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Programmation Systèmes Cours 9 — Memory Mapping

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Programmation Systèmes Cours 9 — Memory Mapping
Stefano Zacchiroli
Laboratoire PPS, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
24 novembre 2011
URL http://upsilon.cc/zack/teaching/1112/progsyst/ Copyright © 2011 Stefano Zacchiroli License Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
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Memory mapping
File mapping
mmap memory management
Anonymous mapping
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Memory mapping
File mapping
mmap memory management
Anonymous mapping
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Virtual memory again
With virtual memory management (VMM) the OS adds an indirection layer between virtual memory pages and physical memory frames. The address space of a process is made of virtual memory pages, decoupling it from direct access to physical memory. We have seen the main ingredients of VMM:
virtual pages, that form processes’ virtual address space
physical frames
the page table maps pages of the resident set to frames when a page p ∈ resident set is accessed, VMM swap it in from disk.
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Virtual memory again (cont.)
TLPI, Figure 6-2
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Backing store
Definition (datum, backing store)
In memory cache arrangements: a datum is an entry of the memory we want to access, passing through the cache the backing store is the (usually slower) memory where a datum can be retrieved from, when it cannot be found in the (usually faster) cache, i.e. when a cache miss happens On UNIX, the ultimate backing store of virtual memory pages is usually the set of non-resident pages available on disk, that have been swapped out in the past.
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Memory mapping
A UNIX memory mapping is a virtual memory area that has an extra backing store layer, which points to an external
page store.
Processes can manipulate their memory mappings—request new mappings, resize or delete existing mappings, flush them to their backing store, etc. Alternative intuition: a memory mapping is dynamically allocated memory with peculiar read/write rules.
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Memory mapping types
Memory mappings can be of two different types, depending on the ultimate page backing store.
a file mapping maps a memory region to a region of a file
backing store = file as long as the mapping is established, the content of the file can
be read from or written to using direct memory access (“as if they were variables”)
an anonymous mappings maps a memory region to a fresh “virtual” memory area filled with 0
backing store = zero-ed memory area
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Having memory mapped pages in common
Thanks to virtual memory management, different processes can have mapped pages in common. More precisely, mapped pages in different processes can refer to physical memory pages that have the same backing store. That can happen in two ways:
through fork, as memory mappings are inherited by children
when multiple processes map the same region of a file
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Shared vs private mappings
With mapped pages in common, the involved processes might see
changes performed by others to mapped pages in common,
depending on whether the mapping is:
private mapping in this case modifications are not visible to other
processes. pages are initially the same, but modification are not shared, as it happens with copy-on-write memory after fork private mappings are also known as copy-on-write
mappings shared mapping in this case modifications to mapped pages in
common are visible to all involved processes i.e. pages are not copied-on-write
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Memory mapping zoo
Summarizing: memory mappings can have files or “zero” as backing store memory mappings can be private or shared A total of 4 different flavors of memory mappings: visibility / backing store file mapping anon. mapping private private file mapping private anon. mapping shared shared file mapping shared anon. mapping Each of them is useful for a range of different use cases.
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The mmap syscall is used to request the creation of memory mappings in the address space of the calling process:
#include <sys/mman.h> void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset); Returns: starting address of the mapping if OK, MAP_FAILED on error
The mapping specification is given by: length, that specifies the length of the desired mapping flags, that is a bit mask of flags that include
request a private mapping
request a shared mapping
request an anonymous mapping
anonymous mapping
fd must be -1 for anonymous mappings
one of MAP_PRIVATE, MAP_SHARED must be specified
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mmap (cont.)
#include <sys/mman.h> void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
addr gives an address hint about where, in the process address space, the new mapping should be placed. It is just a hint and it is very seldomly used. To not provide one, pass NULL. For file mappings, the mapped file region is given by: fd: file descriptor pointing to the desired backing file offset: absolute offset pointing to the beginning of the file
region that should be mapped
the end is given implicitly by length to map the entire file, use offset == 0
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mmap (cont.)
