >>> b array([0, 0, 0])

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>>> c = reshape(a,(6,)) # 1D version of ’a’ >>> c array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) >>> a[0,0] = 1 >>> b[1] = 2 >>> c[2] = 3 >>> a array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 0, 0]]) >>> b array([1, 2, 3]) >>> c array([1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0])
The array constructor (built-in function) array() can take an optional boolean argument copy which indicates if the above feature applies or not to the derived array:
>>> a = array((0,0,0)) >>> a array([0, 0, 0]) >>> b = array(a,copy=True) # A copy: does not share its data with ’a’ >>> c = array(a,copy=False) # Not a copy: shares its data with ’a’ >>> a[0] = 1 >>> b[1] = 2 >>> c[2] = 3 >>> a array([1, 0, 3]) >>> b array([0, 2, 0]) >>> c array([1, 0, 3])

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2.2 Using Python from SIC
2.2.1 The SIC command PYTHON If Python and the NumPy module was detected, SIC provides the command PYTHON with various behaviors depending on what follows (or not) on command line: • Starting Python: in all cases, the first call to the command starts the Python interpreter in the background if it was not already launched. This is done only once:
SIC> PYTHON Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Nov 14 2006, 22:44:28) [GCC 4.1.1 20061011 (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)] on linux2 Entering interactive session. Type ’Sic()’ to go back to SIC. >>>
The SIC variables are not yet available at this stage, assuming the user may not need them. You have to invoke the .get() method (with no arguments) to import them (see section 2.4 for details):
>>> pysic.get() Importing all SIC variables into Python... ... done. >>>
• Switching to Python: by default, if no argument follows, an interactive session is launched (see above). It has the same behavior as the standard interactive Python mode: multiline definition for functions and classes, and command history. To exit both SIC and Python, type CTRL-D as usual. The exit() function is also available. To go back to SIC, call the Sic object with Sic(). • Executing a Python script: if the first argument which follows the command PYTHON is a string ending with the three characters ‘.py’, SIC assumes that you gave it a Python filename. SIC will look in all the MACRO#DIR: directories it usually looks in for its own procedures. SIC also solves the logical names if any. If the file is found, it will be executed by the Python interpreter in the current name space:
SIC> TYPE test.py print "Hello world!" a = 1 a print "a value is", a # This line is a comment for i in xrange(1,4): print i if True: print "True" else: print "False"

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SIC> PYTHON test.py Hello world! a value is 1 1 2 3 True SIC>
Note that the command a = 1 does not print any output. You have to explicitely request a print to see any value. After the execution you fall back to the SIC prompt. If the SIC%VERIFY flag is set to ON, commands are printed before execution:
SIC> SIC VERIFY ON I-SIC, VERIFY is ON SIC> PYTHON test.py >>> print "Hello world!" Hello world! >>> a = 1 >>> a >>> print "a value is", a a value is 1 >>> for i in xrange(1,4): ... print i 1 2 3 >>> if True: ... print "True" ... else: ... print "False" True SIC>
• Passing arguments to Python scripts: You can pass arguments to the Python script after its name. They will be available in the sys.argv list as usually when you launch Python scripts from shell:
SIC> TYPE test2.py import sys for i in sys.argv: print i, type(i) SIC> PYTHON test2.py 1 qwerty "ABCD" test2.py <type ’str’> 1 <type ’str’> qwerty <type ’str’> "ABCD" <type ’str’> SIC>
Arguments are also parsed by SIC before being sent to Python:

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SIC> DEFINE DOUBLE A SIC> LET A 1.234 SIC> py test2.py A "A" ’A’ test2.py <type ’str’> A <type ’str’> "A" <type ’str’> 1.234 <type ’str’> SIC>
• Parsing Python script arguments: Sic does NOT interpret arguments starting by a slash as options of the command. This can be useful to simulate a Sic-like calling sequence, but implemented in Python. The Gildas-Python module sicparse.py can help you to parse such options in Python:
SIC> type test3.py import sicparse parser = sicparse.OptionParser() # Declare 1 known option: parser.add_option( "-m", # Short name "--myopt", # Full name dest="optval", # Variable name where option value will be stored nargs=1, # Number of arguments expected type="float", # Kind of arguments default=1.23) # Default value if option is absent # Call again add_options to declare more options # Parse: try: (options, args) = parser.parse_args() except: raise StandardError,"Invalid option" print "Success" print "Command arguments: ",args print "Options: ",options SIC> python test3.py ABCD Success Command arguments: [’ABCD’] Options: {’optval’: 1.23} SIC> python test3.py ABCD /myopt 4.56 Success Command arguments: [’ABCD’] Options: {’optval’: 4.56} SIC>
But of course, as in Sic, arguments starting with a slash must be then double-quoted:

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SIC> python test3.py /home/me Usage: test3.py [options] test3.py: error: no such option: /home/me Traceback (most recent call last): File "./test3.py", line 19, in <module> raise StandardError,"Invalid option" StandardError: Invalid option SIC> python test3.py "/home/me" Success Command arguments: [’"/home/me"’] Options: {’optval’: 1.23}
• Raising errors in Python scripts: There are typically 3 ways to raise errors in Python scripts: 1. let Python raise its own errors, e.g. SIC> type test4.py print 1/0 SIC> python test4.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "./test4.py", line 1, in <module> print 1/0 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero SIC> 2. raise your own Python error, e.g. SIC> type test5.py arg = 0 if (arg==0): raise StandardError, "Argument must not be null" else: print 1/arg SIC> python test5.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "./test5.py", line 3, in <module> raise StandardError, "Argument must not be null" StandardError: Argument must not be null SIC> 3. turn ON the error status of the SIC\PYTHON command, such as it behaves correctly when hand is given back to Sic. For example: SIC> type test6.py def main(): try: print 1/0 except: print "E-SIC, Some error when printing 1/0" pysic.sicerror() # Set the SIC\PYTHON command error

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 11 return # Leave the function and the script if __name__ == "__main__": main() SIC> py test6.py E-SIC, Some error when printing 1/0 SIC> Note that these 3 methods raise an error in Sic, i.e. the flag SIC%ERROR is true on return, and that procedures will stop in such a case (if ON ERROR is PAUSE). The last syntax gives the best integration in Sic, because in particular it hides the Python error traceback. However, this requires 1) to catch the error with a try/except clause, 2) to tell Sic an occured thanks to the method sicerror(), and 3) to leave the script right after. This last point can only be achieved by putting the whole code in a (top) function, from which you can return when required. exit is not satisfying because it performs too much cleaning, nor raise since a traceback would be back. • Sending Sic-formatted messages to Sic: the method message() can be used to send messages to Sic. They will be formatted and filtered by the standard Sic messaging mech- anism, e.g.: >>> pysic.message(pysic.seve.i,"FOO","Hello world!") I-FOO, Hello world! The seve instance contains the usual elements (f, e, w, r, i, d, t, c) which have to be used to indicate the message severity. • Executing a single-line Python command: if any other character string follows the PYTHON command, it will be sent to the Python interpreter as a single line command. Multiline feature can not be used in this case:
SIC> PYTHON print "Hello world!" Hello world! SIC>
The command line sent after the PYTHON command is executed by the Python interpreter. It is also printed after a >>> prompt if the SIC%VERIFY flag is ON:
SIC> SIC VERIFY ON I-SIC, VERIFY is ON SIC> PYTHON print "Hello world!" >>> print "Hello world!" Hello world! SIC>
Take care that what you type at SIC prompt after PYTHON command is now case sensitive! There will be no reformatting, except for single-quoted strings:
SIC> PYTHON print ’Hello world?’ >>> print ’Helloworld?’ Helloworld? SIC>
Please use double-quotes instead for commands sent by SIC to Python.

