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Routing and Wavelength Assignment for Constraint based Optical Networks using Enhanced DWP algorithm








1 Research Scholar, JNU, Jodhpur, India



            ABSTRACT: With rapid development of virtual reality, the easy and efficient virtual interface between human and computer is widely needed as per its popularity. Computer vision can hold a lot of information at a very low cost. So it has increasingly become very popular for creating user interfaces. As a contrary, much hi-end research is going on to provide more natural interface for human-computer interaction with the threshold of computer vision. Hand gesture is one of the most powerful and natural interface for interaction using computer vision. Hand replaces the currently used cumbersome and inefficient devices like mouse and keyboard. In this paper different algorithms for parsing of hand gesture are presented. This techniques does not employ any extra device like head mounted display, gloves etc. Also they do not use any special camera for operating beyond visible spectrum (or any active technique that require some form of structured light etc). So with this idea, with a simple video camera and bare hands, a person can interact with computer.


KEY WORDS: Augmented Reality, Virtual Interface Between Human And Computer, Hand Gesture Recognition Hand Modeling, Real Time Multi-Hand Posture Recognition.



Now a day’s research is going on for providing more natural interface for human-computer interaction based on computer vision. Hand is a natural and powerful means of communication that conveys information very effectively. Hand gesture is most popular and effective medium for communication in virtual environment. In the initial days different devices were imposed on users such as head mounted display, digital gloves etc. These devices were very troublesome to use and user feels uncomfortable so it limits the users’ movement. On the other hand vision based gesture recognition system that uses bare hand is becoming very popular because it does not need any device to impose on user’s body. Instead, it provides a natural hand gesture recognition interface system for human-computer interaction. The whole process of hand gesture recognition is broadly divided in three steps first is the segmentation that is the hand is separated from the background using different methods such as colour segmentation method. Then the features of the hand are extracted that is the feature detection and with the help of extracted features multiple hand gestures are categorized in to three groups communicative, manipulative and controlling gesture. Communicative gesture is used to express an idea or concept. Manipulative gesture is used to interact with virtual objects in virtual environment. To control a system controlling gestures are used.  In this paper we focus our attention to vision based recognition of hand gesture first part discusses basic steps in hand gesture recognition. these steps are described in detail as well as different techniques for hand gesture recognition are discussed and finally the conclusion.


One of the method proposed by Rokade et al [1] uses the technique of thinning of segmented image, but it needs more computation time to detect different hand postures.

One method is based on elastic graph matching, but it is sensitive to light changes [2]. In a system proposed by Stergiopoulou and Papamarkos YCbCr color segmentation model was used but the background should be plane and uniform [3].

In one method CSS features were used by Chin-Chen Chang for hand posture recognition [4]. In the method presented by this paper a boost cascade of classifiers trained by Adaboost and haar like features are used to accelerate the evaluation speed used to recognize two hand postures for human-robot recognition. It uses haar like features along with color segmentation method to improve the accuracy in detecting the hand region and then the topological method is used to classify different hand postures.

In the method proposed by Shuying Zhao [5] for hand segmentation Gaussian distribution model (for building complexion model) is used. With Fourier descriptor and BP neural network an improved algorithm is developed that has good describing ability and good self learning ability. This method is flexible and realistic. In the system proposed by Wei Du and Hua Li statistic based and contour based features are used for stable hand detection [6].

In a system developed by Utsumi [7] a simple hand model is constructed from reliable image features. This system uses four cameras for gesture recognition In a system known as fingermouse developed by Quek the hand gesture replaces mouse for certain actions [8]. In this system only one gesture that is pointing gesture is defined and for mouse press button shift key on the keyboard is used. Segan has developed a system [9] that uses two cameras to recognize three gestures and hand tracking in 3D. By extracting the feature points on hand contour the thumb finger and pointing finger are detected by the system.

In the system presented by Triesch multiple dcues such as motion cue stereo cue, color cue are used for robust gesture recognition algorithm[10]. This system is used in human robot interaction that helps robot to grasp objects kept on the table. In the system real time multihand posture recognition system for human-robot interaction haar like feature and topological features were used along with color segmentation technique [11]. This method gives accurate results and a rich set of features could be extracted.