#include <sys/mman.h> void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
The desired memory protection for the requested mapping must be given via prot, which is a bitwise OR of: PROT_READ pages may be read PROT_WRITE pages may be write PROT_EXEC pages may be executed PROT_NONE pages may not be accessed at all either PROT_NONE or a combination of the others must be given.
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mmap (cont.)
#include <sys/mman.h> void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
The desired memory protection for the requested mapping must be given via prot, which is a bitwise OR of: PROT_READ pages may be read PROT_WRITE pages may be write PROT_EXEC pages may be executed PROT_NONE pages may not be accessed at all either PROT_NONE or a combination of the others must be given. What can PROT_NONE be used for?
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mmap (cont.)
#include <sys/mman.h> void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
The desired memory protection for the requested mapping must be given via prot, which is a bitwise OR of: PROT_READ pages may be read PROT_WRITE pages may be write PROT_EXEC pages may be executed PROT_NONE pages may not be accessed at all either PROT_NONE or a combination of the others must be given. PROT_NONE use case: put memory fences around memory areas that we do not want to be trespassed inadvertently
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mmap — example
#include <fcntl .h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ stat .h> #include <unistd .h> #include " apue . h " int main ( int argc , char **argv) { int fd ; struct stat finfo ; void *fmap; if (argc != 2) err_quit("Usage: mmap−cat FILE " ) ; if ((fd = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY)) < 0) err_sys ( "open error " ) ; if (fstat(fd, &finfo) < 0) err_sys ( " fstat error " ) ; fmap = mmap(NULL, finfo.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (fmap == MAP_FAILED) err_sys ( "mmap error " ); if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, fmap, finfo.st_size) != finfo.st_size) err_sys ( " write error " ) ; e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* end of mmapcat . c */
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mmap — example (cont.)
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The converse action of mmap—unmapping—is performed by munmap:
#include <sys/mman.h> int munmap(void *addr, size_t length); Returns: 0 if OK, -1 otherwise
The memory area between the addresses addr and addr+length will be unmapped as a result of munmap. Accessing it after a successful munmap will (very likely) result in a segmentation fault. Usually, an entire mapping is unmapped, e.g.:
if ((addr = mmap(NULL, length, /* . . . */ )) < 0) err_sys ( "mmap error " ); /* access memory mapped region via addr */ if (munmap(addr, length) < 0) err_sys ( "munmap error " ) ;
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munmap on region (sub-)multiples
munmap does not force to unmap entire regions, one by one
unmapping a region that contains no mapped page will have no
effect and return success
unmapping a region that spans several mappings will unmap all
contained mappings
and ignore non mapped areas, as per previous point
unmapping only part of an existing mapping will
either reduce mapping size, if the unmapped part is close to one
edge of the existing mapping;
or split it in two, if the unmapped part is in the middle of the
existing mapping
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Memory mapping
File mapping
mmap memory management
Anonymous mapping
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File mappings
File mapping recipe
fd = open(/* .. */);
addr = mmap(/* .. */, fd, /* .. */); Once the file mapping is established, access to the (mapped region of the) underlying file does not need to pass through fd anymore. However, the FD might still be useful for other actions that can still be performed only via FDs: changing file size file locking fsync / fdatasync ... Thanks to file pervasiveness, we can use file mapping on device files e.g.: disk device files, /dev/mem, ...
(not all devices support it)
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File mapping and memory layout
All kinds of memory mappings are placed in the large memory area in between the heap and stack segments. The return value of mmap points to the start of the created memory mapping (i.e. its lowest address) and the mapping grows above it (i.e. towards higher addresses). For file mappings, the mapped file region starts at offset and is length bytes long. The mapped region in memory will have the same size (modulo alignment issues. . . ).
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File mapping and memory layout (cont.)
