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Engineering with Logic: Rigorous Test-Oracle Specification and Validation for TCP/IP and the Sockets API

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Engineering with Logic: Rigorous Test-Oracle Specification and Validation for TCP/IP and the Sockets API
STEVE BISHOP, University of Cambridge1
(1 when this work was done), UK
MATTHEW FAIRBAIRN, University of Cambridge1, UK HANNES MEHNERT, robur.io, Center for the Cultivation of Technology, Germany MICHAEL NORRISH, Data61, CSIRO and Australian National University, Australia TOM RIDGE, University of Leicester, UK PETER SEWELL, University of Cambridge, UK MICHAEL SMITH, University of Cambridge1, UK KEITH WANSBROUGH, University of Cambridge1, UK
Conventional computer engineering relies on test-and-debug development processes, with the behaviour of common interfaces described (at best) with prose specification documents. But prose specifications cannot be used in test-and-debug development in any automated way, and prose is a poor medium for expressing complex (and loose) specifications. The TCP/IP protocols and Sockets API are a good example of this: they play a vital role in modern communication and computation, and interoperability between implementations is essential. But what exactly they are is surprisingly obscure: their original development focussed on “rough consensus and running code”, augmented by prose RFC specifications that do not precisely define what it means for an implementation to be correct. Ultimately, the actual standard is the de facto one of the common implementations, including, for example, the 15000–20000 lines of the BSD implementation — optimised and multithreaded C code, time-dependent, with asynchronous event handlers, intertwined with the operating system, and security-critical. This paper reports on work done in the Netsem project to develop lightweight mathematically rigorous techniques that can be applied to such systems: to specify their behaviour precisely (but loosely enough to permit the required implementation variation) and to test whether these specifications and the implementations correspond, with specifications that are executable as test oracles. We developed post-hoc specifications of TCP, UDP, and the Sockets API, both of the service that they provide to applications (in terms of TCP bidirectional stream connections), and of the internal operation of the protocol (in terms of TCP segments and UDP datagrams), together with a testable abstraction function relating the two. These specifications are rigorous, detailed, readable, with broad coverage, and are rather accurate. Working within a general-purpose proof assistant (HOL4), we developed language idioms (within higher-order logic) in which to write the specifications: operational semantics with nondeterminism, time, system calls, monadic relational programming, etc. We followed an experimental semantics approach, validating the specifications against several thousand traces captured from three implementations (FreeBSD, Linux, and WinXP). Many differences between these were identified, and a number of bugs. Validation was done using a special-purpose symbolic model checker programmed above HOL4. Having demonstrated that our logic-based engineering techniques suffice for handling real-world protocols, we argue that similar techniques could be applied to future critical software infrastructure at design time, leading to cleaner designs and (via specification-based testing) more robust and predictable implementations. In cases where specification looseness can be controlled, this should be possible with lightweight techniques, without the need for a general-purpose proof assistant, at relatively little cost. CCS Concepts: • Software and its engineering; • Networks → Protocol correctness; Network protocol design; Transport protocols; • Theory of computation → Logic and verification; Automated reasoning; Higher order logic; Semantics and reasoning;
Revision of October 10, 2018. To appear in Journal of the ACM.

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1 Introduction
1.1 Standard Industry Practice
1.2 Specifications that are Executable as Test Oracles
1.3 De Facto Standards
1.4 The TCP/IP Network Protocols and Sockets API
1.5 Our Specifications
1.5.1 A Protocol-level Specification of the De Facto Standard
1.5.2 A Service-level Specification and Validated Abstraction Function
1.6 Technical Challenge: Specification Looseness
1.7 Technical Challenge: Relating Model and System
1.8 Non-goals, Non-approaches, and Limitations
1.9 Project History
1.10 Paper Structure
2 Background: TCP/IP, the Sockets API, and the Existing Specifications
2.1 The TCP/IP Protocols
2.2 The Sockets API
2.3 Standard Practice: Protocol and API Descriptions
3 Protocol-Level Specification
3.1 The External Form and Scope of the Specification
3.1.1 The Top-level Operational Semantics Judgement
3.1.2 Protocol Issues
3.1.3 Network Interface Issues
3.1.4 Sockets Interface Issues
3.1.5 The TCP Control Block and TCP DEBUG Interface Issues
3.2 The Internal Structure of the Specification
3.2.1 Internal Structure: Statics (Host States and Types)
3.2.2 Internal Structure: Dynamics (Host Transition Rules)
3.2.3 Sample Protocol-level Transition Rule: bind 5
3.2.4 Sample Protocol-level Transition Rule: send 3
3.2.5 Sample Protocol-level Transition Rule: deliver in 1
3.3 Specification Idioms
3.3.1 Nondeterminacy and Relational Specification
3.3.2 Imperative Updates and the Relational Monad
3.3.3 Time and Urgency
3.3.4 Partitioning the Behaviour
3.3.5 Relationship Between Code and Specification Structure
3.3.6 Framing
3.3.7 Concurrency, Blocking Calls, and Atomicity
3.3.8 Presentation and Automated Typesetting
3.4 Example Trace
4 Service-level Specification
4.1 Motivation for two specifications
4.2 Relationship to the Protocol-level Specification
4.3 The Top-level Operational Semantics Judgement
4.4 The Internal Structure of the Specification
4.4.1 Host States
4.4.2 Streams
4.5 Sample Service-level Transition Rule: send 3
5 Abstraction Function from Protocol-level to Service-level States

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6 Experimental Validation: Testing Infrastructure
6.1 Experimental Setup and Instrumentation for Trace Generation
6.2 Tests
6.3 Distributed Checking Infrastructure
6.4 Visualisation Tools and Data Management
7 Experimental Validation: Checking Technology
7.1 The Core Algorithm: Evaluating One Transition
7.2 Laziness in Symbolic Evaluation
7.3 Evaluating Time Transitions
7.4 Model Translation
7.5 Adding Constraints
7.6 Simplification
7.7 Service-level Validation
8 Experimental Validation: Results
8.1 Protocol-Level Checking Results
8.2 Implementation Anomalies
8.3 Service-level Results
8.4 Validating the Other Direction
9 Revisiting the TCP State Diagram
10 Updating the Model and Tools
10.1 Model Update and Performance Improvements
10.2 Instrumentation using DTrace
10.3 Validation using packetdrill
11 Related Work
12 Discussion
12.1 Contributions
12.2 Future Work: Using the Specifications
12.2.1 As an Informal Reference
12.2.2 For Bug-finding
12.2.3 For Testing New Implementations
12.2.4 As a Reference for Proposed Changes
12.2.5 As a New Internet Standard
12.2.6 As a Basis for Formal Reasoning
12.3 General Lessons for New System Development
12.3.1 Implementation-internal Nondeterminism
12.3.2 Superficial Inter-implementation Variation
12.3.3 Debatable Looseness
12.3.4 Scope/coverage Completeness
12.3.5 Major Variations
12.3.6 Experience with other executable-as-test-oracle specifications

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4 S. Bishop et al. 1 INTRODUCTION We begin by recalling normal industry development practice, to explain the fundamental problem that we address. We highlight some of its difficulties and we focus on the concept of specifications that are executable as test oracles (§1.2) and on the concept of the de facto standards (§1.3), using the TCP/IP network protocols and Sockets API as an example (§1.4). We then introduce our work in the NetSem project to develop specifications for TCP, UDP, and the Sockets API (§1.5) and explain two of the main technical challenges involved (§1.6, §1.7). We conclude the introduction by summarising some non-goals and limitations (§1.8), the project history (§1.9), and the structure of the remainder of the paper (§1.10). 1.1 Standard Industry Practice At present the overwhelming majority of our computing infrastructure is built with a testing-based development process. The only way that we normally have to assess whether implementation code will behave satisfactorily is to execute it on a collection of concrete test cases and examine the outcomes. This leads to the standard test-and-debug development cycle, in which code is written, it is executed on tests, the outcomes are assessed, and the code is rewritten accordingly. For each test, the allowed outcomes are typically defined manually, either as a check within the test itself, or as data on the side. Computer engineering relies also on the division of labour that is enabled by common interfaces, allowing systems to be composed of parts built by different teams and different organisations. These interfaces include major pan-industry abstractions, such as the processor architectures, programming languages, established libraries, network protocols, filesystem APIs, etc., together with many internal interfaces specific to particular systems. They are typically described with specification documents that combine a reasonably precise definition of the interface syntax (variously the processor opcodes, programming language syntax, protocol wire format, API types, etc.) with some informal-prose description of the intended interface behaviour. Ideally this triumvirate, of code, tests, and specification document, would all be in sync: the defined allowed test outcomes would be correct with respect to the specification-document intent, the tests would have good coverage, both of the code and of the specification document, and the code would pass all the tests. That would provide some confidence (though obviously not certainty) that the code and specification document are consistent, exploiting the redundancy between the three different descriptions to detect errors. One also would hope that a specification document is sufficiently clear and complete to serve as a good description, for both implementers and clients of an interface, of what an implementation must do and what a client can rely on. However, the normal specification-document reliance on prose to describe behaviour makes both of these ideals hard to attain. Prose has one obvious advantage: specification docu- ments are used to communicate between human beings, and prose makes them superficially accessible. But a prose document cannot be used in that test-and-debug development cycle in any direct, automated way. Instead, one has to manually curate the intended outcomes for each test, defining them and reasoning informally to check that they capture the intent of the prose specification. One also has to manually reason about specification coverage. Prose fails also in that it is intrinsically a poor medium for expressing the subtle and complex behaviour of real systems: with no automated checking or testing of specification documents, their prose descriptions are almost inevitably ambiguous and incomplete, and often in some way inconsistent or simply incomprehensible. It is all too easy to add a paragraph to a

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Engineering with Logic 5 prose specification without considering all of its implications. Contrasting prose specification documents with tests, the former cover rich behavioural properties, intended to be readable, subject to ambiguity, and not directly testable, while the latter are effectively single-point specifications, not intended to be readable, tolerably precise, but directly testable. Industry has learned how to get by in this fashion well enough to thrive economically, but the aggregate cost of dealing with the resulting bugs, behavioural oddities, version differences, and security flaws is high. Meanwhile, after 50+ years of research on formal specification and verification, we have reached the point where a few pieces of nontrivial software that have been designed with verification in mind can be proved correct, but proving functional correctness of substantial bodies of existing “real-world” software is still well out of reach. In fact, even stating such correctness properties has been out of reach: for that we would need mathematically rigorous specifications in place of the conventional prose. 1.2 Specifications that are Executable as Test Oracles Our work develops a middle way between current industry practice and the academic dream of widespread full correctness proofs: we show that it is feasible and useful to build rigorous specifications of a key piece of systems software in such a way that one can test the correspondence between implementation and specification, and one can state and test some important correctness properties, all this despite the many challenges such code embodies. We do this by focussing on the simple concept of specifications that are executable as a test oracle: artifacts that can be used, given a behaviour that might be exhibited by the system, to compute whether or not that behaviour is allowed. They need not be decidable in general, so long as they terminate with a yes-or-no answer for the behaviours of sufficient tests. Having an executable-as-test-oracle specification radically simplifies the construction of test suites: given such a specification, one can make tests by some automatic process, e.g. systematically or randomly enumerating test stimuli, without needing a manually written check or manually curated set of allowed results for each test. Instead, one can simply use the test oracle to assess whether the observed behaviour obtained by running each test is allowed. The concept of a specification that is executable as a test oracle is surely not new, but we believe it to be under-appreciated and under-emphasised, both in industry and in the research literature. It should not be confused with the notion of a specification that is executable in a more conventional sense: one that can itself serve as a (perhaps slow) implementation, and which can (perhaps pseudorandomly) exhibit any allowed behaviour — in other words, a specification that is executable as a semantically complete implementation. For a tight specification of a deterministic system, the two notions are very similar, but many scenarios involve loose specifications and/or implementation nondeterminism, where they can be very different. A specification that is executable as a test oracle could take many forms. At one extreme, it might be a program in a conventional programming language, that takes a representation of a system behaviour (perhaps a trace) as input, and whose execution checks whether it has some desired properties. At the other, it might be a mathematically rigorous formal specification, equipped with whatever execution mechanism is needed to let one compute whether representations of system behaviour are admitted or not. Much previous work on formal specification has had the primary aim of supporting correctness proofs; for that, mathematical rigour is essential. Supporting testing via executability as a test oracle is a quite different goal; mathematical rigour is desirable for such specifications, to eliminate

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6 S. Bishop et al. ambiguity and imprecision within the specification, but it is not in general essential. In some cases one has both goals, of course. Irrespective of whether it is expressed mathematically or in a conventional programming language, a specification written to be executable as a test oracle should also serve as a readable document, to serve the original purpose of specification documents, of enabling communication and discussion between humans about the intended behaviour. It should be structured to be as clear as possible, which may be in tension with the demands of executability and of rigour, and it should be annotated with explanatory prose and presented in a human form. 1.3 De Facto Standards Another kind of specification, particularly important for systems in which individual com- ponents evolve over time, is that of the de facto standards. There are broadly two kinds: the de facto standard implicitly defined by the existing component implementations, as the envelope of all their behaviours, and the de facto standard implicitly defined by the deployed systems that have to interoperate with them, as the conjunction of the assumptions made on their behaviour by all the existing clients. When writing new software above a particular interface, what really matters (in the short term) is the former: the envelope of all behaviour exhibited by the existing implementations that it has to interoperate with. Dually, when writing a new implementation of a particular established interface, what matters is the latter: the assumptions about the interface behaviour that the deployed clients implicitly rely on; if the new implementation violates one of those assumptions, the deployed clients will fail. Both of these are hard to investigate with conventional methods, which offer no way to describe an envelope of allowed behaviour except either (a) the outcomes of all tests from some test suite, or (b) a prose specification document. But a specification that is executable as a test oracle gives a way to experimentally investigate the behaviour of existing implementations, by iteratively generating tests, checking whether the observed behaviour is allowed by the specification, and refining the specification to provide a better approximation. In this way one can develop post hoc specifications for existing systems that capture good approximations to the behaviour of the existing component implementations. A specification that is executable as a semantically complete implementation would permit the conventional testing of higher-level components above the specification with respect to the full range of allowed behaviour, rather than with respect to the reduced range typical of particular implementations; it would thereby let one investigate the second kind of de facto standard: the aggregate of all assumptions about the interface made by clients of the interface. 1.4 The TCP/IP Network Protocols and Sockets API The TCP/IP network protocols provide a good example of all this, and are the technical focus of our work in this paper. TCP provides a reliable byte-stream communication abstraction between pairs of endpoints that underlies the world-wide web, email, and many other services; the companion UDP protocol provides an unreliable datagram service, often used for streaming media; and both are implemented above IP, the Internet Protocol. This is among the most widely-used software infrastructure on the planet: there are TCP/IP protocol endpoint implementations running on almost all machines, implemented by many different vendors. They should interoperate with each other, but there is no prospect of exhaustively testing all combinations, or of synchronising any updates. By and large the deployed Internet, which is an assembly of all these endpoints and the interconnecting routers, works remarkably

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Engineering with Logic 7 well. However, when one looks closely at what the TCP/IP protocols are —how they are defined, what the behaviour of those endpoint implementations is (or should be), and in what sense they interoperate correctly— the situation is very unclear. There are specification documents: RFCs that focus on the on-the-wire protocols, and the POSIX standard for the Sockets API used by applications to interact with the protocols. An RFC is a Request for Comments in a series now published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); some RFCs are adopted as IETF Internet Standards. RFCs and POSIX are prose documents: they typically describe the formats of wire messages and the C-language types of API calls precisely, but they are, almost inevitably, ambiguous and incomplete descriptions of the protocol and API behaviour. Specifications in this area have to be loose, to accommodate implementation variation (e.g. in timing or choice of sequence numbers, window sizes, or, within some bounds, retransmission policy), but, as we shall see, that does not mean that they have to be vague or imprecise. Then there is the code. For each of the many implementations of TCP/IP and the Sockets API, the code implicitly does define some precise behaviour (modulo the status of the underlying programming language), but there are many differences between them, some intentional and some not. In practice, the common implementations together form a de facto standard: any implementation must interoperate reasonably well with all of them, though historically the BSD implementations have a special status: various protocol features were first developed there, and they are sometimes used as a reference [110]. Moreover, each implementation is in itself a complex body of code. They are typically written in C, intertwined with an operating system. For example, the BSD implementation is around 20 000 lines of C. They are multithreaded, dealing with asynchronous events on the network interface, concurrent Sockets API calls, and the expiry of various timers. At present, there does not exist a formal semantics for the fragment of C that is used, despite much work over the years [10, 34, 57, 70, 77, 81]), let alone proof techniques that have been shown to scale to this kind of problem. There is a rough layer structure (Sockets/TCP/IP/network-interface) but much coupling between the layers, with ‘fast path’ optimisations for the common cases, indirection via function pointers, and many historical artifacts. Moreover, the deployed base makes it almost impossible to change many aspects of the observable implementation behaviour, on the wire or Sockets API interface (there is still active experimentation with new congestion control algorithms, however). Developers, both of protocol stacks and of applications above them, thus have to deal with a very complex world. TCP has long been recognised as hard to implement correctly [85], [RFC2525], and in fact there has been no precise sense in which an implementation can be considered ‘correct’ or not. Application writers using the Sockets API have to be aware of a host of behavioural subtleties and implementation differences, in addition to the intrinsic difficulties of concurrency, partial failure, and malicious attack. It it clearly possible to write pragmatically satisfactory protocol stacks, and distributed libraries and applications above them, but the cost and level of expertise needed are high. 1.5 Our Specifications In the light of the above, we set out to investigate whether and how one can do better, taking a mathematically rigorous approach to the behaviour of such real-world systems. We address the specific problem of the unclear de facto standard for TCP/IP, developing specifications of TCP/IP behaviour that are executable as test oracles. This is important in itself, but by doing so — tackling a particularly gnarly real-world abstraction, with all of its difficulties — we can also draw lessons from the experience for the general problem:

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Sockets API TCP DEBUG interface Wire interface
IP network
applications libraries and Distributed Distributed applications libraries and
This shows two TCP endpoints and the intervening IP network; the interface of the protocol-level specification is shown as a red line, with the pink shaded region being the part of the real system whose behaviour it models, and the short red arrows indicating its observables. Fig. 1. Our Single-Endpoint Protocol-level Specification
how one can improve on conventional development processes based on prose specification documents, both to clarify similar legacy abstractions, and in the development of future clean-slate abstractions. 1.5.1 A Protocol-level Specification of the De Facto Standard. We first develop a speci- fication for a TCP or UDP endpoint, as observed in terms of individual TCP and UDP messages on the wire, at its Sockets API interface, and at an existing debug interface. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 (p. 8). We structured this specification and built checking tools to make the specification be executable as a test oracle. This let us develop it with an experimental semantics approach, to capture a good approximation of the de facto standard: • We produced an initial draft specification based on the existing prose documents, the BSD and Linux source code, and ad-hoc tests. • In parallel, we instrumented a test network containing machines running multiple implementations, and wrote tests to drive those, generating several thousand real-world traces chosen to cover a wide range of their behaviour. We used three implementations that were current when the project began: FreeBSD 4.6, Linux 2.4.20-8, and Windows XP SP1. As we discuss later, validation of TCP dynamics focussed on the first of those, while for UDP and the Sockets API we used all three. • We ensured that the specification admitted those traces by running a special-purpose symbolic model checker. When we found that some particular real-world behaviour was not admitted by the specification, we either amended the latter or classified it as an implementation bug. Those bugs, and the many differences between the three implementations that we found, show that this is a very discriminating testing process. • We iterated this process, improving our tools, understanding, and specification, until the specification captured a good approximation to the observed behaviour.

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Engineering with Logic 9 The resulting specification is fully mathematically rigorous: it is expressed in higher-order logic, in a mechanised proof assistant, HOL4 [45, 49], that type-checks the specification. We thereby avoid the ambiguity of prose specifications. One might be concerned that this rigour comes at the cost of accessibility. Our HOL4 definitions are essentially standard typed discrete mathematics, using numbers, lists, sets, finite maps, logical connectives, quantifiers, and user-defined record types, functions, and relations. This language should be familiar to anyone with previous discrete-mathematics experience. For others (perhaps the majority of developers), and to explain the meaning of the specification more directly, we also documented it extensively, with side-by-side English prose and mathematical definitions. Automated typesetting tools let us present the two in a readable form, which also helped us keep them in sync. At a larger scale, we structured the specification to be as clear as possible, picking out logically distinct parts of the behaviour into distinct definitions. HOL4 supports higher-order logic as its definition language. In general, the more sophis- ticated the language, the more challenging automated reasoning becomes, so one should ask whether this expressiveness was required or whether simpler tools would have sufficed. Higher-order types are used in our specification: there are some third-order types1. The highest order at which we quantify is order 1, e.g. at the host type. The resulting document remains large and complex by the standards of most formal models (386pp typeset, 25800 lines of HOL source, of which two-thirds are comments), but that seems to be inescapable. Most work on formal models either makes significant idealisations, e.g. when defining a “core calculus” for some programming language, or concerns a clean-slate design. In contrast, here we aim to capture TCP as it actually is, without idealisation, in the observable behaviour of some of the deployed implementations. We are not trying to distill some simple ‘Platonic essence’ of TCP. Indeed, it is not clear that it has one in any useful sense. The protocol has many aspects: connection setup and teardown, sliding-window flow control, congestion control, protection against wrapped sequence numbers (PAWS), round- trip-time estimation, protection against certain denial-of-service attacks, and so forth. These are intertwined in subtle ways, with little modular structure. Programmers writing TCP/IP stacks and systems on top of TCP need to understand it at an intuitive level, but crucially also need to understand the warts and wrinkles of its actual implementations. Not all aspects are important in all circumstances, but all are important in some. Our specification is thus detailed, with almost all important aspects of the real-world communications at the level of individual TCP segments and UDP datagrams, with timing, and with congestion control (it abstracts from routing and other IP internals). And it has broad scope or coverage, dealing with the behaviour of a host for arbitrary incoming messages and Sockets API call sequences, not just some well-behaved usage — one of our goals was to characterise the failure semantics under network loss, duplication and reordering, API errors, and malicious attack. It also covers the failure semantics due to resource limits, though this was not well-validated. Note that this is a post hoc specification. Traditionally one thinks of testing an implemen- tation against a pre-existing specification. Here, faced with the entrenched de facto standard of the deployed implementations, the best that can be done is identify what the envelope of their behaviour is — hence our post-hoc experimental semantics approach, developing a specification in part by checking it against implementations. However, the checker technology
1We define the order of a HOL type by order(tycon) = 0, order(t → t′) = order(t ↦→ t′) = max(order(t)+1, order(t′)),
and order((t, t′, ..)tyop) = max(order(t), order(t′), ..).

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Sockets API
IP network
applications libraries and Distributed Distributed libraries and applications
The interface of the service-level specification is shown as a red line, with the pink shaded region being the part of the real system whose behaviour it models and the short red arrows indicating its observables. Fig. 2. Our End-to-end Service-level Specification
that we develop is symmetric: it could equally well be used to test future implementations against our now-existing protocol-level specification. Our work also differs from most research on formal models in that our specification is intended principally to support testing and human communication, rather than mechanised proof (except proofs involved in our model checking). In principle the specification should be usable for more general proof, but the scale makes that a challenging prospect, and it was not one of our goals. We have not attempted to prove that any implementation meets the specification, or that the protocol of the specification is correct. We did prove some sanity properties of an early version of the specification. 1.5.2 A Service-level Specification and Validated Abstraction Function. We continue by developing a more abstract service-level specification, illustrated in Fig. 2 (p. 10). This abstracts from the details of the individual messages sent on the wire, instead characterising the reliable-stream service that two TCP endpoints combine to provide for applications running above their respective Sockets APIs. This is similarly rigorous, detailed, and with broad coverage. It has much simpler wire behaviour than the protocol-level specification, as one would hope, but still has to expose some aspects of TCP connection setup and teardown, and the complexities of the Sockets API remain largely unchanged. In principle this gives a meaningful criterion for correctness of the TCP protocol: one would like a proof that two instances of the protocol-level endpoint specification, composed with a model of the network, do implement the service-level specification. But, as mentioned above, the scale of the specifications make that proof a challenging prospect. Instead, we develop a pragmatic testing-based alternative that lets one establish some confidence with much less effort, experimentally testing an abstraction function. We defined, in HOL4, an abstraction function that takes a pair of states of the protocol-level model (one for each end of a TCP connection), together with an abstract model of the state of the intervening IP

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Engineering with Logic 11 network (the TCP segments in flight) and constructs a state of the end-to-end service-level model. This function is what one would use as the invariant of a protocol correctness proof. We then built a checker that, given an experimental protocol-level trace for the two endpoints, checks whether there is a corresponding trace of the service-level specification, with the abstraction function mapping protocol-level states onto service-level states at each step. We now introduce two of the main technical challenges that arise in developing these two specifications: handling specification looseness and relating specification and implementation. 1.6 Technical Challenge: Specification Looseness A key issue in this work is the need for the specification to be loose, while remaining executable as a test oracle and precise enough to be unambiguous. In a deterministic setting, with a tight specification and no implementation runtime determinism, one can build a specification that is executable as a test oracle by simply writing a reference implementation (perhaps in a conventional programming language, or as a pure functional program), using it as an oracle by checking that the observed behaviour from running tests on a production implementation is identical to the behaviour obtained from running them on the reference implementation. The two notions, of specifications that are executable as a test oracle, and specifications that are executable as a semantically complete implementation, here collapse into one. In most contexts, however, specification looseness is essential, to accommodate allowed variations in behaviour between different implementations, and to accommodate per- implementation runtime nondeterminism. For TCP, some inter-implementation variation is intended to be allowed by the prose specification documents and some has arisen over time. Then there is a great deal of intra-implementation runtime nondeterminism, arising from OS scheduling, timers, explicitly randomised choices, and so on. Repeatedly running a test case on a single implementation can produce many significantly different traces of observed Sockets API and wire behaviour. This means that checking conformance cannot be done by simply running the specification and an implementation in lock-step and comparing the results; our specification must be quite different from a “reference implementation” for TCP in a more-or-less conventional programming language, which would exhibit just some behaviours of the many possible (several of these exist, including the BSD C code and those by Biagioni in Standard ML [17], by Castelluccia et al. in Esterel [29], and by Kohler et al. in Prolac [56]). Instead, to define an envelope of behaviour that includes such variation, we express our protocol-level specification in a relational style, as a labelled transition system (LTS). This host LTS is essentially a nondeterministic automaton, a ternary relation h
−→ h′ Here h and h′ are values of a HOL4 type modelling a single endpoint state, abstracting from the relevant parts of the OS and network hardware of a machine, and l is a label modelling one of the observable events (shown in Fig. 1 (p. 8)) that the specification deals with: Sockets API calls and returns, network messages sent and received, certain debug trace events, time passage, and internal transitions. The host LTS is defined as an operational- semantics definition in higher-order logic, using various idioms adapted from programming language and concurrency theory semantics, including a relational monad structure and nondeterministic timed labelled transition systems, to structure it as clearly as we can.