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 12 2.2.2 Calling Python functions The Python community has developped a large set of additional modules for many purposes. Some functions that SIC does not provide can be imported from an external Python module. User can also define its own functions written with Python. The numerical functions can be called from SIC formulas. When SIC does not find a function in its own builtin or user-defined ones, it will have a look in the Python main namespace area (if Python interpreter is launched!). If one object name matches and is callable, it will call this Python function with the arguments you provided:
SIC> PYTHON from scipy.special import jn >>> from scipy.special import jn SIC> PYTHON print jn.__doc__ >>> print jn.__doc__ y = jn(n,x) returns the Bessel function of integer order n at x. SIC> DEF REAL A SIC> A = JN(0,1) SIC> EXA A A = 0.7651977 ! Real GLOBAL SIC>
5 is the Bessel function, called here at order 0 with x = 1. Always take care to import
(or create) your Python functions in the main namespace. Note that function names are fully lowercased before trying to match them with Python names.
5scipy and its subpackages provide a large set of mathematical functions for scientific computing. See project
webpage for more informations: http://www.scipy.org

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2.3 Using SIC from Python
2.3.1 PyGildas modules Most of the Gildas packages can be directly imported as Python modules: • import pysic • import pygreg • import pyastro • import pyclass6 • import pyclic • import pymapping During the import, 3 steps are executed: • SIC (resp. GreG) is initialized as a background process, • the Sic object is instantiated into Python main (see subsection 2.3.4), • all SIC variables are imported into Python main (see subsection 2.4). From this point, you can use the (shared) variables, jump to SIC prompt, and use any of the methods the module defines (see hereafter). 2.3.2 Special commands A set of special functions has been written for user convenience. They are provided as methods of the modules pysic, pygreg, ... if SIC is launched from Python, and also in every case as methods of an instance called Sic in the Python main (see subsection 2.3.4): • comm(string): takes a string as argument and sends it to the SIC interpreter, which will execute it. If SIC fails to interpret the command, or if the command itself returns an error, comm will raise an error in Python
7. As usual in Python, it can be catched with the try
and except couple of directives. • setgdict(dictionary): define input dictionary as the area where Gildas variables will be imported, and automatically import these into the input dictionary. If a dictionary was already defined, it is first cleaned before filling the new one given in input. A call to this function is required if user wants to access the imported variables. This avoids polluting name areas because of uncontroled default. In interactive mode, the most common usage is to use the current name area, e.g. setgdict(globals()); print pi. In script mode, prefer using a custom dictionary, e.g. d = dict(); setgdict(d); print d[’pi’], or even better the gdict container (see subsection 2.3.3).
6the current Class was called Class90 before Feb ’08 7Please note that the @ command in SIC will not raise any error even if a command fails in the procedure
executed. User is expected to correct it on-the-fly, or to tune the error handling with the ON ERROR command in SIC.

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 14 • get([string[,integer[,boolean]]]): Takes a string as argument, which must be a valid SIC name (in SIC format, thus not case sensitive). Variable can be a scalar, an array, a structure, an header, a table, or an image. The second argument may be the level of the variable to be imported (0 = global, 1 = 1-local, and so on). It defaults to the current exe- cution level. A third argument indicates if the function should be verbose (True, default), or not (False). ‘get()’ creates a SicVar or a SicStructure instance sharing its data with the correspond- ing variable in SIC. Its name is the original SIC name, but lowercased, and converted in respect with the Python name conventions (see table 1). ’$’ can not appear in Python names: it is converted to ‘ ’. ‘%’ (structures in SIC) has a special treatment and is con- verted to ‘.’ (see subsection 2.4.3). All structures elements are linked to the corresponding SicStructure as SicVar (or SicStructure) attributes, and all header components of the images are linked to the corresponding SicVar as SicVar attributes. ‘get()’ fails to import variable into Python when its converted name is a Python reserved keyword (such as ‘def’, ‘del’, ‘import’, ‘as’, ...), or a built-in function name (such as ‘type’, ‘range’, ‘min’, ‘max’, ...). With no argument, ‘get()’ imports all SIC variables by iteratively calling ‘get()’ itself with their names as argument. Table 1: SIC to Python names conversion SIC Python "ABC" "abc" "ABC$DEF" "abc def" "ABC%DEF" "abc.def" • exa([var1[,var2[,...]]]): with one or more SicVar or SicStructure instances as argument, displays one line per instance with the corresponding SIC variable name, details on its type, dimensions,... With no argument, displays this line for the full list of the SIC variables. Example:
>>> exa(pi) PI is a REAL*8, 0D (GLOBAL,RO) -> pi
• define(string[,boolean]): takes one string as argument and defines one or more vari- ables in both SIC and Python. First keyword must be the type (one of real, double, integer, character or structure, or a non-ambiguous truncated form of them), followed by one or more valid variable-creator SIC name (e.g. ‘A’, ‘B*8’, ‘C[2]’, ‘D%E’ or even ‘F%G*8[2,3]’). All variables created this way are read-and-write. By default they are local to the current execution level, but you can provide a second optional argument set to True to make the variables global. For images, give the command line you would give to the SIC interpreter, but without the define keyword. exa() is finally called on the newly created instance(s). Examples:

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>>> define(’real a’) A is a REAL*4, 0D (GLOBAL,RW) -> a >>> define(’double b c[2] d[2,3]’) B is a REAL*8, 0D (GLOBAL,RW) -> b C is a REAL*8, 1D (2x0x0x0) (GLOBAL,RW) -> c D is a REAL*8, 2D (2x3x0x0) (GLOBAL,RW) -> d >>> define(’structure e’) E is a <structure>, 0D (GLOBAL,RW) -> e >>> define(’character e%f e%g*6[2,3]’) E%F is a CHARACTER*1, 0D (GLOBAL,RW) -> e.f E%G is a CHARACTER*6, 2D (2x3x0x0) (GLOBAL,RW) -> e.g >>> define(’image h centaurus.gdf read’) H is a (image)REAL*4, 2D (512x512x1x1) (GLOBAL,RO) -> h
• delete(var1[,var2[,...]]): takes one or more SicVar or SicStructure instances as arguments. Tries to delete the corresponding variable in SIC. On success, also deletes the input instance. • getlogical(string): takes one Python string as argument. The method translates a SIC logical and returns it as a Python string. Input name is case insensitive. An empty string is returned if no such SIC logical exists (no error is raised). 2.3.3 The gdict container Modules have a special attribute named gdict (actually, a class instance) from which all Gildas variables can be easily retrieved and defined:
>>> import pysic >>> pysic.get() Importing all SIC variables into Python... ... done. >>> g = pysic.gdict >>> g Container for imported Gildas variables. Variables are accessed as attributes of this object. >>> dir(g) # List of all imported variables [’__builtins__’, ’debug_recursive’, ’gildas_node’, ’linedb’, ’no’, ’pi’, ’run_window’, ’sic’, ’type_dble’, ’type_inte’, ’type_logi’, ’type_long’, ’type_real’, ’yes’] >>> g.pi # Get Gildas variable PI 3.14159265359 >>> g.a = (1,2,3) # Set a new Gildas variable A A is a INTEGER*4, 1D (3x0x0x0) (GLOBAL,RW) -> a >>> pysic.comm(’exa a’) A is an integer Array of dimensions 3 1 2 3
Whatever the name area has been defined by user with setgdict, any gdict instance will allways find the Gildas dictionary8. The variable handling can be found easier than the dictionary equivalent d[’pi’].
8Technically, gdict instances have no attributes. They only have the methods getattr and setattr
which dynamically retrieve or define the SicVar instances.

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 16 2.3.4 The Sic object in Python main This object is obsolescent. Whatever is the way you launched SIC and Python through the Pygildas features, an object named Sic will be created at initialization time in the Python main . It is used for these purposes: • It stores (as attributes) aliases of commands documented at subsection 2.3.2. If user called Python from SIC, he can only access them from the Sic object. If user called Gildas from Python (e.g. by importing pysic or pygreg), he can either call these commands with the pysic/pygreg or Sic prefix. Calling Sic() switches to the SIC prompt. • It stores as an attribute the array of 10 instances named localspaces and used to save local variables (see subsection 2.5). • It stores a logical flag named warnings which activate/deactivate warnings (printed when importing a variable failed for example). It is set to True by default, but user can switch it to False.

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2.4 Importing SIC objects
Importing SIC objects (more precisely making them visible from Python) is quite easy and all the trick is based on the NumPy package and its ndarray type object. All SIC variables are imported through instances of two special classes: SicVar and SicStructure which implements numpy.ndarray features. 2.4.1 SIC arrays SIC arrays are imported as SicVar instances. Let us define9 a 1D array A in SIC:
>>> Sic.setgdict(globals()) Importing all SIC variables into Python... ... done. >>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE INTEGER A[3]’)
Defining a variable in SIC automatically imports it in Python main . Here A is imported into a SicVar instance with name ’a’:
>>> a [0 0 0] >>> print a <SicVar instance> array([0, 0, 0]) >>> type(a) <type ’instance’> >>> print a.__doc__ A SicVar instance.
All of the numpy.ndarray attributes, methods or functions should apply to the SicVar in- stances, because almost all these instances behaviors are redirected to their numpy.ndarray component. Their elements can be accessed with standard NumPy indexing syntax:
>>> a[0] 0 >>> a[1:] # Elements 1 and subsequents [0 0] >>> a += 1 # Adds 1 to all elements >>> a [1 1 1] >>> a[:] = 0 # Sets all elements to 0 >>> a [0 0 0] >>> len(a) # Length 3 >>> a.shape (3,)
Remember that data pointed to by SicVar instances is not a copy: if you modify it in Python it will be modified in SIC:
9the comm() method of the Sic object or the pysic, pygreg, ... modules (depending of the calling method)
sends its string argument as a command line to SIC. See subsection 2.3.2 for all the usefull methods.

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>>> a[0] = 1 >>> a [1 0 0] >>> Sic.comm(’EXA A’) A is an integer Array of dimensions 3 1 0 0
Remember also that derived arrays share their data with the initial array:
>>> b = a[0:2] # First two elements (upper limit is excluded) >>> print b.__doc__ A SicVar instance. >>> b [1 0] >>> b += 1 # Adds 1 to all elements >>> b [2 1] >>> a [2 1 0]
Note that b, as a derived array, is itself a SicVar instance, but is only visible in Python. And remember the different memory arrangement between SIC (Fortran) and C (Python) for multidimensionnal arrays (see subsection 2.1.1):
>>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE INTEGER C[2,3,4]’) >>> c.shape (4, 3, 2) >>> c[0,0,0] = 1 # First element >>> c[3,2,1] = 2 # Last element >>> Sic.comm(’EXAMINE C’) C is an integer Array of dimensions 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
2.4.2 SIC scalars Particular numpy.ndarray’s which have no (0) dimension have a special treatment: they still have numpy.ndarray type, but their representation and handling is similar to standard Python scalars. SIC scalars are imported in Python as numpy.ndarray scalars through SicVar instances:
>>> Sic.comm(’DEF REAL D’) >>> d 0.0 >>> print d.__doc__ A SicVar instance.
You have to take care that you cannot modify scalars (and, actually, any SicVar or SicStructure instance) with commands such as d = 1, because this unbounds d to its cor- responding SicVar instance (which is lost and deleted if no other variable uses it), and bounds it to integer 1. If it happens, you can get(’D’) again: SicVar instance is recreated and all the previous changes will not be lost because D have not been deleted in SIC.

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>>> Sic.comm(’LET D 1.’) >>> d 1.0 >>> d = 2. # ooops... ’d’ instance is lost! >>> type(d) <type ’float’> # ’d’ is bound to a standard float, >>> Sic.comm(’EXA D’) # but ’D’ remains unchanged in SIC. D = 1.000000 ! Real GLOBAL >>> Sic.get(’D’) # Reincarnates d. >>> d 1.0
Thus, to modify scalars from Python, you have to access its data through its unique element:
>>> d[0] = 2. >>> d 2.0 >>> print d.__doc__ A SicVar instance.
2.4.3 SIC structures SIC structures are imported in Python into instances of the special class named SicStructure:
>>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE STRUCTURE E’) >>> e <pgutils.SicStructure instance at 0xb7f00bcc>
SIC structure elements are stored in attributes of SicStructure instances, and these at- tributes are themselves SicVar instances. Call the print statement to print all (and only) SicVar (or SicStructure) attributes, and some details on them.
>>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE INTEGER E%A’) >>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE REAL E%B[2]’) >>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE DOUBLE E%C[2,3]’) >>> e <sicutils.SicStructure instance at 0xb7f009cc> >>> print e # Detailed printing <SicStructure instance> a = 0 INTEGER*4 0D c = [[ 0. 0.] [ 0. 0.] [ 0. 0.]] REAL*8 2D (2x3x0x0) b = [ 0. 0.] REAL*4 1D (2x0x0x0) >>> print e.c # ’c’ attribute is a SicVar instance <SicVar instance> array([[ 0., 0.], [ 0., 0.], [ 0., 0.]])
Nested structures can be recursively imported:

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>>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE STRUCTURE E%D’) >>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE INTEGER E%D%A’) >>> print e <SicStructure instance> a = 0 INTEGER*4 0D c = [[ 0. 0.] [ 0. 0.] [ 0. 0.]] REAL*8 2D (2x3x0x0) b = [ 0. 0.] REAL*4 1D (2x0x0x0) d = <SicStructure> >>> print e.d <SicStructure instance> a = 0 INTEGER*4 0D
SicStructure instances can be added new attributes and these attributes are automatically instantiated in the SIC structure10:
>>> e.e = 1 E%E is a INTEGER*4, 0D (GLOBAL,RW) -> e.e >>> Sic.comm(’EXA E%E’) E%E = 1 ! Integer GLOBAL >>> >>> e.f = (1,2,3) E%F is a INTEGER*4, 1D (3x0x0x0) (GLOBAL,RW) -> e.f >>> Sic.comm(’EXA E%F’) E%F is an integer Array of dimensions 3 1 2 3 >>> >>> import numpy >>> e.g = numpy.zeros((3,3)) # Create a 3x3 real numpy array E%G is a REAL*8, 2D (3x3x0x0) (GLOBAL,RW) -> e.g >>> Sic.comm(’EXA E%G’) E%G is a double precision Array of dimensions 3 3 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000 0.00000000000000000
2.4.4 SIC images Standalone headers or tables are imported like any other structure or array respectively. SIC images, which combines a header with a table, are also imported in SicVar instances. Thus, image elements are accessed through standard indexing to the instance itself, and header components through attributes of this instance:
>>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE IMAGE F centaurus2.gdf WRITE’) PygildasWarning: ’max’ is a ndarray attribute, could not overwrite it. PygildasWarning: ’min’ is a ndarray attribute, could not overwrite it. PygildasWarning: ’ndim’ is a ndarray attribute, could not overwrite it.
You have to take care that numpy.ndarray’s provide a large set of attributes and methods, and some of them have name identicals to headers components: they are not imported and only a warning is printed.
10if possible. The destination value must be caste-able by the numpy.array method into a numpy.ndarray

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>>> f [[ 0.01676085 0.0141144 0.0194073 0.0141144 0.0105858 ] [ 0.02911095 0.01852515 0.0141144 0.01323225 0.0123501 ] [ 0.09968295 0.0264645 0. 0.0141144 0.01499655] [ 0.035286 0.0141144 0.01676085 0.01499655 0.01323225] [ 0.0229359 0.017643 0.0123501 0.0158787 0.0158787 ]] >>> f[0,0] 0.0167608503252 >>> print f <SicVar instance> array([[ 0.01676085, 0.0141144 , 0.0194073 , 0.0141144 , 0.0105858 ], [ 0.02911095, 0.01852515, 0.0141144 , 0.01323225, 0.0123501 ], [ 0.09968295, 0.0264645 , 0. , 0.0141144 , 0.01499655], [ 0.035286 , 0.0141144 , 0.01676085, 0.01499655, 0.01323225], [ 0.0229359 , 0.017643 , 0.0123501 , 0.0158787 , 0.0158787 ]], dtype=float32) rms = 0.0 REAL*4 0D major = 0.0 REAL*4 0D blan = 8 INTEGER*4 0D ptype = 3 INTEGER*4 0D system = ’EQUATORIAL ’ CHARACTER*12 0D ... (and so on for all header elements) >>> print f.rms # ’rms’ is an attribute of ’f’, and a SicVar itself. <SicVar instance> array(0.0, dtype=float32)
2.4.5 Handling character strings Character strings are imported in a SicVar instance as any other SIC variable:
>>> Sic.comm(’DEFINE CHARACTER G*8’) >>> Sic.comm(’LET G "ABCDEFGH"’) >>> g ’ABCDEFGH’ >>> print g <SicVar instance> array(’ABCDEFGH’, dtype=’|S8’) >>> len(g) 8
Remember that numpy.ndarray’s provide the .tostring() method which returns a Python string resulting of the concatenation of elements of a character array (’|S*’ dtypes). This can be useful to handle SIC strings in Python. Nevertheless string concatenation and multiplication is already implemented in SicVar instances:
>>> h = ’xyz’ + g + ’ijk’ >>> h ’xyzABCDEFGHijk’ >>> type(h) <type ’str’> # A standard Python string >>> h = 2*g >>> h ’ABCDEFGHABCDEFGH’

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 22 These SicVar strings can also be easily modified11:
>>> g[0] = "qwerty" >>> g ’qwerty ’ # note ’g’ has been automatically blank filled >>> Sic.comm(’EXA G’) G = qwerty ! Character* 8 GLOBAL
11whereas real Python strings are immutable objects: you can not modify them inplace and have to make copies
for such handlings.

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2.5 Object status in SIC:
Read-only or read-and-write? Read or write status is preserved when variables are imported in Python, and trying to modify their values will raise an error:
>>> pi 3.14159265359 >>> print pi.__doc__ # pi was imported from SIC A SicVar instance. >>> pi[0] = 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<STDIN>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/bardeau/gildas/gildas-src-dev/pc-fedora6-ifort/kernel/ python/pgutils.py", line 204, in __setitem__ raise PygildasValueError, "Variable is read-only in SIC." pgutils.PygildasValueError: Variable is read-only in SIC.
The protection of SicVar intances against deletion or re-definition (ie using pi = 1 instead of pi[0] = 1) is not implemented. See considerations in subsection 2.4.2. Global or local variable (in the SIC sense)? SicVar and SicStructure instances have a siclevel attribute which is an integer set to the level of the corresponding variable in SIC (0 for global, 1 for first local level, and so on). When SIC defines any variable, it automatically imports it in the Python main name space12. When this variable is SIC-local (when executing procedures for example), importing it in Python may overwrite a lower level instance which has the same name. To prevent this, the Sic object in Python main provides an array of 10 instances (one per level) which are used to temporarily store object which would have been erased. This array is named localspaces and objects are saved as attributes of its 10 elements. Consider these SIC procedures:
SIC> type localtest1.sic define integer a let a 123 pause @localtest2.sic SIC> type localtest2.sic define real a[3] pause
They will define local variables named ‘A’ at different local levels. Let’s define a global ‘A’ variable and execute these procedures:
12This is subject to changes as long as the Gildas-Python binding is in a beta development status.