Different methods and technologies have been used for gesture recognition, but the major steps in gesture recognition are the same. The complete system is categorized in to three parts,                                                                                                                                          

3.1 HAND SEGMENTATION: This step is also known as hand detection. It involves detecting and extracting hand region from background and segmentation of hand image. Different features such as skin colour, shape, motion and anatomical models of hand are used in different methods. The output of this step is a binary image in which skin pixels have value 1 and non-skin pixels have value 0. Different methods for hand detection are summarized in this paper. Some of them are.

Colour:  Different colour models can be used for hand detection such as YCbCr, RGB, YUV etc.

 Shape: The characteristics of hand shape such as topological features could be used for hand detection.

Learning detectors from pixel values: Hands can be found from their appearance and structure such as Adaboost algorithm. 3D model based detection: Using multiple 3D hand models multiple hand postures can be estimated.                                                                                                                                                                     

3.2 FEATURE EXTRACTION:  The next important step is hand tracking and feature extraction. Tracking means finding frame to frame correspondence of the segmented hand image to understand the hand movement. Following are some of the techniques for hand tracking.

a) Template based tracking: If images are acquired frequently enough hand can be tracked. It uses correlation based template matching. by comparing and correlating hand in different pictures it could be tracked.

b) Optimal estimation technique: Hands are tracked from multiple cameras to obtain a 3D hand image.

c) Tracking based on mean shift algorithm: To characterize the object of interest it uses color distribution and spatial gradient. Mean shift algorithm is used to track skin color area of human hand.

Two types of features are there first one is global statistical features  such as centre of gravity and second one is contour based feature that is local feature that includes fingertips and finger-roots. Both of these features are used to increase the robustness of the system.

3.3 GESTURE RECOGNITION: The goal of hand gesture recognition is interpretation of the meaning of the hands location and posture conveys. From the extracted features multiple hand gestures are recognized. Different methods for hand gesture recognition can be used such as template matching, method based on principle component analysis, Boosting contour and silhouette matching, model based recognition methods, Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Hand gesture is movement of hands and arms used to express an idea or to convey some message or to instruct for an action. From psychological point of view hand gesture has three phases.

a) Preparation: bringing hand to starting posture of gesture.

b) Nucleus: includes main gesture.

c) Retraction: this includes bringing hand to resting position.

Finding starting and ending position of the nucleus phase is a difficult task because different persons have different shape and hand movement.

3.4 HAND MODELLING: Different model based solutions for hand gestures are proposed here. A typical vision based hand gesture recognition system consists of a camera, a feature extraction module, a gesture classification module and a set of gesture models. The necessary hand features are extracted from the frames captured by video. These features are classified as,

a) High level features that are based on three dimensional models.

b) The image is used by view based approach as a feature.

c) Some low level features that are measured from image.

Hand gesture is the movement of hand in air so it is required to define a spatial model to represent these movements. Two types of models are used. Volumetric models that describes the shape and appearance of hand and skeletal model represents hand posture.



There are a number of methods that are used for hand gesture recognition. Some of the vision based hand gesture recognition systems are discussed below.

4.1 HAND MODELLING WITH HIGH LEVEL FEATURES: in this method multiple images are captured by multiview point camera and then the hand regions are extracted from images. Using all these multiview point images and integrating them a hand posture can be constructed.  this model is compared with hand model to recognize hand posture with the help of hand tracking.

4.2 VIEW BASED APPROACH: The hand is modeled using a collection of 2D intensity images and the gestures are modeled as a sequence of views. These approaches are also called appearance-based approaches. This approach has been successfully used for face recognition. Eigenspace approaches are used within the view-based approaches. They provide an efficient representation of a large set of high dimensional points using a small set of orthogonal basis vectors. These basis vectors span a subspace of the training set called the eigenspace and a linear combination of these images can be used to approximately reconstruct any of the training images.

4.3 LOW LEVEL FEATURES: This method is based on the assumption that detailed information about hand shape is not necessary for humans to interpret sign language. It is based on the principle that all humans hand has approximately same hue and saturation. A low level feature set is used to recognize hand posture. This method achieves approximately 97% accuracy.


 In this method a gesture segmentation method based on complexion model and background model that uses Fourier Descriptor and BP neural network is discussed. Hand segmentation is done by selecting color space and building complexion model and background model. The only use of complexion model may produce some interference by similar complexion region. This interference can be removed by using background model along with complexion model. In this method the gesture is recognized using Fourier descriptor and BP neural network. In this approach contours are described effectively by using Fourier descriptor because it is rotational invariance, translation invariance and scale invariance. Y calculating fourier factors of the border points of the gesture fourier descriptors can be obtained. Hand gesture can be identified fast with this method. Hand gesture classification based on BP neural network solves the problem of low recognition rate and problem of gesture segmentation in intricate background. The experimental results show that the method is flexible, realistic, exact and fit for many applications in virtual reality. But in high light and shadow the result is still not perfect.