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12 S. Bishop et al. Then we have to make this executable as a test oracle. By choosing higher-order logic as the language in which to write the specification, to let us express it as clearly as possible, we already depart from definitions that are immediately executable. But the key difficulty is that much of the nondeterminism, in TCP implementations and in the specification, is internal, not immediately exposed in observable events. For example, there may be an internal nondeterministic choice, e.g. of some TCP sequence number or window size, which only affects the observable behaviour many steps later. We therefore built a model checker that takes a captured trace and checks whether it is included in the set of all traces of the specification. Rather different from conventional model-checking (symbolic or otherwise), the states here are arbitrary higher-order logic formulae, expressing constraints on the underlying state of a protocol endpoint. As the checker works along a trace (possibly backtracking) it uses various HOL tactics, e.g. for simplification, to symbolically evaluate the specification. Lazy control of the search through the tree of possibilities is essential. The checker either succeeds, in which case it has essentially proved a machine-checked theorem that that trace is included, or fails, for a trace that is not included, or terminates if one of several heuristic conditions is satisfied. HOL is a proof assistant in the LCF style [44], and so its soundness, and the soundness of our checker above it, depends only on the correctness of a small trusted kernel. One of the main lessons we learn, that we return to later, is that minimising the amount of internal nondeterminism is highly desirable, at protocol design time and at implementation design time. We aimed originally to support black-box testing of existing unmodified implementations: we did not attempt to add extra instrumentation of their internals, both to avoid perturbing the systems we were investigating, and because we planned to test systems for which we did not have source access, e.g. Windows XP. For UDP this was viable, but TCP has much more complex internal behaviour, with internal nondeterminism that is not directly exposed via the Sockets API. The BSD implementation supported a TCP DEBUG kernel option to expose the protocol state (TCP control block records) at some program points. Including TCP DEBUG records in our experimentally captured traces let us concretise the symbolic state of the model relatively frequently, resolving constraints and reducing the amount of backtracking. Modern implementations often support more sophisticated tracing frameworks, e.g. DTrace [27, 69], which would simplify this. But ideally, the protocol and API would be designed from the outset to expose all semantically significant internal nondeterministic choices, either with trace events for the specific choices, or with trace events containing the computed corresponding specification state for any implementation state. Given that, the executable-as-test-oracle specification of each transition could be a simple total function, either operating on a fully concrete state and computing a finite description of the possible next transitions (abstracted on input values), or on a triple of a current and next concrete states and transition label, computing whether that transition is allowed. The specification could then be written in any language of total functions, without needing the sophisticated technology of a proof assistant, a symbolic state, or a backtracking search. In short, with careful thought at protocol design-time, much simpler methods than we use here could be used to make a suitable specification that is executable as a test oracle. Excessive nondeterminism can also be bad from a protocol-design point of view, leading to security vulnerabilities. For example, the LAND attack [66] involved sending a spoofed TCP SYN segment containing the IP address of the target as its source and destination, which led to lockups in various stacks, and blind in-window attacks [88] involved spoofing TCP RST or SYN segments that are randomly often enough within the active window to tear

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applications libraries and Distributed Distributed applications libraries and Network-internal interface IP network Wire interface IP network applications libraries and Distributed Distributed applications libraries and
Fig. 3. Wire-interface endpoint and network-internal specifications
down the target’s connection. Precise specification of looseness would not in itself prevent these, but might help direct the protocol designers’ attention to the possibilities. On a separate note, there is a common misconception that a rigorous and detailed specifi- cation is necessarily also a tight specification, overconstraining potential implementations. On the contrary, we have been to great lengths to ensure that our completely-rigorous specifications allow a wide range of reasonable behaviours. We argue that precisely specifying exactly the properties of other protocol endpoints that one depends upon, combined with proof or testing that those properties suffice to ensure good end-to-end system behaviour, would be preferable to an exclusive reliance on the “rough consensus and running code” emphasised in the early development of the internet protocols. 1.7 Technical Challenge: Relating Model and System The second key issue in making a testable specification of a real system component is that of choosing exactly what part of the real systems the specification is intended to model, and how the two are intended to be related. For many conventional formal specifications, aimed principally at supporting proof about idealised systems, this is not an issue, as they have only a weak relationship to implementations. Some others, such as compiler specifications, have a relatively simple interface, e.g. as partial functions from source to target languages, and hence a relatively straightforward notion of what is observable. In contrast, here we are specifying part of a large and complex system: the TCP/IP stacks that we consider exist within complete operating systems; they are not cleanly isolated components that can be exercised independently (they are also not subject to simple unit testing, for this reason). We therefore have to carefully choose how to restrict the scope to a manageable domain, and what system behaviour is taken as observable. These choices have to be reflected in the top-level form of the judgements of the specification, which ultimately is a predicate on such behaviours, and in the testing infrastructure, as instrumentation that logs the observable behaviour in executions of the running system. For testing-based validation, the two must have some exact correspondence, and this provides an important constraint: we can abstract

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14 S. Bishop et al. but cannot idealise. As we are building mathematically rigorous specifications, and the implementations are (as is typical) not mathematical artifacts, this is also the necessarily non-mathematical boundary where we relate the formal and informal worlds. For TCP/IP there are five main options for where to cut the system to pick out observable events. The protocol-level specification of Fig. 1 (p. 8) deals with events at the network interface and Sockets API of a single machine, but abstracts from the implementation details within the network stack. For TCP the obvious wire interface events are at the level of individual TCP segments sent or received, and this level covers the dynamics of how messages are exchanged, so we refer to this as an endpoint specification (or sometimes as a segment-level specification). The service-level specification of Fig. 2 (p. 10) describes the end-to-end behaviour of the network as observed by users of the Sockets API on two different machines, abstracting from what occurs on the wire. For TCP such a specification can model connections roughly as a pair of streams of data, together with additional data capturing the failure behaviours, connection shutdown, etc. We refer to this as a service-level specification (or sometimes as a stream-level specification), characterising the bidirectional data stream service that the TCP protocol, together with the network and Sockets API, provides to applications. A wire-interface-only endpoint specification, shown on the left of Fig. 3 (p. 13), would specify the legal TCP segments sent by a single host irrespective of whatever occurs at the API. A network interior specification, shown on the right of Fig. 3 (p. 13), would characterise the possible traffic at a point inside the IP network, of interest for network monitoring. Finally a pure transport-protocol specification (not shown) would define the behaviour of just the TCP part of a TCP/IP stack, with events at the Sockets API and at the OS-internal interface to IP. All would be useful, for different purposes. We chose to begin by developing a protocol-level endpoint specification for three main reasons. Firstly, we considered it essential to capture the behaviour at the Sockets API, despite the fact that the usual TCP/IP RFC specifications do not cover the API (it is addressed to some extent in POSIX). Focussing exclusively on the wire protocol would be reasonable if there truly were many APIs in common use, but in practice the Sockets API is also a de facto standard, with its behaviour of key interest to a large body of developers. Ambiguities, errors, and implementation differences here are often just as important as for the wire protocol. Secondly, the protocol-level specification has a straightforward model of network failure, essentially with individual segments either being delivered correctly or not; the observable effects of network failure in an end-to-end model are far more easily characterised as a corollary of this rather than directly. Thirdly, it seemed likely that automated validation would be most straightforward for an endpoint model: by observing interactions as close to a host as possible (on the Sockets and wire interfaces) we minimise the amount of nondeterminism in the system and maximise the amount of information our instrumentation can capture. With our protocol-level specification in hand, we were then in a good position to develop a service-level specification, as described in §4. Then there are more detailed questions about the instrumentation that is feasible and the exact relationship between specification and running system. We return to these later, but to give a few examples: • A pure transport-protocol specification would require us to instrument the OS-internal interface between TCP and IP, or that between the TCP/IP stack and the network cards. Neither of those are easily accessible. Instead, the protocol-level specification has the advantage that it requires us only to instrument the wire interface, which for ethernet wire interfaces can be done cleanly with another network-interface observer.

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Engineering with Logic 15 • The Sockets API interface is conceptually simple to deal with at first sight, but it is a C language interface, involving exchange of shared memory between application and OS. To avoid having to deal with those intricacies of C semantics in our specification, we abstract the API calls and returns into a pure value-passing model; that abstraction is computed by our instrumentation. • We have to consider how precisely events in different parts of the system can be times- tamped, both to relate to the numerical values of timers in the TCP implementations, and also simply to let them be totally ordered consistently with real time, to avoid unnecessary search in our trace-checking process. 1.8 Non-goals, Non-approaches, and Limitations The problem we address, and our approach, are rather different to most previous work on formal semantics, program verification, and model-checking. Several non-goals and non- approaches of our work have already been mentioned, but for clarity we collect them here. We are not trying to: (1) Prove correctness of the TCP protocol. Our protocol-level and service-level specifications let such a result be precisely stated (for the first time), and we conjecture that such a proof would be possible, but it would be a separate multi-person-year project in mechanised reasoning. Before embarking on it, one would also want to validate the specifications against additional implementations, to ensure they are not overly specific to those we tested against. (2) Prove correctness of any particular implementation with respect to our protocol- level specification. The scale and complexity of the specification and the existing C implementations make this an intimidating prospect, though it might be viable for clean-slate implementations in semantically simpler languages. (3) Prove correctness of application code above the specification. In principle the specifica- tion should support this, but again it would be a major piece of work in itself. Two preliminary experiments have been done: Compton [32] verified a simple distributed algorithm, Stenning’s protocol, above our early UDP model, and Ridge [90] conducted a verification of a core piece of distributed infrastructure above a simplified TCP model, based on those we describe here. (4) Find bugs in TCP implementations. We are treating the existing implementations principally as part of the de facto standard, and from that point of view whatever they do is “correct”. But along the way we did find several clearly unintended behaviours, as we discuss later. (5) Redesign TCP. Again, we are taking the existing implementations as our principal reference, not trying to change the protocol they exhibit. We are redesigning TCP in a different sense, of course: the specified protocol and the way it is specified. (6) Implement TCP. Our specification is executable as a test oracle, but it is not executable in the conventional sense, to interoperate with existing TCP implementations. It would be interesting and useful to make it executable as a (likely very slow) implementation, by abstracting out the places where it makes nondeterministic choices so that they can be instantiated with particular strategies, and to explore how one can narrow the gap between that and a production-quality implementation. (7) Generate tests for TCP from the specifications. Our test cases are generated by a special-purpose handwritten test bench. We did some coverage analysis with respect to the protocol-level specification, but the tests are not generated from the specification.

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16 S. Bishop et al. (8) Model-check TCP (either specification or implementation). Other model-checking techniques have been applied to substantial bodies of real code, notably BDD, SAT, and SMT-based methods (in the more usual sense of ‘symbolic model-checking’) and predicate abstraction methods. They are generally focussed on detecting runtime errors, such as dereferencing null pointers and assertion violations. In contrast, we check conformance with a complete specification of the system behaviour, a much more elaborate functional correctness property which would be hard to state with assertions or simple temporal logics. On the other hand, those methods analyse the source code fairly directly, whereas we consider only its behaviour as manifested in the generated traces. A TCP endpoint has a very large and complex state space, both in the implementations and in our protocol-level specification. In the latter, the control block for each end of a TCP connection contains 14 32-bit sequence numbers, several natural numbers, and 10 timers, represented with real numbers. An implementation would likely use 32-bit numbers instead of the specification’s unbounded natural numbers, and types at least this wide for the timers. A rough estimate thus suggests that each connection would take 1200 bits to model if a finite translation were attempted. Further, the specification allows for an arbitrary number of connections to be made, and for arbitrary number of messages to be in various of the host’s queues. Ignoring the data being transmitted in the packets and their IP addresses, each TCP segment contributes another 190 bits to the size of the state. Any finite analysis of the specification would have to dramatically constrain its possible behaviours, and would also require a sound translation from the high-level specification to the finite model. Both of these requirements are unpalatable. (9) Distill some essence of TCP, in the form of an idealised model. In our early work in this area we attempted this, defining a “UDP calculus” in the style of existing process calculi, but it quickly became clear that the real challenge is understanding how to cope rigorously with the scale and complexity of the real protocols, APIs, and implementations. We return to the limitations of our work in the Discussion section (§12) but highlight the main two up-front: (1) Further validation would have been desirable, where we were limited by the available staff resources. For UDP and the the Sockets API we believe we achieved reasonable coverage for the three implementations we considered, while for the protocol-level TCP specification we seriously addressed only the BSD implementation, and our tests were typically relatively short, not exercising some regimes of the protocol well (different congestion-control regimes, in particular). We reached a good correspondence between specification and the observed behaviour of implementations — not a perfect one, but good enough to suggest that only modest additional effort would have been needed to fix the remaining issues. For the service-level specification, we were able only to do proof-of-concept validation. (2) We did not build a turn-key protocol stack testing tool that could be used in industry, or attempt to engage with the IETF to improve their TCP specifications. Again, this was mainly due to a lack of available resources. 1.9 Project History This paper gives a retrospective synoptic view of an extended research project, NetSem, with conference papers in TACS 2001, SIGOPS EW 2002, ESOP 2002, SIGCOMM 2005,

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Engineering with Logic 17 POPL 2006, and FM 2008: we started around October 2000 with a simple model for UDP and Sockets [97, 98], initially developed by Serjantov (at the start of his PhD) and Sewell. With Wansbrough and Norrish we extended that with modelling of time and multi-threaded Sockets API clients, and mechanised it in HOL [79, 107]. We then developed the much more substantial protocol-level specification for TCP [21, 24], by Bishop, Fairbairn, Norrish, Sewell, Smith, and Wansbrough, and finally the service-level specification and abstraction function between the two models [91], by Ridge, Norrish, and Sewell. For more details we refer the reader to a technical report [22] and to the annotated service-level and protocol-level specifications [22, 23, 92]. The whole project was approximately 11 person-years of effort. The HOL code for both specifications is available on-line, as a snapshot of the original [104] and, updated to a more recent version of HOL4, in a GitHub repository under the simplified BSD license [76]. At the time of writing (2017–18), work is underway (§10) to update the specification w.r.t. changes in the FreeBSD stack over the intervening time, using new DTrace-based instrumentation [27, 69] rather than the ad hoc instrumentation we describe in §6.1 (making test generation more portable and exposing more nondeterminism to ease checking), using traces generated both by our earlier §6.2 tthee tool and the packetdrill tool [28], and using current hardware, HOL4, and SML implementations to run trace-checking (providing significantly better performance). Other work made use of our UDP and TCP specifications, providing evidence that they can be put to use. Working with our group, Compton [32] verified a simple distributed algorithm, Stenning’s protocol, above our early UDP model, and Ridge [90] verified a core piece of distributed infrastructure, involving a simplified model of TCP networking based on those we describe, a filesystem, and concurrent OCaml code. Elsewhere, Li and Zdancewic [62–64] built a purely functional Haskell TCP server implementation closely based on our TCP specification, roughly 3x–8x slower than the Linux kernel TCP stack. This was further developed and used by Galois as the Haskell Network Stack (HaNS) [43], within the halvm Haskell-on-Xen project, though the code seems now to have been rewritten. We also applied our techniques to a new protocol as part of its design process, in collaboration with the designers: a Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for the SWIFT experimental optically switched network, by Dales and others [20]. We do not detail that here, but do incorporate some of the lessons learned into our discussion. 1.10 Paper Structure We begin with background about TCP/IP and its existing specifications (§2). The main body of the paper is in two parts, first describing our specifications and then our checking technology and results. In the first part, we describe our (low-level) protocol-level specification (§3), (high-level) service-level specification (§4), and the abstraction function between them (§5). For each, we describe the issues we had to deal with and the specification idioms we developed to do so. We also include selected excerpts of the specifications themselves: some of the types modelling protocol endpoint states, and a few of the transition rules. We do this principally to illustrate the style of mathematics and the scale involved in such work, and to show those familiar with TCP how aspects that they may be familiar with appear in this form, but it is not necessary for the reader to follow every detail of the excerpts. In the second part, our experimental testing infrastructure is described in §6, and the symbolic model checking technology we developed is in §7. The results of our checking are given in §8, including quantitative results and some selected implementation anomalies, from among the many we found.

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18 S. Bishop et al. We also illustrate one use of the specification, abstracting its transitions to give a more accurate analogue of the usual TCP state diagram §9. §10 describes ongoing work to update the specification w.r.t. the changes to the FreeBSD stack over time, using new tracing and proof tools and new tests. We conclude with related work and discussion in §11 and §12. 2 BACKGROUND: TCP/IP, THE SOCKETS API, AND THE EXISTING SPECIFICATIONS To make this paper as self-contained as possible, we start with a brief overview of the TCP/IP protocols, the Sockets API, and the relevant standards. 2.1 The TCP/IP Protocols IP (the Internet Protocol) allows one machine to send a message (an IP datagram) to another. Each machine has one or more IP addresses, 32-bit values such as for the IPv4 version of the protocol, or 128-bit values for IPv6. The distributed domain name system (DNS) maps textual names, e.g. www.ietf.org, to such addresses. IP datagrams have their destination specified as an IP address. They carry a payload of a sequence of bytes and contain also a source address and various additional data. They have a maximum size of 65535 bytes, though many are smaller, constructed to fit in a 1500 byte Ethernet frame body. IP message delivery is asynchronous and unreliable: IP does not provide acknowledgements that datagrams are received, or retransmit lost datagrams. Message delivery is implemented by a combination of local networks, e.g. ethernets, and of packet forwarding between routers; these may silently drop packets if they become congested. A variety of routing protocols are used to establish state in these routers, determining, for any incoming packet, to which neighbouring router or endpoint machine it should be forwarded. UDP (the User Datagram Protocol) is a thin layer above IP that provides multiplexing. It introduces a set {1, .., 65535} of ports at each endpoint; a UDP datagram is an IP datagram with a payload consisting of a source port, a destination port, and a sequence of bytes. Just as for IP, delivery is asynchronous and unreliable. TCP (the Transmission Control Protocol) is a thicker layer above IP that provides bidirectional byte-stream communication. It too uses a set {1, .., 65535} of ports. A TCP connection is typically between an IP address and port of one machine and an IP address and port of another, allowing data (unstructured streams of bytes) to be sent in both directions. The two endpoints exchange TCP segments embedded in IP datagrams. The protocol deals with retransmission of lost data, reordering of data that arrives out of sequence, flow control to prevent the end systems being swamped with data faster than they can handle, and congestion control to limit the use of network bandwidth. These all involve much detailed mechanism, which is exposed on the wire interface, that we cannot summarise here — this is the heart of what our protocol-level specification has to deal with. In addition, ICMP (the Internet Control Message Protocol) is another thin layer above IP, primarily used for signalling error conditions to be acted on by IP, UDP, or TCP. Many other protocols are used for specific purposes, but TCP and UDP above IP are dominant. TCP underlies web (HTTP), file transfer (FTP) and mail protocols, UDP is often used for media streaming, and TCP and UDP together underlie the domain name system (DNS). The first widely-available release of these protocols was in 4.2BSD, released in 1983. They are now ubiquitous, with implementations in all the standard operating systems and in many embedded devices.

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Engineering with Logic 19 2.2 The Sockets API Application code can interact with the TCP/IP protocol implementations via the sockets interface, a C language API originating in 4.2BSD with calls socket(), bind(), connect(), listen(), etc. The sockets interface is usually used for interaction with UDP and TCP, not for direct interaction with IP. A socket itself is a TCP/IP protocol stack data structure, referred to locally by a file descriptor. To give a sense of how the Sockets API is used, and how it interacts with the wire protocol, here is a sequence of events that might be involved for a server and a client program to set up a TCP connection between their two machines, and to communicate a string over it. To sidestep the C language intricacies of the API, the calls are given in the notation of our specification, not in C. (1) First the server makes three Sockets API calls to establish a listening socket: (a) socket (SOCK STREAM): to create a TCP socket, returning its file descriptor (say FD 8); (b) bind (FD 8,↑ (IP 192 168 0 12),↑ (Port 3333)): to set the local IP address and port of that socket, to one of the IP addresses of the server and a concrete value that is known to the client code; and (c) listen (FD 8, 3): to put the socket into LISTEN state, ready for incoming connections on that IP address and port, with backlog (queue of pending connections) of size 3. (2) Then the client makes the following API calls to create a socket and initiate a connection to the server: (a) socket (SOCK STREAM): to create a TCP socket, returning its file descriptor (this might also be FD 8, though referring to a client socket data structure rather than the server socket data structure); (b) bind (FD 8, ∗,↑ (Port 4444)): to set the client socket port, leaving its IP address wildcarded; and (c) connect (FD 8, IP 192 168 0 12,↑ (Port 3333)): specifying the server’s IP address and port, to initiate a TCP connection between the two machines. (3) The protocol stacks on the two machines then exchange TCP datagrams in a three- message handshake: (a) client sends (and server receives) a TCP SYN datagram; (b) server sends (and client receives) a TCP SYN ACK datagram; and (c) client sends (and server receives) a TCP ACK datagram; and the client connect() call returns. (4) After creating its socket, the server (typically in a loop) calls accept (FD 8) to get the next available connection. This is in the form of a freshly created server-side connected socket for this endpoint of the connection; the accept() call returns its file descriptor (say FD 9) and the remote IP address and port of the other endpoint, here (IP 192 168 0 14, Port 4444). The server’s listening socket remains available for other incoming connections. (5) The server calls recv (FD 9, 6, []) to read 6 bytes from its input buffer for the new connection. Initially this will block, as the requested data is not available. (6) To send data, the client calls send (FD 8, ∗,“Hello!”, []), to send the string “Hello!” on the connection. This returns as soon as the string is locally queued. (7) The client protocol stack sends a TCP datagram containing that string, which is received by the server and added to the input queue of its connected socket.