APUE, Figure 14.31
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File mapping and memory protection
The requested memory protection (prot, flags) must be
compatible with the file descriptor permissions (O_RDONLY, etc.).
FD must always be open for reading if PROT_WRITE and MAP_SHARED are given, the file must be open
for writing
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Private file mapping (#1)
Effects: the content of the mapping is initialized from file by reading the corresponding file region subsequent modifications are handled via copy-on-write
they are invisible to other processes they are not saved to the backing file
Use cases
Initializing process segments from the corresponding sections
of a binary executable
initialization of the text segment from program instructions initialization of the data segment from binary data
either way, we don’t want runtime changes to be saved to disk This use case is implemented in the dynamic loader/linker and rarely needed in other programs.
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Private file mapping (#1)
Effects: the content of the mapping is initialized from file by reading the corresponding file region subsequent modifications are handled via copy-on-write
they are invisible to other processes they are not saved to the backing file
Use cases
Simplifying program input logic
instead of a big loop at startup time to read input, one mmap call
and you’re done
runtime changes won’t be saved back, though
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Private file mapping — example (segment init.)
A real life example can be found in: glibc’s dynamic loading code.
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Private file mapping — example (input logic)
#include <fcntl .h> #include <stdio .h> #include <stdlib .h> #include <string .h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/ stat .h> #include " apue . h " int main ( int argc , char **argv) { int fd ; struct stat finfo ; void *fmap; char *match ; if (argc != 3) err_quit("Usage: substring STRING FILE"); if ((fd = open(argv[2], O_RDONLY)) < 0) err_sys("open error"); if (fstat(fd, &finfo) < 0) err_sys("fstat error"); /* "input" all file at once */ fmap = mmap(NULL, finfo.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); match = strstr(( char *) fmap, argv[1]); printf("string%s found\n", match == NULL ? " NOT" : ""); exit(match == NULL ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* end of grepsubstring . c */
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Private file mapping — example (input logic) (cont.)
Notes: example similar to mmap-cat.c, but here we put it into use thanks to the byte array abstraction we can easily look for a substring with strstr without risking that our target gets split in two different BUFSIZ chunks
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Shared file mapping (#2)
Effects: processes mapping the same region of a file share physical
memory frames
more precisely: they have virtual memory pages that map to the
same physical memory frames
additionally, the involved physical frames have the mapped file as ultimate backing store
i.e. modifications to the (shared) physical frames are saved to
the mapped file on disk
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Shared file mapping (#2) (cont.)
ProcessA pagetable PT entries for mapped region ProcessB pagetable PT entries for mapped region Mapped pages Physical memory Mapped region of file Openfile I/ O managed bykernel
TLPI, Figure 49-2
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Shared file mapping (#2) (cont.)
Use cases
memory-mapped I/O, as an alternative to read/write
as in the case of private file mapping, but here it works for both
reading and writing data
interprocess communication, with the following characteristics:
data-transfer (not byte stream) with filesystem persistence among unrelated processes
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Memory-mapped I/O
Given that:
memory content is initialized from file
changes to memory are reflected to file we can perform I/O by simply changing bytes of memory.
Access to file mappings is less intuitive than sequential read/write
operations the mental model is that of working on your data as a huge byte array (which is what memory is, after all) a best practice to follow is that of defining struct-s that correspond to elements stored in the mapping, and copy them around with memcpy & co
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Memory-mapped I/O — example
We will redo the distributed scheme to assign global sequential unique identifiers to concurrent programs. we will use memory-mapped I/O we will do fcntl-based locking as before
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (protocol)
#include <fcntl .h> #include <fcntl .h> #include <string .h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd .h> #include " apue . h " #define DB_FILE " counter . data " #define MAGIC "42" #define MAGIC_SIZ sizeof (MAGIC) struct glob_id { char magic [ 3 ] ; /* magic string "42\0" */ time_t ts ; /* last modification timestamp */ long val ; /* global counter value */ } ;
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (library)
int glob_id_verify_magic ( int fd , struct glob_id *id) { struct flock lock ; int rc ; lock.l_type = F_RDLCK; /* read lock */ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* abs. position */ lock.l_start = 0; /* from begin... */ lock.l_len = MAGIC_SIZ; /* ...to magic’s end */ printf(" acquiring read lock...\n"); if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lock) < 0) err_sys ( " fcntl error " ) ; rc = strncmp(id−>magic, MAGIC, 3); lock.l_type = F_UNLCK; printf(" releasing read lock...\n"); if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &lock) < 0) err_sys ( " fcntl error " ) ; return rc ; }
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (library) (cont.)