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SIC> define char a*8 SIC> let a "qwertyui" SIC> @localtest1.sic SIC_2> define integer a SIC_2> let a 123 SIC_2> pause SIC_3> python Entering interactive session. Type ’Sic()’ to go back to SIC. >>> a 123 >>> a.__siclevel__ 1 >>> Sic.localspaces[0].a ’qwertyui’ >>> Sic.localspaces[0].a.__siclevel__ 0
‘a’ object currently in Python main is the level-1 SIC object. The SIC-global ‘A’ variable has been saved as an attribute of the Sic.localspaces[0] element. Let’s go deeper:
SIC_3> continue SIC_2> @localtest2.sic SIC_3> define real a[3] SIC_3> pause SIC_4> python Entering interactive session. Type ’Sic()’ to go back to SIC. >>> a [ 0. 0. 0.] >>> a.__siclevel__ 2 >>> vars(Sic.localspaces[0]) {’a’: ’qwertyui’} >>> vars(Sic.localspaces[1]) {’a’: 123}
Now we find the level-2 object in the Python main , and the 2 lower-level variables with the same name are saved in the Sic.localspaces array. At any stage, user can access its current- level variables in the Python main , but also any lower level ones through the Sic.localspaces array. Let’s end procedures:
SIC_4> continue SIC> python Entering interactive session. Type ’Sic()’ to go back to SIC. >>> a ’qwertyui’ >>> vars(Sic.localspaces[0]) {} >>> vars(Sic.localspaces[1]) {}
In an automatic cascading mechanism, the lower-level variables are moved back to the Python main when the current level one is deleted. The Sic.localspaces array is cleaned at the same time so their is no double reference for any object. Thus at the end of the procedures, the

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2 END-USER DOCUMENTATION 25 SIC-global variables are back in the Python main , and the Sic.localspaces array has no more attributes. Remember that an object is saved in the Sic.localspaces array if and only if an upper level variable is defined with the same name. Thus, at any time, the Python main may contain objects from different levels. User does not have to care about the saving and unsaving mechanism: all is automatic and goes back as it was after procedure execution. He only has to know that he can access any lower level variable in the Sic.localspaces array.

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3 Programmer documentation
3.1 Installing PyGILDAS
3.1.1 Prerequisites Before compiling, Gildas administrative scripts13 try to detect your Python installation. It retrieves the version number of the python executable visible from your shell (python -V) and searches for associated libpythonversion.* and Python.h. The latter header file is not always shipped with default system installations, but it is required to compile the Python binding for Gildas. If not found, you should consider to install the Python development package for your installation. WARNING: if your Python is the one installed on your system, try only to install the development package for it. NEVER try to upgrade it! Python is deeply used in modern Linux systems and you might break it definitely. Additionally, Gildas-Python binding rely on the extended array-support module NumPy. It must be importable in Python in order to activate the compilation of the binding. Versions: PyGILDAS is known to work with Python from versions 2.6.* up to 3.4.*, and with NumPy version 1.4.* to 1.7.*. 3.1.2 How to build your own Python version You can easily build your own Python binaries and libraries by following the steps below: 1. Retrieve the sources from the official website: http://www.python.org/download/ 2. Unpack, compile and install Python (any version, here with Python 2.7):
cd <compilation-directory> tar jvzf Python-2.7.tar.bz2 cd Python-2.7 ./configure --enable-shared [--prefix=/your/custom/installation/path] make make test make install
The --enable-shared option ensures to build both static and dynamic Python libraries. This option is mandatory for a correct behaviour of the Gildas-Python binding. The --prefix option allows you to install Python in a custom location (instead of /usr/local). This is useful in particular if you do not have administrative priviledges. Finally you should refer to section 3.1.3 if you want to enable the command line history in the Gildas-Python binding. 3. Make your new Python available. Fill the binary and library location in the corresponding environment variables:
export PATH=/your/custom/installation/path/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/custom/installation/path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
13i.e. when executing source admin/gildas-env.sh

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3 PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION 27 You can make your custom Python the permanent default for yourself (i.e. overriding the system Python), or you can make it a transient default to be used only for Gildas compilation. This depends on your needs, see post-compilation instructions in section 3.1.6. 4. Check your installation:
which python python -V python -c "import sqlite3"
sqlite3 Python module is optional, needed only for the extension named Weeds for Class. If import sqlite3 fails, install (or ask your system administrator) sqlite3 headers on your system (system package providing sqlite3.h i.e. sqlite3-devel), and restart from step 2. Then you are ready to install NumPy (see below). 3.1.3 Python module readline for command history The Python interpreter launched from SIC provides the command line history if and only if the Python module readline is imported. This is done automatically when the interpreter is launched. If this module can not be imported, an ImportError will be raised and you will not have the command history at the Python prompt. The readline module is a Python builtin module. In most case it has been compiled and installed during your Python installation. Nevertheless, in case of a new compilation and instal- lation of Python, it may not be available. You can check this by trying to import it in a standard Python session:
>>> import readline
If an ImportError raises, here is what you (or your system administrator) have to do. The basic idea is that the readline Python module is compiled from a readline.c in Python source. Your system must provide the libraries libreadline.a and libtermcap.a to compile it success- fully. 1. Check the config.log file (the output of the ./configure command) in the directory used to compile Python. Search for readline occurences and look for errors that did not allow to find readline on your system. 2. It may appear that some symbols where undefined. They are provided by the two system libraries libreadline.a and libtermcap.a. Check if you have them, install them if not. Launch ./configure command again. 3. If the readline Python module still not compiles, try fo force ./configure to link against one or two of the above system libraries:
./configure --with-libs=’-ltermcap’
The module should now compile. make and make install your Python with its new mod- ule.

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3 PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION 28 3.1.4 Install NumPy module for Python NumPy is mandatory for the Gildas-Python binding. Building and installing it requires some specific options and setting a correct environment. You can follow these steps: 1. Download NumPy from: http://www.scipy.org/Download 2. Unpack and compile NumPy. You can build NumPy either for the Python installed on your system or for a custom one: the build will be done for the Python which is seen from your shell (which python).
cd <compilation-directory> tar xvzf numpy-1.3.0.tar.gz cd numpy-1.3.0 python setup.py build --fcompiler=<compiler>
Usually gnu95 is the correct argument for the --fcompiler option. Else (or if your want to know more), you should consider the following point: The two most popular open source fortran compilers are g77 and gfortran. Unfortunately, they are not ABI compatible, which means that concretely you should avoid mixing libraries built with one with another. In particular, if your blas/lapack/atlas is built with g77, you *must* use g77 when building numpy and scipy; on the contrary, if your atlas is built with gfortran, you *must* build numpy/scipy with gfortran. * Choosing the fortran compiler - To build with g77: python setup.py build --fcompiler=gnu - To build with gfortran: python setup.py build --fcompiler=gnu95 * How to check the ABI of blas/lapack/atlas? One relatively simple and reliable way to check for the compiler used to build a library is to use ldd on the library. If libg2c.so is a dependency, this means that g77 has been used. If libgfortran.so is a dependency, gfortran has been used. If both are dependencies, this means both have been used, which is almost always a very bad idea. In other words, for standard users, NumPy has a linear algebra module (linalg) which is linked with the system’s blas/lapack/atlas libraries. This implies that the Fortran sources of NumPy must be compiled with the same compiler which was used for the libraries. Check e.g. with ldd /usr/lib(64)/lapack.so which compiler you will have to use. 3. Install NumPy:
python setup.py install [--prefix=/some/custom/installation/prefix]
The installation prefix (--prefix) is required only if you want to install NumPy in a location different from your Python installation directory (e.g. you are using the default Python