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20 S. Bishop et al. (8) The server recv (FD 9, 6, []) call will return with the string. (9) ...subsequent actions to close the connection 2.3 Standard Practice: Protocol and API Descriptions The development process used for the internet protocols was driven by implementation, experiment, and interoperability testing, with informal specifications (in the form of RFCs) aiming to capture enough of this to support further interoperable implementations. This process, summarised in Clark’s “rough consensus and running code” [31], was in contrast to a more specification-driven approach advocated elsewhere, e.g. by the ISO/ITU-T OSI effort. It is not our intention to revisit that historical argument, or to take a view on what should or could have been done at the time. But the very success of those protocols makes it important to understand the disadvantages and advantages of the standards that we have ended up with. We summarise those here, to set the context for the rest of the paper. The basic IP, UDP, TCP and ICMP protocols are described in Request For Comment (RFC) standards from 1980–81: User Datagram Protocol RFC 768 1980 3pp STD 6 Internet Protocol RFC 791 1981 iii+45pp STD 5 Internet Control Message Protocol RFC 792 1981 21pp STD 5 Transmission Control Protocol RFC 793 1981 iii+85pp STD 7 The sockets interface appears as part of the POSIX standard [50]. Additional information is contained in the documentation for various implementations, in particular the Unix man pages, and well-known texts such as those of Stevens [102, 103, 110]. From the titles of these documents the reader might gain the impression that TCP is a single well-defined protocol. Unfortunately that is not the case, for several different reasons. • As the protocol has been used ever more widely, in network environments that are radically different from that of the initial design, various clarifications and proposals for changes to the protocol have been made. A small sample of later RFCs in common use include: Requirements for Internet Hosts — Communication Layers RFC 1122 1989 TCP Extensions for High Performance RFC 1323 1992 TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options RFC 2018 1996 TCP Congestion Control with Appropriate Byte Counting (ABC) RFC 3465 2003 The NewReno Modification to TCP’s Fast Recovery Algorithm RFC 3782 2004 TCP SYN Flooding Attacks and Common Mitigations RFC 4987 2007 TCP Fast Open RFC 7413 2014 A Roadmap for TCP Specification Documents RFC 7414 2015 Data Center TCP: TCP Congestion Control for Data Centers RFC 8257 2017 RACK: a time-based fast loss detection algorithm for TCP draft 2017 Deployment of these changes is inevitably piecemeal, depending both on the TCP/IP stack implementers and on the deployment of new operating system versions, which —on the scale of the Internet— cannot be synchronised. • Implementations also diverge from the standards due to misunderstandings, disagree- ments and bugs. For example, RFC 2525 collects a number of known TCP implemen- tation problems. The BSD implementations have often served as another reference,

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Engineering with Logic 21 distinct from the RFCs, for example with the text [110] based on the 4.4 BSD-Lite code. • In 2004 a TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions (tcpm) IETF working group was started, which since June 2015 has been working on a draft RFC [33] to “bring together all of the IETF Standards Track changes that have been made to the basic TCP functional specification and unify them into an update of the RFC 793 protocol specification”. • The existence of multiple implementations with differing behaviour gives rise to another ‘standard’, the de facto standards we introduced in §1.3: in addition (or as an alternative) to checking that an implementation conforms to the RFCs one can check that it interoperates satisfactorily with the other common implementations. The early RFC791 enshrined the doctrine that implementations should, as far as possible, interoperate even with non-RFC-conformant implementations: The implementation of a protocol must be robust. Each implementation must expect to interoperate with others created by different individuals. While the goal of this specification is to be explicit about the protocol there is the possibility of differing interpretations. In general, an implementation must be conservative in its sending behavior, and liberal in its receiving behavior. That is, it must be careful to send well- formed datagrams, but must accept any datagram that it can interpret (e.g., not object to technical errors where the meaning is still clear). This focus on interoperability in the short term opens the door to “standard drift”, with correctness implicitly defined by what other implementations accept rather than any single concrete definition, and perhaps works against interoperability in the long term, as it becomes unclear what one can depend on from other implementations. There has recently been an extensive and nuanced discussion of the merits of the above doctrine on an IETF mailing list [35, 105]. • Similarly, existing applications implicitly encode facts about the behaviour of the Sockets API and protocols, and are used as documentation (most programmers will look for examples to illuminate the man pages or to use as a basis for their own code) and as a test suite (a change is unlikely to be allowed into the OS if it breaks a significant number of applications, or a few significant ones). Yet another source is the expert community, including comp.protocols.tcp-ip, Stack Overflow, and the Linux kernel mailing list. In practice it can be these that clarify or even identify bugs in the usual sources and in implementations. • Neither the RFCs nor POSIX attempt to specify the behaviour of the sockets interface in any detail. The RFCs focus on the wire protocols (RFC793 also describes a model API for TCP, but one that bears little resemblance to the sockets interface as it developed); POSIX describes the C types and some superficial behaviour of the API but does not go into details as to how the interface behaviour relates to protocol events. • Finally, the RFCs and POSIX are informal natural-language documents. Their authors were clearly at pains to be as clear and precise as they could, but almost inevitably the level of rigour is less than that of a mathematical specification, and there are many ambiguities and missing details. It might be argued that this vagueness is an important positive aspect of the specifications, permitting the specifications to be loose enough to accommodate implementation variation and new protocol innovation. In an early experimental phase there may be some truth to

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22 S. Bishop et al. this, but ultimately it is a very unfortunate confusion: protocol specifications surely do need to be loose, for both of those reasons, but that does not imply that they should be vague or imprecise, as we shall see. 3 PROTOCOL-LEVEL SPECIFICATION We now describe our protocol-level specification. It is written as a mechanized higher-order logic definition in HOL4 [45, 49], a language that is rich and expressive yet supports both internal consistency checking (type checking is essential with a definition of this scale) and our automated testing techniques. The specification is large by the standards of formal artifacts: around 9000 non-comment lines of HOL4 source, interspersed with 17000 lines of comment and whitespace; it is typeset automatically into a 386-page document [23]. Of this, around 125 pages is preamble defining the main types used in the model, e.g. of the representations of host states, TCP segments, etc., and various auxiliary functions. The remainder consists primarily of the host transition rules, each defining the behaviour of the host in a particular situation, divided roughly into the Sockets API rules (160 pages) and the protocol rules (75 pages). This includes extensive comments, e.g. with summaries for each Sockets call, and differences between the model API and the three implementation APIs. It is obviously impossible to describe all this in detail here. We first give a reasonably complete description of the external interface of the specification (§3.1), to explain the scope of the specification and relationship to actual implementations, continuing the §1.7 discussion. We then describe its internal structure (§3.2) with just a few excerpts: some of the key types of a host state h and three sample transition rules, to give a feel for the specification style and to set the scene for discussion of the specification idioms we had to use (§3.3). We conclude this section with an example TCP trace (§3.4). Readers familiar with the Sockets API and TCP/IP should find some of the details familiar, and be able to contrast the style of our specification with their experience of RFCs and implementations. Others, perhaps with more experience in logic and semantics, may find some of that networking detail obscure, but should be able to get a sense of what kind and scale of specification is needed here. In contrast with typical papers about the semantics of small calculi, we cannot include or explain all the definitions used in our excerpts. Both groups of readers may therefore want to skim some of the details in §3.1 and §3.2, depending on their preference and background. By working in a general-purpose proof assistant we have been able to choose specification idioms almost entirely for clarity, not for their algorithmic properties; we return in Sections
6 and 7 to the experimental, algorithmic and proof aspects of checking traces against this
specification. We tried hard to establish idioms with as little syntactic noise as possible, e.g. with few explicit ‘frame conditions’ concerning irrelevant quantities. The HOL4 definition language used in the specification is essentially just typed higher- order mathematics. It allows us to build our model quite naturally, using standard data types (pairs, records, sets, lists, lookup tables, numbers, etc.) and defining behaviour declaratively using functions and relations. HOL types can be constructed from type constructors, built-in or user-defined, of natural-number arities. We make extensive use of pair types (t#t), functions (t → t), finite maps (t ↦→ t), labelled records (⟨[fld1 : t1, fld2 : t2, ...]⟩), options, lists, 32-bit integers, natural numbers, real numbers, and user-defined datatypes. HOL also supports ML-style polymorphism. The specification is only intentionally polymorphic in a few places, but type inference and checking is essential. The HOL datatype and inductive definition packages automatically prove various theorems for later use; during the course of the project we have had to improve these to handle the large types required.

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Engineering with Logic 23 The main HOL expression syntax used is as follows. The notion for logic and sets is standard: ∧, ∨, ⇒, ∀, ∃, etc. Records are written within angled brackets ⟨[...]⟩. Record fields can be accessed by dot notation h.ifds or by pattern-matching. Since all variables are logical, there is no assignment or record update per se, but we may construct a new record by copying an existing one and providing new values for specific fields: cb′ = cb ⟨[irs := seq]⟩ states that the record cb′ is the same as the record cb, except that field cb′.irs has the value seq. For optional data items, ∗ denotes absence (or a zero IP or port) and ↑ x denotes presence of value x. Concrete lists are written [1, 2, 3] and appending two lists is written using an infix ++. The expression f ⊕ [(x, y)] or f ⊕ (x ↦→ y) denotes the finite map f updated to map x to y. Finite map lookup is written f [x]. 3.1 The External Form and Scope of the Specification 3.1.1 The Top-level Operational Semantics Judgement. The main part of the specification (modelling the pink shaded region below) is the host labelled transition system, or host LTS. This describes the possible interactions (shown with red arrows) of a single host OS: between program threads and host via calls and returns of the Sockets API, and between host and network via message sends and receives.
Sockets API Wire interface
Distributed applications
Host LTS spec
libraries and
IP network
tid·v msg msg
tid·bind (fd, is1, ps1) tr
Mathematically, the host LTS is simply a transition relation h
−→ h′, where h and h′ are host states, modelling the relevant parts of the OS and network hardware of a machine, and l is a label of one of the following forms. • msg for the host receiving a datagram msg from the network; • msg for the host sending a datagram msg to the network; • tid·f(arg1, .., argn ) for a Sockets API call f made by thread tid, e.g. tid·bind (fd, is1, ps1) for a bind() call with arguments (fd, is1, ps1) for the file descriptor, IP address, and port; • tid·v for value v being returned to thread tid by the Sockets API; • τ for an internal transition by the host, e.g. for a datagram being taken from the host’s input queue and processed, possibly enqueuing other datagrams for output; • tr for a BSD TCP DEBUG trace record; and • d for time d ∈ R>0 passing. In addition there are labels for loopback messages and changes of network interface status. The host state type is not technically an abstract type, but here we think of it as such: the labelled transitions are intended to describe all the observable behaviour of the system, to correspond with experimentally observed implementation behaviour as exposed by our

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24 S. Bishop et al. instrumentation; comparison of observed behaviours does not need to look inside host states. We return to the host state type in more detail in §3.2. There are many careful choices embodied in the form of this definition, of exactly what aspects of the real system to model, which events to observe, and what (rather mild) abstraction is done to map them to events in the model. We discuss some of these in the remainder of this subsection, detailing the protocol features we cover and the Sockets API, wire, and debug interfaces of the specification. 3.1.2 Protocol Issues. We restrict our attention to IPv4, though there should be little difference for IPv6. For TCP we cover roughly the protocol developments in FreeBSD 4.6-RELEASE. We include MSS options; the RFC1323 timestamp and window scaling options; PAWS; the RFC2581 and RFC2582 New Reno congestion control algorithms; and the observable behaviour of syncaches. We do not include the RFC1644 T/TCP (though it is in this codebase), SACK, or ECN. For UDP, for historical reasons (to simplify matters near the start of the project) we deal only with unicast communication. 3.1.3 Network Interface Issues. The network interface events msg and msg are the trans- mission and reception of UDP datagrams, ICMP datagrams, and TCP segments. We abstract from IP, omitting the IP header data except for source and destination addresses, protocol, and payload length. We also abstract from IP fragmentation, leaving our test instrumentation to perform IP reassembly. Given these abstractions, the model covers unrestricted wire interface behaviour. It describes the effect on a host of arbitrary incoming UDP and ICMP datagrams and TCP segments, not just of the incoming data that could be sent by a ‘well-behaved’ protocol stack. This is important, both because ‘well-behaved’ is not well-defined, and because a good specification should describe host behaviour in response to malicious attack as well as to loss. Cutting at the wire interface means that our specification models the behaviour of the entire protocol stack together with the network interface hardware. Our abstraction from IP, however, means that only very limited aspects of the lower levels need be dealt with explicitly. For example, a model host has single queues of input and output messages; each queue models the combination of buffering in the protocol stack and in the network interface. Fig. 4 (p. 25) contrasts the RFC descriptions of IP and TCP headers (from Fig. 4 of RFC 791 and Fig. 3 of RFC 793 respectively) with our specification’s TCP segment type. Fields in gray are not represented in the specification (most are specific to IP), while fields with a gray background are represented in some implicit or partial fashion. Ours is a fairly precise model of a TCP segment: we include all TCP flags and the commonly-used options, but abstract from option order, IP flags, and fragmentation. Address and port values are modelled with HOL option types to allow the zero values to be distinguished by pattern matching; we use the NONE value, typeset ∗, to denote the zero value, and SOME x, typeset ↑ x, for all others. With hindsight, if doing this again, we would arrange for there to be an exact bijection between values of the model type and the byte sequences comprising real TCP segments, for hygiene. That is not quite true for the type above, but for uninteresting reasons — for example, the type does not record the values of padding, or the order in which TCP options appear. We would moreover express that bijection within the logic, not just in the instrumentation. It might be preferable to support pattern matching against constant values in the prover, to avoid the meaningless ↑ 0 values introduced by the lifting to option types.

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Engineering with Logic 25
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 IP +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |Version| IHL |Type of Service|
Total Length
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
Fragment Offset
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Time to Live |
Header Checksum
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Source Address | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Destination Address | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ TCP +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Source Port | Destination Port | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Sequence Number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Acknowledgment Number | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Data | |U|A|P|R|S|F| | | Offset| Reserved |R|C|S|S|Y|I| Window | | | |G|K|H|T|N|N| | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
| Urgent Pointer | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | data | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ tcpSegment =⟨[ is1 : ip option; (* source IP address *) is2 : ip option; (* destination IP address *) ps1 : port option; (* source port *) ps2 : port option; (* destination port *) seq : tcp seq local; (* sequence number *) ack : tcp seq foreign; (* acknowledgment number *) URG : bool; ACK : bool; PSH : bool; (* flags *) RST : bool; SYN : bool; FIN : bool; win : word16; (* window size *) ws : byte option; (* window scaling option, typically 0..14 *) urp : word16; (* urgent pointer *) mss : word16 option; (* max segment size option *) ts : (ts seq#ts seq) option; (* RFC1323 option *) data : byte list ]⟩ (* data *) Fig. 4. RFC IP and TCP Header Formats vs our TCP specification segment type.

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26 S. Bishop et al. 3.1.4 Sockets Interface Issues. The Sockets API is used for a variety of protocols. Our model covers only the TCP and UDP usage, for SOCK STREAM and SOCK DGRAM sockets respectively. It covers almost anything an application might do with such sockets, including the relevant ioctl() and fcntl() calls and support for TCP urgent data. Just as for the wire interface, we do not impose any restrictions on sequences of socket calls, though in reality most applications probably use the API only in limited idioms. The Sockets API is not independent of the rest of the operating system: it is intertwined with the use of file descriptors, IO, threads, processes, and signals. Modelling the full behaviour of all of these would have been prohibitive, so we have had to select a manageable part that nonetheless has broad enough coverage for the model to be useful. The model deals only with a single process, but with multiple threads, so concurrent Sockets API calls are included. We have to split calls and returns into separate transitions to allow interleavings thereof. It deals with file descriptors, file flags, etc., with both blocking and non-blocking calls, and with pselect(). The poll() call is omitted. Signals are not modelled, except that blocking calls may nondeterministically return EINTR. The Sockets API is a C language interface, with much use of pointer passing, of moderately complex C structures, of byte-order conversions, and of casts. While it is important to understand these details for programming above the C interface, they are orthogonal to the network behaviour. Moreover, a model that is low-level enough to express them would have to explicitly model at least pointers and the application address space, adding much complexity. Accordingly, we abstract from these details altogether, defining a pure value-passing interface. For example, in FreeBSD the accept() call has C type: int accept(int s, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen); In the model, on the other hand, accept() has a pure-function type fd → (fd ∗ (ip ∗ port))error taking an argument of type fd (a model file descriptor) and either returning a triple of type fd ∗ (ip ∗ port) or raising one of several possible errors. As part of our instrumentation, the abstraction from the system API to the model API is embodied in an nssock C library, which has almost exactly the same behaviour as the standard calls but also calculates the abstract HOL views of each call and return, dumping them to a log. The model is language-neutral, but we also have an OCaml [61] library implemented above nssock, with types almost identical to those of the model, that allows direct programming (the differences are minor, e.g. in using OCaml 31-bit ints rather than HOL natural-number nums as the listen-queue-length argument to listen()). This is implemented as a wrapper above nssock, and so can also log events. Our library is similar but not identical to that included as part of the Unix module with the OCaml distribution. Fig. 5 (p. 28) gives the complete API that we support (omitting only some mappings to and from the abstract types). Those familiar with the usual Sockets API will be able to see that it is rather complete. We give the OCaml version mentioned above, as it is more

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Engineering with Logic 27 concise and easier to read than the HOL version, in which argument and return types of the calls are separated. It uses the subgrammar of OCaml types: t ::= tc defined type constructor name unit type of the unit value () bool booleans int integers string strings t1 * t2 pairs (v1,v2) of values of types t1 and t2 t1 -> t2 functions from t1 to t2 t option either None or Some v for a value v of type t t list lists of values of type t The type of error codes consists roughly of all the possible Unix errors. Not all those are used in the body of the specification; those that are are described in the ‘Errors’ section of each socket call. The type of signals includes all the signals known to POSIX, Linux, and BSD. The specification does not model signal behaviour in detail (it treats them very nondeterministically), but they occur as an argument to pselect() so must be defined here. File descriptors, IP addresses, ports, etc. are abstract types in the OCaml interface, preventing accidental misuse. There are various coercions (which we do not give here) to construct values of these types. For interface identifiers (ifid) the specification supposes the existence of a loopback identifier and numbered ethernet identifiers. Any particular host may or may not have an interface with each identifier, of course. The sockets interface involves various flags, for files, sockets, and messages. Both the HOL and OCaml interfaces define them as new types, preventing misuse (though of course this also makes the specification insensitive to such misuse). The OCaml interface indicates error returns to socket calls by an exception, while the HOL4 interface returns error values explicitly. Finally, we emphasise that the figure gives just the types of the socket calls; defining their programmer-visible behaviour, in the context of a network and other endpoints, is the point of our whole specification. 3.1.5 The TCP Control Block and TCP DEBUG Interface Issues. A key part of the BSD TCP implementation, probably similar in most other implementations, is the TCP Control Block (TCBCP): a structure containing many of the quantities associated with an endpoint of a TCP connection, including its timers, sequence numbers, reassembly segment queue, etc. Many of these are quantities used in the RFCs to describe the intended dynamic behaviour of the protocol. The BSD implementation we used supported a TCP DEBUG kernel option to record snapshots of this data to a ring buffer and let it be read out. In our specification, connections have a similar structure, though with pure values rather than C data structures: a 44-field HOL record type (not shown). We exploit the TCP DEBUG option to add trace records giving the values of these fields whenever possible. During trace checking, this lets us ground the symbolic state of the model earlier than would otherwise be possible, which is good for efficiency and for early and discriminating detection of mismatches between model and experimental trace. This is complicated by the fact that TCP DEBUG adds trace records at somewhat arbitrary program points in the code: there are not enough to fully ground the state, and at some points some of the fields of the record are not meaningful. As mentioned in §1.6, with due design-time care and modest implementation effort, one could have the protocol designed-in instrumentation calculate the whole abstract host state at each interesting point.

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28 S. Bishop et al.
type fd (* abstract type of file descriptors. In HOL: FD of num *) type ip (* abstract type of IP addresses. In HOL: IP of num *) type port (* abstract type of inet ports. In HOL: Port of num *) type netmask (* abstract type of netmasks. In HOL: NETMASK of num *) type ifid (* abstract type of interface IDs. In HOL: LO | ETH of num *) (* error codes *) (* signals *) type error = type signal = | E2BIG | SIGABRT | EACCES | SIGALRM | ... | ... (* boolean file flags *) (* boolean socket flags *) (* numeric socket flags *) type filebflag = type sockbflag = type socknflag = | O_NONBLOCK | SO_BSDCOMPAT | SO_SNDBUF | O_ASYNC | SO_REUSEADDR | SO_RCVBUF | SO_KEEPALIVE | SO_SNDLOWAT | SO_OOBINLINE | SO_RCVLOWAT | SO_DONTROUTE (* time socket flags *) (* boolean message flags *) (* UDP & TCP socket types *) type socktflag = type msgbflag = type sock_type = | SO_LINGER | MSG_PEEK | SOCK_DGRAM | SO_SNDTIMEO | MSG_OOB | SOCK_STREAM | SO_RCVTIMEO | MSG_WAITALL | MSG_DONTWAIT (* Sockets API calls *) exception Unix_error of error * string * string (* HOL: return OK v / FAIL err *) accept: fd -> fd * (ip * port) bind: fd -> ip option -> port option -> unit close: fd -> unit connect: fd -> ip -> port option -> unit disconnect: fd -> unit dup: fd -> fd dupfd: fd -> int -> fd getfileflags: fd->filebflag list setfileflags: fd->filebflag list->unit getsockname: fd->ip option * port option getpeername: fd->ip * port getsockbopt: fd->sockbflag->bool getsocknopt: fd->socknflag->int getsocktopt: fd->socktflag->(int*int)option getsockerr: fd->unit getifaddrs: unit -> (ifid*ip*ip list*netmask) list getsocklistening: fd -> bool listen: fd -> int -> unit pselect: fd list->fd list->fd list -> (int*int) option -> signal list option -> fd list * (fd list * fd list) recv: fd->int->msgbflag list -> (string*((ip option*port option)*bool) option) send: fd -> (ip * port) option -> string -> msgbflag list -> string setsockbopt: fd->sockbflag->bool->unit setsocknopt: fd->socknflag->int->unit setsocktopt: fd -> socktflag -> (int * int) option -> unit shutdown: fd -> bool -> bool -> unit sockatmark: fd -> bool socket: sock_type -> fd Fig. 5. The Sockets API of the specification (OCaml version)

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Engineering with Logic 29 3.2 The Internal Structure of the Specification 3.2.1 Internal Structure: Statics (Host States and Types). Host states h are simply values of a certain carefully-designed HOL record type: host =⟨[ arch : arch;
(* OS version *)
privs : bool;
(* whether process has privilege *)
ifds : ifid ↦→ ifd;
(* network interfaces *)
rttab : routing table;
(* routing table *)
ts : tid ↦→ hostThreadState timed;
(* host view of each thread state *)
files : fid ↦→ file;
(* open file descriptions *)
socks : sid ↦→ socket;
(* sockets *)
listen : sid list;
(* list of listening sockets *)
bound : sid list;
(* bound sockets in order *)
iq : msg list timed;
(* input queue *)
oq : msg list timed;
(* output queue *)
bndlm : bandlim state;
(* bandlimiting *)
ticks : ticker;
(* kernel timer *)
fds : fd ↦→ fid
(* process file descriptors *)
]⟩ These fields abstract to differing extents from the C representations of actual implementations. Some are quite abstract, with just enough information for the rest of the semantics. For example: • ifds is a finite map from a type ifid of network interface identifiers to a type ifd of interface descriptors, which just contain the IP addresses, netmask, and up/down status of the interface. • privs, files, and fds are a minimal representation of the host process’s privileges and file descriptor state. This information was added during specification development as needed, when it became clear that some aspect of the protocol or Sockets API behaviour depended on it. The ts field ties the host semantics to that of the threads making Sockets API calls on the host. It holds a lookup table from thread IDs tid to the OS view of thread states (running, blocked in a system call, or ready to be returned a value). The low-level network interface is modelled with input iq and output queues oq that are just lists of IP messages (either either a tcpSegment, as in Fig. 4 (p. 25), an icmpDatagram, or a udpDatagram). These lists abstract from all the messages queued in the OS or network interface hardware. These, and various other components, are annotated with time informa- tion: for any type t, t timed is a type of t values together with elapsed duration and min and max time values. For example, the iq timer is used to model the delay between receipt of the receipt of IP datagrams and their processing, and the thread state timers are used to model scheduling delays. There is also state (bandlim state) for per-host bandwidth limiting, which applies across all its connections. The information about sockets (the endpoints and potential endpoints of TCP connections and of UDP communications) has to be represented in more detail, as this is intimately involved in the protocol behaviour. The socks, listen, and bound fields use the type socket, shown below; this and the types of its components are closer to (a pure value representation of) the C types found in a typical OS implementation. The socks field of a host h contains a finite map from socket identifiers to sockets. Each socket has internal structure as below, some of which is protocol-dependent: e.g., flags, local

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30 S. Bishop et al. and remote IP addresses and ports, pending error, TCP state, send and receive queues, and TCP control block (cb) variables. socket =⟨[ fid : fid option;
(* associated open file description if any *)
sf : sockflags;(* socket flags *) is1 : ip option;(* local IP address if any *) ps1 : port option;(* local port if any *) is2 : ip option;(* remote IP address if any *) ps2 : port option;(* remote port if any *) es : error option;(* pending error if any *) cantsndmore : bool;(* output stream ends at end of send queue *) cantrcvmore : bool;(* input stream ends at end of receive queue *) pr : protocol info(* protocol-specific information *) ]⟩ For a TCP sockets, the protocol-specific information is as below. tcp socket =⟨[ st : tcpstate;
cb : tcpcb;(* the TCP control block *) lis : socket listen option;(* data for listening socket *) sndq : byte list;(* send queue *) sndurp : num option;(* send urgent pointer *) rcvq : byte list;(* receive queue *) rcvurp : num option;(* receive urgent pointer *) iobc : iobc(* out-of-band data and status *) ]⟩ Here the TCP control block, cb (not shown), is the record of sequence numbers, timers, etc. mentioned in §3.1.5. Much of the dynamics of the TCP protocol is specified using these, and many have a close relationship to quantities in the RFC specifications. 3.2.2 Internal Structure: Dynamics (Host Transition Rules). The host LTS is defined in an operational semantics style as the least relation h
−→ h′ satisfying certain rules. These rules form the bulk of the specification: some 148 rules for the socket calls (5–10 for each interesting call), and some 46 rules for message send/receive and for internal behaviour. The definition is almost entirely flat, in two senses. First, most rules have no transition premises, the only exceptions being rules for time passage (the definition is factored into two relations, one without time passage and one with). Second, there is no information hiding, parallel composition structure, or synchronisation within a host; each rule can refer to any part of the host state as needed. Each transition rule is abstractly of the form ⊢ P ⇒ h
→h′ where P is a condition (on the free variables of h, l, and h′) under which host state h can make a transition labelled l to host state h′. The condition is usually written below the transition. Each rule has a name, e.g. bind 5, deliver in 1 etc., the protocol for which they are relevant (TCP, UDP, or both), and various categories (e.g. FAST or BLOCK). We now give three sample rules, from the 194 that express the dynamic behaviour of the specification. bind 5 is one of the simplest Sockets API rules, to let the reader get started, and to illustrate a failure case; send 3 is a more typical non-failure Sockets API rule that shows how we deal with blocking calls and with data manipulation; and deliver in 1