void glob_id_write ( struct glob_id *id , long val ) { memcpy( id−>magic, MAGIC, MAGIC_SIZ); id−>ts = time(NULL); id−>val = val; } /* end of mmapuidcommon.h */
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (DB init/reset)
#include "mmap−uid−common.h" int main ( void ) { int fd ; struct stat finfo ; struct glob_id *id; struct flock lock ; if ((fd = open(DB_FILE, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) < 0) err_sys ( "open error " ) ; if ( ftruncate ( fd , sizeof ( struct glob_id)) < 0) err_sys ( " ftruncate error " ) ; if (fstat(fd, &finfo) < 0) err_sys ( " fstat error " ) ;
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (DB init/reset) (cont.)
id = ( struct glob_id *) mmap(NULL, finfo.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; /* write lock */ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* abs. position */ lock.l_start = 0; /* from begin... */ lock.l_len = 0; /* ...to EOF */ printf("acquiring write lock...\n"); if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lock) < 0) err_sys ( " fcntl error " ) ; glob_id_write ( id , ( long ) 0); e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* end of mmapuidreset.c */
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (client)
#include "mmap−uid−common.h" int main ( void ) { int fd ; struct stat finfo ; struct glob_id *id; struct flock lock ; if ((fd = open(DB_FILE, O_RDWR)) < 0) err_sys ( "open error " ) ; if (fstat(fd, &finfo) < 0) err_sys ( " fstat error " ) ; id = ( struct glob_id *) mmap(NULL, finfo.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); printf("checking magic number...\n"); if (glob_id_verify_magic(fd, id) < 0) { printf("invalid magic number: abort.\n"); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ) ; }
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Memory-mapped I/O — example (client) (cont.)
lock.l_type = F_WRLCK; /* write lock */ lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET; /* abs. position */ lock.l_start = MAGIC_SIZ; /* from magicno... */ lock.l_len = 0; /* ...to EOF */ printf("acquiring write lock...\n"); if (fcntl(fd, F_SETLKW, &lock) < 0) err_sys ( " fcntl error " ) ; printf("got id: %ld\n", id−>val ); sleep(5); glob_id_write ( id , id−>val + 1); e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* end of mmapuidget . c */
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Memory-mapped I/O — example
Notes: the glob_id structure now includes the magic string
TBH, there was no real reason for not having it before. . . as a consequence, file sizes increases a bit, due to padding for
memory alignment reasons
we keep the FD around
to do file locking resize the file upon creation
no, lseek is not enough to change file size
the I/O logics is simpler
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Memory-mapped I/O — example
Notes: the glob_id structure now includes the magic string
TBH, there was no real reason for not having it before. . . as a consequence, file sizes increases a bit, due to padding for
memory alignment reasons
we keep the FD around
to do file locking resize the file upon creation
no, lseek is not enough to change file size
the I/O logics is simpler let’s see the diffs. . .
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Memory-mapped I/O — advantages
performance gain: 1 memory copy
with read/write I/O each action involves 2 memory copies:
1 between user-space and kernel buffers + 1 between kernel buffers and the I/O device
with memory-mapped I/O only the 2nd copy remains ▶ flash exercise: how many copies for standard I/O?