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3 PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION 29 executable provided by your system but you do not have root permissions). In this case (only), you will have to fill the $PYTHONPATH environment variable to indicate where Python can find NumPy. In the other cases, Python will install the module into its own installation directory, which is fine in particular when you are using a custom installation of Python. In this case you will also not have to augment the $PYTHONPATH since the module is installed in a standard location known by Python. 4. Check the installation. Launch Python and type:
import numpy numpy numpy.__version__
You should recognize the installation path and the correct NumPy version. 3.1.5 Install scipy module for Python (optional) The module named scipy (Scientific Python) is not necessary for the Gildas-Python binding, but it provides useful functionalities you may want. The build and installation process is exactly the same as for NumPy: 1. Download scipy from: http://www.scipy.org/Download 2. Unpack and compile scipy:
cd <compilation-directory> tar xvzf scipy-0.7.1.tar.gz cd scipy-0.7.1 python setup.py build --fcompiler=<compiler>
3. Install:
python setup.py install [--prefix=/some/custom/installation/prefix]
If you provide a custom installation path (--prefix), use the same as for NumPy: you will not have to augment again the $PYTHONPATH for this second module. 4. Check the installation:
import scipy scipy scipy.__version__ from scipy.special import jn
(the last line tries to import the Bessel functions named jn).

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3 PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION 30 3.1.6 Compiling Gildas with your custom Python (if any) If you compiled and installed a custom version of Python and the needed modules, then you can run the usual Gildas administrative scripts:
cd <installation-directory> tar xvzf gildas-src-jul14.tgz cd gildas-src-jul14 source admin/gildas-env.sh [-c <compiler>] # read carefully the messages (in particular those for Python) make make install # read the last instructions
If you followed correctly the installation of your custom Python and the compilation of Gildas, Gildas is now binded to your custom Python libraries. You have then 2 possibilities: • if you use Python inside Gildas (i.e. SIC\PYTHON commands), you can safely revert the python command to its original state. Gildas will use your custom Python libraries, including its specific syntax and rules. • if you use the Gildas-Python modules (e.g. pygreg, pyclass) in Python, then you must import them from your custom Python executable. Either you keep it permanently in your $PATH, either you call it explictly by a custom name (e.g. python34) before importing the modules. Here also this means you have to use the correct syntax and rules.
3.2 How SIC variables are imported
3.2.1 Comments on the strategy Concerning variables handling from both SIC and Python, the first priority was to manage the same data in memory from the two processes, e.g. a modification of a variable in one process should be instantaneously visible in the other with no particular resynchronization. Another consideration is that Python does not natively handle multi-dimensionnal arrays. This feature can be easily added, but we need the NumPy package. It appeared quite naturally that the solution was to use the PyArray SimpleNewFromData() function of the NumPy C-API: it can construct a numpy.ndarray from the memory address of an array, its dimensions and its datatype. With this feature the strategy can be summarized as follow: • NumPy freezes its array definition (attributes, size in memory and so on) at compilation time. We can not add to it more interesting features, especially new attributes or write protection for read-only variables. • an overlay had to be created with one purpose: defining a set of features like – the ability to define attributes to variables, – the protection of read-only variables, – a special treatment for character string variables (concatenation),

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3 PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION 31 – ... and all this must keep unmodified all the numpy.ndarray features (indexing, array handling, special functions and attributes, and so on) • this overlay was created as a Python class named SicVar. It has three attributes: a string named sicname , which is the SIC name of the variable, a numpy.ndarray named sicdata , which shares its data with the SIC variable, and its SIC-level (global or local) stored as an integer named siclevel . All numpy.ndarray-like requests on a SicVar are redirected to the sicdata attribute: with this, SicVar instances behaves like any other numpy.ndarray. 3.2.2 The SicVar class SicVar instances should be automatically initialized with the get() function. When importing a variable, get() calls the instance creator SicVar() with three arguments: SIC variable name (as a Python string), its level (as an integer), and memory address of its descriptor (Python integer). It is the own responsibility of the get() function to assign this instance to the correct Python variable name. During the initialization, SicVar() defines three attributes to the instance: sicname , siclevel , and sicdata . By convention the ’ ’ delimiters denote objects that are hidden to the user, but still accessible. sicname and siclevel are a Python string and an integer, and are used to keep a trace of what the original SIC variable is. sicdata is a numpy.ndarray initialized with the informations provided by the descriptor (data address, dimensions, type,...).
>>> Sic.define(’real a’) A is a REAL*4, 0D (RW) -> a >>> vars(a) # vars() displays attributes names and values {’__sicdata__’: array(0.0, dtype=float32), ’__sicname__’: ’A’, ’__siclevel__’: 0} >>> type(a.__sicdata__) <type ’numpy.ndarray’> # A NumPy array >>> type(a.__sicname__) <type ’str’> # A Python string >>> type(a.__siclevel__) <type ’int’> # A Python integer
SicVar instances are used to import SIC standard variables (scalars or arrays). Due to its class type, it can also accept new attributes, and thus be used to import images (for example in an instance named ima). In this case, the image (the array component) is imported through the sicdata attribute (ima. sicdata ), and can be directly accessed from ima (ima[0,0]). Header variables are imported into other attributes (ima.naxis1, ima.naxis2,...), provided they do not attempt to overwrite a numpy.ndarray attribute or method. As any other imported SIC variables, these header attributes are themselves SicVar instances. See subsection 2.4.4 for details and example on importing SIC images. All attributes of a SicVar instance are write-protected against deletion or overwriting. This is a first importance for sicdata , because deleting it would be dramatic. Remember that the command a. sicdata = 0 do not modify its content but bounds it to the 0 integer, loosing data and all information about the corresponding SIC variable. But end-user should never have to deal with the sicdata attribute, and have to work on the instance itself instead (for