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Engineering with Logic 31 is a wire-interface rule, of intermediate complexity, showing how an incoming segment is processed. In the next subsection (§3.3) we discuss some of the specification idioms used in these and other rules. 3.2.3 Sample Protocol-level Transition Rule: bind 5. The bind 5 rule, one of the simplest, is shown in Fig. 6 (p. 32). This is one of 7 rules for the Sockets API call bind(). It deals with the case where a thread tid calls bind (fd, is1, ps1) to set the IP address and port of a socket referenced by the file descriptor fd that already has its local port bound; the error EINVAL will be returned to the thread. The Description and Variations are documentation annotation, rather than part of the rule definition; the former gives an overview of the rule, detailed enough for informal use and checked (manually) against the mathematics, while the latter highlights any differences between implementations that the rule captures. The rule itself consists of a transition, from one host state via a transition with a bind label to another, subject to the sidecondition below. In the host state before the transition, on the first line, the thread state map ts maps thread id tid to (Run)d, indicating that the thread is running (in particular, it is not currently engaged in a socket call). In the host state after the transition, on the third line, that thread is mapped to (Ret (FAIL EINVAL))sched timer, indicating that within time sched timer the failure EINVAL should be returned to the thread (all returns are handled by a single rule return 1, which generates labels tid·v). The sidecondition is a conjunction of 5 clauses. The first three ensure (line 1) that the file descriptor fd is in the host’s file descriptor map h.fds, (line 2) that fid is the file identifier for this file descriptor, and (line 3) that this fid is mapped by the host’s files map h.files to File (FT Socket (sid), ff ), i.e. to a socket identifier sid and file flags ff . The fourth (line 4) simply picks out the socket structure sock associated with the socket id sid. The fifth (lines 5–8) says that the local port of the socket with that sid is not equal to the wildcard ∗, i.e. that this socket has already got its local port bound, or that some BSD-specific corner-case condition holds. 3.2.4 Sample Protocol-level Transition Rule: send 3. A slightly more complex rule is send 3, in Fig. 7 (p. 33). This rule describes a host with a blocked thread attempting to send data to a socket. The thread becomes unblocked and transfers the data to the socket’s send queue. The send call then returns to the user. As before, the transition appears at the top: h ⟨[...]⟩ τ −→ h ⟨[...]⟩ where the thread pointed to by tid and the socket pointed to by sid are unpacked from the original and final hosts, along with the send queue sndq for the socket. Host fields that are modified in the transition are highlighted . The initial host has thread tid in state Send2, blocking while attempting to send str to sndq. After the transition, tid is in state Ret (OK...), about to return to the user with str
′′, the data that has not been sent, here
constrained to be the empty string. In contrast to bind 5, this rule is a purely internal transition of the model, with a τ label; it does not involve any Sockets API or wire events. The bulk of the rule is the condition (a predicate) guarding the transition, specifying when the rule applies and what relationship holds between the input and output states. The condition is simply a conjunction of clauses, with no temporal ordering. The rule only applies if (line 1) the state of the socket, st, is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE WAIT. Then, (lines 2–5) provided send queue space is large enough, (line 6 and the final host state)

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32 S. Bishop et al. bind 5 all: fast fail Fail with EINVAL: the socket is already bound to an address and does not
support rebinding; or socket has been shutdown for writing on FreeBSD
h ⟨[ts := ts ⊕ (tid ↦→ (Run)d )]⟩ tid·bind(fd, is1, ps1) −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−→ h ⟨[ts := ts ⊕ (tid ↦→ (Ret(FAIL EINVAL))sched timer)]⟩
1. fd ∈ dom(h.fds) ∧ 2. fid = h.fds[fd] ∧ 3. h.files[fid] = File(FT Socket(sid), ff ) ∧ 4. h.socks[sid] = sock ∧ 5. (sock.ps1
∗ ∨
6. (bsd arch h.arch ∧ sock.pr = TCP PROTO(tcp sock) ∧ 7.
(sock.cantsndmore ∨
tcp sock.cb.bsd cantconnect))) Description From thread tid, which is in the Run state, a bind(fd, is1, ps1) call is made where fd refers to a socket sock. The socket already has a local port binding: sock.ps1 ∗, and rebinding is not supported. A tid·bind(fd, is1, ps1) transition is made, leaving the thread state Ret(FAIL EINVAL). Variations FreeBSD This rule also applies if fd refers to a TCP socket which is either shut down for writing or has its bsd cantconnect flag set.
Fig. 6. Sample protocol-level specification transition rule: bind 5

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Engineering with Logic 33 send 3 tcp: slow nonurgent succeed Successfully return from blocked state having sent data h ⟨[ts := ts ⊕ (tid ↦→ (Send2(sid, ∗, str, opts))d ); socks := socks ⊕ [(sid, Sock(↑ fid, sf ,↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑p2, ∗, F, cantrcvmore, TCP Sock(st, cb, ∗, sndq , sndurp , rcvq, rcvurp, iobc)))]]⟩ τ −→ h ⟨[ts := ts ⊕ (tid ↦→ (Ret(OK(implode str′′)))sched timer ); socks := socks ⊕ [(sid, Sock(↑ fid, sf ,↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2, ∗, F, cantrcvmore, TCP Sock(st, cb, ∗, sndq ++ str′ , sndurp′ , rcvq, rcvurp, iobc)))]]⟩
1. st ∈ {ESTABLISHED; CLOSE WAIT} ∧ 2. space ∈ send queue space(sf .n(SO SNDBUF)) 3.
(length sndq)(MSG OOB ∈ opts)
h.arch cb.t maxseg i2 ∧
5. space ≥ length str ∧ 6. str′ = str ∧ str′′ = [] ∧ 7. sndurp′ = if MSG OOB ∈ opts then ↑(length(sndq ++ str′) − 1) else sndurp
Description Thread tid is blocked in state Send2(sid, ∗, str, opts) where the TCP socket sid has binding quad (↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2), has no pending error, is not shutdown for writing, and is in state ESTABLISHED or CLOSE WAIT. The space in the socket’s send queue, space (calculated using send queue space), is greater than or equal to the length of the data to be sent, str. The data is appended to the socket’s send queue and the call successfully returns the empty string. A τ transition is made, leaving the thread state Ret(OK“”). If the data was marked as out-of-band, MSG OOB ∈ opts, then the socket’s urgent pointer will be updated to point to the end of the socket’s send queue. Model details The data to be sent is of type string in the send() call but is a byte list when the datagram is constructed. Here the data, str is of type byte list and in the transition implode str is used to convert it into a string.
Fig. 7. Sample protocol-level specification transition rule: send 3

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34 S. Bishop et al. str is appended to the sndq in the final host. Lastly, (line 7) the urgent pointer sndurp′ is set appropriately. 3.2.5 Sample Protocol-level Transition Rule: deliver in 1. A more interesting rule, deliver in 1, for connection establishment, is shown in Fig. 8 (p. 35) (eliding a few de- tails of the TCP protocol TIME WAIT handling for space). This rule models the behaviour of the system on processing an incoming TCP SYN datagram addressed to a listening socket. It is of intermediate complexity: many rules are rather simpler than this, a few more substantial. The transition h ⟨[...]⟩ τ −→ h ⟨[...]⟩ appears at the top: the input and output queues are unpacked from the original and final hosts, along with the listening socket pointed to by sid and the newly-created socket pointed to by sid′. As before, the bulk of the rule, below the line, is the condition (a predicate) guarding the transition, specifying when the rule applies and what relationship holds between the input and output states. The condition is simply a conjunction of clauses, with no temporal ordering. Notice first that the rule applies only when dequeueing of the topmost message on the input queue iq (as defined by predicate dequeue iq) results in a TCP segment TCP seg, leaving remaining input queue iq′. The rule then (block 1) unpacks and constrains the fields of seg by pattern matching: seg.is1 must be nonzero (hence ↑) and is bound to variable i2; similarly for i1, p2, p1; fields seg.seq and seg.ack are bound to seq and ack (cast to the type of foreign and local sequence number respectively); field seg.URG is ignored (along with FIN and PSH), and so we existentially bind it; of the other TCP flags, ACK is false, RST is false, SYN is true; and so on. After (blocks 2–4) some validity checks, and determining the matching socket, the predicate computes values required to generate the response segment and to update the host state. For instance, (block 9) the host nondeterministically may or may not wish to do timestamping (here the nondeterminism models the unknown setting of a configuration parameter). Times- tamping will be performed if the incoming segment also contains a timestamping request. Several other local values are specified nondeterministically: (block 8) the advertised MSS may be anywhere between 1 and 65495, (block 11) the initial sequence number is chosen arbitrarily, (block 12) the initial window is anywhere between 0 and the maximum allowed bounded by the size of the receive buffer, and so on. Buffer sizes are computed (block 10) based on the (nondeterministic) local and (received) remote MSS, the existing buffer sizes, whether the connection is within the local subnet or not, and the TCP options in use. The algorithm used differs between implementations, and is specified in the auxiliary function calculate buf sizes (definition not shown). Finally, (block 16) the internal TCP control block cb′ for the new socket is created, based on the listening socket’s cb. Timers are restarted, sequence numbers are stored, TCP’s sliding window and congestion window are initialised, negotiated connection parameters are saved, and timestamping information is logged. An auxiliary function make syn ack segment constructs (block 17–18) an appropriate response segment using parameters stored in cb′; if the resulting segment cannot be queued (due to an interface buffer being full or for some other reason) then certain of the updates to cb′ are rolled back. Some non-common-case behaviour is visible in this rule: (1) in the BSD implementation it is possible for a listening socket to have a peer address specified, and we permit this (block 4) when checking the socket is correctly formed; and (2) (block 1 pattern) URG or FIN may be set on an initial SYN, though this is ignored by all implementations we consider.

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Engineering with Logic 35
deliver in 1 tcp: network nonurgent
Passive open: receive SYN, send SYN,ACK
h ⟨[socks := socks ⊕ [(sid, sock)];(* listening socket *) iq := iq;(* input queue *) oq := oq]⟩(* output queue *) τ −→ h ⟨[socks := socks ⊕
(* listening socket *)
[(sid, Sock(↑ fid, sf , is1,↑ p1, is2, ps2, es, csm, crm, TCP Sock(LISTEN, cb,↑ lis′, [ ], ∗, [ ], ∗, NO OOB)));
(* new connecting socket *)
(sid′, Sock(∗, sf ′,↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2, ∗, csm, crm, TCP Sock(SYN RCVD, cb′′, ∗, [ ], ∗, [ ], ∗, NO OOB)))]; iq := iq′; oq := oq′]⟩
(*1. check first segment matches desired pattern; unpack fields *)
dequeue iq(iq, iq′,↑(TCP seg)) ∧ (∃win ws mss PSH URG FIN urp data ack. seg = ⟨[ is1 :=↑ i2; is2 :=↑ i1; ps1 :=↑ p2; ps2 :=↑ p1; seq := tcp seq flip sense(seq : tcp seq foreign); ack := tcp seq flip sense(ack : tcp seq local); URG := URG; ACK := F; PSH := PSH; RST := F; SYN := T; FIN := FIN; win := win ; ws := ws ; urp := urp; mss := mss ; ts := ts; data := data ]⟩ ∧ w2n win = win∧(*type-cast from word to integer *) option map ord ws = ws ∧ option map w2n mss = mss) ∧
(*2. IP addresses are valid for one of our interfaces *)
i1 ∈ local ips h.ifds ∧ ¬(is broadormulticast h.ifds i1) ∧ ¬(is broadormulticast h.ifds i2) ∧
(*3. sockets distinct; segment matches this socket; unpack fields of socket *)
sid (dom(socks)) ∧ sid′ (dom(socks)) ∧ sid sid′ ∧ tcp socket best match socks(sid, sock)seg h.arch ∧ sock = Sock(↑ fid, sf , is1,↑ p1, is2, ps2, es, csm, crm, TCP Sock(LISTEN, cb,↑ lis, [ ], ∗, [ ], ∗, NO OOB)) ∧
(*4. socket is correctly specified (note BSD listen bug) *)
((is2 = ∗ ∧ ps2 = ∗) ∨ (bsd arch h.arch ∧ is2 = ↑ i2 ∧ ps2 = ↑ p2)) ∧ (case is1 of ↑ i1′ → i1′ = i1 ∥∗→ T) ∧ ¬(i1 = i2 ∧ p1 = p2) ∧
(*5. (elided: special handling for TIME WAIT state, 10 lines) *) (*6. place new socket on listen queue *)
accept incoming q0 lis T ∧
(*7. (elided: if drop from q0, drop a random socket yielding q0’) *)
lis′ = lis ⟨[ q0 := sid′ :: q′
0]⟩ ∧
(*8. choose MSS and whether to advertise it or not *)
advmss ∈ {n | n ≥ 1 ∧ n ≤ (65535 − 40)} ∧ advmss′ ∈ {∗;↑ advmss} ∧
(*9. choose whether this host wants timestamping; resolve with peer *)
tf rcvd tstmp′ = is some ts ∧ (choose want tstmp :: {F; T}. tf doing tstmp′ = (tf rcvd tstmp′ ∧ want tstmp)) ∧
(*10. calculate buffer size and related parameters *)
(rcvbufsize′, sndbufsize′, t maxseg′, snd cwnd′) = calculate buf sizes advmss mss ∗ (is localnet h.ifds i2) (sf .n(SO RCVBUF))(sf .n(SO SNDBUF)) tf doing tstmp′ h.arch ∧ sf ′ = sf ⟨[ n := funupd list sf .n[(SO RCVBUF, rcvbufsize′); (SO SNDBUF, sndbufsize′)]]⟩ ∧
(*11. choose whether this host wants window scaling; resolve with peer *)
req ws ∈ {F; T} ∧ tf doing ws′ = (req ws ∧ is some ws) ∧ (if tf doing ws′ then rcv scale′ ∈ {n | n ≥ 0 ∧ n ≤ TCP MAXWINSCALE} ∧ snd scale′ = option case 0 I ws else rcv scale′ = 0 ∧ snd scale′ = 0) ∧
(*12. choose initial window *)
rcv window ∈ {n | n ≥ 0 ∧ n ≤ TCP MAXWIN ∧ n ≤ sf .n(SO RCVBUF)} ∧
(*13. record that this segment is being timed *)
(let t rttseg′ = ↑(ticks of h.ticks, cb.snd nxt) in
(*14. choose initial sequence number *)
iss ∈ {n | T} ∧
(*15. acknowledge the incoming SYN *)
let ack′ = seq + 1 in
(*16. update TCP control block parameters *)
cb′ = cb ⟨[ tt keep :=↑((())slow timer TCPTV KEEP IDLE); tt rexmt := start tt rexmt h.arch 0 F cb.t rttinf ; iss := iss; irs := seq; rcv wnd := rcv window; tf rxwin0sent :=(rcv window=0); rcv adv := ack′ + rcv window; rcv nxt := ack′; snd una := iss; snd max := iss + 1; snd nxt := iss + 1; snd cwnd := snd cwnd′; rcv up := seq + 1; t maxseg := t maxseg′; tadvmss := advmss′; rcv scale := rcv scale′; snd scale := snd scale′; tf doing ws := tf doing ws′; ts recent := case ts of ∗ → cb.ts recent ∥ ↑(ts val, ts ecr) → (ts val)TimeWindow
kern timer dtsinval ;
last ack sent := ack′; t rttseg := t rttseg′; tf req tstmp := tf doing tstmp′; tf doing tstmp := tf doing tstmp′ ]⟩) ∧
(*17. generate outgoing segment *)
choose seg′ :: make syn ack segment cb′ (i1, i2, p1, p2)(ticks of h.ticks).
(*18. attempt to enqueue segment; roll back specified fields on failure *)
enqueue or fail T h.arch h.rttab h.ifds[TCP seg′]oq (cb ⟨[ snd nxt := iss; snd max := iss; t maxseg := t maxseg′; last ack sent := tcp seq foreign 0w; rcv adv := tcp seq foreign 0w ]⟩)cb′(cb′′, oq′)
Fig. 8. Sample protocol-level specification transition rule: deliver in 1

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36 S. Bishop et al. 3.3 Specification Idioms Having seen those examples, we now discuss more generally the specification idioms that we used, to capture the range of behaviour required while maintaining a readable specification. 3.3.1 Nondeterminacy and Relational Specification. For the specification to actually include all the behaviour even of a single implementation it must be highly nondeterministic, e.g. to admit the pseudo-random choice of initial sequence numbers etc. that we saw in blocks 8, 11, and 12 of Fig. 8 (p. 35), the variations due to varying OS scheduling of multiple threads and interrupts, and variations in the rates of timers. This nondeterminism leads us to use relational idioms (expressed in the higher-order logic of HOL) throughout much of the specification. In places we can use auxiliary functions, but often we need auxiliary relations, or functions that return relations. Nondeterminism is sometimes implicit (e.g. where several different error rules are applicable) and sometimes explicit (e.g. where an unconstrained or partially-constrained variable is introduced). As discussed in §1.6, if runtime nondeterministic choices were promptly announced in some form, we could instead have phrased the specification as a pure function that takes an observed (non-τ) transition and determines whether or not it is allowed. That might be easier to work with as an executable test oracle, but it would be oriented specifically towards checking — and in any case, the current implementations and RFC/POSIX specifications do not announce those choices. Nondeterminism is also used to model some differences between implementations (e.g. un- constraining the protocol options chosen at connection-establishment time). Other im- plementation differences are modelled by explicitly parameterising the behaviour by an implementation version (e.g. as in the last conjunct of bind 5 in Fig. 6 (p. 32), which is BSD-specific). This explicitness lets us identify and test differences more sharply. Often it is useful to think of a part of a rule predicate P as being a ‘guard’, which is a sufficient condition for the rule to be applicable, and the remainder as a constraint, which should always be satisfiable, on the final state h. This distinction is not formalised, however. 3.3.2 Imperative Updates and the Relational Monad. In the C code of the implementations the early parts of segment processing can have side-effects on the host data structures, especially on the TCP control block, before the outcome of processing is determined. Disentangling this imperative behaviour into a clear declarative specification is non-trivial. Our most complicated rule, deliver in 3, calculates the host’s response to an incoming segment after a connection has been established. This rule makes use of a relational monad structure to expose certain intermediate states (as few as possible). Relations in this monad have (curried) types of the form t → t#t′#bool → bool where t is the state being manipulated (e.g. a pair of a socket and a host’s bandlimiter state), t′ is the result type (e.g. a list of segments to be sent in reply to a segment being processed), and the boolean in the second tuple argument is a flag indicating whether or not execution should continue. There is a binding combinator andThen, a unit cont (which does nothing and continues), and a zero stop (which does nothing and stops), and various other operations to manipulate the state. It should be a theorem that andThen is associative, and so forth, though we have not checked this within HOL. For deliver in 3 we expose four intermediate states: after initial processing (PAWS etc.), after processing the segment’s acknowledgement number and congestion control, after

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Engineering with Logic 37 extraction of reassembled data, and after possibly changing the socket’s TCP connection state. The full rule, describing the state changes between each of these points, is around 17 heavily commented pages. 3.3.3 Time and Urgency. It is essential to model time passage explicitly: much TCP behaviour is driven by timers and timeouts, and distributed applications generally depend on timeouts in order to cope with asynchronous communication and failure. Our model bounds the time behaviour of certain operations: for example, a failing bind call in bind 5 will return after a scheduling delay of at most dschedmax (the sched timer of the tid thread state in the final host state is defined to be upper timer dschedmax), while a call to pselect with no file descriptors specified and a timeout of 30sec will return at some point in the interval [30, 30 + dschedmax] seconds. Some operations have both a lower and upper bound; some must happen immediately; and some have an upper bound but may occur arbitrarily quickly. For some of these requirements time is essential, and for others time conditions are simpler and more tractable than the corresponding fairness conditions [65, §2.2.2]. Time passage is modelled by transitions labelled d ∈ R>0 interleaved with other transitions, which are regarded as instantaneous. This models global time which passes uniformly for all parts of the system (although it cannot be accurately observed internally by any of them). States are defined as urgent if there is a discrete action which we want to occur immediately. This is modelled by prohibiting time passage steps d from (or through) an urgent state. We have carefully arranged the model to avoid pathological timestops by ensuring a local receptiveness property holds: the model can always perform input transitions for any label one might reasonably expect it to. The model is constructed to satisfy the two time axioms of [65, §2.1]. Time is additive: if h1
→ h2 and h2
→ h3 then h1
→ h3; and time passage has a trajectory: roughly, if h1
→ h2 then there exists a function w on [0, d] such that w (0) = h1, w (d) = h2, and for all intermediate points t, h1
→ w (t) and w (t)
→ h2. These axioms ensure that time passage behaves as one might expect. The timing properties of the host are specified using a small collection of timers, each with a particular behaviour. A single transition rule epsilon 1 (shown below) models time passage, say of duration dur, by evolving each timer in the model state forward by dur. If any timer cannot progress this far, or the initial model state is marked as urgent for another reason, then the rule guard is false and the time passage transition is disallowed. Note that, by construction, the model state may only become urgent at the expiry of a timer or after a non-time-passage transition. This guarantees correctness of the rule. The timers ensure that the specification models the behaviour of real systems with (boundedly) inaccurate clocks: the rate of a host’s ‘ticker’ is constrained only to be within certain bounds of unity. epsilon 1 all: misc nonurgent Time passes h
→ h′ let hs′ = Time Pass host dur h in is some hs′ ∧ h′ ∈ (the hs′) ∧ ¬(∃rn rp rc lbl h′.rn/ ∗ rp, rc ∗ /h lbl → h′ ∧ is urgent rc)

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38 S. Bishop et al. Description Allow time to pass for dur seconds, updating the internal timers of host h by duration dur to become host state h′. This is only enabled if the host state h is not urgent, i.e. if no τ transition of an urgent rule can fire (such transitions represent actions that are held to happen instantaneously, and which must “fire” before any time elapses, e.g. the expiry of a pselect() timeout, plus a scheduling delay). Notice that, apart from when a timer becomes zero, a host state never becomes urgent due merely to time passage. This means we need only test for urgency at the beginning of the time interval, not throughout it. Many timed process algebras enforce a maximal progress property [112], requiring that any action (such as a CCS synchronisation) must be performed immediately it becomes enabled. We found this too inflexible for our purposes; we wish to specify the behaviour of, e.g., the OS scheduler only very loosely, and so it must be possible to nondeterministically delay an enabled action, but we did not want to introduce many nondeterministic choices of delays. Our calculus therefore does not have maximal progress; instead we ensure timeliness properties by means of timers and urgency. Our reasoning using the model so far involves only finite trace properties, so we do not need to impose Zeno conditions. 3.3.4 Partitioning the Behaviour. The partition of the system behaviour into particular rules is an important aspect of the specification. We have tried to make it as clear as possible: each rule deals with a conceptually different behaviour, separating (for example) the error cases from the non-error cases. This means there is some repetition of clauses between rules. For example, many rules have a predicate clause that checks that a file descriptor is legitimate. For substantial aspects of behaviour, on the other hand, we try to ensure they are localised to one place in the specification. For example, calls such as accept() might have a successful return either immediately or from a blocked state. The final outcome is similar in both, and so we have a single rule (accept 1) that deals with both cases. Another rule (accept 2) deals with entering the blocked states, and several others with the various error cases. The various accept rules are summarised below for illustration. accept 1 tcp: succeed Return new connection; either immediately or from a blocked state. accept 2 tcp: block Block waiting for connection. accept 3 tcp: fail Fail with EAGAIN: no pending connections and non- blocking semantics set. accept 4 tcp: fail Fail with ECONNABORTED: the listening socket has cantsndmore set or has become CLOSED. Returns either immediately or from a blocked state. accept 5 tcp: fail Fail with EINVAL: socket not in LISTEN state. accept 6 tcp: fail Fail with EMFILE: out of file descriptors. accept 7 udp: fail Fail with EOPNOTSUPP or EINVAL: accept() called on a UDP socket. 3.3.5 Relationship Between Code and Specification Structure. In writing the specification we have examined the implementation source code closely, but the two have very different structure. The code is in C, typically with a rough layer structure (but tight coupling between some layers). It has accreted changes over the years, giving a tangled control flow in some parts, and is optimised for fast-path performance. For the specification, however, clarity