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Memory-mapped I/O — advantages
performance gain: 1 memory copy
with read/write I/O each action involves 2 memory copies:
1 between user-space and kernel buffers + 1 between kernel buffers and the I/O device
with memory-mapped I/O only the 2nd copy remains ▶ flash exercise: how many copies for standard I/O?
performance gain: no context switch
no syscall and no context switch is involved in accessing
mapped memory
page faults are possible, though
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Memory-mapped I/O — advantages
performance gain: 1 memory copy
with read/write I/O each action involves 2 memory copies:
1 between user-space and kernel buffers + 1 between kernel buffers and the I/O device
with memory-mapped I/O only the 2nd copy remains ▶ flash exercise: how many copies for standard I/O?
performance gain: no context switch
no syscall and no context switch is involved in accessing
mapped memory
page faults are possible, though
reduced memory usage
we avoid user-space buffers → less memory needed if memory mapped region is shared, we use only one set of
buffers for all processes
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Memory-mapped I/O — advantages
performance gain: 1 memory copy
with read/write I/O each action involves 2 memory copies:
1 between user-space and kernel buffers + 1 between kernel buffers and the I/O device
with memory-mapped I/O only the 2nd copy remains ▶ flash exercise: how many copies for standard I/O?
performance gain: no context switch
no syscall and no context switch is involved in accessing
mapped memory
page faults are possible, though
reduced memory usage
we avoid user-space buffers → less memory needed if memory mapped region is shared, we use only one set of
buffers for all processes
seeking is simplified
no need of explicit lseek, just pointer manipulation
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Memory-mapped I/O — disadvantages
memory garbage
the size of mapped regions is a multiple of system page size mapping regions which are way smaller than that can result in a
significant waste of memory
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Memory-mapped I/O — disadvantages
memory garbage
the size of mapped regions is a multiple of system page size mapping regions which are way smaller than that can result in a
significant waste of memory
memory mapping must fit in the process address space
on 32 bits systems, a large number of mappings of various sizes
might result in memory fragmentation
it then becomes harder to find continuous space to grant large
memory mappings
the problem is substantially diminished on 64 bits systems
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Memory-mapped I/O — disadvantages
memory garbage
the size of mapped regions is a multiple of system page size mapping regions which are way smaller than that can result in a
significant waste of memory
memory mapping must fit in the process address space
on 32 bits systems, a large number of mappings of various sizes
might result in memory fragmentation
it then becomes harder to find continuous space to grant large
memory mappings
the problem is substantially diminished on 64 bits systems
there is kernel overhead in maintaining mappings
for small mappings, the overhead can dominate the advantages memory mapped I/O is best used with large files and random
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Memory mapping
File mapping
mmap memory management
Anonymous mapping
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Memory alignment
The notion of memory alignment, refers to the relation between memory addresses as used by programs and memory addresses as used by the hardware. A variable that is located at a memory address which is a multiple of
the variable size is said to be naturally aligned, e.g.:
a 32 bit (4 bytes) variable is naturally aligned if its located at an address which is a multiple of 4 a 64 bit (8 bytes) variable is naturally aligned if its located at an address which is a multiple of 8 All memory allocated “properly” (i.e. via the POSIX APIs through functions like malloc, calloc, mmap, . . . ) is naturally aligned. The risks of unaligned memory access depend on the hardware: it might result in traps, and hence in signals that kill the process it might work fine, but incur in performance penalties Portable applications should avoid unaligned memory access.
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The notion of alignment is more general than natural alignment. We might want to allocate memory aligned to chunks larger than the
variable size.
POSIX.1d standardized the posix_memalign function to allocate
heap memory aligned to arbitrary boundaries:
#include <stdlib.h> int posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size); Returns: 0 if OK; EINVAL or ENOMEM on error
we request an allocation of size bytes. . . . . . aligned to a memory address that is a multiple of alignment
alignment must be a power of 2 and a multiple of
sizeofvoid *
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posix_memalign (cont.)