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3 PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION 32 example a[0] = 0). These warnings also apply to images attributes: do not try ima.naxis1 = 0 but ima.naxis1[0] = 0 instead. SicVar instances come with a set of methods and attributes, for one part inherited from the numpy.ndarray type, and for the other part (re)defined at instance initialization. For example the addition ( add and radd ) is redefined to add numbers or concatenate character strings.
>>> dir(a) # All attributes and methods. [’__add__’, ’__copy__’, ’__deepcopy__’, ’__delattr__’, ’__div__’, ’__doc__’, ’__eq__’, ’__ge__’, ’__getattr__’, ’__getitem__’, ’__gt__’, ’__iadd__’, ’__idiv__’, ’__imul__’, ’__init__’, ’__int__’, ’__isub__’, ’__le__’, ’__len__’, ’__lt__’, ’__module__’, ’__mul__’, ’__ne__’, ’__nonzero__’, ’__radd__’, ’__rdiv__’, ’__repr__’, ’__rmul__’, ’__rsub__’, ’__setattr__’, ’__setitem__’, ’__sicdata__’, ’__sicname__’, ’__str__’, ’__sub__’, ’astype’, ’byteswapped’, ’copy’, ’iscontiguous’, ’itemsize’, ’resize’, ’savespace’, ’spacesaver’, ’tolist’, ’toscalar’, ’tostring’, ’typecode’]
3.2.3 The SicStructure class The only purpose of the SicStructure instances is to be objects that accept user-defined attributes (as for SIC structures actually). The definition of the SicStructure class is rather simple. It is instantiated by the SicStructure() creator with the SIC structure name and level as only arguments, which are stored in its sicname and siclevel attributes. This empty instance in then filled by the get() function: it loops through all SIC variable dictionary and searches for all names which begin with the structure name. For each valid variable it get()’s it as a SicVar attribute of the SicStructure instance. SicStructures support nested structures, as user or program can define any kind of attributes (SicVar, SicStructure, or even standard Python objects). For user convenience, the str () method (called by print myinstance or str(myinstance)) of the SicStructure class is redefined to print all (and only) SicVar and SicStructure attributes, with some details on them.

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3.3 Array elements types
As mentionned earlier (see subsection 2.1.2), numpy.ndarray elements can be of different kind, precision, and thus memory size. This is reflected through the .dtype attribute of any numpy.ndarray. By default, integer elements are created with the ’<i4’ datatype (standard integer), and floats with the ’<f8’ one (double precision float). Nevertheless, not all SIC elements follows these types. Attention have been paid to import SIC data into the correct type (see table 2). Table 2: OBSOLETE TABLE. SEE NUMPY DOCUMENTATION. SIC to Numeric type con- version (for a 32-bit architecture) SIC type Numeric typecode # of bytes INTEGER*4 ’i’ sizeof(int) = 4 REAL*4 ’f’ sizeof(float) = 4 REAL*8 ’d’ sizeof(double) = 8 LOGICAL*4 ’i’ sizeof(int) = 4 CHARACTER ’c’ sizeof(char) = 1 Mixing arrays in Python formulas with element size different from the default Python behavior is not problematic. NumPy deals with all these types and applies coercion to the adequate type, and all is completely transparent for the user.

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4 PYTHON 3K 34
4 Python 3K
As of mid-october 2014, the Gildas-Python binding supports Python 3. This is implies more or less transparent changes depending on how far you are involved in this topic.
4.1 References
Before switching to Python 3K, you might want to have a closer look to what this implies. You may find the following documents helpful: • Python 2 or Python 3? https://wiki.python.org/moin/Python2orPython3 • What’s new in Python 3K: http://docs.python.org/py3k/whatsnew/3.0.html • Porting to Python 3: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PortingPythonToPy3k • Strings are now Unicode in Python 3K: https://docs.python.org/3.0/howto/ unicode.html
4.2 Standard end-user
As a standard user, you are of course exposed to all the changes implied by Python 3. You can use the 2to3 tool shipped with Python 3 to translate your Python scripts. Note also that some Python 3 syntaxes and behaviors are backward compatible with Python 2.6 and 2.7, you should prefer them when possible. Regarding the Gildas-Python binding itself, you should consider that: • the support for Python 2.5 and lower has been removed (this, because Python offers some Python 3 pre-compatibility of our Gildas-Python internal code starting from Python 2.6), • the default Python strings are now Unicode strings, while Sic characters strings (and their representation as a SicVariable in Python) remain ASCII strings (1 byte per character). We tried to deal with this as transparently as possible for you, so that you can still perform the usual actions on the SicVariable strings. Unfortunately, this implies many hidden conversions between ASCII and Unicode.
4.3 Developers using the Python binding
If you are in charge of a Python module or package integrated in Gildas, you should be aware of the following: • as Gildas supports both Python 2 and 3, you are asked to provide your scripts with Python 2 syntax only. If needed, the scripts will be processed by the 2to3 Python tool at compilation time. Try also to use Python 3 syntax backported to Python 2 as much as possible in order to limit the differences between both syntaxes. • if your scripts are part of a Python module, they will be implicitly Python-compiled14 at compilation time. This pre-compilation is always done sooner or later by Python at first use of the module. Our intent is to offer this compilation for users who do not have write-access to the module installation path (e.g. shared installations of Gildas). See link for details.
14see https://docs.python.org/3/library/py compile.html

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4 PYTHON 3K 35 • designing the hierarchy of your Python package and (sub)modules is less trivial than it seems. Check carefully the relative imports guidelines as described e.g. in https://docs.python.org/2/faq/programming.html#what-are-the-best-practices- for-using-import-in-a-module
4.4 Developers of Fortran GILDAS packages
As a pure Gildas developer (Fortran), the Gildas-Python binding offers to you the possibility to make your library importable from Python. This is done with the rule IMPORT FROM PYTHON = yes in the Makefile. Say, if your package is named foo, you should be aware that: • the Python binary module pyfoo.so is not anymore a symbolic link to libfoo.so. Since symbolic links are not portable, the module pyfoo.so has been made a real binary file. • the file foo-pyimport.c (which provides the Python entry points) should not be compiled anymore into the Gildas library libfoo.so. It is now the responsibility of Python to compile it implicitly and to put it in the binary module pyfoo.so.

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A What’s new?
• 2018-apr-24 – Removed support for Numeric obsolete python package. • 2018-apr-09 – The dir method of the gdict container (see section 2.3.3) is now redefined to return the list of Gildas-Python shared variables. • 2014-oct-13 – Added support for Python 3 (see details in section 4). Removed support for Python 2.5 and lower. Python 2.6 and 2.7 still supported. • 2013-may-31 – Added argument verbose=True|False to the method get() (indicate if the method should be verbose or not when importing Sic variables). • 2013-may-30 – Document how to build Gildas with Python 2, when Python 3 is the default on the system. Waiting for Python 3 support in the Gildas-Python binding, currently under development. • 2012-may-14 – The method .sicerror() is added to the Gildas-Python modules (e.g. pysic, pygreg, etc). It is intended to set the error status ON in Sic when executing a Python script, in order to raise custom errors from Python. – The method .message() is added to the Gildas-Python modules, in conjuction to the object seve. They should be used to print messages like Sic does, including on-screen and/or to-file redirection, and application of filtering rules. • 2012-mar-06 – Double quotes surrounding character strings arguments in SIC are now preserved when they are passed to the sys.argv list in Python. This is a change of behavior as they were implicitely removed up to now, but could lead to problems on some cases, e.g. for Python commands using a leading “/” for options as Sic does. • 2010-sep-07 – SIC aliases created from the SIC side are now automatically imported to the Python side, like any other variables. SIC aliases were already supported, but not imported by default. • 2010-jul-08 – Python 2.7 and NumPy 1.4.1 are supported. • 2010-mar-03