Fig. 1(a)


Fig. 1(b)


                         Fig. 1(c)          

            Fig. 1(d)


Fig. 1 Segmentation result. (a) and (c) original picture  and fig (b) and (d) segmentation result



 This method uses haar like feature detector and topological method along with color segmentation to get accurate hand posture recognition.

A rich set of Haar-like features are computed from the integral image. Each Haar-like feature is composed of two connected "black" and "white" rectangles. The value of a Haar-like feature is obtained by subtracting the sum pixel values of the white rectangle from the black rectangle.

Hand region segmentation: this is an important step in hand posture recognition. This is accomplished by two important techniques, haar-like feature and color based model. Haar like detector is used to detect both left and right hand posture. Initially the input image is transformed in to an integral image because from integral image these features could be extracted fast. A set of haar like features are computed from the integral image. Edge and rotated haar like features were proposed in this algorithm that gives better description of hand posture. Therefore more than 60,000 features could be extracted from each sub of input image with size of 24×30


Fig 2 Haar-like features


For feature extraction following steps are followed                                                                                                a) Hand region area is converted to binary image. Hand area has pixel value 1 and nonhand region has value 0

b) Centre point of hand palm is achived Co by eroding the hand. Calculate maximum distance from centre of hand to hand region boundary Dn. Taking Co as the centre point a search circle is drawn with radius Ri=Dm/10.

c) From the pixel value of point along the circle and record the value of all change points.

d) Repeat steps 2 and 3 by increasing redius Ri+1=Ri+Dm/10 until Ri=Dm.

Following these steps multiple features could be extracted. For posture recognition the number of fingers and the gap between each adjecent fingers is sufficient. The experimental result shows that this technique could be effectively  used to give instructions to intelligent service robots. The method is robust and accurate. It is insensitive to light and gives good performance for multihand posture recognition.


The proposed system makes use of best of these techniques this system have following steps


Video capture is the process of converting an analog video signal—such as that produced by a video camera —to digital form. The resulting digital data are referred to as a digital video stream, or more often, simply video stream. This is in contrast with screen casting, in which previously digitized video is captured while displayed on a digital monitor.

The video capture process involves several processing steps. First the analog video signal is digitized by an analog-to-digital converter to produce a raw, digital data stream. In the case of composite video, the luminance and chrominance are then separated; this is not necessary for S-Video sources. Next, the chrominance is demodulated to produce color difference video data. At this point, the data may be modified so as to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and hue. Finally, the data is transformed by a color space converter to generate data in conformance with any of several color space standards, such as RGB and YCbCr. Together, these steps constituted video decoding, because they "decode" an analog video format such as NTSC or PAL.

Special electronic circuitry is required to capture video from analog video sources. At the system level this function is typically performed by a dedicated video capture card. Such cards often utilize video decoder integrated circuits to implement the video decoding process.


Here we have to select captured video as input.  We are now ready to start extracting frames from the videos. After getting frame from video start to extract images from those frames.  Store those extracted files in particular folder.


Noise reduction is the process of removing noise from a signal. Noise reduction techniques are conceptually very similar regardless of the signal being processed, however a priori knowledge of the characteristics of an expected signal can mean the implementations of these techniques vary greatly depending on the type of signal.

The median filter is a nonlinear digital filtering technique, often used to remove noise. Such noise reduction is a typical pre-processing step to improve the results of later processing (for example, edge detection on an image). Median filtering is very widely used in digital image processing because under certain conditions, it preserves edges while removing noise.

The main idea of the median filter is to run through the signal entry by entry, replacing each entry with the median of neighboring entries. The pattern of neighbors is called the "window", which slides, entry by entry, over the entire signal. For 1D signal, the most obvious window is just the first few preceding and following entries, whereas for 2D (or higher-dimensional) signals such as images, more complex window patterns are possible (such as "box" or "cross" patterns). Note that if the window has an odd number of entries, then the median is simple to define: it is just the middle value after all the entries in the window are sorted numerically.