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Engineering with Logic 39 is the prime concern. Individual rules correspond very roughly to execution paths through implementation code. Each rule is as far as possible declarative, defining a relation between outputs and inputs. In some cases we have been forced to introduce extra structure to mirror oddities in the implementations, e.g. intermediate state variables to record side effects that subsidiary functions have before a segment is dropped, and clauses to model the fact that the BSD fast- path optimisation is not precisely equivalent to the slow path. In developing the specification, we did careful manual unfolding of some of the C control flow to identify such issues; sound refactoring or partial evaluation tools for C would have been very useful at that point. 3.3.6 Framing. The host state is complex, but most rules need refer only to a small part of it, and permit an even smaller part to differ between the initial and final state of a transition. In designing the host state type and the rules it is important to ensure that explicit frame conditions are usually not needed, to avoid overwhelming visual noise. To do so we use a combination of pattern matching (in the h and h′) and of projection and update operations for records and finite maps; the latter are pure functional operations, not imperative updates. The overall host state structure roughly follows that of the system state: as we saw in §3.2.1, hosts have collections of socket data structures, message input and output queues, etc.; sockets have local and remote IP addresses and ports, etc.; TCP sockets have a TCP control block, and so on. The details vary significantly, however, with our structures arranged for clarity rather than performance — as we are specifying only the externally-observable behaviour, we can choose the internal state structure freely. For example, TCP send and receive queues are modelled by byte lists rather than the complex BSD mbuf structures, and we can subdivide the state so that commonly-accessed components are together and near the root. 3.3.7 Concurrency, Blocking Calls, and Atomicity. In the implementations the host state may be modified by multiple threads making concurrent Sockets API calls (possibly for the same socket), and by OS interrupt handler code prompted by timers or incoming messages. Sockets API calls can be fast or slow, the latter potentially blocking for arbitrarily long. The imperative C code modifies state as it executes. Fortunately most of the network protocol code in the implementations we examined is guarded by a coarse-grained lock, so the specification need not consider all possible interleavings. Fast calls are typically modelled by two atomic transitions, one for the call, in which all state change happens (as in bind 5), and one for the return of the result. Slow calls typically involve three transitions, one for the call (leaving the host thread record in a special blocked state), one in which the call is unblocked (e.g. a τ transition when new data is processed), and one for the return of the result. Applying a degree of fuzziness to times and deadlines suffices to let this correspond to the real executions. More recent FreeBSD implementations have replaced the coarse-grained lock by fine- grained locking. Whether the abstraction of the specification is still sound with respect to that has not been investigated. 3.3.8 Presentation and Automated Typesetting. We aimed to make the specification as readable as possible, to make it usable as a reference document. The mathematical structure discussed above is important for that, but document presentation also makes a big difference, at many scales: • local typesetting of expressions;

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40 S. Bishop et al.
Rules Observed labels in trace (omitting time passage data and thread ids) connect 1 connect(FD 8, IP 192 168 0 14, SOME(Port 3333))
epsilon 1
deliver out 99 epsilon 1
−−−−−−−− TCP 2634140288:0 (0:0) UAPRSF→ ws=0 urp=0 mss=1460ts=572641697,0 len=0
deliver in 99 epsilon 1; deliver in 2
TCP 260964823:2634140289 (0:1)
UAPRSF→ ws=0 urp=0 mss=1460 ts=78216088,572641697 len=0
deliver out 99 connect 2; epsilon 1
−−−−−−−− TCP 2634140289:260964824 (1:1) UAPRSF→ ws=* urp=0 mss=* ts=572641697,78216088 len=0
return 1 OK() epsilon 1
send 1 send(FD 8, NONE, ”Hello!”, [])
epsilon 1; deliver out 1
deliver out 99 epsilon 1
−−−−−−−− TCP 2634140289:260964824 (1:1) UAPRSF→ ws=* urp=0 mss=* ts=572641747,78216088 len=6
return 1 OK(””) epsilon 1+−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
Fig. 9. Extract from sample checked TCP trace, with rule firings.
• structured presentation of transition rules, as seen in Figs. 6 and 7; • structured presentation of the family of rules for each Sockets API call, such as those for accept above, and each aspect of the wire protocol, with an introductory preamble (not shown here) for each; and • large-scale organisation of the document. We paid attention to all of these, building an automated typesetting system, HOLDoc, that takes the HOL source, including annotations for structure and exposition, and outputs LaTeX. This gives a production-quality result without the errors and workflow cost that manual transcription would introduce. The parts of the specification quoted in this document are taken directly or lightly hand-edited from this. The automatically produced polished document was also invaluable during development of the specification, to help keep track of all the details. The HOL source is used to determine the various different kinds of identifiers (types, constructors, auxiliary definitions, and quantified or lambda-bound variables), which are set in appropriate fonts. The tool does not do a full HOL parse, however, so identifiers used at more than one kind are occasionally set wrongly. Importantly, it preserves source-file indentation and (one flavour of) comment, to give easy control of the resulting layout. It has custom support for the top-level structure of the specification, but most of its functionality is general; it has been used for other HOL work and for typesetting unrelated and non-HOL papers. Committing enough effort to do such engineering work to a sufficiently robust standard was essential to make the project as a whole successful.

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Engineering with Logic 41 3.4 Example Trace Fig. 9 (p. 40) shows an extract from a captured trace with the observed labels for Sockets API calls and returns and TCP segment sends and receives. It is annotated on the left with the sequence of rules connect 1, epsilon 1,...used to match this trace when it was checked. Note the time passage transitions (rule epsilon 1) and the various internal (τ) steps: deliver in 2 dequeuing a SYN,ACK segment and generating an ACK (to be later output by deliver out 99), connect 2 setting up the return from the blocked connect(), and deliver out 1 enqueuing the “Hello!” segment for output. The diagram shows only the rule names and labels, omitting the symbolic internal state of the host which is calculated at each point. It is automatically generated from the result of checking the trace. This trace shows a common case, and should be unsurprising for those familiar with TCP. However, the specification covers TCP in full detail: fast retransmit and recovery, RTT measurement, PAWS, and so on, and for all possible inputs, not just common cases: error behaviour, pathological corners, concurrent socket calls, and so on. Such completeness of specification is an important part of our rigorous approach. 4 SERVICE-LEVEL SPECIFICATION The previous section described our protocol-level specification, which characterises the on- the-wire behaviour of the TCP protocol in terms of the individual TCP segments exchanged between TCP endpoints, together with the Sockets API and UDP/ICMP behaviour. We now turn to our service-level specification, as introduced in §1.5.2 and shown in Fig. 2 (p. 10). In the rest of this section, we describe the service-level specification, and the main differences between it and the protocol-level specification. Our presentation is necessarily at a high level, omitting many details, but the interested reader can find the complete specification online [92, 104]. 4.1 Motivation for two specifications TCP is designed to provide (roughly) a bidirectional reliable byte-stream service between pairs of endpoints, and programmers using TCP above the Sockets API often want to think of it in those terms. At the protocol level, this view of TCP is almost wholly absent: one has to think in terms of individual TCP segments, subject to retransmission, reassembly, etc. In contrast, the service-level specification makes the nature of the bidirectional streams explicit. Another way to motivate the need for a service-level specification is to think about the task of verifying applications built above TCP. Applications that use TCP depend heavily on the reliable bytestream abstraction it provides; in reasoning about them, one would not want to be concerned with protocol-level details. 4.2 Relationship to the Protocol-level Specification Our service-level specification provides a formal model of TCP that makes explicit the reliable bytestream service that TCP provides. The specification abstracts from the protocol-level details to describe the behaviour of pairs of hosts communicating over TCP, but observed only at their Sockets API interfaces. It does not deal with TCP segments on the wire. It does include UDP (for which the service-level specification simply provides the same view as the protocol-level specification) and ICMP messages, because they interact with aspects of TCP (e.g. via network queue timers). The service-level specification was constructed in a similar manner to the protocol-level. As with the previous specification, it was written in higher-order logic supported by the

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42 S. Bishop et al. HOL4 theorem prover. Indeed, substantial parts of the specification closely resemble their protocol-level counterparts. The strong connection between protocol level and service level is made evident by the abstraction relation described in §5: not only do the two specifications describe similar behaviour (i.e., the same set of traces when viewed only at the Sockets API), but the specifications precisely mirror each other stepwise, and at each step the protocol-level states correspond directly to the service-level states. This close correspondence also considerably simplifies the task of validation, as described in §7.7. In principle one could derive a service-level specification directly from the protocol model, taking the set of traces it defines and erasing the TCP wire segment transitions. However, that would not give a usable specification: one in which key properties of TCP, that users depend on, are clearly visible. Instead, we built the service-level specification by hand, defining a more abstract notion of host state, an abstract notion of stream object, and a new network transition relation, but aiming to give the same Sockets-API-observable behaviour. Although the service level is conceptually significantly simpler than the protocol level (see, for example, the reduction of the TCP control block fields from 44 to 2, described later), the size of the specification is only marginally reduced. The reason for this is that much of the specification concerns the considerable details of the Sockets API, and much of this detail is also present at the service level. 4.3 The Top-level Operational Semantics Judgement In Fig. 2 (p. 10) we depicted the scope of the service-level specification: it describes the host Sockets API at a single endpoint. Whilst the protocol level described the behaviour of the kernel implementation of the Sockets API, including details of packets sent on the wire, at the service level all this detail is omitted and replaced with an abstract notion of a reliable bytestream. This abstraction is depicted in Fig. 11 (p. 46). The top-level judgement is now of the following form: h, S, M
→ h′, S′, M′ This is a ternary relation between two tuples, (h,S,M) and (h′,S′,M′), and the transition label lbl. The h component represents, as before, the host. Compared to the protocol level, the host type is similar but simpler, since many low-level aspects that are not visible at the stream level can be omitted. The transition label lbl is also similar to that at the protocol level. The main difference lies in the S and M components. The S component represents the reliable bytestreams between hosts. In some sense it is an abstraction of host network state and messages on the wire. However, as we will see later, it is defined in a way that makes the reliable bytestream nature evident. The M component represents the set of messages that are on the wire. The protocol level describes the behaviour at the Sockets API, and at the network interface. Implicitly the protocol level also determines the set of messages that may be on the wire (those that are sent via the network interface). At the service level we need to talk explicitly about multiple hosts connected via bytestreams, and so we include a set of messages. In fact, most of the messages on the wire are involved in data transfer and are already modelled via the S component. The M component includes, for example, UDP and ICMP messages that may affect TCP behaviour but do not play a role in the bytestream abstraction. Note that this relation describes the behaviour of sets of streams, sets of messages, and a single host. In a final step, we lift this relation from a single host h to a set of hosts H,

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Engineering with Logic 43 to give a relation of the form H, S, M
→ H′, S′, M′. This gives the final network transition system between network states (H,S,M) in terms of individual host transitions. 4.4 The Internal Structure of the Specification 4.4.1 Host States. The abstract host states are substantially simpler than those of the protocol-level model. For example, the protocol-level TCP control block contains 44 fields, including retransmit and keep-alive timers; window sizes, sequence position and scaling information; timestamping and round trip times. Almost none of these are relevant to the service-level observable behaviour, and so are not needed in the service-level TCP control block. Consequently the service-level control block contains only 2 fields, which is a dramatic simplification. On the other hand, the top-level host type is almost identical to that at the protocol level, since most of the information (file descriptors, sockets, routing table etc.) is still relevant. 4.4.2 Streams. The heart of the service-level specification is a model of a bidirectional TCP connection as a pair of unidirectional byte streams between Socket endpoints: – unidirectional stream : tcpStream =⟨[ i : ip;(* source IP *) p : port;(* source port *) flgs : streamFlags; data : byte list; destroyed : bool]⟩ The data in the stream is just a byte list, directly capturing the intuition for the service intended to be provided by TCP. This contrasts with the protocol-level specification combina- tion of byte lists buffered in the sending socket, TCP segments in the sending host’s outqueue oq, on the wire, and in the receiving host’s inqueue iq, and bytes buffered in the receiving socket (as in the types we saw in §3.2.1). Further fields record the source IP address and port of the stream, control information in the form of flags, and a boolean indicating whether the stream has been destroyed at the source (say, by deleting the associated socket). Some of these fields are shared with the low-level specification, but others are purely abstract entities. Note that although a stream may be destroyed at the source, previously sent messages may still be on the wire, and might later be accepted by the receiver, so we cannot simply remove the stream when it is destroyed. Similarly, if the source receives a message for a deleted socket, a RST will typically be generated, which must be recorded in the stream flags of the destroyed stream. The following flags record whether the stream is opening (SYN,SYNACK), closing normally (FIN) or abnormally (RST). – stream control information : streamFlags =⟨[ SYN : bool;(* SYN, no ACK *) SYNACK : bool;(* SYN with ACK *) FIN : bool; RST : bool]⟩ This control information is carefully manually abstracted from the protocol level, to capture just enough structure to express the user-visible behaviour. Note that the SYN and SYNACK flags may be set simultaneously, indicating the presence of both kinds of message on the wire. The receiver typically lowers the stream SYN flag on receipt of a SYN: even though messages with a SYN may still be on the wire, subsequent SYNs will be detected by

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44 S. Bishop et al. the receiver as invalid duplicates of the original. A bidirectional stream is then just a pair of unidirectional streams. The basic operations on a byte stream are to read and write data, though some care is needed for the control information. For example, the following defines a write from Sockets endpoint (i1, p1) to endpoint (i2, p2). – write flags and data to a stream : write(i1, p1, i2, p2)(flgs, data)s s′ = ( ∃in out in′ out′. sync streams(i1, p1, i2, p2)s(in , out) ∧ sync streams(i1, p1, i2, p2)s′(in′, out′) ∧ in′ = in ∧ out′.flgs = ⟨[ SYN :=(out.flgs.SYN ∨ flgs.SYN); SYNACK :=(out.flgs.SYNACK ∨ flgs.SYNACK); FIN :=(out.flgs.FIN ∨ flgs.FIN); RST :=(out.flgs.RST ∨ flgs.RST)]⟩ ∧ out′.data = (out.data + +data)) Stream s′ is the result of writing flgs and data to stream s. Stream s consists of a unidirectional input stream in and output stream out, extracted from the bidirectional stream using the auxiliary sync streams function. Similarly s′, the state of the stream after the write, consists of in′ and out′. Since we are writing to the output stream, the input stream remains unchanged, in′ = in . The flags on the output stream are modified to reflect flgs. For example, SYN is set in out′.flgs iff flgs contains a SYN or out.flgs already has SYN set. Finally, out′.data is updated by appending data to out.data. 4.5 Sample Service-level Transition Rule: send 3 Fig. 10 (p. 45) gives the service-level analogue of the send 3 protocol-level rule of Fig. 7 (p. 33). The transition occurs between triples (h ⟨[...]⟩,S0 ⊕ [...], M), each consisting of a host, a finite map from stream identifiers to streams, and a set of UDP and ICMP messages. The latter do not play an active part in this rule, and can be safely ignored. The host state is unpacked from the host as before. Note that protocol-level constructs such as rcvurp and iobc are absent from the service-level host state. As well as the host transition, there is a transition of the related stream s to s′. The stream is unpacked from the finite map via its unique identifier streamid of quad(i1, p1, i2, p2), derived from its quad. As before, the conditions for this rule require that the state of the socket st must be ESTABLISHED or CLOSE WAIT. Stream s
′ is the result of writing string str′ and flags
flgs to s. Since flgs are all false, the write does not cause any control flags to be set in s′, although they may already be set in s of course. This rule, and the preceding definitions, demonstrate the conceptual simplicity and stream- like nature of the service level. Other interesting properties of TCP are clearly captured by the service-level specification. For example, individual writes do not insert record boundaries in the byte stream, and in general a read returns only part of the data, uncorrelated with any particular write. The model also makes clear that the unidirectional streams are to a large extent independent. For example, closing one direction does not automatically cause the other to close.

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Engineering with Logic 45 send 3 tcp: slow nonurgent succeed Successfully return from blocked state having sent data (h ⟨[ts := ts ⊕ (tid ↦→ (Send2(sid, ∗, str, opts))d ); socks := socks ⊕ [(sid, Sock(↑ fid, sf ,↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2, ∗, F, cantrcvmore, TCP Sock(st, cb, ∗)))]]⟩, S0 ⊕ [(streamid of quad(i1, p1, i2, p2), s )], M)
→ (h ⟨[ts := ts ⊕ (tid ↦→ (Ret(OK(implode str′′)))sched timer ); socks := socks ⊕ [(sid, Sock(↑ fid, sf ,↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2, ∗, F, cantrcvmore, TCP Sock(st, cb, ∗)))]]⟩, S0 ⊕ [(streamid of quad(i1, p1, i2, p2), s′ )], M) st ∈ {ESTABLISHED; CLOSE WAIT} ∧ space ∈ UNIV ∧ space ≥ length str ∧ str′ = str ∧ str′′ = [] ∧ flgs = flgs ⟨[ SYN := F; SYNACK := F; FIN := F; RST := F]⟩ ∧ write(i1, p1, i2, p2)(flgs, str′)s s′ Description Thread tid is blocked in state Send2(sid, ∗, str, opts) where the TCP socket sid has binding quad (↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2), has no pending error, is not shutdown for writing, and is in state ESTABLISHED or CLOSE WAIT. The data is appended to the socket’s stream (identified via streamid of quad) and the call successfully returns the empty string (str′′ is constrained to be empty). A τ transition is made, leaving the thread state Ret(OK“”). Model details The data to be sent is of type string in the send() call but is a byte list when the datagram is constructed. Here the data, str is of type byte list and in the transition implode str is used to convert it into a string.
Fig. 10. Sample service-level specification transition rule: send 3

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46 S. Bishop et al.
h1.send(xyz) h2 h1 sndq cd..q rcvq rcvq sndq ... ... ACK fgh stu h2 h1 sndq cd..q rcvq rcvq sndq ... ... ACK fgh stu fg..z fg..w h1.send(xyz) ... cdefg..pqrstuvwxyz ... cdefg..pqrstuvw h2 h1 h2 h1
The bottom half of the diagram shows a protocol-level transition of host h1 performing a send(“xyz”) call in the context of a network with three datagrams in transit and a host h2 on the other end of the connection. The top half of the diagram shows how those states, and the transition, are mapped into the service-level model by the abstraction function. Fig. 11. Abstraction function, illustrated (data part only)
5 ABSTRACTION FUNCTION FROM PROTOCOL-LEVEL TO SERVICE-LEVEL STATES While the service specification details what service an implementation of TCP provides to the Sockets interface, our abstraction function details how the protocol-level description of the protocol provides that service. The abstraction function maps protocol-level states and transitions to service-level states and transitions. A protocol-level network consists of a set of hosts, each with their own TCP stacks, and TCP segments (and UDP and ICMP datagrams) on the wire. The abstraction function takes this data and calculates abstract byte streams between Sockets API endpoints, together with the abstract connection status information. The latter is the more intricate part, but we give only a simple example here: the service- level destroyed flag is set iff either there is no socket on the protocol-level host matching the quad for the TCP connection or the state of the TCP socket is CLOSED. The former is illustrated in Fig. 11 (p. 46). For example, consider the simple case where communication has already been established, and the source is sending a message to the destination that includes the string “abc...xyz”, of which bytes up to “w” have been moved to the source sndq. Moreover, the destination has acknowledged all bytes up to “f”, so that the sndq contains “fgh...uvw”, and snd una points to “f”. The destination rcvq contains “cde...opq”, waiting for the user to read from the socket, and rcv nxt points just after “q”.
↓ snd una ↓ rcv nxt message ...abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz... source sndq fghijklmnopqrstuvw destination rcvq cdefghijklmnopq DROP (rcv nxt − snd una)sndq rstuvw stream cdefghijklmnopqrstuvw

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Engineering with Logic 47
– unidirectional abstraction function : abs hosts one sided(i1, p1, i2, p2)(h, msgs, i) = (
(* messages that we are interested in, including oq and iq *)
let (hoq, iiq) = case (h.oq, i.iq) of ((msgs) 1 , (msgs′) 2 ) → (msgs, msgs′) in let msgs = list to set hoq ∪ msgs ∪ (list to set iiq) in
(* only consider TCP messages . . . *)
let msgs = {msg | TCP msg ∈ msgs} in
(* . . . that match the quad *)
let msgs = msgs ∩ {msg | msg = msg ⟨[ is1 :=↑ i1; ps1 :=↑ p1; is2 :=↑ i2; ps2 :=↑ p2]⟩} in
(* pick out the send and receive sockets *)
let smatch i1 p1 i2 p2 s = ((s.is1, s.ps1, s.is2, s.ps2) = (↑ i1,↑ p1,↑ i2,↑ p2)) in let snd sock = Punique range(smatch i1 p1 i2 p2)h.socks in let rcv sock = Punique range(smatch i2 p2 i1 p1)i.socks in let tcpsock of sock = case sock.pr of TCP1 hostTypes $TCP PROTO tcpsock → tcpsock ∥ 3 → ERROR“abs hosts one sided:tcpsock of” in
(* the core of the abstraction function is to compute data *)
let (data : byte list) = case (snd sock, rcv sock) of (↑( 8, hsock),↑( 9, isock)) → ( let htcpsock = tcpsock of hsock in let itcpsock = tcpsock of isock in let (snd una, sndq) = (htcpsock.cb.snd una, htcpsock.sndq) in let (rcv nxt, rcvq) = (itcpsock.cb.rcv nxt, itcpsock.rcvq) in let rcv nxt = tcp seq flip sense rcv nxt in let sndq′ = DROP((num(rcv nxt − snd una)))sndq in rcvq + +sndq′) ∥ (↑( 8, hsock), ∗) → ( let htcpsock = tcpsock of hsock in htcpsock.sndq) ∥ (∗,↑( 9, isock)) → ( let itcpsock = tcpsock of isock in let (rcv nxt : tcpLocal seq32, rcvq : byte list) = (tcp seq flip sense(itcpsock.cb.rcv nxt), itcpsock.rcvq) in rcvq + +(stream reass rcv nxt msgs)) ∥ (∗, ∗) → ERROR“abs hosts one sided:data” in ⟨[ i := i1; p := p1; flgs := ⟨[ SYN :=(∃msg.msg ∈ msgs ∧ msg = msg ⟨[ SYN := T; ACK := F]⟩); SYNACK :=(∃msg.msg ∈ msgs ∧ msg = msg ⟨[ SYN := T; ACK := T]⟩); FIN :=(∃msg.msg ∈ msgs ∧ msg = msg ⟨[ FIN := T]⟩); RST :=(∃msg.msg ∈ msgs ∧ msg = msg ⟨[ RST := T]⟩) ]⟩; data := data; destroyed :=(case snd sock of ↑(sid, hsock) → ((tcpsock of hsock).st = CLOSED) ∥∗→ T) ]⟩)
Fig. 12. Abstraction function, excerpt

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48 S. Bishop et al. The data that remains in the stream waiting for the destination endpoint to read, is the byte stream “cdefghijklmnopqrstuvw”. This is simply the destination rcvq with part of the source sndq appended: to avoid duplicating the shared part of the byte sequence, (rcv nxt − snd una) bytes are dropped from sndq before appending it to rcvq. An excerpt from the HOL definition appears in Fig. 12 (p. 47). It takes a quad (i1, p1, i2, p2) identifying the TCP connection, a source host h, a set of messages msgs on the wire, and a destination host i, and produces a unidirectional stream. It follows exactly the previous analysis: (rcv nxt − snd una) bytes are dropped from sndq to give sndq′, which is then appended to rcvq to give the data in the stream. Note that, in keeping with the fact that TCP is designed so that hosts can retransmit any data that is lost on the wire, this abstraction does not depend on the data in transit — at least for normal connections in which neither endpoint has crashed. For a given TCP connection, the full abstraction function uses the unidirectional function twice to form a bidirectional stream constituting the service-level state. As well as mapping the states, the abstraction function maps the transition labels. Labels corresponding to visible actions at the Sockets interface, such as a connect call, map to themselves. Labels corresponding to internal protocol actions, such as the host network interface sending and receiving datagrams from the wire, are invisible at the service level, and so are mapped to τ, indicating no observable transition. Thus, for each protocol-level transition, the abstraction function gives a service-level transition with the same behaviour at the Sockets interface. Mapping the abstraction function over a protocol-level trace gives a service-level trace with identical Sockets behaviour. Every valid protocol-level trace should map to a valid service-level trace. 6 EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION: TESTING INFRASTRUCTURE We now turn to the problem of testing and assessing the consistency between TCP implemen- tations (written in C), our protocol-level model (in HOL), and our service-level specification (also in HOL). As introduced in §1.5, we did this with an experimental semantics process. For the relationship between implementations and our protocol-level specification: • we wrote a large number of tests (using automation to combinatorially test a wide range of cases); • we instrumented production implementations to record traces of the events correspond- ing to those of our protocol-level specification interfaces (as described in §3.1); • we built a special-purpose checker within HOL4 that checks whether an experimental trace is admitted by the specification; and • we built infrastructure to support this testing and checking at scale. For the relationship between the protocol-level and service-level specification, we recorded (a smaller number of) double-ended traces, and built a system that let us check that the abstraction function of §5 relates protocol-level and service-level states at each step along the trace. Recall that for TCP the implementations are the de facto standard. In producing spec- ifications after the fact, we aim to validate the specifications against the implementation behaviour, but this machinery could equally well be used in the other direction, to check implementations against our specifications.