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A WHAT’S NEW? 37 – Added automatic creation of booleans (SIC logicals) when they are attached to a SicStructure. • 2010-jan-11 – When executing a Python script from Gildas, ’sys.argv’ is now a list (and not a tuple anymore). This conforms the standard Python behavior. • 2010-jan-07 – Improved retrieving of the arguments passed to a Python script through the SIC PYTHON command. Make sure that double quoted strings with arbitrary number of blanks are not split nor modified. • 2009-nov-18 – Nested structures could not be correctly imported into Python in some cases. Fixed. • 2009-oct-06 – Added method ’getlogical’ which translates a SIC logical and returns it in a Python string. • 2009-apr-27 – Fixed a recursive call at initialization time of SicVar instances. – Ensure support for Python 2.6.2 • 2008-aug-01 – Ensure support for Python 2.5.2 • 2008-jun-02 – Gildas packages are available with a py* prefix: pysic, pygreg, pyastro, pyclass and pymapping. – Enhanced support of string (scalar) variables: they are imported as a single element, i.e. characters are not splitted anymore in a subarray. – Enhanced support of SicStructure: adding an attribute to a SicStructure in Python automatically augments the corresponding structure in SIC. • 2008-mar-06 – New beta release, still under development. As of the current date, pysic and pygreg modules are obsolescent. They are replaced by a direct import of Gildas libraries which have been made Python-importable. This can be done by import commands such as import libgreg. Please consider that the prefix lib will soon disappear, and pysic and pygreg modules will not be available anymore at this point. – Thanks to the point above, some of the Gildas programs are now also importable from Python: libastro, libclass. More will come soon. • 2006-mar-13

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A WHAT’S NEW? 38 – Python modules pysic and pygreg are now provided to users. Importing one of them into a Python script launches the SIC (resp. GreG) process and imports its variables into the Python main . – Sic.localspaces: to prevent overwriting a variable when a deeper-level one is cre- ated in SIC with the same name, a saving and unsaving automatic mechanism of the SicVar and SicStructure instances into a 10-dimensional array (one per level) is now available. To achieve this, the SicVar and SicStructure instances now have a siclevel attribute. – Sic.warnings logical flag activates/deactivates PygildasWarning’s. – Improvement of the Numeric 24.2 retrocompatibility. – Enforced variable write-protection (if any) by setting the ‘writeable’ flag of the numpy.ndarray’s. For compatibility with Numeric, read-and-write or read-only status in SIC is still checked each time array elements are attempted to be modified. – define() command can now be passed a second optional boolean argument which describes if the variable will be global or not. By default it is not, e.g. it is local to the current execution level. – Images are now automatically imported into Python at creation time. The get() command is now also able to import images, thus the getimage() command is not available anymore for users. – pexecfile() function is provided to user. It does the same as the execfile() Python function (execute a Python script in current name space), but also prints the com- mands during execution. – SIC\PYTHON PythonCommandLine and SIC\PYTHON PythonProcedureName.py func- tionalities now print or not the command lines depending on the SIC%VERIFY flag value. – SIC\PYTHON PythonProcedureName.py functionality now allows to be passed argu- ments. They can be retrieved in the ’sys.argv’ list from Python. Arguments are parsed by SIC before calling the script. SIC now also searches in the MACRO#DIR: directories to find the Python script. Logical names are parsed if any. – Exit behavior is now the same whatever is the master process. To quit both SIC and Python, use CTRL-D (or exit()) from Python, or EXIT from SIC. As a consequence, use PYTHON (from SIC) and Sic() (from Python) to switch to the other command-line interpreter. – 64 bits support. • 2006-oct-12 – First beta release. • 2006-sep-13 – Python embedding into SIC. Python interpreter is started with new SIC command ’PYTHON’, and can execute Python command-lines, Python scripts, or even jump to interactive mode. – Python (numerical) functions can now be called in SIC formulas, provided Python interpreter is started and function exists in Python main .

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A WHAT’S NEW? 39 – Support for both Numeric and NumPy modules: sicdata attribute is a numpy.ndarray if NumPy is installed, or a Numeric.array if not. • 2006-jul-07 – Loss of the sicarray type. SicVar instances have now two elements: sicname (the SIC variable name) and sicdata (a numpy.ndarray). Previously sicdata was a sicarray with itself a Numeric.array attribute. – NumPy support: SIC variables (arrays and scalars) are now imported as numpy.ndarray, using the same C-API function from Numeric that NumPy still sup- ports. – Adaptation of the adequates methods of the SicVar class to handle the unique element of the numpy.ndarray scalars through [0] indexing (NumPy only provides indexing for its scalars through [()] index). – Attempting to define an image attribute which name is already used for a native method or attribute of the numpy.ndarray’s will not raise an error anymore but will only warn the user. – SicVar strings now support concatenation (+) and duplication (*). – Automatic blank filling when assigning a Python string to a SicVar string (Numeric provides this feature but NumPy does not: it requires the two strings to have the same length). – A SicVar subarray is now also a SicVar with the same sicname attribute and with a sicdata sharing its data with the original array, and thus with the SIC variable (previously a SicVar subarray was a Numeric.array). Such subarrays inherit the SicVar specific methods, such as string handling or write protection if any. – Usefull functions such as get(), comm() or exa() are now methods of the Sicfunctions class, and are visible through the sic instance created during the pro- cess initialization. – Creation of the sic(), greg(), define() and delete() methods of the Sic functions class. • 2006-jun-21 – First unofficial release.

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1 Context 1 2 End-user documentation 1 2.1 Prerequisites (what you have to know) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1.1 Python basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Identifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Multidimensional-array arrangement in memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 vars() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 dir() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 doc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.1.2 NumPy basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Subarrays and derivates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Using Python from SIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.1 The SIC command PYTHON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2.2 Calling Python functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3 Using SIC from Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3.1 PyGildas modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.3.2 Special commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 comm() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 setgdict() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 get() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 exa() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 define() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 delete() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 getlogical() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.3 The gdict container . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.3.4 The Sic object in Python main . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2.4 Importing SIC objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4.1 SIC arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2.4.2 SIC scalars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.4.3 SIC structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.4.4 SIC images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2.4.5 Handling character strings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 2.5 Object status in SIC: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Read-only or read-and-write? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Global or local variable? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3 Programmer documentation 26 3.1 Installing PyGILDAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.1.1 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.1.2 How to build your own Python version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.1.3 Python module readline for command history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.1.4 Install NumPy module for Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

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CONTENTS 41 3.1.5 Install scipy module for Python (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.1.6 Compiling Gildas with your custom Python (if any) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.2 How SIC variables are imported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.2.1 Comments on the strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.2.2 The SicVar class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.2.3 The SicStructure class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 3.3 Array elements types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4 Python 3K 34 4.1 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.2 Standard end-user . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.3 Developers using the Python binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.4 Developers of Fortran GILDAS packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 A What’s new? 36

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NumPy, 3 42
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