An algorithm that detects and removes background shadows from images in which the pattern set occupies the upper-most intensity range of the image and the image is background dominant outside the pattern set is presented. The algorithm will remove background shadows and preserve any remaining texture left behind by the shadow function. A mathematical model of the histogram modification function of the shadow-removal algorithm is developed. An analysis of the sequential nature of the algorithm is included along with simulated results to verify the mathematical model developed and to show the effectiveness of the algorithm in removing background pattern shadows


The Register User action registers the user information with the installer to identify the user of a product. User login id should be unique.

6.2 LOGIN:

User should be authenticated by using hand recognition module. If he/she get authenticated then only he/she can able to access the product.


The initial step of a hand posture recognition process is the detection of hand regions from the background. Depending on the hand gesture and movement different meaning is interpreted as a specific command to computer in human-computer interaction. Ex. Painting, drawing, controlling computer mouse keyboard etc. Hand gesture can be broadly categorized in to three groups communicative, manipulative and controlling gesture. Communicative gesture is used to express an idea or concept. Manipulative gesture is used to interact with virtual objects in virtual environment. To control a system controlling gestures are used. In this method Haar-like feature with color-based has been developed for hand segmentation.


a) This achieves greater accuracy as compared to previous systems.

b) Less prone to lightening and background changes.

c) A large number of posture set can be achieved.



a) In high light and shadows the result is still not perfect.

b) Both hands cannot be used at the same time.

For all the previous systems the accuracy is good but all the systems still prone to background changes and lightening changes so the future work can be done to improve accuracy of the system so that it could withstand with the changes in the background as well as lightening changes. And the work could also be done to use both the hands the same time.


Vision based hand gesture recognition has major applocations in human-computer interaction as well as in intelligent service robot. The basic steps for vision based hand gesture recognition system are discussed here as well as a number of techniques as well as approaches for hand gesture recognition are discussed in this paper. Every method ha its own advantages and drawbacks. In some new techniques the drawbacks of previous techniques have been tried to remove such as complexion problem could be effectively removed by using background model alongwith the complexion model. In multihand posture recognition method a rich set of features could be extracted using haar like feature and topological features with greater accuracy.  All these methods are accurate, flexible and fit for many application.


1] R. Rokade, D. Doye, and M. Kokare, "Hand Gesture Recognition by Thinning Method," Digital Image Processing, 2009 IEEEInternational Conference on, 2009, pp. 284-287.

2] J. Triesch, D. Von, C. Malsburg, "A gesture interface for human-robot-interaction," Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,1998 IEEE International Conference on, 1998, pp. 546-551.

3] E. Stergiopoulou, N. Papamarkos, "Hand gesture recognition using a neural network shape fitting technique," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 22, Issue 8, December 2009, pp. 1141-1158.

4] C.C. Chang, "Adaptive multiple sets of css features for hand posture recognition," Neurocomputing, vol. 69,2006, pp.2017-2025.

5] Shuying Zhao, Wenjun Tan, Chengdong Wu, Chunjiang Liu, Shiguang Wen,A Novel Interactive Method of Virtual Reality System Based on Hand Gesture recognition” 2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2009).

6] Wei Du Hua Li, “Vision based gesture recognition system with single camera” , proceedings of ICSP2000, 2000 IEEE.

7] Akira Utsumi, Tsutomu Miyasato, Fumio Kishino, Ryohei Nakatsu, Hand Gesture Recognition

System using Multiple Cameras, Proceedings of  ICPR’96,  vol 1~~6 6 7 - 6 7A1u, wst 1996.

8] Francis K.H.Quek, Non-Verbal Vision-Based Interfaces, Vision Interfaces and Systems Laboratory Technical Report 1994, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, The University of Illinois at Chicago.

9] Jakub Segen and Senthil Kumar, Human-Computer Interaction using gesture Recognition and 3D Hand Tracking, Proceedings of ICIP’98, Vol. 3, pp188-192, Chicago, October 1998.

10] Jochen Triesch, Christoph von der Malsburg, Robotic Gesture Recognition, Proceedings of ECCV’98, pp 2 3 3 -2 2 4 1998.

11] Cao Chuqing, Li Ruifeng, Ge Lianzheng”Real time multihand posture recognition” , Internationa Conference  On Computer Design And Appliations (ICCDA 2010)


ISSN: 0975 – 6779| NOV 10 TO OCT 11 | VOLUME – 01, ISSUE - 02  Page


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