The notion of alignment is more general than natural alignment. We might want to allocate memory aligned to chunks larger than the
variable size.
POSIX.1d standardized the posix_memalign function to allocate
heap memory aligned to arbitrary boundaries:
#include <stdlib.h> int posix_memalign(void **memptr, size_t alignment, size_t size); Returns: 0 if OK; EINVAL or ENOMEM on error
on success, memptr will be filled with a pointer to freshly allocated memory; otherwise the return value is either EINVAL (conditions on alignment not respected) or ENOMEM (not enough memory to satisfy request)
note: the above are return values, errno is not set
allocated memory should be freed with free
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posix_memalign — example
#include <stdio .h> #include <stdlib .h> #include <string .h> #include <unistd .h> #include " apue . h " int main ( int argc , char **argv) { int rc ; void *mem; if (argc < 3) err_quit("Usage: memalign SIZE ALIGNMENT"); if ((rc = posix_memalign(&mem, atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[1]))) != 0) { printf("posix_memalign error: %s\n", strerror(rc)); exit ( EXIT_FAILURE ) ; } printf("address: %ld (%p)\n", ( long ) mem, mem); e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* end of memalign.c */
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posix_memalign — example (cont.)
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Page alignment
As we have seen, the size of memory pages defines the granularity at which virtual memory operates. A memory page is the smallest chunk of memory that can have
distinct behavior from other chunks.
swap-in / swap-out is defined at page granularity ditto for memory permission, backing store, etc.
mmap operates at page granularity
each mapping is composed by a discrete number of pages new mappings are returned page aligned
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Page 59
Determining page size
There are various way to determine the page size. A non-portable way of determining page size at compile-time is to rely on implementation-specific constants, such as Linux’s
PAGE_SIZE that is defined in <asm/page.h>
As it might change between compilation and execution, it is better to determine the page size at runtime. To determine that and many other limits at runtime, POSIX offers sysconf:
#include <unistd.h> long sysconf(int name); Returns: the requested limit if name is valid; -1 otherwise
The sysconf name to determine page size is _SC_PAGESIZE, which is measured in bytes.
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Page 60
Determining page size — example
#include <stdio .h> #include <stdlib .h> #include <unistd .h> int main ( void ) { printf("page size: %ld btyes\n", sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)); e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* end of pagesize.c */
On a Linux x86, 64 bits system:
$ ./pagesize page size: 4096 btyes $
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Page 61
mmap and page alignment
For maximum portability, mmap’s arguments addr and offset must
be page aligned.1
In the most common case, the requirement is trivial to satisfy: addr == NULL
no address hint, do as you please
offset == 0
map since the beginning of the file
1SUSv3 mandate page-alignment. SUSv4 states that implementations
can decide whether it’s mandatory or not. The net result is the same: for maximum portability, be page-aligned.
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mmap and page alignment
For maximum portability, mmap’s arguments addr and offset must
be page aligned.1
Note that offset is the file offset. Contrary to addr it does not refer directly to memory. Why should it be page aligned then? Why can’t we map unaligned file regions to aligned memory regions? In the most common case, the requirement is trivial to satisfy: addr == NULL
no address hint, do as you please
offset == 0
map since the beginning of the file
1SUSv3 mandate page-alignment. SUSv4 states that implementations
can decide whether it’s mandatory or not. The net result is the same: for maximum portability, be page-aligned.