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Engineering with Logic 49
nssock ocamllib libd injector slurp merger
tthee autotest
glia thalamus astrocyte john Linux Linux emil Linux WinXP Linux alan kurt FreeBSD FreeBSD
A sample configuration of our instrumentation and test generation tools, for a single host under test, and one of our test networks. Fig. 13. Testing infrastructure.
We begin in this section with the systems work needed for this: instrumentation, test generation, distributed trace checking, and data visualisation. The theorem-prover work of our trace checkers is described in §7, and the experimental results are in §8. 6.1 Experimental Setup and Instrumentation for Trace Generation To generate traces of the real-world implementations in a controlled environment we set up an isolated test network, with machines running each of our three OS versions, and wrote

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50 S. Bishop et al. instrumentation and test generation tools. A sample test configuration is illustrated in Fig. 13 (p. 49). We instrument the wire interface with a slurp tool above the standard libpcap, instrument the Sockets API with an nssock wrapper, and on BSD additionally capture TCP control block records generated by the TCP DEBUG kernel option. All three produce HOL format records which are merged into a single trace; this requires accurate timestamping, with careful management of NTP offsets between machines and propagation delays between them. Our abstractions from actual system behaviour to specification-interface observables, as discussed in §1.7 and §3.1, are implemented in these tools. For example, slurp performs reassembly of IP fragments into the TCP datagrams we saw in Fig. 4 (p. 25), pulls out the TCP datagram options represented there, and so on, to produce values of that tcpSegment HOL4 type. A test executive tthee drives the system by making Sockets API calls (via a libd daemon) and directly injecting messages with an injector tool. These tools are written in OCaml [61] with additional C libraries. The resulting traces are HOL-parsable text files containing an initial host state (its interfaces, routing table, etc.), an initial time, and a list of timestamped labels (as in Fig. 9 (p. 40)). For the service-level validation, we began with a similar instrumented test network, but collected double-ended traces, capturing the behaviour of two interacting hosts, rather than just one endpoint. 6.2 Tests Tests are scripted above tthee. They are of two kinds. The most straightforward use two machines, one instrumented and an auxiliary used as a communication partner, with socket calls invoked remotely. The others use a virtual auxiliary host, directly injecting messages into the network; this permits tests that are not easily produced via the Sockets layer, e.g. with re-ordering, loss, or illegal or nonsense segments. We wrote tests to, as far as we could, exercise all the interesting behaviour of the protocols and API, with manually written combinatorial generation. Almost all tests were run on all three OSs; many are automatically iterated over a selection of TCP socket states, port values, etc. In total around 6000 traces are generated. For example, trace 1484, of intermediate complexity, is informally described as follows: “send() – for a non-blocking socket in state ESTABLISHED (NO DATA), with a reduced send buffer that is almost full, attempt to send more data than there is space available.” Assessing coverage of the traces is non-trivial, as the system is essentially infinite-state, but we can check that almost all the host LTS rules are covered. The traces are relatively short, so they probably do not exercise all of TCP’s congestion-control regimes. 6.3 Distributed Checking Infrastructure For good coverage we want to check many traces, and this had to be repeated often during development of the specification. Such checking, using the theorem-prover infrastructure described in §7, is computationally intensive but naturally parallel: each trace (apart from initialisation of the evaluator) is independent. We therefore distributed checking over as many processors as possible. Checking is compute-bound, not space- or IO-limited. A typical trace check run might require 100MB of memory (a few need more); most trace input files are only of the order of 10KB, and the raw checker output for a trace is 100KB – 3MB. We used approximately 100 processors, running background jobs on personal workstations and lab machines (the fastest being dual 3.06GHz Xeons) and using a processor bank of 25 dual Opteron 250s. We relied

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Bars indicate the checker execution time for each step, on the left scale. Diamonds indicate how far through the trace each step is, on the right scale. This trace, atypically, required significant backtracking; most need no backtracking of depth greater than one. Fig. 14. Checker monitoring: timed step graph. This indicates how an entire check run progressed, showing the number of traces processed, succeeded, and non-succeeded for various reasons. The INCOMPLETE line (dropping around 33 hours) indicates roughly how many worker machines were active. The shape of the graph is largely determined by the order of traces in the run, shortest first. Fig. 15. Checker monitoring: progress of a TCP run.

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This indicates how a TCP check runs progressed, showing the traces processed, succeeded, and non-succeeded for various reasons, indexed by the trace number and trace length. Fig. 16. Checker monitoring: progress of a UDP and a TCP run.
on a common NFS-mounted file system. Note that these machines were typical workstation and server machines of around 2004; current hardware would provide significantly greater performance, and there have also been substantial improvements in HOL4 performance. Achieving satisfactory performance of the symbolic evaluator was critical for this work to be feasible, and needed considerable work: algorithmic improvements to HOL itself (e.g. in the treatment of multi-field records), to the evaluator (e.g. in better heuristics for search, and the lazy computation and urgency approximations mentioned in §7), and to the checking infrastructure, distributing over more machines and using them more efficiently. These reduced the total TCP check time from 500 hours, which was at the upper limit of what was practical. By the end of the project, checking around 2600 UDP traces took approximately 5 hours, which is perfectly usable. For TCP the checker has a much more complex task. TCP host states are typically more symbolic, with more fields that are only loosely constrained and with larger sets of constraints. Also, longer traces are required to reach the various possible states of the system. Checking a complete run (around 1100 traces) of the BSD traces took around 50 hours, which is manageable if not ideal. Fig. 14 (p. 51) suggests the checker run-time per step rises piecewise exponentially with the trace length, though with a small exponent. This is due to the gradual accumulation of constraints, especially time passage rate constraints. In principle there is no reason why in long traces they could not be agglomerated. 6.4 Visualisation Tools and Data Management The resulting datasets are large and good visualisation tools are necessary for working with them. Our main tool was an HTML display of the results of each check run, with, for each trace, a link to the checker output, the trace in HTML and graphical form (as in Fig. 9 (p. 40)), the short description, and a graph showing the backtracking and progress of the checker (as in Fig. 14 (p. 51)). To help us manage the outstanding issues during development of the specification, we maintained a file of trace annotations, identifying subsets of the traces

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Engineering with Logic 53 that have not succeeded for some particular reason and indicating whether that problem should have been resolved. The display shows the expected and actual number of successes for these. The progress of a whole run can be visualised as in Fig. 15 (p. 51), useful to determine when best to abort an existing run in order to restart with an improved checker or specification. Figure 16 shows the progress of a check run indexed by the trace number and trace length, useful for seeing patterns of non-successes. Our experience was that devoting sufficient engineering effort to building and refining all these tools, as well as those for automating testing and checking, was essential. We also built an explicit regression tester, comparing the results of multiple check runs (which might be on overlapping but non-identical trace sets), but did not used it heavily — the annotation display was more useful, especially as we reached closer to 100% success. 7 EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION: CHECKING TECHNOLOGY Our computational task for checking an observed endpoint trace against our protocol-level specification is this: given the nondeterministic labelled transition system
→ of the host LTS, an initial host h0, and a sequence of experimentally observed labels l1 ...ln, determine whether h0 can exhibit this behaviour in the model. The transition system includes unobservable τ labels, so we actually have to determine whether there is a sequence h0
<[Lht au]>

∗ l1

<[Lht au]>

∗ l2
→ ...
<[Lht au]>

∗ ln
→h for some h. If the system were deterministic, the problem would be easily solved. The initial conditions are completely specified and the problem would be one of mechanical calculation with values that were always ground. Because the system is nondeterministic, the problem becomes one of exploring the tree of all possible traces that are consistent with the given label sequence. Nondeterminism arises in two different ways: • two or more rules may apply to the same host-label pair (or the host may be able to undergo a τ transition); and • a single rule’s sideconditions may not constrain the resulting host to take on just one possible value. These two sorts of nondeterminism do not correspond to any deep semantic difference, but do affect the way in which the problem is solved. Because labels come in a small number of different categories, the number of rules that might apply to any given host-label pair is relatively small. It is clearly reasonable to explicitly model this nondeterminism by explicit branching within a tree-structured search-space. The search through this space is done depth-first. Possible τ transitions are checked last: if considering host h and a sequence of future labels, and no normal rule allows for a successful trace, posit a τ transition at this point, followed by the same sequence of labels. As long as hosts can not make infinite sequences of τ transitions, the search-space remains finite. An example of the second sort of nondeterminism comes when a resulting host is to include some numeric quantity, but where the model only constrains this number to fall within certain bounds. It is clearly foolish to explicitly model all these possibilities with branching (indeed, for many types there are an infinite number of possibilities). Instead, the system maintains sets of constraints (which are just arbitrary HOL predicates), attached to each transition. These constraints are simplified (including the action of arithmetic decision procedures) and checked for satisfiability as checking proceeds. Later labels often fully determine variables that were introduced earlier, e.g. for file descriptors, TCP options, etc.

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54 S. Bishop et al. For example, a connect 1 transition in one particular TCP trace, modelling the connect() invocation, introduced new variables:
(advmss :num), (advmss' :num option), (cb'_2_rcv_wnd :num), (n :num), (rcv_wnd0 :num), (request_r_scale :num option), (ws :char option)
and new constraints:
∀n2. advmss' = SOME n2 ==> n2 <= 65535 ∀n2. request_r_scale = SOME n2 ==> ORD (THE ws) = n2 pending (cb'_2_rcv_wnd=rcv_wnd0* 2**case 0 I request_r_scale) pending (ws = OPTION_MAP CHR request_r_scale) advmss <= 65495 cb'_2_rcv_wnd <= 57344 n <= 5000 rcv_wnd0 <= 65535 1 <= advmss 1 <= rcv_wnd0 1024 <= n advmss' = NONE ∨ advmss' = SOME advmss request_r_scale=NONE ∨ ∃n1.request_r_scale=SOME n1 ∧ n1<=14 nrange n 1024 3976 nrange rcv_wnd0 1 65534 case ws of NONE -> T || SOME v1 -> ORD v1 <= TCP_MAXWINSCALE
Many of these constraints are numeric (over various different numeric types), but some are more complex. For example, the above includes option-type and record operations, with some nested quantifiers. In other cases there is potential nondeterminism arising from the multiple ways in which the data from multiple TCP segments, with overlapping sequence numbers, can be assembled into a single stream. Hence, instead of finding a sequence of theorems of the form ⊢ h0
→h1 ⊢ h1
→h2 ··· ⊢ hn−1
→hn (eliding the τs now) we must find a sequence of theorems of the form Γ0 ⊢ h0
→h1 Γ0 ∪ Γ1 ⊢ h1
→h2 ··· ⋃n−1
Γi ⊢ hn−1
→hn where each Γi is the set of constraints generated by the i-th transition. If the fresh constraints were only generated because new components of output hosts were under-constrained, there would be no difficulty with this. Unfortunately, the sideconditions associated with each rule will typically refer to input host component values that are no longer ground, but which are instead constrained by a constraint generated by the action of an earlier rule. For example, imagine that the first transition of a trace has made the v component of the host have a

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Engineering with Logic 55 value between 1 and 100. Now faced with an l-transition, the system must eliminate those rules which allow for that transition if v is greater than 150. The symbolic evaluator accumulates constraint sets as a trace proceeds, and checks them for satisfiability. The satisfiability check takes the form of simplifying each assumption in turn, while assuming all of the other assumptions as context. HOL simplification includes the action of arithmetic decision procedures, so unsatisfiable arithmetic constraints are discovered as well as more obviously unsatisfiable constraint sets. For example, using the theorems proved by HOL’s data type technology, the simplifier “knows” that the constructors for algebraic types are disjoint. Thus, (s = []) ∧ (s = h :: t) is impossible because the nil and cons constructors for lists are disjoint. Constraint instantiation As a checking run proceeds, later labels may determine variables that had initially been under-determined. For example, Windows XP picks file descriptors for sockets nondeterministically, so on this architecture the specification for the socket call only requires that the new descriptor be fresh. As a trace proceeds, however, the actual descriptor value chosen will be revealed (a label or two later, the value will appear in the return-label that is passed back to the caller). In this situation, and others like it, the set of constraints attached to the relevant theorem will get smaller when the equality is everywhere eliminated. Though the checker does not explicitly do this step, the effect is as if the earlier theorems in the run had also been instantiated with the value chosen. If the value is clearly inconsistent with the initial constraints, then this will be detected because those constraints will have been inherited from the stage when they were generated. Case splitting Sometimes a new constraint will be of a form where it is clear that it is equivalent to a disjunction of two possibilities. Then it often makes sense to case-split and consider each arm of the disjunction separately Γ,p ∨ q ⊢ hi−1
→hi (( vv Γ,p ⊢ hi−1
→hi Γ,q ⊢ hi−1
→hi At the moment, such splitting is done on large disjunctions (as above), and large conditional expressions that appear in the output host. For example, if the current theorem is Γ ⊢ h0
→(... if p then e1 else e2 ... ) then two new theorems are created: Γ,p ⊢ h0
→(...e1 ... ) and Γ, ¬p ⊢ h0
→(...e2 ... ), and both branches are explored (again, in a depth-first order). 7.1 The Core Algorithm: Evaluating One Transition Given a host h0 (expressed as a set of bindings for the fields that make up a host, and thus of the form ⟨[fld1 := v1; fld2 := v2; ...]⟩), a set of constraints Γ0 over the free variables in h0, and a ground label l0 (whether from the experimentally observed trace, or a τ label), the core processing step of the trace-checking algorithm is to generate a list of all possible successor hosts, along with their accompanying constraints.

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56 S. Bishop et al. We precompute theorems of the form ⟨[fld1 := v1; fld2 := v2; ...]⟩
→ h ≡ (D1 ∨··· Dn−1 ∨ Dn ) (1) where l is a label form (such as (tid·socket (arg)) or τ or msg) that will match l0, and where each Di corresponds to a rule in the definition of the transition system. Such a theorem can be matched against the input host and label. Each Di will constrain both the input fields and the output host h. More, each Di includes an equation of the form h = ⟨[fld1 := v′
1; fld2 := v′ 2; ...]⟩,
where the new, primed variables are existentially quantified in Di , and further constrained there. It is then straightforward to generate a sequence of theorems (one per possible rule), each of the form ⊢ Di ⇒ ⟨[fld1 := v1; ...]⟩
→⟨[fld1 := v′
1; ...]⟩
where any variables existentially quantified in Di are now implicitly universally quantified in the theorem, and may appear in the consequent of the implication. Similarly, the process of matching the input values against the precomputed theorem (1) will have affected the form of Di . Now the initial context Γ0 can be brought into play, and assumed while the Di is simplified in that context. For example, we earlier discussed the scenario where a variable in the input host might become constrained in Γ0 to be no larger than 100. If some Dk insists that the same value be greater than 150, the process of simplification will discover the contradiction, and rewrite this Dk to false. In such a scenario, the theorem containing Dk will become the vacuous Γ0 ⊢ ⊤, and can be discarded. Those theorems that survive this stage of simplification can then be taken to the form Γ0,D′
i ⊢ ⟨[fld1 := v1; ...]⟩ l0
→⟨[fld1 := v′
1; ...]⟩
The next phase of evaluation is “context simplification”. Though some checking and simplification of the constraints in D′
has been performed, the constraints there have not yet caused any adjustment to Γ0. In this phase, the implementation iterates through the hypotheses in Γ0 ∪ D′
, simplifying each hypothesis in turn while assuming the others. Furthermore, if this process does induce a change in the hypotheses, the process is restarted so that the new form of the hypothesis is given a chance to simplify all of the other members of the set. After the first phase of context simplification, the checker heuristically decides on possible case-splits. If a case-split occurs, more context simplification is required because the new hypothesis in each branch will likely induce more simplification. This phase of evaluation is potentially extremely expensive. We have made various improvements to the checker during development that have made dramatic differences, but they do not reflect any deep theoretical advances. Rather, we are engaged in “logic engineering” on top of the HOL kernel. The LCF philosophy of the latter means that the ad-hoc nature of parts of our implementation cannot affect soundness. At worst we will harm the completeness of a method already known to be essentially incomplete because of the undecidability of the basic logic. In fact, incompleteness is pragmatically less important than being able to quickly reduce formula sizes, and to draw inferences that will help in subsequent steps.

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Engineering with Logic 57 7.2 Laziness in Symbolic Evaluation Because hosts quickly lose their groundedness as a checking run proceeds, many of the values being computed with are actually constrained variables. Such variables may even come to be equated with other expressions, where those expressions in turn include non-ground components. It is important in this setting to retain variable bindings rather than simply substituting them out. Substituting non-ground expressions through large terms may result in many instances of the same, expensive computation when those expressions do eventually become ground. This is analogous to the way in which a lazy language keeps pending computations hidden in a “thunk” and does not evaluate them prematurely. The difference is that lazy languages “force” thunks when evaluation determines that their values are required. In the trace-checking setting, expressions yield values as the logical context becomes richer, not on the basis of whether or not those values are required elsewhere. Moreover, as soon as an expression yields up a little information about its structure it is important to let this information flow into the rest of the formula. For example, if the current theorem is x = E ⊢ ... (if x = [] then f (x) else д(x)) ... then it is important not to substitute E for x and end up working with two copies of (presumably complicated) expression E. On the other hand, future work may reveal that E is actually of the form h :: t for some (themselves complicated) expressions h and t. In this case, the theorem must become v1 = h,v2 = t ⊢ ... (д(v1 :: v2)) ... In this situation, the application of д to a list known to a be a cons-cell may lead to future useful simplification. To implement this, the checker can isolate equalities to prevent them from being instanti- ated, and detects when expressions become value-forms, or partial value-forms. 7.3 Evaluating Time Transitions Time transitions require special treatment. An experimentally-observed trace will typically have a time passage transition, labelled with a duration, between each other observable transition. The relevant rule is epsilon 1, shown in §3.3.3, which allows time to pass if the host state is not urgent. The trace-checker does not check for non-urgency by actually trying all of the urgent rules in turn. Instead, it uses a theorem (proved once and for all as the system builds) that provides an approximate characterisation of non-urgency. If this is satisfied, the above rule’s sideconditions can be discharged, and progress made. If the approximation can not be proved true, then a τ step is attempted so that the host can move through its pending urgent transition. 7.4 Model Translation An important aim of the formalisation has been to support the use of a natural, mathematical idiom in the writing of the specification. This does not always produce logical formulas well-suited to automatic analyses. Even making sure that the conjuncts of a sidecondition are “evaluated” (simplified) in a suitable order can make a big difference to the efficiency of the tool. Rather than force the specification authors and readership to deal explicitly with

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58 S. Bishop et al. algorithmic issues (and the specification to be a Prolog-like program), we have developed a variety of tools to automatically translate a variety of idioms into equivalent forms. At their best, these translations are produced by ML code written to handle an infinite family of possibilities. Written within HOL, this ML code produces translations by proving logical equivalences. In this way, we can be sure that the translation is correct, i.e. that the semantics of the specification is preserved. In other cases, we prove specific theorems that state a particular rule or auxiliary function is equivalent to an alternative form. This theorem then justifies the use of the more efficient expression of the same semantics. Translating Non-injective Pattern-Matching One important example of translation comes in the handling of the pattern-matching idiom. Making use of the HOL syntax for record values updated at specific fields, specifiers can write h ⟨[fld1 := v0]⟩
→ h ⟨[fld1 := v]⟩ to adjust the host h. The problem with field updates is that they are not injective functions: there are multiple instantiations for h given any particular host meant to match this rule. The transformation in this case is simple: h is expanded into a complete listing of all its possible fields, the actions of the update functions are applied, and the translated rule becomes ⟨[fld1 := v0; fld2 := v2; fld3 := v3; ...]⟩
→ ⟨[fld1 := v; fld2 := v2; fld3 := v3; ...]⟩ The specifier does not have to list the frame conditions, but the implementation of the evaluator is simplified by explicitly listing all of the fields (unchanging or not) in the transformed form. Another example of non-injective pattern-matching comes with the use of finite maps. These values are manipulated throughout the labelled transition system. For example, rules describing the host’s response to a system call typically check that the calling thread is in the Run state, and also specify the new state that the thread moves to if the transition is successful. Such a rule has the general form ⟨[ts := tidmap ⊕ (t, Run); ...]⟩
→ ⟨[ts := tidmap ⊕ (t, newstate); ...]⟩ sideconditions where the ts field of the host is a finite map from thread-identifiers to thread state information. A naıve approach to the symbolic evaluation of such a rule would attempt to find a binding for the variable tidmap. Unfortunately, in the absence of further constraints on that variable in the rule’s sideconditions, there are multiple such bindings: tidmap may or may not include another binding for the key t, and if it does include such a binding, may map t to any possible value. Because the only occurrences of tidmap are in situations where an overriding value for t is provided, these possibilities are irrelevant, and the evaluator should not distract itself by looking for such values.

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Engineering with Logic 59 We have written ML code to check rules are of suitable form and to then translate the above into ⟨[ts := tidmap; ...]⟩
→ ⟨[ts := tidmap ⊕ (t, newstate)]⟩ fmscan tidmap t Run ∧ sideconditions where the fmscan relation checks to see if its first argument (a finite map) maps its second argument to its third. It is characterised by the following theorem fmscan ∅ k2 v2 = ⊥ fmscan (fm ⊕ (k1, v1)) k2 v2 = (k1 = k2 ∧v1 = v2) ∨ fmscan (fm\\k1) k2 v2 where fm\\k denotes the finite map that is equal to fm, except that any binding for k has been removed. In other circumstances, the underlying finite map may not always appear with a suitable rebinding of the relevant key. For example, this happens in rules that remove key-value pairs from maps. Such a rule is close 7, which models the successful closing of the last file-descriptor associated with a socket in the CLOSED, SYN SENT or SYN RECEIVED states. The rule’s transition removes the socket-id/socket binding from the host’s socks map. The relevant parts of the rule look like ⟨[socks := sockmap ⊕ (sid, sock); ...]⟩
tid·close (fd)
→ ⟨[socks := sockmap; ...]⟩ sideconditions (linking sid to fd, among other things) Here the translation to the non-pattern version of the code can only succeed if the sidecon- ditions include the fact that sid does not occur in the domain of the map socks. Without such a sidecondition, the meaning of the rule would be to allow the finite map to take on any possible binding for sid in the resulting state. Not including such a sidecondition is such an easy mistake for the specification-writer to make that the code implementing this transformation issues a warning if it can not find it. If this constraint is found in the sideconditions, then the rule becomes ⟨[socks := sockmap; ...]⟩
tid·close (fd)
→ ⟨[socks := sockmap\\sid; ...]⟩ fmscan sockmap sid sock ∧ sideconditions[sockmap := sockmap\\sid] where the sideconditions to the rule have acquired a new fmscan constraint, and have been altered so that any old references to sockmap are replaced by sockmap\\sid.

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60 S. Bishop et al. Other Translation Examples A number of the specification’s auxiliary functions are defined in ways that, while suitable for human consumption, are not so easy to evaluate. One simple example is the definition of a host’s local IP addresses. Given a finite map from interface identifiers to interface data values, the function local ips is defined: local ips(ifmap) = ⋃
i.ipset Pulling (k,i) pairs from a finite map in an unspecified order is awkward to evaluate directly, so we recast the definition to an equivalent form that recurses over the syntax of the finite map in question: local ips(∅) = ∅ local ips (ifmap ⊕ (k, i)) = i.ipset ∪ local ips(ifmap\\k) Other translations rewrite definitions of relations to take on a prenex-form: R x y = ∃⃗v. let u1 = e1 in let u2 = e2 in ··· c1 ∧ c2 ∧ c3 ∧ ...cn The simplification strategy chosen by the checker could effect this transformation at run-time but there is no reason not to precompute it, and use the translated form of the definition instead of the original. One of the specification’s most complicated auxiliary definitions is that for reassembly of TCP data that has arrived out of order, characterised by the function tcp reass. Involving two gruesome set-comprehensions, tcp reass’s definition calculates the set of all possible valid reassemblies of a set of received segments. The theorem giving the alternative characterisation instead uses analogues of fold and map, making evaluation over concrete data much easier. (The data is concrete because it is from observed labels corresponding to the arrival of packets.) 7.5 Adding Constraints It is always sound to add fresh assumptions to a theorem. The following is a rule of inference in HOL: Γ ⊢ t Γ,p ⊢ t We do sometimes add constraints that are consequences of existing assumptions, which preserves satisfiability. For example, traces often produce rather complicated expressions about which arithmetic decision procedures can not reason directly. We help the procedures draw conclusions by separately inferring upper and lower bounds information about such expressions, and adding these new (but redundant) assumptions to the theorem. 7.6 Simplification The core logical operation of the trace-checker is simplification. This can be characterised as term-rewriting with equational theorems, augmented with the use of various decision procedures.

