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C++ Templates for Scientific Programming

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C++ Templates for Scientific Programming
January 26, 2010

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About C++
▶ C++ is a general purpose language (unlike Fortran, Matlab). ▶ Runs anywhere, for all sorts of programs (unlike ..) ▶ Compiled and strongly typed (like Fortran; unlike Matlab). ▶ Can be called from other languages. ▶ Needs a bit more effort than special purpose languages.

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What is strong typing?
The stupid program
double average(double x , double y) { return (x+y )/2; }
is compiled to efficient machine instructions
pushl %ebp movl %esp , %ebp f l d l 16(%ebp) f a d d l 8(%ebp) popl %ebp fmuls .LC0 ret .LC0 : .long 1056964608

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But programs may also have a mathematical meaning double average(double x , double y) { return (x+y)/2; } Machine ↓ Mathematician ↓
pushl %ebp movl %esp , %ebp f l d l 16(%ebp) f a d d l 8(%ebp) popl %ebp fmuls .LC0 ret .LC0 : .long 1056964608
x+y 2

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Can we generalize like a mathematician?
int average( int x , int y) { return (x+y)/2; } double average(double x , double y) { return (x+y)/2; } complex average(complex x , complex y) { return (x+y)/2; } Same idea, different machine instructions.

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In C++ we have templates for generalizing: template<typename T> T average(T x, T y) { return (x+y)/2; } The compiler will try to figure out what machine code to write a = average(1, 2); a = average (1.2 , 3.4); a = average(3, 5.5); // Error , ambigous ! a = average<double >(3, 5.5); // OK a = average<int >(3, 5.5); // Also OK

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We can use old code for new tricks: matrix m1, m2, m3; m3 = average(m1, m2); // Average two matrices We can average anything with a + and /2 defined! electron_density d1, d2, da; da = average(d1, d2); // Average density With templates we can make C++ more mathematical, but still get good performance.

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With templates you can run in multiple precision1 without changing your code. Specialize! my_algorithm<float >(); // Single precision my_algorithm<double >(); //Double precision my_algorithm<qd_real >(); // Quad Double precision Automatic Differentiation (if we only had a polynomial type..): my_algorithm< polynomial<double> >(); The compiler will “cut and paste” the type (double etc.) into the code.

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What are the downsides?
▶ “Long” compilation times (compared to?) ▶ Easy to generate a lot (MB’s) of code ▶ Have to beware type conflicts and conversions ▶ Horrible error messages from the compiler ▶ Need some thought to design (but easy to use)

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Template classes
We can also create general data structures: template<typename T> class matrix { int rows , columns ; T ∗data ; ... }; We use it like this: matrix<double> M; matrix<complex> Mc; M. invert (); det = Mc. determinant ();

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And why not a block matrix? matrix< matrix<double> > M; M = M11 M12 M21 M22 Mathematical concept of Tensor product!

Will M. invert (); work?

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Recursive templates
Binomial coefficients: → k 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 ↓ n Recursive definition: n k = n − 1 k − 1 + n − 1 k

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Recursive functions
Let’s program n k = n − 1 k − 1 + n − 1 k Recursive solution: int binomial( int n , int k) { i f (k == 0 or k == n) return 1; else return binomial(n−1,k−1) + binomial(n−1,k); } Works, but super slow (2n function calls).

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Recursive template
Template solution: calculate coefficients at compile time. template <int n , int k> struct binomial { enum { value = binomial<n−1,k−1>::value + binomial<n−1,k>::value }; }; template <int n> struct binomial<n,n> // Terminate recursion { enum { value = 1 }; };

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Recursive template
Use the binomial coefficient template like this: cout << "binomial(10,9)= " << binomial <10,9>::value ; Super fast – just printing a constant instead of 1000 function calls. We cannot do for ( int i =0;i <3; i++) cout << " binomial (3 , " << i << ")=" << binomial <3,i >::value; Why not? No specific loop construct for templates, have to use recursive definitions. ¨

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A useful template class
Let’s end with a real example: “Cubic” polynomials We have 2N terms, so N probably smaller than ∼ 20.

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Cube template class
An N-cube consists of two cubes of lower dimension, template< typename T, int N > struct cube { cube< T, N−1 > lower [2]; }; except for the 0-cube, which has only one coefficient. A template specialization! template<typename T> struct cube<T,0> { T data ; };

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We can add cube polynomials of the same type template< typename T, int N > cube<T,N> operator+(cube<T,N> c1 , cube<T,N> c2) { cube<T,N> res ; res . lower [0] = c1 . lower [0] + c2 . lower [0]; res . lower [1] = c1 . lower [1] + c2 . lower [1]; return res ; }

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And multiply with truncation (spot the recursion?): (a + bx)(c + dx) = ac + (ad + bc)x + (x2) cube<T,N> operator ∗(cube<T,N> c1 , cube<T,N> c2) { cube<T,N> res ; res . lower [0] = c1 . lower [0]∗c2 . lower [0]; res . lower [1] = c1 . lower [0]∗c2 . lower [1] + c1 . lower [1]∗c2 . lower [0]; return res ; }

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And a handful of intrinsics: f (a + bx) = f (a) + f (a)bx + (x2) cube<T,N> exp(cube<T,N> c) { cube<T,N> res ; res . lower [0] = exp(c.lower [0]); res . lower [1] = exp(c.lower [0])∗ c . lower [1]; return res ; } Other functions only slightly more complicated. Also have to take care of N = 0 case. Add const &, assignment operators etc, and..

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Super fast special purpose automatic differentiation
template<typename T> T f(T x, T y) { return x∗log(x) + sqrt(x∗y); } . . cube<double,3> x,y,z; . . // Initialize x and y z = f(x,y); // Taylor expand f The “cube” form is encountered in some problems, but is inefficient in general.

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Performance of the cube class
Multiplication performance compared to standard recursive implementation:
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 tim e/m ultiply N template dynamic
Templates can be efficiently optimized for small sizes. Hybrid approaches are possible. General Taylor 50x faster with templates.

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Don’t lock up useful code in complicated programs!
1. Fast (small) multivariate polynomial multiplication
2. Taylor expansions and automatic differentiation

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A general Taylor series library
I have developed a general (order and number of variables) Taylor expansion library.
▶ High order automatic differentiation. ▶ C++ template implementation. ▶ High performance (but not “fast”) multiplications. ▶ Arbitrary coefficient type (high precision possible). ▶ Standard math functions implemented. ▶ Efficient change of variables (example: rotate multipoles) ▶ GPU implementation coming.
Code is freely available. Suitable for high order problems with a small number of active variables.

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Taylor library example
template<typename T> T dist(T x, T y) { return sqrt(x∗x + y∗y); } void expand_it() { // Set up two infinitesimal variables taylor<double , 2, 3> dx(0 ,0) , dy(0 ,1); cout << " Expansion : " << dist(2+dx,3+dy) << endl ; }
Works reasonably up to ∼ 1000 coefficients.

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Taylor class
Problem specific structures from tensoring:
taylor< taylor<double, 5,N>, 3,1> x;

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Getting started with C++ templates
▶ Not covered in this talk: Expression templates ▶ Look at existing libraries, but make sure they are up to date! ▶ Make sure your compiler is up to date (i.e. GCC) ▶ Get a good modern C++ reference and start programming
Why templates?
▶ Brings back flexibility in a compiled language ▶ Reusable concepts ▶ High performance
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