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Page 63
File mapping and page alignment
Interactions among page alignment and mapping or file sizes might be tricky. Two cases deserve special attention.
requested mapping size < page size
as mappings are made of entire pages, the size of the mapping
is rounded up to the next multiple of page size
access beyond the actual mapping boundary will result in
SIGSEGV, killing the process by default
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Page 64
File mapping and page alignment (cont.)
mapping extends beyond EOF
due to explicit request of mapping size rounding, a mapping
might extend past end of file
the reminder of the page is accessible, initialized to 0, and
shared with other processes (for MAP_SHARED)
changes past EOF will not be written back to file
. . . until the file size changes by other means
▶ if more entire pages are included in the mapping past EOF,
accessing them will result in SIGBUS (as a warning)
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Page 65
Memory synchronization
As an IPC facility, we use file mapping for filesystem-persistent data transfer. To that end, we need to be concerned about:
interprocess synchronization
when are page changes made visible to other processes?
memory-file synchronization
when are modified pages written to file? when are pages read from file?
these questions are particularly relevant for applications that
mix memory-mapped with read/write I/O
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Memory synchronization (cont.)
As an IPC facility, we use file mapping for filesystem-persistent data transfer. To that end, we need to be concerned about:
interprocess synchronization
when are page changes made visible to other processes?
easy: given that processes have virtual frames that point to the same page, changes are immediately visible to all involved processes
memory-file synchronization
when are modified pages written to file? when are pages read from file?
these questions are particularly relevant for applications that
mix memory-mapped with read/write I/O
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Page 67
The msync syscall can be used to control synchronization between memory pages and the underlying mapped file:
#include <sys/mman.h> int msync(void *addr, size_t length, int flags); Returns: 0 if OK, -1 otherwise
addr and length identify (part of) the mapping we want to sync flags is a bitwise OR of: MS_SYNC request synchronous file write MS_ASYNC request asynchronous file write MS_INVALIDATE invalidate cached coies of mapped data addr must be page aligned; length will be rounded up
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Memory → file synchronization
We can use msync to perform memory → file synchronization, i.e. to
flush changes from the mapped memory to the underlying file.
doing so ensures that applications read-ing the file will see changes performed on the memory mapped region The degree of persistence guarantees offered by msync varies: with synchronous writes (MS_SYNC), msync will return only after the involved pages have been written to disk
i.e. the memory region is synced with disk
with asynchronous writes (MS_ASYNC) msync ensures that subsequent read-s on the file will return fresh data, but only schedules disk writes without waiting for them to happen
i.e. the memory region is synced with kernel buffer cache
msync(..., MS_SYNC) ≈ msync(..., MS_ASYNC) + fdatasync(fd)
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File → memory synchronization
Regarding the initial loading, the behavior is implementation
The only (obvious) guarantee is that loading from file to memory will happen in between the mmap call and 1st memory access. portable applications should not rely on any specific load timing on Linux, page loading is lazy and will happen at first page access, at page-by-page granularity Subsequent loading — e.g. a process write to a mapped file, when will the change be visible to processes mapping it? — can be controlled using msync’s MS_INVALIDATE flag. access to pages invalidated with MS_INVALIDATE will trigger
page reload from the mapped file
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Unified virtual memory system
Several UNIX implementations provide Unified Virtual Memory (UVM) (sub)systems. With UVM memory mappings and the kernel buffer
cache share physical memory pages.
Therefore the implementation guarantees that the views of a file
as a memory-mapped region
and as a file accessed via I/O syscalls are always coherent. With UVM MS_INVALIDATE is useless and the only useful use of msync is to flush data to disk, to ensure filesystem persistence. Whether a system offers UVM or not is an implementation-specific “detail”. Linux implements UVM
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Memory mapping
File mapping
mmap memory management
Anonymous mapping
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Private anonymous mapping (#3)
Effects: each request of a new private anonymous mapping gives a fresh
memory area that shares no pages with other mappings
obtained memory is initialized to zero child processes will inherit private anonymous mappings, but
copy-on-write will ensure that changes remain process-local
and that are minimized
Use cases
allocation of initialized memory, similar to calloc
in fact, malloc implementations often use mmap when allocating
large memory chunks
Note: on several UNIX-es, anonymous mappings (both private and shared) can alternatively be obtained by file mapping /dev/zero.