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Engineering with Logic 61 The equational theorems used in rewriting may include sideconditions. The simplifier will try to discharge such by simplifying them to truth. If this succeeds, the rewrite can be applied. For example, integer division and modulus have no specified value when the divisor is zero, meaning that theorems about these constants are typically accompanied by sideconditions requiring the divisor to be non-zero. This basic term-rewriting functionality is then augmented with decision procedures, such as those for Presburger arithmetic over R and N, whose action is intermingled with rewriting. (Decision procedures typically rewrite sub-terms to ⊤ or ⊥.) This use of (augmented) rewriting is well-established in the interactive theorem-proving community. Systems such as ACL2 have long provided such facilities, and demonstrated the potency of the combination. Equational rewriting provides an easy way to express core identities in theories that may or may not be decidable. Well-chosen identities can rapidly extend a system to cover significant parts of new theories. In our non-interactive setting, it is additionally important to be able to add bespoke reasoning procedures to the action of the simplifier. Our system extends the basic HOL simplifier not just with new rewrites, but also with new code, which handles cases not easily treatable with rewrites. Such programmatic extensions can not compromise the system’s soundness because the programming is over the HOL kernel, which remains unchanged. In addition to extensions already discussed, such as the lazy treatment of variable bindings, another example of such an extension is the treatment of TCP’s 32-bit sequence numbers. For the most part, these are operated on as are normal fixed-width integers (with wrap-around arithmetic). For example, subtraction is such that 1 − 2 = −1, but −(231) − 3 = 231 − 3. The orderings on sequence numbers are defined to be s1 ◁ s2 ≡ s1 − s2 ◁ 0 where ◁ is any of {<, ≤, >, ≥}, and where the subtraction on the right results in an integer, which is compared with 0 in the normal way for Z. These orderings exhibit some odd behaviours. For example, s1 < s2 s2 > s1 (consider s1 and s2 exactly 231 apart). Our system includes custom code for reasoning about inequalities on sequence numbers. This code is not a complete decision procedure, but has proved adequate in the checking runs performed to date. Phasing In the early stages of the core algorithm, the priority for simplification is to eliminate possible transition rules that clearly can not apply. Checking rules’ preliminary guards, and quickly eliminating those that are false is vital for efficiency. At this stage, therefore, it is wise not to expand the definitions of the more complicated auxiliaries. Such expansions would dramatically increase term-sizes, but might end up being discarded when a rule’s guards were found not to be satisfied. To implement this, we phase our use of the simplifier, so that it only simplifies with the simplest definitions early on. In this way, we hope to only expand complicated auxiliaries when they have a reasonable chance of being needed. 7.7 Service-level Validation For the service-level validation, we started with double-ended traces, describing the behaviour of two interacting hosts rather than just one endpoint. We then used our previous symbolic evaluation tool to discover symbolic traces of the protocol-level model that corresponded to the real-world traces. That is a complex and computationally intensive process, involving

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62 S. Bishop et al. the backtracking depth-first search and constraint simplification described above, essentially to discover internal host state and internal transitions that are not explicit in the trace. We then ground these symbolic traces, finding instantiations of their variables that satisfy any remaining constraints, to produce a ground protocol-level trace in which all information is explicit. Given such a ground trace, we can map the abstraction function over it to produce a candidate ground service-level trace. It is then necessary to check validity of this trace, which is done with a service-level test oracle. As at the protocol level, we wrote a new special-purpose service-level checker in HOL which performs symbolic evaluation of the specification with respect to ground service-level traces. Crucially, this checking process is much simpler than that at the protocol level because all host values, and all transitions, are already known. All that remains is to check each ground service-level transition against the specification. The most significant difference between the old and new checkers is that the former had to perform a depth-first search to even determine which rule of the protocol model was appropriate. Because that work has already been done, and because the two specifications have been constructed so that their individual rules correspond, the service-level checker does not need to do this search. Instead, it can simply check the service-level version of the rule that was checked at the protocol level, dealing with each transition in isolation. In particular, this means that the service-level checker need not attempt to infer the existence of unobservable τ-transitions. Another significant difference between the two checkers is that the service-level checker can aggressively search for instantiations of existentially quantified variables that arise when a rule’s hypothesis has to be discharged. At the protocol level, such variables may appear quite unconstrained at first appearance, but then become progressively more constrained as further steps of the trace are processed. For example, a simplified rule for the socket call might appear as fd usedfds(h0) h0⟨[socks := socks]⟩
−−−−−−−−−→ h0⟨[socks := socks ⊕ (sid, fd)]⟩ stating that when a socket call is made, the host h0’s socks map is updated to associate the new socket (identified by sid) with file-descriptor fd, subject only to the constraint that the new descriptor not already be in use. (This under-specification is correct on Windows; on Unix, the file-descriptor is typically the next available natural number.) In the protocol-level checker, the fd variable must be left uninstantiated until its value can be deduced from subsequent steps in the trace. In the service-level checker, both the initial host and the final host are available because they are the product of the abstraction function applied to the previously generated, and ground, protocol trace. In a situation such as this, the variable from the hypothesis is present in the conclusion, and can be immediately instantiated. In other rules of the service-level specification, there can be a great many variables that occur only in the hypothesis. These are existentially quantified, and the checker must determine if there is an instantiation for them that makes the hypothesis true. The most effective way of performing this check is to simplify, apply decision procedures for arithmetic, and to then repeatedly case-split on boolean variables, and the guards of if-then- else expressions to search for possible instantiations. The above process is clearly somewhat involved, and itself would ordinarily be prone to error. To protect against this, as for the protocol-level work, we built all the checking

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Engineering with Logic 63 infrastructure within HOL. So, when checking a trace, we are actually building machine- checked proofs that its transitions are admitted by the inductive definition of the transition relation in the specification. 8 EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION: RESULTS 8.1 Protocol-Level Checking Results The experimental validation process shows that the specification admits almost all the test traces we generated. For UDP, over all three implementations (BSD, Linux, and WinXP), 2526 (97.04%) of 2603 traces succeed. For TCP we focussed on the BSD traces, and here 1004 (91.7%) of 1095 traces succeed. While we have not reached 100% validation, we believe these figures indicate that the model is for most purposes very accurate — certainly good enough for it to be a useful reference. Further, we believe that closing the gap would only be a matter of additional labour, fixing sundry very local issues rather than needing any fundamental change to the specification or the tools. Of the UDP non-successes: 36 are due to a problem in test generation (difficulties with accurate timestamping on WinXP); 27 are tests which involve long data strings for which we hit a space limitation of the HOL string library (which uses a particularly non-space-efficient representation at present); 11 are because of known problems with test generation; and 3 are due to an ICMP delivery problem on FreeBSD. Of the TCP non-successes: 42 are due to checker problems (mainly memory limits); 6 are due to problems in test generation; and the remaining 43 traces due to a collection of 20 issues in the specification which we roughly diagnosed but did not fix, simply for lack of staff resource at the time. Much of the TCP development was also carried out for all three implementations, and the specification does identify various differences between them. In the later stages we focussed on BSD, for two reasons: the BSD debug trace records make automated validation easier in principle, and as a small research team we had only rather limited staff resources available. We believe that extending the TCP work to fully cover the other implementations would require little in the way of new techniques. The success rates above are only meaningful if the generated traces do give reasonable coverage. Care was taken in the design of the test suite to cover interesting and corner cases, and we can show that almost all rules of the model are exercised in successful trace checking. Of the 194 host LTS rules 142 are covered in at least one successful trace check run; 32 should not be covered by the tests (e.g. rules dealing with file-descriptor resource limits, or non-BSD TCP behaviour); and 20 either have not had tests written or not yet succeeded in validation. Moreover, test generation was largely independent of the validation process (some additional tests were constructed during validation, and some particularly long traces were excluded). For TCP, however, it would be good to check more medium-length traces, to be sure that the various congestion-control regimes are fully explored; our trace set is weighted more towards connection setup/teardown and Sockets API issues. It would also be desirable to check implementation code coverage of our tests, for the FreeBSD and Linux implementations; we did not attempt that. 8.2 Implementation Anomalies The goal of this project was not to find bugs in the implementations. Indeed, from a post-hoc specification point of view, the implementation behaviour, however strange, is the de facto

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64 S. Bishop et al. standard which users of the protocols and API should be aware of. Moreover, to make validation of the specification against the implementation behaviour possible, it must include whatever that behaviour is. Nonetheless, in the course of the work we have found many behavioural anomalies, some of which are certainly bugs in the conventional sense. There are explicit OS version dependencies on around 260 lines of the specification, and the report [22] details around 30 anomalies. All are relatively local issues — the implementations are extremely widely used, so it would be very surprising to find serious problems in the common-case paths. We list a few briefly below, mostly for BSD TCP. • The receive window is updated on receipt of a bad segment. • Simultaneous open can respond with an ACK rather than a SYN,ACK. • The code has an erroneous definition of the TCPS HAVERCVDFIN macro, making it possible, for example, to generate a SIGURG signal from a socket after its connection has been closed. • listen() can be (erroneously) called from any state, which can lead to pathological segments being transmitted (with no flags or only a FIN). • After repeated retransmission timeouts the RTT estimates are incorrectly updated. • After 232 segments there is a 16 segment window during which, if the TCP connection is closed, the RTT values will not be cached in the routing table. • The received urgent pointer is not updated in the fast-path code, so if 2GB of data is received in the fast path, subsequent urgent data will not be correctly signalled. • On Linux, options can be sent in a SYN,ACK that were not in the received SYN. Many of these oddities, and many of the 260 OS differences, were discovered by our testing process; by describing them we hope primarily to give some sense of what kind of fine-grain detail can be captured by our automated testing process, in which window values, time values, etc. are checked against their allowable ranges as soon as possible. The remainder were found directly in the source code while writing the specification. The main point we observe in the implementations is that their behaviour is extremely complex and irregular, but that is not subject to any easy fix. 8.3 Service-level Results Our protocol-level validation involved several thousand traces designed to exercise the behaviour of single endpoints, covering both the Sockets API and the wire behaviour. To produce a reasonably accurate specification, we iterated the checking and specification-fixing process many times. For the service-level specification, we have not attempted the same level of validation, simply due to resource constraints. Instead, we have focused on developing the method, doing enough validation to demonstrate its feasibility. Producing a specification in which one should have high confidence might require another man-year or so of testing and specification improvement — perfectly feasible, and a tiny amount of effort in terms of industrial protocol stack development, but unlikely to lead to new research insights. That said, most of the Sockets API behaviour does not relate to the protocol dynamics and is common between the two specifications, so is already moderately well tested. In all, 30 end-to-end tests were generated, covering a variety of connection setup and tear-down cases and end-to-end communication, but not including packet loss, reordering, duplication, or severe delay. After correcting some specification errors, all these traces were found to validate successfully. To illustrate again how discriminating our testing process is, we mention two errors we discovered during service-level validation. At the protocol-level, a TCP message moving

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Engineering with Logic 65 from a host output queue to the wire corresponds to an unobservable τ event at the service level. Naively we assumed the host state would be unchanged, since the output queue at the service-level carries only ICMP and UDP messages. However, this is not correct, since the transmission of a TCP message alters the timer associated with the output queue, increasing its value. The update to the timer permits the host to delay sending the ICMP and UDP messages. Without this side-effect, the service-level specification effectively required ICMP and UDP messages to be sent earlier than they would otherwise have been. To correct this error, the service specification had to allow the timer to be updated if at the protocol-level there was potentially a TCP message on the queue that might be transferred to the wire. Another error arose in the definition of the abstraction function. The analysis of the merging of the send and receive queues on source and destination hosts, described in Section 5, was initially incorrect, leading to streams with duplicated, or missing, runs of data. Fortunately this error was easy to detect by examining the ground service-level trace, where the duplicated data was immediately apparent. 8.4 Validating the Other Direction Our validation processes check that certain traces are included in the protocol-level or service-level specification. As we have seen, this can be a very discriminating test, but it does not address the question of whether the specifications admit too many traces. That cannot be determined by reference to the de facto standard implementations, as a reasonable specification here must be looser than any one implementation. Instead, one must consider whether the specifications are strong enough to be useful, for proving properties of applications that use the Sockets API, or as a basis for new implementations. We mention work of both kinds in §1.9, but more could be done here. In particular, one could modularly refine the specification, resolving the points at which it is nondeterministic, so that it does describe an implementation. This would entail specifying aspects of the host scheduling (resolving nondeterminism between multiple rules that can fire simultaneously), giving algorithms for choosing initial sequence numbers, options, etc., and constraining TCP output so that it does have the ACK-clock behaviour. It should then be possible to integrate the specification, our symbolic evaluation engine, and the packet injector and slurp tools, to form a working TCP implementation — for example, on receiving a segment from the slurp tool, it would run the symbolic evaluator to calculate a new host state, which might produce new segments to output via the injector. One could gain additional confidence in the validity of the specification by checking this interoperates with existing TCP/IP stacks, though they would have to be artificially slowed down to match the speed of the evaluator. This would demonstrate that executable prototype implementations of future protocols could be directly based on similar specifications. 9 REVISITING THE TCP STATE DIAGRAM TCP is often presented using a state diagram to describe how the tcpstate component of a TCP socket state (CLOSED, LISTEN, ESTABLISHED, etc.) changes with API calls and segments sent and received. The original RFC793 contained one such diagram, and another version (redrawn from Stevens [102, 103, 110]) is shown at the top of Fig. 17 (p. 66). This can be useful, explaining in broad terms how the SYN, ACK, and FIN flags in TCP segments are used in connection establishment and teardown, though one has to understand that the tcpstate component is only a tiny part of the complete socket state that the protocol endpoint behaviour depends on (see the model types socket, tcp socket, and tcpcb in §3.2.1,

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66 S. Bishop et al.
appl:send data send:SYN
recv:SYN send:SYN,ACK recv:SYN send:SYN,ACK simultaneous open
recv:SYN,ACK send:ACK
recv:ACK send:<nothing>
appl:close send:FIN timeout send:RST appl:close send:FIN
recv:FIN send:ACK
recv:FIN send:ACK
recv:ACK send <nothing>
recv:FIN,ACK send:ACK recv:ACK send:<nothing> recv:FIN send:ACK
appl:close send:FIN recv:ACK send:<nothing> appl:passive open send:<nothing> appl:active open send:SYN
deliver_in_1 arS/ArSf
close_8/ deliver_in_7b R/ deliver_in_1b r/Rs shutdown_1 /
close_7/ timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_rexmtsyn_1 /arSf deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_7c R/ deliver_in_2a r/Rs connect_4 / deliver_in_2 arS/ArSf
deliver_in_2 ArS/Ars
deliver_in_2 ArS/Ars
deliver_in_2 ArS/Ars
deliver_in_2 arS/ArSf deliver_in_2 ArS/Ars
deliver_in_2 ArS/Ars timer_tt_conn_est_1 / timer_tt_rexmtsyn_1 / deliver_in_7d AR/ connect_4 / close_8/ close_7/ timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_persist_1 /Arsf timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ArSf deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3c A/Rs deliver_in_3 rf/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out deliver_in_3 rF/di3out timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ARs deliver_in_7a R/ close_8 /ARs timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_persist_1 /Arsf timer_tt_rexmt_1 /Arsf deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3 rf/di3out timer_tt_persist_1 /ArsF timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ArsF deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_in_3 rF/di3out timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ARs deliver_in_7 R/close_3 /ARs timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_rexmt_1 /Arsf deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3 rf/di3out
deliver_in_3 rF/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out
deliver_in_3 rF/di3out timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ARs deliver_in_7 R/ deliver_in_3b rs/Rs close_3 /ARs timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_rexmt_1 /Arsf deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3 rF/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out deliver_in_3 rF/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ARs deliver_in_7 R/ deliver_in_3b rs/Rs close_3 /ARs timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3 rf/di3out deliver_in_3 rF/di3out timer_tt_fin_wait_2_1 / deliver_in_7 R/ deliver_in_3b rs/Rs close_3 /ARs connect_1 /arSf deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_9 rS/Rs deliver_in_7c R/ deliver_in_3 rF/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out timer_tt_2msl_1 / deliver_in_3b rs/Rs deliver_in_1 arS/ArSf connect_1 /close_3 /ARs timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_persist_1 /Arsf deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3 rF/di3out deliver_in_3 rf/di3out timer_tt_persist_1 /ArsF deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_in_7 R/close_3 /ARs timer_tt_keep_1 /Arsf timer_tt_rexmt_1 /Arsf deliver_out_1 /rsF deliver_out_1 /rsf deliver_in_8 rS/ARs deliver_in_3 rf/di3out timer_tt_rexmt_1 /ARs deliver_in_7 R/ deliver_in_3b rs/Rs deliver_in_3 rF/di3out close_3 /ARs close_7/ listen_1/ connect_1 /arSf deliver_in_6 unconstrained/ connect_1 /
This shows the traditional TCP state diagram, redrawn from Stevens, and a more complete diagram abstracted from our specification, covering all model transitions which either affect the ‘TCP state’ of a socket, or involve processing TCP segments from the host’s input queue, or adding them to its output queue. Transitions involving ICMPs are omitted, as are those modelling the pathological BSD behaviour in which arbitrary sockets can be moved to LISTEN. The traditional diagram has transitions for two different sockets, while ours refers to the state of a single socket. The (tiny) transition labels give the rule names and ACK/RST/SYN/FIN flags of any TCP segments involved. Fig. 17. The TCP state diagram, following Stevens and abstracted from the specification

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Engineering with Logic 67 which define the entire socket state, and how much of the deliver in 1 rule of Fig. 8 (p. 35) relates to non-tcpstate behaviour). However, with our rigorous protocol-level specification in hand, we can see that, even for the tcpstate behaviour, the classic RFC793 and Stevens diagrams give only some of the more common transitions. To show this, we constructed a manual abstract interpretation of our specification, projecting it onto the tcpstate component; it is shown at the bottom of Fig. 17 (p. 66) Comparing the two, one can see that there are many more possible transitions in the model. This suggests that such abstractions could be a useful part of protocol design. It is also clear from working with the specification that several other components of a TCP socket state are as important as the ‘TCP state’ in determining its behaviour: especially the re- transmit mode (None, RexmtSyn, Rexmt, or Persist), but also cantrcvmore, cantsndmore, tf needfin, sndq [], etc. Obviously simply taking the product of these would yield an un- drawable diagram, but reclustering (slicing) in a different way might be useful. For example, most of the TCP code is independent of which state in {ESTABLISHED, CLOSE WAIT, LAST ACK, FIN WAIT 1, CLOSING, FIN WAIT 2, TIME WAIT} is current; in- stead, the retransmit mode is of much more interest. It is possible that coalescing this class, and then taking the product with the retransmit state, would yield a manageable set of nodes. One could also think of high-performance runtime validation that a TCP implementation is within such a transition system. 10 UPDATING THE MODEL AND TOOLS In this section we describe ongoing efforts to reuse the protocol-level specification, from 2015– 18. We discuss three aspects: model update and performance improvements, a new instrumen- tation mechanism using DTrace [27, 69], and validating the model with packetdrill [28]. The results of this ongoing work are already promising: the model now mostly works with a current FreeBSD TCP/IP stack, the trace checker is around 15 times faster, and the newly developed DTrace instrumentation mechanism was easily applied to an existing test suite based on packetdrill. After minor adjustments of our model, this test suite also validates. This is still not a turn-key industrial-strength tool, but it provides evidence that the specification can be adapted, and that the costs of working with it can be substantially reduced from the original version. 10.1 Model Update and Performance Improvements Our model and trace checker are written in HOL4, which is continuously extended and improved. We adapted our model to a recent HOL4 release (Kananaskis-11, released in March 2017), and re-validated 1000 traces recorded in 2006. Our adapted trace checker validates more of these traces than in 2006, where some failed due to huge resource usage (CPU time and memory). Our adapted trace checker uses 15× less time on average. This improvement is due to the hardware performance improvements over the last decade, and to improvements in HOL4, notably the usage of Poly/ML instead of Moscow ML; it makes working with the model much more manageable. We used our test suite to discover modifications in FreeBSD’s TCP stack from FreeBSD-4.6 (released in 2002) to FreeBSD-12 (to be released in November 2018). The initial window size was increased (RFC 3390), and the window adjustments now use accurate byte counting (RFC 3465); we adjusted our model to this behaviour. FreeBSD uses now selective acknowledgement (SACK), but at the time of writing we have to switch SACK off via a sysctl, because our model lacks support for SACK.

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68 S. Bishop et al. 10.2 Instrumentation using DTrace The instrumentation described in §6.1 uses three different custom mechanisms to produce traces, which need to be merged based on NTP and timestamps. We revised this design and replaced those mechanisms with DTrace [27, 69]. DTrace is a modern dynamic tracing instru- mentation framework: testers write tracing scripts in a C-inspired programming language named D, which provides functions and variables specific to tracing. A D script consists of global variable declarations, and a list of probes. Each probe has a name, a condition, and an action. The action (e.g. printf("hello %d\n", pid);) is executed when the condition (e.g. probefunc = "setsockopt") is met and the probe name (e.g. syscall:::return) fired by a provider. Several core providers are part of the operating system. We use the syscall provider and 230 lines of D to print traces of the Sockets API, previously done by our nssock wrapper. To output a trace of the network packets we use FreeBSD’s fbt (function boundary tracing) provider, which fires on every function entry and exit. We developed 50 lines of D which use the tcp input and ip output probes. This replaces our slurp program. We replaced the shared ring buffer and the TCP DEBUG option with FreeBSD’s tcp provider and another 70 lines of D script. The resulting D script is run while the test is executed. The test framework signals the begin and end of a test by write to standard output, which is instrumented by the D script. When a TCP flow should be traced as well, this is signalled by the test framework using the same mechanism: writing the source and destination IP and port on standard output. The advantages of a single DTrace script compared to the earlier three custom mechanisms are that the testing setup is simplified, there is no need for merging multiple traces into a single based on timestamps, it is easier to maintain, and it is straightforwardly portable to tracing other off-the-shelf test suites. The next section describes how we extended the testing framework packetdrill with this DTrace instrumentation. While developing the D script for Netsem, we found some issues and missing functionality for DTrace in FreeBSD, which we reported, and also submitted patches which got merged upstream. A single patch is still under review that adds a function to DTrace to copy out an mbuf, the data structure used for packets in the kernel. There are two limitations with the DTrace instrumentation: DTrace does not work across multiple computers, but in our protocol-level tests we do not need to capture information on remote hosts, only to synthesise packets from them. Another limitation is that DTrace by design does not guarantee to fire a probe, especially under load. The practical impact for us is non-existent: we ran our test suites multiple times, and always received all probes. If we would test on resource (memory and CPU) boundaries, we would need to be careful with that, or switch to a reliable instrumentation mechanism. 10.3 Validation using packetdrill The packetdrill tool [28] allows network engineers to write test cases. These are list of events, with relative timestamps, each of which is either a Socket API call, an assertion in which TCP state a socket is in, or a packet template. packetdrill executes a test either with a remote helper that injects incoming packets, or locally using a tun interface and injecting the packets itself. It executes the list of events in sequence, using the relative timestamp as wait-for actions, and as timeouts for expected events. A Sockets API call is executed, and its return value validated. An assertion about the TCP state of a socket is validated. An outgoing packet template is validated against what is observed on the tun interface or ethernet interface.