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Page 73
mmap allocation — example (library)
#include <errno.h> #include <stdio .h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd .h> #include " apue . h " struct list { int val ; struct l i s t *next ; } ; static struct list *list_bot; static struct list *list_top; static long list_siz ;
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Page 74
mmap allocation — example (library) (cont.)
int list_init ( long len ) { list_top = ( struct list *) mmap(NULL, len * sizeof ( struct list), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, −1, 0); if (list_top == MAP_FAILED) return −1; list_bot = list_top; list_siz = len; printf ( " l i s t _ i n i t : top=%p, len=%ld\n" , list_top , len ) ; return 0; } struct list *list_alloc () { long siz = (list_top − list_bot ) / sizeof ( struct list ); if (siz >= list_siz) { errno = ENOMEM; return NULL ; } list_top −>next = NULL; printf ( " allocated %p\n" , list_top ); return list_top++; }
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mmap allocation — example (library) (cont.)
struct list *list_free () { /* left as an exercise */ return NULL ; } struct list *list_add( struct list *l , int val ) { struct list *elt; if ((elt = list_alloc()) == NULL) return NULL ; elt −>val = val; elt −>next = l; return elt ; } void visit_list ( const char *label , struct list *l) { printf ( "[%s] visit list : " , label ); while ( l != NULL) { printf("%d ", l−>val ); l = l−>next ; } printf ( "\n" ); } /* end of mmaplist .h */
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mmap allocation — example
#include "mmap−list .h" int main ( void ) { struct list *l = NULL; pid_t pid; if (list_init(1000) < 0) err_sys("list_init error"); if ((l = list_add(l, 42)) == NULL || (l = list_add(l, 17)) == NULL || (l = list_add(l, 13)) == NULL) err_sys ( " list_add " ) ; v i s i t _ l i s t ( "common" , l ) ; if ((pid = fork()) < 0) err_sys("fork error"); if (pid > 0) { /* parent */ l = list_add(l, 7); v i s i t _ l i s t ( " parent " , l ) ; } else { /* child */ l = list_add(l, 5); visit_list ( "child" , l ); } e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* end of mmaplist .c */
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mmap allocation — example (cont.)
Notes: proof of concept example of ad hoc memory management
. . . the importance of being libc!
virtual memory addresses are preserved through fork
copy-on-write ensures that processes do not see changes made
by others
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Page 78
Shared anonymous mapping (#4)
Effects: as with private anonymous mappings: each request gives a
fresh area of initialized memory
the main difference is that now pages are not copied-on-write
if the virtual pages become shared among multiple processes,
the underlying physical memory frames become shared as well
note: the only way for this to happen is via fork inheritance
Use cases
Interprocess communication
data-transfer among related processes
(no longer unrelated)
with process persistence
(no longer filesystem)
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Page 79
mmap-based IPC — example
#include <fcntl .h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/wait .h> #include <unistd .h> #include " apue . h " int main ( void ) { int *addr ; addr = mmap(NULL, sizeof ( int ), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS, −1, 0); if (addr == MAP_FAILED) err_sys ( "mmap error " ); *addr = 42; switch ( fork ( ) ) { case −1: err_sys ( " fork error " ) ; break;
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mmap-based IPC — example (cont.)
case 0: /* child */ printf("child: %d\n", *addr); (*addr)++; break; default : /* parent */ if ( wait ( NULL ) == −1) err_sys ( " wait error " ) ; printf("parent: %d\n", *addr); } if (munmap( addr , sizeof ( int )) == −1) err_sys ( "munmap error " ) ; e x i t ( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ; } /* End of mmapipc.c */
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Page 81
mmap-based IPC — example (cont.)
Notes: the mapping is shared through fork it is used as a data transfer facility from child to parent as with all shared memory solutions, synchronization is mandatory: in this case it is obtained via wait
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