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Engineering with Logic 69 The FreeBSD project is developing a TCP testsuite [41], which at the moment consists of 392 test cases, which mainly validate the classic TCP state-machine abstraction. Each test case is present for IPv4 and IPv6, we only use the IPv4 tests. We also ignore the test cases which use TCP features not implemented by our model. We modified the resulting 115 tests to not rely on SACK. We added support to packetdrill for our DTrace instrumentation. After minor changes in our model, all 115 tests pass and the traces are validated by our trace checker. This is the first external validation of the model, since the original test suite was developed together with the model by the same authors. We adapted our model, changing timers to follow changes to the FreeBSD stack, and multiple deliver in rules which lacked in-window checks (RFC 5961). The testsuite also showed us that our model lacked exhaustive support if window scaling is disabled and the window size gets bigger than 216 − 1 (the size of the data field in each TCP segment). Several anomalies we discovered in FreeBSD-4.6 with our model have been fixed in FreeBSD-12, and we adapted our model to this behaviour, for example when the congestion window is initialised during a simultaneous open. 11 RELATED WORK There is a vast literature devoted to verification techniques for protocols, with both proof- based and model-checking approaches, e.g. in conferences such as CAV, CONCUR, FORTE, ICNP, SPIN, and TACAS. To the best of our knowledge, however, no previous work approaches a specification dealing with the full scale and complexity of a real-world TCP. In retrospect this is unsurprising: we have depended on automated reasoning tools and on raw compute resources that were simply unavailable in the 1980s or early 1990s. The most detailed rigorous specification of a TCP-like protocol we are aware of is that of Smith [101], an I/O automata specification and implementation, with a proof that one satisfies the other, used as a basis for work on T/TCP. The protocol is still substantially idealised, however: congestion control is not covered, nor are options, and the work supposes a fixed client/server directionality. Later work by Smith and Ramakrishnan uses a similar model to verify properties of a model of SACK [100]. Musuvathi and Engler have applied their CMC model-checker to a Linux TCP/IP stack [75]. Interestingly, they began by trying to work with just the TCP-specific part of the codebase (c.f. the pure transport-protocol specification mentioned in §1.7), but moved to working with the entire codebase on finding the TCP – IP interface too complex. The properties checked were of two kinds: resource leaks and invalid memory accesses, and protocol-specific properties. The latter were specified by a hand translation of the RFC793 state diagram into C code. While this is a useful model of the protocol, it is an extremely abstract view, with flow control, congestion control etc. not included. Four bugs in the Linux implementation were found. In a rare application of rigorous techniques to actual standards, Bhargavan, Obradovic, and Gunter use a combination of the HOL proof assistant and the SPIN model checker to study properties of distance-vector routing protocols [16], proving correctness theorems. In contrast to our experience for TCP, they found that for RIP the existing RFC standards were precise enough to support “without significant supplementation, a detailed proof of correctness in terms of invariants referenced in the specification”. The protocols are significantly simpler: their model of RIP is (by a naive line count) around 50 times smaller than the specification we present here. Bhargavan et al develop an automata-theoretic approach for monitoring of network protocol implementations, with classes of properties that can be efficiently checked on-line in the

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70 S. Bishop et al. presence of network effects [13]. They show that certain properties of TCP implementations can be expressed. Lee et al conduct passive testing of an OSPF implementation against an extended finite state machine model [60]. There are I/O automata specifications and proof-based verification for aspects of the Ensemble group communication system by Hickey, Lynch, and van Renesse [47], and NuPRL proofs of fast-path optimizations for local Ensemble code by Kreitz [58]. Alur and Wang address the PPP and DHCP protocols, for each checking refinements between models that are manually extracted from the RFC specification and from an implementation [4]. Kohler et al [55] designed DCCP, a datagram congestion control protocol without reliability. Within this process, two partial formalisations were done, one using finite state machines, and one using coloured Petri nets by Vanit-Anunchai et al [106]. The Petri net model revealed areas of the draft specification which were incomplete, and extended before the DCCP RFC was published. For radically idealised variants of TCP, one has for example the PVS verification of an improved Sliding Window protocol by Chkliaev et al [30], and Fersman and Jonsson’s appli- cation of the SPIN model checker to a simplified version of the TCP establishment/teardown handshakes [36]. Schieferdecker verifies a property (expressed in the modal µ calculus) of a LOTOS specification of TCP, showing that data is not received before it is sent [96]. The specification is again roughly at the level of the TCP state diagram. Billington and Han have produced a coloured Petri net model of the service provided by TCP (in our terminology, roughly an end-to-end specification), but for a highly idealised ISO-style interface, and a highly idealised model of transmission for a bounded-size medium [18, 19]. Murphy and Shankar verify some safety properties of a 3-way handshake protocol analogous to that in TCP [73] and of a transport protocol based on this [74]. Finally, Postel’s PhD thesis gave protocol models for TCP precursors in a modified Petri net style [86]. Implementations of TCP in high-level languages have been written by Biagioni in Standard ML [17], by Castelluccia et al in Esterel [29], and by Kohler et al in Prolac [56]. Each of these develops compilation techniques for performance. They are presumably more readable than low-level C code, but each is a particular implementation rather than a specification of a range of allowable behaviours: as for any implementation, nondeterminism means they could not be used as oracles for system testing. Hofmann and Lemmen report on testing of a protocol stack generated from an SDL specification of TCP/IP [48]. Few details of the specification are given, though it is said to be based on RFCs 793 and 1122. The focus is on performance improvement of the resulting code. Paris et al developed a TCP/IP implementation in Erlang [83]. They also developed a TCP/IP model [82] in QuickCheck, which is a framework for random testing. Their model was validated using the Linux TCP/IP implementation, and found at least one issue in their Erlang TCP/IP. A number of tools exist for testing or fingerprinting of TCP implementations with hand- crafted ad-hoc tests, not based on a rigorous specification. They include the tcpanaly of Paxson [85], the TBIT of Padhye and Floyd [80], and Fyodor’s nmap [42]. RFC2398 [84] lists several other tools. There are also commercial products such as Ixia’s Automated Network Validation Library (ANVL) [51], with 160 test cases for core TCP, 48 for Slow Start, Congestion Control, etc., and 48 for High Performance and SACK extensions. Cardwell et al. [28] developed packetdrill, which defines a test language - supporting both socket API calls, and TCP frames, also timeouts and a remote helper - for testing TCP/IP implementations. They developed 657 tests and found 10 bugs in the Linux TCP/IP

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Engineering with Logic 71 implementation. These tests are specially crafted for the Linux behaviour, and are unlikely to be portable to other operating systems. It is up to the author of a test to evaluate whether the test is within the TCP/IP spec. Packetdrill is being adapted by TCP/IP implementors, for ad-hoc and regression testing. The nqsb-tls [53] stack is both a specification and an implementation of TLS in a purely functional style, achieving reasonable performance (around 75–85% of that of OpenSSL). Their specification is an on-the-wire specification, rather than the endpoint behaviour. In contrast to TCP/IP, TLS has much less internal nondeterminism, which is revealed in later frames on the wire (protocol version, ciphersuite selection), and no timers. The lack of nondeterminism enabled them to use their purely functional implementation as specification, and they provide a tool which checks recorded TLS traces for validity. The miTLS project [15] has developed a verified reference implementation of the TLS protocol, using F#, F7, and F*. This interoperates with other major implementations, albeit with relatively slow performance, but has machine proofs of security theorems. Their work has also uncovered a number of issues with the protocol design, including client impersonation [14]. They also analysed the state machine implementations within widely used TLS libraries [12]. 12 DISCUSSION 12.1 Contributions At the start of this project, around October 2000, our aim was twofold: (1) to bring mathematical rigour to bear on real-world network protocols, to make it possible to reason formally about them and about distributed systems above them; and (2) to bring added realism to the modelling of concurrency, communication, and fail- ure, which were often studied in highly idealised forms in the process calculus and concurrency theory communities. As we gained more experience, and with the benefit of hindsight, our focus has shifted, from the desire to support formal correctness reasoning, to the general problem we described in §1: the limitations of standard industry engineering practice, with its testing-based development using (at best) prose specifications, which cannot directly used in testing. The work has produced contributions of many kinds: • A clear articulation of the notion of specifications that are executable as test oracles, and the benefits thereof. • The demonstration that it is feasible to develop a rigorous specification, in mechanised mathematics, that is executable as a test oracle for an existing real-world key abstrac- tion: the TCP and UDP protocols and their Sockets API, despite the many challenges involved (dealing with their complexities, both essential and contingent, and with the behaviour of many thousands of lines of multi-threaded and time-dependent C code that were not written with verification in mind, and for which formal proof about their behaviour is not yet feasible). • The ideas and tools that made it possible to do that, – our experimental semantics development process; – a clear understanding of the importance of nondeterminism, in the forms of loose specification and implementation runtime nondeterminism, and especially internal nondeterminism, in test-oracle specifications and in their validation;

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72 S. Bishop et al. – a clear understanding of how the relationship between real system and specification has to be reified in the model and in the testing infrastructure; – the specification idioms we needed; – the trace-checking technology we developed; and – the test generation and instrumentation we developed. • Our specifications themselves: the protocol-level and service-level specifications and the abstraction function between them. • The idea of experimentally validating such an abstraction function. • Our demonstration of the discriminating power of our validation process, which found many obscure anomalies and implementation differences. The total effort required for the project has been around 11 person-years, of which much was devoted to idiom and tool development. This is substantial, and might not be well- motivated for software that is not in critical use, but it is small compared with the effort devoted over the last 35 years (and perhaps the next) to implementing and understanding these protocols and their API. Network protocols are an area in which behavioural standards are essential, as many implementations must interoperate. In the remainder of this final section we reflect on our experience, discussing how the specification might be used and built on, and on the lessons we can draw from this work for design and specification in general. 12.2 Future Work: Using the Specifications Our specifications may be of use in several different ways, by several different communities. 12.2.1 As an Informal Reference. Most directly, the annotated and typeset versions of our specifications [22, 23, 92] can be used informally as a reference, as documentation for users and implementors of TCP and the sockets API (designers of distributed systems and implementors of protocol stacks respectively). A possible objection to this is the unfamiliarity of most engineers with the higher-order- logic language that our specifications are expressed in. There is indeed some initial overhead in adapting to the notation, for those who typically work only with C or C++ code, but we do not believe that this is a major problem for anyone motivated to look at the specifications, and it is ameliorated by our textual annotation and typesetting. We have seen practising software engineers, without detailed knowledge of TCP or previous exposure to HOL, use the specification to resolve subtle questions about TCP behaviour. 12.2.2 For Bug-finding. Finding bugs was not one of our goals, but our work identified 33 issues with the implementations we tested, detailed in a technical report [22, §9], and 260+ places in our specifications where those three implementations differ. Most of the former appear to us to be errors, many of which would be very hard to find with normal testing, which may be worth considering by the current maintainers of these implementations. The nature of those issues shows how discriminating testing against our specifications can be. 12.2.3 For Testing New Implementations. We developed our specifications in large part by reverse-engineering from three specific implementations (together with careful reading of the existing RFCs and texts), building validation tools to test the specifications against existing implementations. But the same tools could be used to test future implementations against the specifications, for high-quality automated conformance testing. Doing so would be mainly a matter of engineering, to package up our testing tools to make them usable in a more push-button fashion. We would have liked to do this, but lacked the resource

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Engineering with Logic 73 required (perhaps a person-year of effort). Some initial experiments in this direction are now underway (in 2017). Having done so, one could test a wide variety of implementations and track implementations through version changes, evolving the specification as required (whereas here we froze the three implementations we considered at the start of our work on TCP). Interpreting the output of our trace-checking tools is a moderately skilled task that involves diagnosing any discrepancy between implementation behaviour and what the specifications allow, tracking it down to either a bug in the implementation, an error in the specifications, or a limitation of our symbolic evaluation tools. Updating the specification as appropriate requires some familiarity with the HOL language but does not need real theorem-proving expertise (one member of the project, then an undergraduate intern, went from zero knowledge of HOL to contributing useful specification in a matter of weeks). The performance of our symbolic evaluation tools was a substantial issue: they were fast enough to be usable, but still a major bottleneck. Preliminary experiments in 2017 suggest that this is now much less of a concern. Most substantially, changing the symbolic evaluator (which might be required by any significant change in the specification) is a highly skilled task, needing deep familiarity with HOL4. This highlights the desirability of making specifications that can be made executable as test oracles in simpler ways, without needing a special-purpose evaluator and theorem-prover expertise. 12.2.4 As a Reference for Proposed Changes. TCP continues to evolve, albeit slowly, and our specifications could provide a basis for precise discussion of future changes. It would be desirable to isolate the aspects of the specification that are subject to more frequent change, e.g. restructuring to factor the congestion control aspects out into replaceable modules. 12.2.5 As a New Internet Standard. In principle, our specifications could form the basis for new IETF Internet Standards for TCP, UDP and Sockets, much more rigorous and detailed than the existing RFCs. This is more a political question than a technical one, requiring engagement with the IETF community that we did not embark on (though one would want to do further testing, as outlined above, to ensure that the specifications are not over-fitted to the three implementations we tested). 12.2.6 As a Basis for Formal Reasoning. Given our protocol-level and service-level specifi- cations, one could think of formal mechanised proof: (1) correctness of the executable code of a TCP implementation with respect to the protocol-level specification (either one of the existing mainstream C implementations or of a clean reimplementation written with verification in mind); or (2) correctness of our protocol-level specification with respect to our service-level specifica- tion. Together these would “prove TCP correct”, establishing much greater confidence in the relationships that we established only by testing here. However, the scale and complexity of the specifications, and of any TCP implementation, make either an intimidating prospect with current proof technology. One could also attempt to prove correctness of higher-level communication abstractions implemented above our service-level specification, as Compton [32] and Ridge [90] did above our UDP specification and a simplified TCP specification. This would be verification of executable implementations rather than the more usual distributed-algorithm proofs about non-executable pseudocode or automata-theoretic descriptions.

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74 S. Bishop et al. 12.3 General Lessons for New System Development This work can be seen within a line of research developing and applying rigorous semantics for particular aspects of real systems. We were particularly inspired by the work on x86 Typed Assembly Language of Morrisett et al. [72], and by Norrish’s earlier work on C semantics [78]. In turn, our experience here influenced our later work on semantics for other aspects of real-world systems, including multiprocessor concurrency [38, 95, 99], C/C++11 concurrency [11], the C language [70], ELF linking [54], POSIX filesystems [93], and the TLS protocol [53]; it also influenced that of Maffeis et al. on JavaScript semantics [67, Personal Communication]. All of these involve specifications that are in some way executable as test oracles, and many involved investigation of de facto standards that hitherto have only been expressed as prose specification documents. At first sight one might think that for each of these the problem is one of formalising an existing basically well-defined prose specification, after which one might work on verification and proof. In fact, it is more typical to find that the existing abstractions are poorly defined, and one actually has to create a well-defined abstraction, in consultation with the relevant practitioners. Our work on TCP demonstrated that pre-existing real-world protocols can be specified rigorously, but at the cost of significant effort and using relatively sophisticated tools. Reflecting on why the latter was necessary for TCP/IP/Sockets, we now argue that applying rigorous methods at design-time could be done much more straightforwardly, and have even greater benefits. Our first conclusion is that: Specifications should be expressed in some executable-as-test-oracle form. More specifically, this applies to any specification that is seriously intended as a definition of the allowed behaviour for some abstraction, where one cares about the conformance between the specification and one or more implementations, and where the implementations are developed using the usual test-and-debug methods. Network protocols are prime examples of this, as there one expects there to be multiple implementations that have to interoperate, but there are many other cases too. In other cases, of course, a prose specification serves only as a starting point for some software development, and the code quickly becomes primary. There one may have less incentive to test against the specification, and the specification may not be maintained over time. Our second lesson is that, to make this feasible, Managing specification looseness is key. There are two issues: that of writing the specification to precisely capture any intended looseness, and that of doing so in a way that makes the specification still usable for testing implementations against. In the simplest case, one has a tight specification that is completely deterministic, allowing no freedom for variation in the observable behaviour (except performance) of conforming implementations. Such a specification can trivially be used as a test oracle, simply by running it and an implementation on the same inputs and comparing the results, and it can also serve directly as an executable prototype implementation. In this case one can write the specification in a conventional programming language — perhaps best in the pure fragment

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Engineering with Logic 75 of a functional language (such as OCaml, Haskell, or F

) or in a specification language that supports code extraction (such as Coq, Isabelle/HOL, HOL4, or Lem), for maximum clarity and to prevent accidental introduction of behavioural complexity from imperative code, but it could be in any programming language —even C— so long as one is clear that one is writing a specification, aiming for clarity, rather than a conventional implementation, aiming for performance. The situation we have dealt with in this paper is at the opposite extreme: our TCP/IP/Sockets specifications had to be highly nondeterministic (c.f. §1.6 and §3.3.1) to admit the variation in implementation behaviour, with much internal nondeterminism, and that meant that we had to use a rich mathematical language to express them (in our case, the higher-order logic of HOL4), and we had to build sophisticated tools (as described in §7) to construct test oracles from the specifications. Looking in more detail at the kinds of loose specification that were required suggests several points to bear in mind for design-time specification: 12.3.1 Implementation-internal Nondeterminism. Some nondeterminism is required to ac- commodate the run-to-run variation in behaviour of a single implementation, e.g. the variations due to OS thread scheduling, pseudo-random choices, and timer rate variations. We modelled these with internal nondeterminism, and our test oracle dealt with them search over the transition graph and by constraint solving. In retrospect, it would have been better to handle these by instrumenting the implementations to emit visible labels at these points, letting the test oracle resolve these choices immediately (we were overly concerned not to perturb the systems that we were analysing, and we also did not want to rule out testing of the Windows implementations, for which we did not have source access); this would make checking much simpler and faster. A clean-slate protocol design would be able to build visibility of internal choices into the design from the start. Given this, one might express an executable-as-test-oracle specification in a much more straightforward way, e.g. as an explicit pure-functional predicate computing whether an arbitrary trace is allowed, or operationally as an abstract machine / labelled transition system with a pure function that enumerates the allowed transitions at each state (parametric on the observed internal choices). Then no analogue of our HOL4 symbolic evaluation or backtracking search would be required. There are also now widely-used tracing frameworks, e.g. DTrace [27, 69] (http://elinux.
org/Kernel Trace Systems) that would simplify the instrumentation required.
12.3.2 Superficial Inter-implementation Variation. In some cases we dealt with inter- implementation variation by parameterising the specification, as for the BSD-specific be- haviour in the bind 5 of Fig. 6 (p. 32). This is not a problem for testing, as one knows when using the test oracle which implementation is being used, but such variations are undesirable (as they might well lead to hard-to-detect portability issues) and should rarely be needed if doing design-time specification, rather than capturing existing implementations that have already diverged. 12.3.3 Debatable Looseness. In other cases it is debatable how loose a specification should be. For example, when a TCP endpoint receives overlapping TCP segments, we chose in our specification to permit them to be reassembled into a stream in any reasonable way, as we expect there might well be inter-implementation variation here. This required extra work to make a test oracle, as described in §7.4. It is also arguably poor protocol design, as it raises the possibility that a firewall will reassemble the segments in one way, analyse the result,

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76 S. Bishop et al. and pass it through, while the endpoint will reassemble them in another way into a different stream. For a new protocol design, one might want to minimise this kind of looseness, both for checking and for robustness. 12.3.4 Scope/coverage Completeness. Another place where some specifications are vague in ways that would be better replaced by precise (but possibly loose) specifications is the response of a protocol or other system to unexpected inputs: a good specification should define the (envelope of allowed) behaviour in response to any stimulus, to reduce the potential for security holes. 12.3.5 Major Variations. Finally, one has major variations, where the protocol specifi- cation should be intentionally loose to allow real implementation variation and protocol improvements over time. For TCP the obvious example is the congestion control subsystem of the protocol. Here we would have liked to factor that out into a pluggable part of the specification, restricting the main specification to just enough to ensure functional correctness of the protocol. If done at protocol design-time, we believe that that would have brought a useful focus on the minimal correctness properties that the protocol was intended to achieve. 12.3.6 Experience with other executable-as-test-oracle specifications. Many of the same ideas underlie our later work on multiprocessor and C/C++ concurrency, C, ELF linking, POSIX filesystems, and the TLS protocol. The relationships to industry practice and the technical approach to making specifications executable as test oracles differ in interesting ways in each case. For multiprocessor concurrency (x86, IBM POWER, ARM, RISC-V) [3, 38, 39, 46, 87,
95, 99] there are a variety of existing (or, for RISC-V, in-progress) implementations, and
experimental investigation has been a crucial part of our work, but there is also an ultimate authority in each case to discuss design questions with: the vendor architects or (for RISC-V) design committee. We have established large suites of small ‘litmus’ test cases with potential non-sequentially-consistent executions, both hand-written and generated using the diy tool of Alglave and Maranget [1]. There is a great deal of specification looseness and implementation nondeterminism, which at the start of our work was exceedingly poorly characterised by the prose specification documents, but which now has largely been made mathematically precise for each of those architectures. Two specification styles have been used: operational models, with labelled transition systems (LTSs) with a computable function calculating the set of enabled transitions from each state, and axiomatic models, expressed as computable predicates over candidate executions. Both can be made executable as test oracles for small concurrency tests, computing the set of all model-allowed behaviour by exhaustive search of the LTS or exhaustive enumeration or constraint solving respectively. These are embodied in the rmem (previously ppcmem) [37, 87] and herd [2, 3] tools. For the sequential aspects of processor instruction-set architecture (ISA) semantics, we have built models for fragments of a variety of architectures, including IBM POWER, ARM, MIPS, CHERI [109], x86, and RISC-V, in our Sail domain-specific language [6] and in Fox’s L3 domain-specific language [40]. While there is some loose specification/nondeterminism here, with unspecified values and more general unpredictable behaviour (sometimes bounded), for many aspects one can test against implementation behaviour simply by executing the model. The L3 formal model has been a central tool in the CHERI design process. For all of these, accessibility of the models has been a principal concern, leading to the development of the L3 and Sail domain-specific languages, reminiscent of vendor pseudocode languages but more clearly defined, and with carefully limited expressiveness. There is also closely related

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Engineering with Logic 77 work in ARM by Reid [89], and Campbell and Stark [26] have used more sophisticated theorem-prover and SMT-based methods to generate interesting test cases. Our work on the C++ and C concurrency models [11] was principally during the design of the C++11 ISO standard (later folded into C11), in collaboration with the C++ WG21 Concurrency group. Here there were no existing compiler implementations to compare against. It is also harder than in the hardware case to cause implementations to exhibit a wide range of their possible behaviour, as it requires triggering compiler optimisations, though the model was used later for compiler testing by Morisset et al. [71]. Making the specification rigorous and executable helped uncover a number of issues in the design. The model was phrased as computable predicate over candidate executions, which could be exhaustively enumerated for small litmus tests. We developed a modest family of hand-written litmus tests, and built the cppmem tool [9] allowing users to explore the exhaustively enumerated executions. Later work on C/C++ concurrency [7, 8, 59, 68, 94] has improved the model, it has also rephrased the model in explicitly relational styles, using herd [2], Alloy [108], or Rosette [25], to allow the use of solvers to answer questions about variant tests and models. For the Cerberus sequential semantics of C [70], some aspects of the language are essen- tially well-specified by the prose ISO standard, while others —especially those relating to memory objects, pointers, and so on— are either unclear or differ significantly between the ISO standard and the de facto standard. We investigated the latter with surveys of expert programmers, rather than empirically. For this we build an executable-as-test-oracle specification via an elaboration from C into a core language, equipped with an operational semantics that can be combined with a memory object model that accumulates constraints. The elaboration captures the uncontroversial aspects of the ISO standard, and can be closely related to its prose. For small examples, this allows executions to be exhaustively enumerated. We have hand-written written a library of small test cases for the memory object semantics, and also use established test suites and Csmith-generated tests [111]. The SibylFS semantics for POSIX filesystems [93] has a broadly similar character to the TCP stream specification we describe here, defining the allowable traces of API calls and returns, and was similar also in that the existing implementations together form the real standard, despite the existence of the POSIX prose specification document. Learning from the experience with TCP, great care was taken to make SibylFS efficiently executable as a test oracle, particularly when managing nondeterminism. One key difference is that whereas Netsem used a transition relation, SibylFS used a transition function returning a finite list of successor states, and encoded possibly-infinite branching using simple ad-hoc symbolic constraints within the host state itself, rather than in the HOL metalogic. This meant that many thousands of tests could be executed on real filesystems and checked against the model in just a few minutes. Tests were generated by a semi-automatic enumeration of interesting cases, as for TCP. In addition, there was an attempt to exhaustively test API calls for which this was feasible (essentially, those that did not involve read and write), and code coverage was used to ensure that all the lines of the model were exercised at least once during testing. The TLS protocol is similar to TCP in that its notional specification spans over a series of RFCs. TLS does not include timers, and does not specify an API. The nqsb-TLS stack [53] developed the protocol logic in a pure style. It is used both as an executable implementation, by utilising an effectful layer which sends and receives packets, and as a test oracle by checking a recorded trace. In subsequent work [52] the nondeterministic choice points were made explicit, and a nondeterminism monad was used to generate exhaustive test cases. The nqsb-tls work complements the TCP work in this paper: at the core a pure functional implementation is used instead of a logic system, which leads to a reusable stack, both as

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78 S. Bishop et al. executable and test oracle. The ability to generate test cases could be adapted to TCP in a similar way if the TCP model were made executable as an implementation. Our last main point is that: Rigorous specification can help manage complexity. As Anderson et al. write in their Design guidelines for robust Internet protocols (“Guideline #1: Value conceptual simplicity”, [5]), the value of simplicity is widely accepted but hard to realise. Writing a behavioural specification makes complexity apparent, drawing attention to unnecessary irregularities and asymmetries in a way that informal prose and working code do not. One is naturally led to consider each case, e.g. of an arbitrary TCP segment arriving at a host in an arbitrary state, whereas when working with a prose specification it is all too easy to add a paragraph without thinking of all the consequences, and when working with code it is all too easy to not consider some code-flow path. Doing this at design-time would help keep the design as simple and robust as possible. It also opens the possibility of machine-checking completeness: that the specification does indeed handle every case (for an earlier version of our specification, we proved a receptiveness property along those lines). Specification is a form of communication, both within a design group and later to imple- mentors and users. The added clarity of rigorous specification aids precise communication and reduces ambiguity. Drawing these together, if we were to design a new network protocol, we would: (1) Clearly identify the part of the overall system that the specification is intended to cover , defining the observable events that it should be in terms of, and how they would relate to actual implementation events. Probably this should include both wire and software API interfaces. (2) Specify both the service that the protocol is intended to achieve (as for our service- level stream specification of TCP) and the protocol internals (as our protocol-level segment/endpoint specification), and the relationship between the two. (3) Be explicit and precise about any looseness in the specification, and (especially) that any significant internal nondeterminism can be made observable. Aided by that, express the specification, in one way or another, so that an efficient test oracle can be built directly from the specification. (a) In some cases, one could arrange for the specification to be completely deterministic between observable events, and there one could write those parts of the specification in an executable pure functional language, and then use that directly for testing and as an executable prototype. (b) In other cases, where one really does want to leave implementation freedom (e.g. bounding TCP congestion control within some limits) that should be fac- tored out, and one either needs a more expressive specification language (as here) and a constraint-solving checker, or one should write a test oracle directly. (4) Either test (or ideally prove) that the protocol-level specification does provide the intended service. (5) Set up random test generation infrastructure, tied to the test oracle, to use for implementations. Our experience in doing this has been very positive. We specified, in collaboration with the designers, a new Media Access Control (MAC) protocol for the SWIFT experimental optically switched network, by Dales and others [20]; extracting a verified checker from a

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Engineering with Logic 79 HOL4 specification and using that to check traces from ns2 and hardware simulations. With relatively low effort we quickly established a high degree of confidence in the protocol design and in its implementation, clarifying several aspects of the design in the process. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Jon Crowcroft and Tim Griffin for helpful comments, Robert Watson and George Neville-Neil for discussions of FreeBSD and DTrace, many members of the Laboratory, especially Piete Brooks, for making compute resource available, and Adam Biltcliffe for his work on testing infrastructure. We acknowledge support from EPSRC Programme Grant EP/K008528/1 REMS: Rigorous Engineering for Mainstream Systems, EPSRC Leadership Fellowship EP/H005633 (Sewell), a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (Sewell), a St Catharine’s College Heller Research Fellowship (Wansbrough), EPSRC grant GR/N24872 Wide-area programming: Language, Semantics and Infrastructure Design, EPSRC grant EP/C510712 NETSEM: Rigorous Semantics for Real Systems, EC FET-GC project IST-2001-33234 PEPITO Peer- to-Peer Computing: Implementation and Theory, CMI UROP internship support (Smith), and EC Thematic Network IST-2001-38957 APPSEM 2. NICTA was funded by the Australian Government’s Backing Australia’s Ability initiative, in part through the Australian Research Council.

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Received April 2013; accepted 30 July 2018

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